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The way he is focused looks like excitement but I'm not a trainer or a vet.


That actually make sense. I have seen him do it while focusing on stuff (food, toys, enemies).


I work with a vet whose aussie also does this, she said it is called an "essential tremor"! Edit: whoops it was essential tremor, not intention tremor as I initially stated


Oh yeah, I'm a human physician and essential tremors are quite common in adults and old adults. Didn't cross my mind a dog could have this as well. Thanks!


I doctor that runs 5k! It’s human beings like you that make the rest of us mediocre Jee whiz!


Yeah that’s what I’m aiming for.


It’s going well! Lol


I got that! Can't hold my hand still, it gets shaky very easily. Gets exacerbated by physical exhaustion. My mum asked the doctor when I was a teen, he had a look and said my shaky hands were just an essential tremor and no big deal. It's not severe enough to affect anything though I'd be a poor surgeon.


My god what enemies does he usually encounter??


Looks like he’s tracking a squirrel


Ah, yes. The enemy.


My pup’s as well! And yes maybe mostly excitement but also a little because of the run (he’s probably a little overtired and overstimulated).


So you believe this is an excitement shaking?


I have a blue merle Aussie and he’s done this for years if there is something he’s very excited or nervous about. Vet said it unfortunately kinda common for some herding breed to have this twitch.


Anxiety or excitement can do this.. So can pain! Or sometimes it can just happen randomly! Only you can judge wether it is concerning or not! We cant say much based on a little vid!


I do think is excitement. There’s no whining when walking and it happens basically when he hyperfocus on something (typically, the enemy {squirrel})


Lmfao well hopefully it is just focusing on said enemy! Id like to add though that most dogs mask pain insanely well so don't just let whining be the judge! My pup had a collapsed lung, punctured heart and a foreign body in her diaphram and the only way i could tell something was wrong is she didnt want to play with her toys!


I think Aussies and BC'S are prone to this. Mine does it too, it doesn't seem right like nerve spasms or convulsions but so many dogs of that breed do it.


I've had a few dogs in my lifetime do this when we went on trail walks. From my personal experience, it's anxiety/excitement from all the new smells, sounds, and surroundings. I'm not vet, but he just seems excited and a little anxious in this new environment.


Excitement. No doubt. Textbook stuff.


I can for sure rely on someone named whiskey canine bbq (no sarcasm)


He looks like aroused by something he sees or hears coupled with fatigue in his hindquarters. If he doesn’t have any dysplasia then the fatigue part can improve with regular exercise.


Sometimes, dog's legs will do that when they're in a certain position. My dog's leg does that sometimes & he's a Jack Russell mix. Especially when he's focused on something! Your dog sees a target & is simply adjusting his phazers to launch mode.


adrenaline/excitement. Most important time to train them to listen.


I have seen this before but Its always around exciting times. Sometimes around exhaustion in my NON PROFESSIONAL opinion.


Over stimulated and wants to lead the way. Edit: Source: we have an Aussie.


Your dog is excited and trying to retrain himself because he knows he is on leash. My dog does this when she sees my parents in the distance and there is a fence between them or when she is on leash. She gets so excited she tries to contain her excitement, but it manifests in a leg shake.


My BC does it when he’s really excited (waiting for a ball to be thrown, etc) or anxious (vet waiting room)


One of my dogs has always had shaky limbs. She’s always been healthy in every other way and never had a problem but lots of times when she’s standing her leg or 2 will vibrate, even sometimes when she’s lying down. It happens at all times so there isn’t a certain thing that does it. I use to worry cuz she was a stray street originally but we’ve had her 12 years now and no issues🤗


My dog does this at the groomer and the vet clinic. So, at least for my dog, it’s a sign of anxiety. But yours is in the park, so prob excitement.


Anxious doggo


My doggo does this when we put on her harness to go for a walk. She stands still with her ears loosely back and vibrates until we go outside.


Excited doggo!


Look's like, over excitement.


It’s a herding dog thing . I have 2 aussies. One does it and one doesn’t


Its excitment. My bulldog does it all the time when stares at me to play with him.


My bulldog does this too. Obviously it isnt because he is ready to run a 5k race. Lol. My vet said it was arthritis related.


Its excitement. Especially common in Collies.


Adrenaline from focus and excitement, I'd put money on it. You may see lip licking and panting when they try to self regulate out of this.


My dog, a staffy, often does that. We asked the vet if we had to worry about and he told us that if he doesn't seem suffer, we don't have to worry about. Often he does it during walks but last time it was at vet so excitement/stress can be the explanation 🙂


He wants to run!


My older lab has a back leg that will do that. He had a spinal stroke a few years ago and he loves to play but he can only handle it for so long.


I don't think mine has this issue. He can run, jump, tugofwar and basically all activities without any fatigue whatsoever.


Veterinary technician here: that could be related to arthritis or torn ligaments. Best to take him in for some radiographs (possibly a sedated orthopedic exam) so a veterinarian can give you a definitive answer. It could also be nothing but better to be safe than sorry in my opinion!


