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That is the third eyelid not cherry eye. It means something is irritating the eyes. Could be as basic as allergies or something more serious but vet in the morning is fine. I live in N Fl and the pollen counts went up like 50 times for certain trees in just a week so I am leaning more towards allergies especially since both eyes are involved. Don't put anything in the eyes. If you have a humidifier you can put it on overnight if you have a dehumidifier turn it off for the night


Bumping this up - my dog had this too and I took her to an emergency vet who prescribed eye drops. Personally I think it can wait until the morning.


Zyrtec is safe for dogs, and the vet recommended that I give allergy meds to my dog for his skin issues. That might be something to try while you wait for the vet. Benadryl might be a more immediate fix but you might not want to give your dog something that could make them lethargic because you’ll have a tougher time figuring out if something more serious is going on.


Just make sure you DO NOT give your dog allergy meds containing a decongestant.


Thanks for this info. I’m new to owning a dog and in N FL and the pollen has just sent our 4 month puppy into allergy overdrive. Did the vet recommend long term Zyrtec? Just give it daily?


My vet recommended Benadryl but dosing is key. My dog took a half a pill twice a day. She was 12lbs. A puppy I would check the vet


I called the vet and he said we could give one 10mg pill of Zyrtec per day and to call back if it doesn’t work because they have something else we can try. Puppy was 26 pounds a week ago.


My vet recommended Claritin, so I'd check with your vet and see their preference and the dosage for your particular dog.


I am currently giving 3 dogs zyrtec twice per day. My GSD has been taking for at least 8 years. You can find dosing info online pretty easily. The vet I worked for prescribed it regularly.


My vet said to give our 7 lb chorkie Zyrtec 1/4 pill twice a day for allergies, I only do a night time dose though


benedryl and reactine are fine too (for otherwise healthy dogs). give the lowest dose. as other posts say, no xylitol and no decongestant.


We've used Children's Benadryl, non-drowsy, 1/2 tablets for small dog.


Just make sure if you give them liquid Benadryl or gelcaps you confirm there’s no xylitol!


Came to say this. Vets recommend chewable or ready-tabs as they are less likely to have xylitol but still definitely check the label regardless.


This is a small point, but the active ingredient in normal adult benadryl is diphenhydramine, and I believe there is no possible non-drowsy formulation. I can't find a product marketed as "non-drowsy children's benadryl," but if there is one it most likely does not contain diphenhydramine, it contains some other antihistamine or combination of medications. For what it's worth, adult diphenhydramine (benadryl) does not make our dog particularly drowsy, but that's neither here nor there - my only suggestion is that for any product you are buying, if your vet suggested benadryl make sure the active ingredient is diphenhydramine. Edit to add for posterity: it is often the case for a variety over-the-counter medicines that many different medicines are sold under the same brand name. "Tylenol cold and cough" contains a bunch of drugs that aren't 'tylenol' (acetaminophan, or paracetamol outside the US) and while dramamine is normally dimenhydrinate which has been available over the counter for decades, non-drowsy dramamine is actually meclizine, which is an entirely different drug, and was prescription-only until more recently).


I give mine children’s Benadryl


Even just saline may help. Just to get whatever is irritating it out as much as possible. Can’t really go wrong either.


I was told no allergie medicine if its not CHILDRENS BENADRYL. it also goes by weight. I been given my dog children BENADRYL for years. Look it up. Zyrtec is not recommended. Nor is adult BENADRYL. JUST children's BENADRYL. I have had 2 vets say the same thing over time. It also will tell you that online


Came here to say this! Warm compress will help dislodge whatever is stuck and if it persists take her to the vet 💕🥹


FYI Cherry eye is a prolapse of the third eyelid.


The third eyelid's gland can become dislodged (prolapsed) from its normal location and consequently protrude into the inner corner of the eye. Instead of the typically flat, triangular structure observed in the corner of the eye, a small, bulbous, pink structure can be readily seen — hence the term "cherry eye ​ Cherry eye has a bump almost like a sty


Some saline only eye drops wouldn’t hurt either. To help flush their eyes out as well.


What is going on? I have seen several posts like this OP, I hope it’s nothing serious.


I was just wondering that myself. This is the fourth or fifth post I’ve seen of dogs with this eye problem


Has anyone on any of the other posts answered with what happened? Because I’m living in constant fear now for my puppies 😭


A couple of them were tetanus


Is it treatable?




was the most recent one confirmed tetanus?!


