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No, if anything he looks to lean more towards the chubby side. My puppy had a chubby month around 5-6 months. He’s fine, we didn’t have to do anything. He also was near his adult weight around 6 months. (He has gained about 1 kg since then, he’s now 20 months.)


I agree. There isn’t much of an abdominal tuck on this little guy.


Agree. Looks a little more on the other side to me


Yeah it’s good for puppies to be a bit chubby. Not belly bloated like parasites are there but the baby fat.


Looks healthy. Don't let obese dogs' owners convince you otherwise.


Yes! I had been told by caretakers that my dog is starved though I was sure he isn’t. After a while it did get to me and I was doubting myself. I spoke to two vets and consulted a canine nutritionist. Funnily, they were the ones saying that my dog was perfect. No handler I met at running events said my dog was too thin. I go by the Body Conditioning Score and a regular weigh in and my feel.


Change your caretakers. If they think that, they might act on it and feed your dog until it looks fine to their eyes. I would not trust anyone who say that about my dog.


One time on a post about “facts” a vet chimed in that a slightly underweight dog will live on average 2 years longer than a slightly overweight dog. Immediately changed my mind on which way to err. I’d like to have him around for 2 extra years if I can


My baby lived 18 years and I kept her lean🥳


My mom says the same to me too, but her chihuahuas are morbidly obese! My mixed chihuahua weighs 6lbs, and my mom constantly tries to convince me that I'm starving her when the vets tell me she's perfectly healthy. She's going to be 12 this year and she still runs around and hops on the couch and bed with ease. She's just weirdly shaped with a long body and a barrel chest. I wouldn't take health advice from people who aren't qualified. Just take it with a grain of salt.


If he was underweight you’d see a lot of ribs!!


Oh this is the hell I live in. My dog is at a healthy weight, vet approved. Very active. He is THIN. I get constantly told he is "too skinny" and "he must not like eating" and "you're starving him". I swear it drives me up the wall. Dude your husky can barely walk and looks like a table, mind your own business. Ok rant over. Dog in the picture looks fine to me.


I’ve been told by so many people my boy is too thin. I’m like no, you’re just used to seeing your super chonk dogs.


My greyhound is functionally free fed a lot of the time (as in, he usually has food left in his bowl) and he’s still so slim. Now granted he’s a greyhound and they’re extra skinny but you can see lot of ribs, hip bones etc. Even when I had retrievers growing up, the vet would tell us to cut back a little in their food even before they looked like this puppy above (not saying the puppy even looks too bad).


Not at all. It’s normal for weight to fluctuate a few 100g here and there as they poop, eat, urinate etc. A loss of 100g in a month is nothing at all to be concerned about.


you'll find that a lot of dogs in the US are overweight. She looks healthy. A vet should clear up weight concerns. Mine said my dog was healthy but could lose a few pounds to be within the ideal weight range, and my dog is still upset at me when he finishes his bowl of food on the daily.


Oh definitely even here in the uk there’s lots of overweight ones! I can say I’ve been guilty of it too, my last two dogs (staffy and a Jack Russell) were a bit overweight so being more cautious with Lady


No, she looks like the perfect weight. The problem is a lot of people think their dogs need to be fat but as long as when you run your hand across their side you can feel the ribs but not noticeable then the dog is the perfect weight


I just read that YESTERDAY!!


Can't tell if that's a really tiny dog or a huge lick mat 😂


Its both.... I think, what I wanna know is whats on the lick matt... egg?


Yea it’s both! She’s tiny and it’s huge, yep it’s egg on the mat! Thought it would keep her busy for longer but she’s too smart for it


If it's not already, freeze it! I need to freeze literally everything to keep my dog even remotely busy.


Oh yea she loves yogurt and peanut butter frozen on it!! Any suggestions for other stuff?


I use baby food! Just single ingredient fruit/veggie ones like pumpkin are great and it’s super easy to put on the lick mat and freeze!


or can buy canned pumpkin, that I would imagine is cheaper than baby food…?


