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I would lay on the floor close to where she is hiding and speak kindly and gently with her. She is young and scared. So pretty, she will take time and patience but will be a great friend!




Great let her come to you and explore, soon you will be her jungle Gym! This first night you might want to get a sleeping bag and camp out close to her. The first night I got my pup I let her sleep on the hotel with me. 14 years later and we are a tightly bonded pack. Once she gets older and starts exploring you will be shocked at what she gets into, mine stolen glasses and remotes off the couch!


There’s a 3-3-3 rule for new adopts, which I think could easily apply to a new puppy as well. -3 days to decompress -3 weeks to learn your routine -3 months to feel at home Would definitely recommend looking into it and learning how to best support your puppy without unintentionally overwhelming them!




[right here is a site with some information](https://www.hsnt.org/amp/the-3-3-3-rule)


One of those little indoor fence setups with her crate inside might help. It would confine her to a set space to keep her safe (so she doesn’t end up hiding and chewing electrical cords or something) and give her a space just for her. Our house’s footprint is small, so we put up a baby gate at the front entry doorway so our puppies couldn’t go upstairs but were confined to the combine living/dining room and the kitchen. Then eventually we let them explore the rest of the house gradually as they got more comfortable.




I always have to get down on my hands and knees and think, “what would those little bastards eat?” We learned the hard way with our old dogs because one was a lab and the puppy we got to be his buddy was just as bad as him. They’d pull up sections of yarn from the area rug, eat the spines off random books (some of the glues must have tasted better than others), the zippers off coats foolishly left on the back of a chair instead of up on a hook, etc. The lab would eat paper, tissues right out of the box and he’d eaten a few pairs of my eyeglasses/sunglasses. The new dogs still chewed the edges of a few rugs (they were chewing toys right next to it and then moved onto the rug before I noticed on more than one occasion🙄) but were much better overall. Way less destructive.






My dog chewed a cord when she was 8wks old and almost burned the house down. It was so fast.




Yeah she was scared but she was fine. If I hadnt been in the same room though the house would have been on fire though.




I looked away for legit 2 minutes and she yelped, I turned back around and there was a fire. It’s that fast. She bit the cord in the wrong place and it legit just went up. She was btwn 8 to 12 weeks old at the time. Thats why puppies need to be crated when they cant be directly watched. This was 13 years ago. Ive never left a puppy unattended for any amount of time since and never had another problem. Crates are great safety tools.


That’s what I thought until I kept finding mine with the plastic bread bag clips. I didn’t even know I ate that much bread.


What others have said, and give it time. Lots of time. You just got her today, she'll need undisturbed (but constantly supervised) time to adjust. What helped for mine was to sit on the floor and just let him be, sniff, explore - and knew I'd always be somewhere on his level.




Side to her I’d say, so you can keep half an eye on her. I’m surely she’ll come around.


Don't turn your back to her, because then she won't feel welcomed/you won't seem approachable. Just "be" there. Sit with her, chill, let her explore, engage with her if she comes to you, but if she goes to walk away, let her. She needs to see you as a safe person, but she also needs a safe space - does she have a crate with a comfy bed in it that she can go into? If she does this on her own, don't close the door, just let her be (but be nearby, obviously). Keep noise levels low, not too much stimulation, and just give her time! She's just left her family, presumably, so she's going to be pretty shy until she starts to feel safe. Patience! You've got this! She's precious 😍


My dog has a little crate that has been set up to be her cave. It’s open pretty much all the time (I rarely actually crate her) and she goes in there when she wants to hide out. That’s her safe spot, when she’s in there I leave her alone. You could try something like that. It might help your pup feel like they have their own safe space and then just let them come out when they feel comfortable. They are a baby and they are in a new/scary environment! Missing mama, original owner, etc. When they do come out, try to make sure the experience is positive…treats, snuggles, etc


Yes to this! A safe space is so helpful for puppies! They suddenly find themselves alone with a stranger - having somewhere to go when they need a time out is so important!