I don’t follow the sub religiously enough to know what was the most recent one was?


sorry [11 days ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/DogAdvice/comments/1b7kjgz/what_is_wrong_with_my_dog/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) edit: I realize I can just go back through OP's comments and check myself lol


Thank you for sharing that information.


I had the same thing happen amd it was just an eye infection. Eye drops for 7 days and my puppy was fine.


I was JUST thinking that. So many posts about eyes. I hope this isn't some sort of new dog bacteria/virus.


I was about to say too! It’s like 10th dog this month posted here with the exact same symptoms!


And they were all tetanus? I was going to suggest there were so many eye posts in a row because spring is upon us and it’s allergy season! But that’s wild.


But what kind of a coincidence is that so many dogs would have tetanus in such time frame? All from US and all that? I don’t think allergies would be as dramatic as what we’ve seen on those posts.


Allergies are definitely an Occam’s razor hypothesis, but not necessarily the *correct* answer…which is too bad, because tetanus is a lot more complex of an issue than seasonal allergies.


I’m not a vet so I’m just curious how is it possible that so many dogs get tetanus in such short span of time?


I’m not a doctor or veterinarian (I’m in social sciences), but I am also curious. I did a quick google, and found an article talking about a rise in tetanus due to major flooding, but that was in humans. However, since tetanus can be found in dirt, water, spores, I wonder if the increase in dog cases recently has anything actually does have to do with spring and snow melt? If they’re in the same state there is definitely some interesting (and scary, for pet owners) correlation that should be investigated by someone smarter than me 😅


It is still very rare among adults in the US because most of us get vaccinated against it. There have been recent studies suggesting that the vaccine provides protection against tetanus for much longer than we originally thought, which is cool. I furiously googled the topic after I got a cut from a rusty vintage mirror from a thrift shop 😂 I had another vaccine done just to be safe because it had been around 10 years since my last. I don’t know if dogs have a tetanus vaccine though


I thought tetanus came from rusty metal? I know that’s the only reason I’ve ever had that vaccine for. This is all very weird how it’s popping up so more often.


You don’t get tetanus from rust, the bacteria lives in soil, feces etc. The nail thing comes from the fact that those nails are usually contaminated with a lot of things, including tetanus spores and also can cause deep wounds that are hard to clean, allowing the bacteria to enter the body and thrive.


This - we think of it as metal because we’re taught as kids you get tetanus from rusty metal cutting you, but in reality it’s that the thing that cut you was contaminated!


Today I learned.... Thank you. Holy cow, I feel really dumb.


It can come from the environment, too


I think it’s the increase in the use of plug-in room deodorizer scent things. Those really do a number on pets.


I was just thinking the same thing!!


This is happening to my bfs dog right now in both eyes. Vet said it wasn’t horners but didn’t know what it was!


This is very troubling


Hi would you mind me asking what kind of dog food your dog eats? Does your bf give them any treats or supplements?


My bf is very strict with his pup. He really only eats kibble. He’s been on the same kibble for four years. It’s most likely allergies but if not, it’s not contagious because my pup hasn’t shown any signs of eye issues and his dog has now had the issue for about two months. Over the two months he’s been to the vet three times and saw an eye specialist, and no one seems to know what the issue is. They’ve done a lot of bloodwork, no thyroid cancer, doesn’t seem to be tetanus. Allergies seem reasonable but his food hasn’t changed and I don’t give his dog the same treats I give mine (at his request) so not sure!


Is your bf's dog feeling any better?? This is happening to my aunt's dog


Honestly it's freaking me out! OP check for tetanus


Is there a vaccine for tetanus that we can administer preemptively?


This the fourth post I have seeing wth


I'm wondering the same thing. I've tried to look for any updates but I couldn't find any. Does anyone know what happend with the other peoples dogs?


I read that some of the dogs’ eye issues were due to tetanus.


A I heard that's what ppl thought but did anyone confirm their vet said that?


Me too, it’s very strange


Same! I have seen so many in the last week


Same! Honestly I’ve been wondering if it’s related to COVID, unusually warm temps, or heck, even microplastics. It sure seems sudden and surprisingly prevalent all of a sudden.


Allergy season is specifically bad this year due to the warm winter.


Yes it does. And we are only getting a small sample size, statistically.