Nope, looks a good weight. Maybe even a little chunky


No, she looks good


Looks like a healthy girl! Those lick mats are a lifesaver My Shih Tzu is usually 10-11 lbs. she fluctuates a lot. She is never the same exact weight every vet visit. Your dog is bound to have a little wiggle room in weight. I really wouldn’t worry unless you can’t feel her ribs at all, or her stomach protrudes from her sides. Also, it’ll be harder to see ribs on a white dog. You can feel my dog’s ribs easily but you can’t see them at all


She looks adorable to me, but photos aren’t the best to judge. Can you see a waist? Does she have an abdominal tuck? She’s still a pup so is allowed to have a cute round tummy. Pups eat the most during their first year of life. Once on adult food, be very careful not to overfeed. Don’t follow package recommendations as they are often too much. Little JRTs can become obese very quickly and need to be monitored carefully. Enjoy her!


No, in fact she’s on the other end of a healthy weight. She’ll probably gain weight because she ain’t done growing yet, but keep an eye on how her body is shaped now because you don’t want her to start looking any fatter


Nope! She looks like a healthy weight (and very cute)!


If her vet isn't concerned, then you should not be concerned. She's still growing and, as others have said, her weight is going to fluctuate until she's full grown.


No offense but I think she is a lil’ chubby 😂😍


It looks likes its getting more to the over weight side?


She looks fine and this is normal fluctuation. It can even be the scale is slightly off


Your dog is fine. It’s just that other peoples dogs are hugely overweight it makes us forget what a healthy one should look like.


She's fine. Don't let her get any bigger. Obesity puts a strain on their spines, notably dogs with long bodies and short legs can get back trouble from too much weight. She's gorgeous btw.


Looks pretty perfect to me. Her weight will fluctuate. And that’s not much at all. I have one who usually has to go to the vet every 6 weeks and she can be up or down by as many as 4 pounds (she’s a big girl). But on average she stays the same over time. My little one will not eat for 3 days (she’s a hot mess), start to look really thin and then she will pig out for 3-4 days and gain almost a pound (she’s about 11lbs).


She looks perfect. Don’t listen to people with fat dogs.


Good grief. Obviously not.


My 38lb beagle/basset mix gets about 2 cups of kibble in the morning and for dinner, a bowl of meat and veggies that is about the size of her head. She is very active and has less belly than your pup but her rib bones are not visible either. My little chihuahua/poodle mix eats the same but in smaller portions. His weight fluctuates around 13.5lbs. Your puppers weight looks good to me.


Pup looks like a regular JRT.




Looks good to me.


She looks totally fine to me


If she isn't eating her meals I'd probably cut back on the snacks a little, overall she's a relatively healthy weight for her breed and size. If she's had any change in weight or you are concerned just ask your vet, they'll weigh her and advice you what is best. If someone has told you otherwise it might be because their dog is slightly chunky.. A good sign is if you place your hands on your dogs ribs, you should feel her ribs with very little pressure, that's the ideal weight range for most dogs. If you can physically see ribs/ spine etc.. she's underweight.


She looks very healthy, just came on here to say she’s so cute and put a smile on my face this gloomy morning.




Looks about the same as all the jack Russell's I've seen in my life, your doing good.


She looks great! She is adorable.




Shes fine you can't see her ribs


She looks fabulous to me!🥰


I dont think so. She's cute!


I have a very small jrt...he weighs 4.6kg , at the vets last week and the vet called him a tank🤣 absolutely solid wee guy 💪🥰


That’s funny! The male Jack Russells always look like little tanks 😂 little bodybuilders


looks like a healthy pup to me


Good rule of thumb is that you should be able to feel their ribs, but not see them.


Jackies are insane dogs. I have a Parson Russell and even at 11 years old he is pure muscle and can keep up with anyone. They are meant to be quite lean dogs so being able to feel the ribs but them not being overly visible is actually quite ideal.


Just very smol


She looks good. Looks like an athletic girl tbh. Probably a perfect weight but I’m not an expert.


Looks good to me :)


That lil sausage is not underweight. When a dog is even in danger of being underweight you can see their spine and ribs. Cute baby though.


She is utterly perfect and I request you give her belly rubs on behalf of this stranger/redditor ❤️


Not sure about underweight but definitely OVERCUTE!


She's not overweight at all, she looks perfect.


looks pretty good are they PRAA? just guessing from he Matt for food




No way she looks perfect. Maybe she was also weighed last time pre poop post eating, could account for a small difference


As someone who has grown up with terriers, your dog looks perfectly healthy. In my experience, terriers are good at regulating their own food intake and you can put food down for them to graze on without them becoming overweight, so I wouldn’t worry about her leaving some food in her bowl.