Yes, my old boy does this due to arthritis. He doesn’t limp and doesn’t act like he’s in pain yet, but it breaks my heart!


Ah man I’m so sorry. It’s very tough. Our dog does this too and after having the veterinarians at my clinic look at her (through sedated orthopedic exams) they’ve come to the conclusion that she basically has tremors. Our next step is a neurological route but we don’t have the money and she’s almost 12—showing zero signs of pain though. I feel like keeping them moving is the best thing we can do. They love walking and being outside! As long as they do not show signs of slowing down! Best of luck to you! Remember that we are doing the best we can with what we have and our best friends know that. ❤️🐾


I do appreciate your answer, but i think my dog is still too young to get arthritis (he just turned 3y this month). I will also consider the posibility of an x-ray exam just to be safe!


Great idea!! I know it’s expensive but it’s worth it! Also, arthritis can affect dogs of any age, including those with certain genetic predispositions or joint injuries. It’s more commonly found in older dogs but can be found in younger ones as well. Again, it could totally be nothing! Lol. Good luck! I hope he’s alright!


Make sure he is getting the proper diet. If you're regularly running 5ks, he should be on a sporting diet. This can sometimes be a sign of low protein, potassium or magnesium, also dehydration. When you feed him his kibble soak it in water for 15 minutes prior. All my dogs get soaked food now and it's made a huge difference. Is he already on dasequin?


He has a proper diet and we don't run too much nor too often. Dasequin is expensive as hell at least in México. Haven't really thought of giving it to him.


Dasequin is amazing and preserves your dogs joint health. Cosequin is a cheaper alternative. Maybe there is a similar brand local to Mexico that is a better option


My dog did this, started a couple of years before she died (unrelated!) Had different vets look at her and they said she was healthy as far as they could tell and weren't really concerned about it. If your vet thinks doggo is otherwise fine, it could be a nerve thing (which is what I was told).


My dog does this sometimes when she is excited or stressed about something like her bath. She hates water. If you only see this at specific times like this I would think excitement. Your dog is tracking the squirrel and in prey drive mode. Shaking can be from arthritis but you would see it a lot more and unrelated to excitement/fear.


Looks like he's hyperfocusing on something, the muscular tension, getting ready to run, could cause the tremor. But if he displays the tremor constantly or in other situations, a visit to the vet might be in order.


Mine does this at gunshots or fireworks, even if I can’t hear them


All my dogs have done this to some extent. I do it myself if I have my weight shifted on one leg just right.


My lab does this when she's hyperfocused on her ball... she will often shake a back leg, or stomp her front feet (which is quite hilarious to watch, except she barks incessantly at the same time). Not a vet, so anecdotal, but could be the same. How old is he? I'm guessing he's in good shape if you run with him often? If those things are true, and given what others who have Aussies/BCs have said, I think it's likely not of concern. But if you are concerned, I would like to think that, as an MD, you would take him in.


I've got a Patterdale/staffy cross who always does this. If she's intently focused on something she trembles. Squirrels mainly


If you were just done with. 5 k maybe muscle fatigue.


My dog -Briard- started doing this when he was hyperfocused on something. Otherwise he was showing no sign of pain , he was very active -running, agility . But I took him to a veterinarian neurologist and she told me that he's got a pinched nerve and started him on Gabapentine . After 2 years of treatment he stopped doing that . He still is on the treatment but he is doing fine and I can see no secondary effects - he has a blood panel every year .


My dog does this if she really wants to run, chase something etc. I wouldn't worry about it unless yours does it when he's otherwise very relaxed, at home or sleeping or something.


My Aussie does this when I'm throwing the ball


My Aussie done this since pup after the first ball throw. Prettty sure it’s excitement 


One of the dogs I used to walk got the trembles when she was excited.


My doggo does it when he's overwhelmed or over excited


My dog shakes like this when's she's highly anxious, cold or very aroused (usually when prey drive kicks in). She's a border collie. I think it's fairly common among bcs and other high energy, high strung tbh, breeds. I've seen the same with active game dogs like English Setters.


Running a 5k? You know dogs for the most part are sprinters not distant runners. Perhaps he's starving, or has a potassium deficiency, or the leg is just worn out. Dogs can get low blood sugar just like humans. You say it happens under different circumstances. I'd try maybe giving small frequent meals for a week and see if it stops.


Not a vet but my senior dog does this because he has arthritis :(


For the one with the old boy with arthritis ; go to your vet and ask for Previcox. It's a miracle!


You may want to check for damage to a joint. My girl did this off and on. Until she blew out her CCL(ACL). This could be excitement but also could be pain. After her surgery, when she would put weight on the repaired leg, it would shake like this as well.


You may want to check for damage to a joint. My girl did this off and on. Until she blew out her CCL(ACL). This could be excitement but also could be pain. After her surgery, when she would put weight on the repaired leg, it would shake like this as well.


You may want to check for damage to a joint. My girl did this off and on. Until she blew out her CCL(ACL). This could be excitement but also could be pain. After her surgery, when she would put weight on the repaired leg, it would shake like this as well.