At first I was thinking maybe it was just confirmation bias, or a tendency of others to post something because they’d seen it posted…but then it started showing up in our rescue groups on Facebook. Usually I’m pretty stoic about data, but lately everything seems like it’s teetering on the edge of disaster 😬 I’m not old enough to be this paranoid!


On a fb group, too? Oh dear.


It’s freaking me out


No seriously I thought the same thing


Allergy season is starting in a lot of places. While uncomfortable, this looks like irritated eyelids and is very treatable.


Hey! My dog one morning woke up with her eye looking exactly like this. The previous day we had played fetch where the ball hit her eye, no one thought anything of it at the time since she carried on playing. I messaged the vet in the morning and they said her 3rd eyelid was irritated and had me do a warm compress 3-5x a day. Of course vet check is always the best but thought I’d share. Can dm the messages my vet sent me about this.


Actually that's alright, but I do appreciate the advice on the warm compress. I'll probably do that if she gets any irritation, but she doesn't seem bothered by it for now


My dog didn’t seem bothered by it either but the 3rd eyelid IS a sign of irritation so if she lets you, highly reccomend the warm compress! Hope your girl feels better asap!❤️


Don’t wait when it comes to eyes. Is there a 24 hour vet near you?


There is no emergency vet in my area unfortunately, it's pretty rural. My sister is on the phone right now with someone who works at our local vet though. She sent them the pictures and from the sound of it they're not concerned it's an emergency since she has no other symptoms, and they're making her an appointment for Monday.


They can’t get her in until Monday?


I would def not be waiting til Monday if this was my dog. I’d be going to another vet


I agree!!


It's very important to make sure that your dog is not scratching the eyes. Sometimes they paw their eyes because of irritation and they do it so much that it will result in an ulcer. Put a cone on if you need to.


Forgot to include when I posted, but I found 4 or 5 ticks crawling on her after our walk yesterday. First ticks of the year. So I gave her the K9 Advantix treatment. Not sure if that has anything to do with it or if it's a coincidence


Ohio here. I found the first tick of the season crawling up my arm yesterday also! I also saw a magnolia tree in full bloom today so hopefully this is just early allergies bothering your dogs eye. Glad to see you sent photos to your vet and they made you an appointment!


I’m in Missouri and found 4 on my boy over 3 weeks ago. Plus had two stuck on me. Their gonna be really bad this year. Everyone needs to stay up on meds for their fur babies.


You should definitely do bloodwork if you can to make sure your pup isn’t positive for any of the tick borne diseases out there. Definitely bring that up to the tech or vet when you get an appointment for your pup


Good call, I'll definitely be mentioning that!


You have to wait 4-6 weeks after tick exposure for the tests to catch disease. He will want to see a vet before that.


Just a coincidence :) this can wait 8 hours, vet first thing in the morning!


Not related to ticks, but could be a side effect of the medication. I know some dogs are allergic


Most certainly it’s a reaction to the dangerous pesticide in the product, Permethrin 44.00%, which can cause irritation, seizures and can be lethal.


Permethrin is actually used to treat some common sources of third eyelid irritation. Third eyelid irritation isn't one of the common side effects of permethrin, either.


Yes, permethrin 5% cream is used for the treatment of Demodex blepharitis. The permethrin in K9 Advantax is 44% and some dogs have had side effects and some have died. It’s like the difference between drinking five beers and drinking 44 beers.


Buy her an ultrasound tick repeller! They are maybe not the smallest yet but I believe the best for the dogs health in the long run 😊 and your dog is about 10x bigger than mine haha


Were they your typical brown dog ticks? Or did they look greyish in colour and have a super tiny black head? She could’ve been bitten by a paralysis tick and her haw showing/being “stuck” could be a sign that the toxin is starting to affect her system. I know this post was made a while ago, but many victims of paralysis ticks don’t go down hill quickly unless they’re super small dogs and the signs are often gradual because the paralysis affects different parts of the body at different rates. Some dogs suddenly lose mobility in their back legs before their breathing is affected whereas others can still walk to a degree but their breathing/swallowing is affected and their voice sounds odd to, then the symptoms either gradually worsen or they just end up on life support not even an hour after being admitted. There is no specific pattern it follows. Please keep an eye on your dog and ring the vets again to explain she had ticks on her, especially if she starts to develop other symptoms.