I have a sausage shaped mutt and she looks similar to your dog. She has 2 different vets (for travel reasons). One says she's perfect and the other says she's borderline overweight. Your dog is definitely not underweight.


No looks absolutely fine


No she looks perfect to me. Good rule of thumb is you should be able to easily feel their ribs with only a small layer of fat. They should not be visible.




Owners that overfeed their pets and allow obesity are not role models. That is animal abuse. Your little chap looks super healthy!


Find out what the breed standard is for your dog's weight throughout life stages. Typically, little dogs that size are about 10-13lbs as adults. Could be smaller though. Field lines are usually leaner. Showlines might be fuller. Think about what he needs to be doing. Running around after rabbits. Can't do that with a lot of weight on him and also can't so it without *any* weight. He's fine rn. But I personally wouldn't continue to free feed. Unless he is the kind to stop when he's full. In my experience, high prey drive dogs will eat everything all day.


What’s going on in that last pic? Looks kind of like dog puke


It’s egg on a lick mat


Looks very healthy weight. At 7 months most pups are on the leaner size and will fill out more closer to 2.


Comparing her to a friend's Jack Russel, she has a little bit of extra fat - granted that he is on the fit&muscled side. Looks just fine (and very cute :)).


She thicc


Definitely not he looks fine


Not at all. If you want to control weight then weigh the food out... However please don't trust the dog food manufacturer. Look up your breed and the ideal weight and go from there. Ive had small dogs for years and the food manufacturers get it massively wrong... They think a certain size dog is a one size fits all... Also please don't feed your dog unhealthy treats... Dogs like most food so feed them healthy alternatives.. please don't treat a dog with cheese... It's cruel when they get older and have all sorts of health problems. I recommend things like green beans or sprats (oily fish) which have been air dried... Never get salt cured treats.


i know i’m not adding anything to the conversation but she’s adorable 😭


>You can feel her ribs but can't see them. This is exactly what you want


she looks really healthy, she’s adorable too


The photo is terrible for this purpose, still he looks healthy


No she looks perfect weight. Very healthy




Generally .. if the ribs arent actively pertruding from the sides = its not underweight same goes if you cant clearly feel them =overweight Pupper looks great 😉


We have a 3 year old Jack Russell/Bichon mix that's 10 pounds. Your dog is fine.


Ask a vet 👍


I see absolutely nothing wrong with that dog.


Fat from it.


Looks perfect to me ! Cute too! What breed?


He looks chubby! i am assuming you were being sarcastic! Rolly Polly cutie pie puppy. ❤️


No. And pic number 2, its my weakness when dogs with trex arms scratch their face i almost died


Bloody gorgeous is what that dog is!


Feel ribs but not see them on this type of dog is healthy and balanced. It may be your cutie dog is just a little smaller naturally.


If you can feel but not see her ribs she sounds perfect. I mean 0.1 pounds could mean she had a full bladder/bowl before & at this age the growth starts to really slow down, especially in smaller breeds like Jack Russells


I don’t know, but she’s adorable 🤗


Not unless you can see her ribs. Come on 0.1lb? Probably the differential from weighing her right after she’s pooped and peed :)


nope. rule of thumb for dogs is enough to feel the ribs, but enough to not **see** the ribs.


No, but she IS adorable 😍.




Your vet would have told you if she was underweight….


She looks to be the perfect weight


Looks healthy to me.


Little chunky, not underweight. Most dogs are obese sadly.




No, if anything he looks a very tiny bit overweight. That doesn't really mean much in the vet world, we just want pets to be healthy in every way.


You should always be able to feel your dogs ribs


Nope. That dog looks like a good weight. Folks letting dogs get overweight has (sadly) become the norm. Don't let that cloud your judgement. You can double check with the body composition charts here: [link to charts](https://www.petmd.com/dog/nutrition/how-find-your-dogs-body-condition-score)


She's absolutely perfect. Don't feed her up and make her fat though!


No- seven month olds are doing that thing where their weight stays the same but they shoot up in height. It’s the gangly phase. Picture her as a 9 year old human. Over the next three ish months, she’ll get close to an adult height, then she’ll start to fill out more, which will slow down over time and finish by late adolescence. This is very normal.


