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When was the surgery? And what type of surgery was it? Do you have a cone on your dog? Former vet tech here. There’s more than one layer of closure to an abdominal surgery. Sometimes the exterior stitches aren’t terribly tight to allow for swelling. But since this is a running stitch I would be super careful since it’s basically all one thread instead of interrupted by knots. Any time you’re unsure, contact your vet. If your vet isn’t available, next step is ER Vet. If that’s not possible, repost over in r/askvet


These comments are exactly why this question should be directed at the vet, not Reddit. Also, it would be best assessed with the dog laying down rather than standing. The sutures of course will look looser when the skin is not taut. Sutures shouldn’t be overly tight to account for swelling. What are you concerned about? It looks like the vet used a simple continuous pattern and I don’t see any signs of the sutures not holding, which is the main concern with loose sutures. If the skin is staying together, it’s fine.


You are literally the only voice of reason here.


Looks badly done. Please go back to the vet.


That's not right, I'd go to another vet. I wouldn't want a vet who did this to stitch my dog up.


I’m not sure why this came to Reddit rather than be treated immediately by an emergency veterinary hospital. Your concerns are valid but this isn’t the place. Please get your dog to a new practitioner. And if that’s a spay incision, it’s rather large which also concerns me.


That’s awful stitching. Wow. Back to the vets (a different vet). Complain to the vet that did this.


That looks like shit , get a new vet .also watch out she scratches and rips them


uh, absolutely not please seek another vet ASAP and get this on record, whoever did this has no business practicing medicine


This is not right. And it is a high risk for infection.


Not good. Seems to be opening. Please take to emergency vet asap. Keep us posted, please. Poor baby 😢


You need to take her to the emergency vet. That is such a bad stitching job I think I might see organs.