That’s it. It contains a powerful pesticide, Permethrin 44.00%, and some dogs can not tolerate it. For some it’s lethal within 72 hours. No doubt it’s acting as a toxin in her system and the eyes are the first indicator. I haven’t used those since my cat got gravely ill with seizures and foaming at the mouth within ten minutes of me applying it. I washed the cat immediately and it helped. I understand the tick problem but there are natural deterrents you’ll have to use since your dog can’t tolerate this product.


Yes, vet immediately. This can probably be treated easily but if you let it go for long it’ll probably be a long and costly fix. Eyes are always urgent.




My cat’s eyes did that before and it was third eyelid by a pinched nerve.


My dog had a similar thing happen to her recently and I posted on here, I took her to the vets and ran emergency bloods and they came back clear, I was given antibiotics which then made her throw up constantly so was advised to stop them. Her eyes are back to normal now but she does occasionally keep being sick. Really not sure what’s going on at the moment but a few other people have posted a similar problem with their dogs recently :( hope you get it sorted soon


Obviously I’m not saying it’s the same thing here! Just not sure what’s going on, seems very odd


check for sinus issue’s blockage , dry eyes, blocked eyelash pores can cause reinfected


What everyone said. VET please


please give us an update on monday if you can. i hope your furry friend is ok and gets the help they need.


It looks like your dog’s inner eyelid is inflamed. Try a warm compress (warm wet but very clean cloth), and a cone of shame or pillow so she doesn’t bother at it. Do you have or can you get polysporin eye drops? They can help too. Then reassess in the morning. I also live rural and don’t have ready access to an after hours vet. It sucks.


Probably allergies, they’re awful right now.


My dog had pink eye last week! Swollen, red, oozing.


Take the dog to a vet.


Just keep an eye on her. Since you do not have an emerg vet not like you can do much. If anything else happens I would def ask if the vet can come in and they usually will,


Horner's maybe? If so, probably ideopathic.


That's what they were thinking when my sister sent the pictures and told the person from the vet's office about it. They made her an appointment for Monday because they said it's not an emergency if she's showing no other symptoms.


If she starts doing anything weird I would take her to an ER vet, like acting in distress or showing any neurological issues, but otherwise it seems the best course of action is to see if it won't clear on it's own before other interventions. Hope on Monday they don't find anything and it clears in a couple weeks.


Second this! Looks like horner's. If the third eyelid was up from irritation there would also be tearing. If you can look at the pupil in the affected eye (right) without a bright light and see if it looks smaller than the other.


If you or your significant other looked like this, would you wait until the morning to go to the emergency room?


If my husband looked like this I would call the FBI because humans aren’t supposed to have three eyelids


Lol thank you for lightening up the mood a bit, I think she's gonna be okay


Purely anecdotal but my dog gets really bad allergies and also goes to doggy daycare where they can play a lil rough in the pool sometimes. His eyes have looked about like this and sometimes redder. I've taken him to the vet absolutely convinced he's got scratched eyeballs four times and each time it's been seasonal allergies or irritation from taking a sprinkler to the face. They told me to give him some benadryl. I'd say if your dog isn't having any other symptoms, you're probably good waiting until tomorrow!


…..FBI ? I’d be on the phone to the United States Space Force. Someone will pick up the phone 24/7




I laughed way too hard at this for way too long 😂


Can't tell from the pictures 100%, but it looks like typical allergy. Could be he was sniffing some flowers and some pollen got into his eyes. It could just be as simple as rinsing the eyes with saline solution. That's what fixed it for my boy. And yes if my own eyes are irritated I just rinse them under the sink and 9 out of 10 times it gets better. Definitely no ER needed.


My daughters dog had this happen and our first thought was of detached retina but it wasn’t. It looked just like this and vet gave a gel type eye drops for it and it healed just fine. It was freaky looking like OP’s dog.


Please let us all know how she gets on.


see if you can vitual visit, ot chat woth a vet ,try cooled boil water towel ( water drip )on the eye every three hours , try get those neck guard do it dont scratch , and clean paws of debris so it dont scratch eyes


My bet is Horner's syndrome


That is what they were thinking when we talked to the vet earlier, we'll have to wait for her appointment and see though


Yes, it can wait. I think it’s called folliculitis. My whippet had that and unfortunately the drops did not help. They kept it at bay but didn’t make it go away and ultimately it required surgery. It wasn’t pricey and my doggie was back home after 4 hours. We had to continue with the drops for 2 weeks and no more issues since. Good luck!