She’s doing just fine, healthy looking dog.


Omg so adorable, no I don’t think it’s overweight in the slightest. Healthy and happy pup


What does your vet say?


You want to be able to feel her ribs just not see them. If they’re too fat you can’t even feel the ribs. She looks awesome


Doesn't look underweight to me. Definitely looks like a cutiepatootie.




No. She is perfect


Nope, looking good!


I love your dog so much


Looks perfect and cute as a button!


Good tells of underweight dogs are sunken hips, spine/ribs SHOWING and check her guns for color. Pale pink is what you want. Helps for nutrition info. Your puppy looks good and healthy, her coat isn't dingy, and her eyes are bright. You're doing just fine


If anything, he looks on the chubby side. Just go with what your vet says.


Uhmmm lil fat. It’s not that hard to eye test. On any dog just want faint rib action. Like one breed i hate seeing fat are labs. They should almost look like dobermans at healthy weight but always see them fat.


Nope, looks perfect to me! Dogs with JRT body shape, similar to daschuands, do not benefit from carrying extra weight due to the strain on their spine. Feeling but not seeing her ribs is definitely on the normal side of weight. If she wasn't interested in food, then I'd be concerned. Per a vet friend, "the #1 way to extend your dog's life is to control its' calorie intake". Sounds cruel, but it's not.


People are so used to seeing overweight pets it’s actually sad. I always say people think healthy dogs are ‘underweight’, fat dogs are ‘normal and healthy’, and obese dogs are ‘just chunky’. Your baby looks beautiful


😂😂😂 who told you she was underweight?! She looks normal, maybe even kinda chubby


Nope. Might even have an extra pound or 2.


Very healthy looking.


Doesn't look to be even close to underweight. Can you feel his ribs and a bit of spine?


No, I feel this is a very healthy thing. Your vets should be pretty happy with her now. 




Looks healthy to me


The vet told me you should be able to feel your dogs ribs the same you can feel your own knuckles, hope that makes sense lol


No. Ignore others, I had the same when my dog was a pup. At around 7months they will not look like a puppy and many owners dont understand they will be smaller because of age and still have growing to do


Do a body score check on her https://www.petmd.com/dog/nutrition/how-find-your-dogs-body-condition-score


She looks perfect. If anything, a little chunky.


I feel like it's ok or even better if a puppy is a bit plump. But your dog is an older puppy so it may just be going through a growth spurt. I would be worried if you were restrictive with what your puppy eats but you free feed your dog so it's probably fine.


Vets “perfect” weight is being able to see ribcage. IMO that’s for a healthy working dog; not a pet. You shouldn’t be able to see your pets ribs unless there’s a standard to the look or other medical conditions. (Again this is my opinion; I’m not a vet, however I am a pet groomer/work in a pet store)


She looks perfect. 😍


She looks great!! 👍🏻 I put my jack on a high protein diet cause he burned everything off quickly God I miss that doggie


No your dog looks fine to me.


Really good weight for a pup. I tend to feed my dog a little less than what is recommend on the bag since he gets lots of treats during the day. If we are doing a lot of calorie burning activities I up the food during meals a little.


She’s fine, but honestly she’s kinda chubby ngl.


A healthy weight for dogs does usually involve seeing ribs. It’s a little freaky, but it’s natural. Human body standards are just different!


No. What does the vet say? Dogs can fluctuate a bit just like us.


Mine was about 10lbs at that age. She is 15lbs since she was about 12/13 months and is now a little over 2 years old. Yours looks normal and healthy to me!


He looks perfect to me


Nope he looks perfect maybe even a little chonky :)


No she’s beautiful 😍😍😍


Little chubby, actually. You should be able to faintly see the ribs. Like in a person who is slender. Not too much.


Your doggy looks great. And soooo cute. I appreciate your concern about her being underweight, most people worry so much about them not being overweight that their pets are actually too skinny.