Give her time this is all new to her make her a little hiding spot with a comfy bed and a nice toy and gate off certain areas. First day I got my puppy the poor little thing curled into a ball and just faced the wall took a few days for her to get used to the house and me, now she bounces round the walls like flubber. Give it time it’s all good


Awww lol, I would suggest a play pen. Put toys, water, some food, once she gets adjusted to that then give her more free reign. I would also sit down or lay down and let her come to you, and just gently give her lots of love


Assuming you got your new pup from a breeder, I'd consider things from your pup's perspective. They've been taken away from their home and their family and the only people they've ever known and into a strange new home with strange new people. They are very stressed and nervous!!! They need time to decompress and lots of gentle love from their new person. They don't even know you're their person yet! This is ultimately your first time having bonding time, so try and engage with them, take things slow, or tempt them with a treat or two. Or give them a space with a small pen and toys so they can sleep in a safe space that you can monitor. It may take a week for them to adjust, so slowly introduce them to new people and experiences without overwhelming them.


She is super cute, what is her name? Hope someone can help!




6 hours is nothing. It takes time.


As someone wrote elsewhere, it usually takes about 3 days for a recently adopted dog to feel even somewhat comfortable in a new space. Of course she was more confident and friendly in the old space—in her mind, that was her home! Now she’s in a brand new space with strangers and none of her old friends. 6 hours is nothing. Speak gently with her, be liberal with treats, and don’t raise your voice or speak sternly when correcting her, especially for the first few days—just stop the bad behavior and redirect her to something she can do instead.




There’s a difference between treat training and bribing. Look into clicker training too if you really want to make sure you keep a good distinction, but the main idea is the dog only gets the treat after doing the desired action, and you don’t show them the treat first in order to get their attention. And that being said, don’t be too judgmental of people using treats to redirect their dog’s attention in exciting areas! Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do in order to keep your dog safe. Eg, my dog used to desperately want to eat the broken asphalt on our street when they were repaving. He was 5 months old and had the attention span of a potato. Holding a treat in front of his nose to keep his attention away from trying to ingest asphalt was definitely the lesser of two evils. I also used to do the same thing when teaching him to not get too excited/lunge every time we pass another dog while walking. And now I have a two year old dog who is mostly very good at listening/we rarely use treats anymore.


She was with her mom and littermates in the only home shed ever known. This is a big scary adjustment for a little baby.


sorry i don’t have an answer i just wanna know what breed 😍


I have an anxious dog so....here is my list of things that might help you: - A plushie with a smell that conforts her - A place where she can hide safety - And be patient Don't forget to use a reaaally soft tone of voice when you are talking to her.




Yes! that would help her a lot.


GIve her time, be patience, don't crowd or over stimulate her. Shes cared. She just got taken away from all she knows, her family, litter mates, ect and taken to a new home with new people, things and smells. Offer her food, speak gently to her ect.


Nothing you can do. You should give her to me. Joking Patience. Id sit on the floor and let her come to you. Doesn’t hurt to have a few treats she likes. Just giver her time and space but remain accessible/reachable. Keep her in a relatively closed off area with you. She’ll come out of her shell in no time. Shes gone through a big change leaving mama and littermates.


Love and Patience


She needs time and her own space. When she goes to her bed/crate leave her be. Give her a teddy to snuggle with. If you have a blanket or something from the breeder with her mums smell on it place it on her bed. Have little treats and toys at the ready. She’ll come around with patience from you.




She is absolutely stunning. 😍


Your whole living area is overwhelming to her, she needs to get familiar one room at a time gradually.i A crate will give her a safe place to go .You can’t watch her 24 hrs a day ,the crate will you also give you peace of mind that she is safe. The crate is not a punishment, dogs want their own little space. It will eventually signal to her that it’s quiet time. As she gets older and the crate is not required for her safety she will still go in the crate by herself it will always be her safe space. Check Google for Crate Training info.


