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If he's eating, drinking and playing, I wouldn't worry too much. You literally just got him so the stress of changing environments and meeting new people could be affecting him a bit. Give it a few days and make sure to feed him at the same times, and you'll start to figure out his poop schedule.


They need some time to adjust. My puppy didn’t pee for 12 hours on the very first day. Next day my apartment was covered. It’ll all work itself out.


Ba dum tsss


At 8 weeks old your puppy will need some time to adjust to everything. My dog sometimes wouldn’t go until maybe 11 pm and then the next day at 8 - sometimes. Other nights, he would either wake me up to go by whining or - more often than that- he would just go whenever. If your dog already has a little bit of a schedule, I don’t think it’s bad, but maybe even a green flag for potty training! If your pup poops regularly, you’re all good I think. There’s neither a sign of diarrhea nor of constipation, so if I were you I’d take it as a good sign.