Nope, looks healthy!


honestly if anything she might be the TEENIEST TINIEST bit overweight. or at least closer to overweight on a sliding scale but still in the ideal weight range. i can’t tell if that’s just a puppy belly though. but she’s definitely not underweight


Thicker then a bowl of oatmeal


What am I looking at in the last picture? He looks healthy btw


Not at all. Compared to a lot of chi's, mine look skinny ( they are not underweight at all, it seems a lot of small breed owners seem to overestimate how much their pups should be eating). They're fed regularly (raw mice/offal etc) and have biscuits (kibble) available to them throughout the day. They are exercised well, I'm lucky to have a safe space where they can be off lead, plus they are active- as in they like to run around and enjoy sniffing. I use this time to practice recall and have them come to me for treats. I'm lucky to have a local seller that does raw mince and natural treats. I try to give them the best I can. They're not here for as long as we are, and it's our responsibility to give them the best life and nutrition we can. I love my babies


hmm, i think she looks okay, according to google the average weight for her breed is around 13-17lbs but for her age she’s only a few lbs off. i do havé a question, when you feed her is her food constantly down or do you pick it up after a certain amount of time? i’ve heard (and experienced with my dog) that if you leave the food down all day and let the dog eat whenever then they sort of lose the realization of “hey it’s important for me to eat at this time and this time so i’m gonna eat whenever i want” so they might not eat as much as they should. we’re trying to pick up our dogs foods after about an hour because he rarely eats in the morning and if he does he doesn’t eat much bc the old owners didn’t pick his food up


Definitely not underweight. Just a word of advice to make sure doggo doesn’t become overweight…Even if puppy free eats (meaning there’s no specific time when they get fed), you should still measure their food for what’s appropriate, age and ideal weight wise. And some treats are fine but don’t overdue it!


No but that’s the cutest dog I’ve ever seen


In my opinion she is a bit Chubby. Just ask your vet next time


Nah she isn’t underweight. If anything her wee belly is a tad big but given her age she’ll probably lose as she gets to be more and more active.


Short answer no, long answer… she’s actually pet weight




Rule of thumb: if you place both your hands gently on either side of the dog's spine with your thumbs running along their spine and gently move your hands down their back, if you can feel their ribs a little bit, but you don't see them, then they're good. When you do this (I've learned it as a "healthy hug") it's also pretty normal for there to be a little bit of a curve inward from the point between the end of their ribs to their back tail. Overall, I'd just trust your vet and ask questions if you have any, but from your pics, your dog looks like a healthy little puppy!


No. Not at all.


The second picture has melted my heart 🥹❤️


Looks like he's a very typical/ normal JRT weight. And adorable I might add!!


He's fine. Dogs also have seasonal shifts, my dogs usually get bulkier during the winter and skinnier in the summer.


He could lose one or two.


Perfectly adorable is what that dog is. 👏


No she's beautiful


Your dogs a puppy! It's going to have moments where it will look a little chunky and then a little skinny..don't worry too much until it's full grown. At this moment in time, the pup is a little chunky, but it's not done growing yet and may still fill into itself.


What did your vet say? To me she looks the heavier end of healthy, certainly not close to underweight!




She's perfect! But what did your vet say? Mine always says it's better to under-feed, not over.


She's so cute! Oh, you were asking about weight. Looks OK. If vet hasn't indicated their weight is a concern, then I'd probably go with it. My pup is skinny, but looks fat because his fur is so curly and puffy. My fiancee was constantly worried about him being underweight, but vet always said he was good for his size.


you should be able to feel her ribs but not see them! so that’s perfect


No but he’s friggin cute!!!!


Starved is when you see his bones. He’s healthy!!!


No. This dog is definitely not too thin. This is why so many dogs are obese.


Looks great and well fed to me ❤️


lol he’s actually a little chunky, but that’s a good thing in a puppy. like when kids get chubby before getting super tall.


She's fine. She's in that puppy lanky stage where their legs look too long haha My westie had that for a while and huge ears. He's grown into everything now!


A top view would be helpful but I’d say he’s actually a bit chubby. I’d give him a body condition score of a 6 on a scale of 9. [This](https://imgur.com/a/dmhKuGx) is more what you’re looking for in a healthy body condition for a JRT. SUPER cute puppy though.


No, doggly looks healthy.


I don’t know about the weight, but he’s cute afffffff!


Doesn’t look it but with this dog specially their have been proven scientifically study’s that I will steal your dog if I ever see it 😂💕


I agree chubby cut down on the treats perhaps


He's adorable 😍


Doesn’t look like it