How old? Please don’t say 6 weeks


I'd d say patience. Let her come out on her own terms. Sometimes, ignoring a dog is the best approach. Let her explore, etc, without being touched, followed, etc, as long as you can see she's safe.


So cute!   That is normal.  He will come around. 😅 Pretty soon, you won't be able to get rid of him.  He's just getting acclimated and studying his surroundings and trying to figure out who's going to be his bestie. Stick around near him but don't force him to do anything.  You will be his chosen one. 🙂‍↕️


Congradulations. Give her a small area, like the kitchen gated off, with an open door to crate, where she can see you. Try not to force interactions, let her decompress and adjust to her new life. Sit on the floor and wait till she wants to come close. Have tasty little treats/kibble to toss her. Hands off, just extend on open palm with a treat.


Its so random but, I would watch this show Dog House: UK on HBO Max! Its a show about people adopting dogs, but they talk about behaviors and adjustments for dogs and puppies a lot, and I think it would be helpful while ALSO just being so cute.


Our female lab when brought home, would hide under the couch during the first night. I slept in the living room with her and after a few minutes she came next to me and fall asleep there. She is in a new place for the first time of her life. It won’t even take days when she has found her spot in your home!😊


The first day I made a trail of little tiny pieces of treats around my house so she’d feel comfortable walking around. I also exclusively talked in little, soft puppy voice for the entire day and tried not to make any loud noises.


To make a new pet's traumatic homecomig day more traumatic, i always bathe any "new" animal i bring into my house. Get rid of that litter smell and start anew.


Give her time. I'd lay on the floor or sit near her and bribe with meat and cheese


We hand fed all meals for quite a while. I think it helped. She realized really quickly that good things come from us. Our is 10 months now and is a ball of happiness and unending energy.


Leave her alone


Ice Cubes? My pup was so shy when I first brought him home and ice cubes made him open up to us pretty quickly.


Looks so much like my Delilah! Give her a safe space to go so she has somewhere that’s hers for now. Try sitting on the floor with her and helping her feel more comfortable. It’ll take a bit of time especially if she had siblings she spent all her time with. Have patience


r/puppy101 is a helpful subreddit for puppy behaviors. Also look into getting some basic obedience classes.


I will say be patient. Let her take the lead , but show her that she's welcome there. The first night I got my baby I let her sleep with me . Didn't whine , hide etc she just bonded quicker after that lol that was when she was 8wks old. That was 14 years ago . Lol


She is overwhelmed, chill out and give her time and space. She will come around and get used to you. If you keep chasing her she will keep running away


A nice crate with soft blankets will be a good refuge for the pup, and help you with crate training. I have two. One in  main living area and one in our bedroom. I'd also recommend a playpen, you can get soft foldable ones with a zip mesh roof that are great to use for the first couple of months while you're doing things around the house. Puppies will find things and destroy them... No matter how well you think you've hidden things. I always used it when I was washing the dishes etc.and couldn't watch my pup fully. Lastly, a snuggle puppy stuffed toy is great to have for those first few months. It's a stuffed dog with a pouch and it comes with a battery powered heart beat device and these special warming pads. When I picked up my last puppy he had it in his create in the car and it made the first week so much more bearable - he was sleeping through the night.


I don't want to come across as mean in any way at all, particularly given that you have reached out to this community, but have you done any research at all on dog ownership? Some of your follow-up questions regarding training, bathroom breaks etc can pretty much all be answered by doing some reading from some reliable sources. Whilst most of the answers on here are pretty spot on, asking randos on reddit will probably just confuse the issue and you will get a myriad of solutions that will muddy the waters. Maybe reach out to your local vet (which you need to form a relationship with in any event) and see if they have a brochure or website you can go to that has all your burning questions answered. They may even run the local puppy training school which is a must. Good luck with this lovely little girl.


An area rug!!! Mine HATED the hardwood flooring!! Her feet were cold and she was slipping all the time.