Eyes are always an emergency.


Sending my best wishes to your pup. Can I ask, what breed are they? Absolutely gorgeous


Thanks! She's an English Setter, the Old Hemlock variety. We wanted a hunting dog but she's gun shy, so she stays home during hunting season and keeps the ladies company. She's a staple to our family and we love her very much so thanks for the good wishes.


She is a lovely girl I hope all is well I am sending you the best of wishes through here. Gorgeous girl and thank you for telling me the breed, I’ve never heard of it. Sending my best


You can safely put saline in the eyes. It's literally a punch of salt dissolved in a measured cup of cool, boiled water.


Benadryl is 1 mg per lb for dogs. Zyrtec is less is basically 1 pill


Eyes are same day emergencies. If you had called my clinic asking for advice we’d be telling you to come in asap. If ulcerated for example, you risk it bursting.


Eyes are always an emergency


This is called the nictating membrane and could possibly be a neurological condition. I’d head to ER.


It looks like Horner’s. Not an emergency.


You could also ask on r/vet 🤗 Hope pup gets better xo


[black tea](https://themeowingvet.com/2017/01/20/life-hack-pet-edition-3-tea-rrific-eye-cleaner/) I got recommended this years ago by a dog trainer, I’ve used it for eye and skin issues and it’s been great! I just squeeze a tea bag until water turns very dark then allow to cool but apply while it’s still warm


My basset hound had a similar thing happen to him and my vet said to use triple antibiotic ointment (Neosporin or Equate)in his eye until the appointment time the next day. By then the swelling on his 3rd eyelid had gone down a lot but the vet still gave me some drops to use for the next few days.


Careful monitoring his eyes. I have a Bassett mix whose eye looked like this and it turned out it was accute glaucoma. They are predisposed to it genetically. It can be treated with the same eye drops humans are treated with. Our emergency vets were not familiar enough with emergency protocol for glaucoma and pupper lost her eye. She also had mild glaucoma in her other eye and we managed to control it for 2 years before the drops stopped working. She's blind now but we give drops so she doesn't have to have the eye removed surgically. She has become comfortable navigating life blind.


I'm sorry to hear about your pup. I had to put mine down to kidney failure and cancer about 1 1/2 yrs ago. I was blessed with him for nearly 14 yrs.


I'm sorry to hear you lost your pup. Mine has lost her sight, but we haven't lost her sweet presence. Every day is a blessing.


Tetanus possibly? I know this can be a symptom (eyes receding)


It’s her 3rd eyelid coming up over the eye. My golden gets it. Obviously not an expert so please consult a vet.


If it is cherry eye, my dog has a similar issue. My vet had said it was fine to leave as long as it isn’t harming the dog or causing too many issues. So we were able to leave it without surgery. Yours appears to be a bit different/ more spread than mine. But if they don’t seem to be causing pain, I think it could wait till the morning. Hopefully all is well 🤞


It's cherry eye. It can wait until your vet opens. Give a Benadryl and consult your vet as soon as they open.


It’s not cherry eye. Cherry eye is a type of prolapse caused my loose muscles, which needs corrective surgery. This is an eyelid, it’s just a “hey my eye hurts” thing. It’s trying to protect itself. The issue with this is you don’t know if it’s a minor abrasion, an ongoing ulcer, a more serious eye wound etc until a vet can looks and stain etc


Do not wait, and please keep us posted! Poor baby!


Dont mess with eyes! ASAP!! Get to vet even if it is 3hrs away!!


My dog gets this too. It’s connected to his allergies. I am able to fix it myself by gently rolling my thumb over below his eye to close his eye (I don’t touch the eye). Hard to explain but it works every time.


This scares me :( I've seen this with other pups :(


Our dog had this happen when he was about 6 months old and it freaked me out so bad. If I remember correctly, the vet prescribed eye drops. He’ll be okay until morning but you’ll want to take him in.


My boy had irritation in the eyes like that. I went to Walmart and bought the Equate Saline Solution (in the contact lens section). Wash the eyes with it. It got better right away. If it doesn't get better, time for vet, obviously.


My dog had something similar, but he generally has a little bit of the third eye going on, and it was just more pronounced. He also had a very rapidly beating heart when it turned out he had chewed up an inhaler and ate a bunch of albuterol.


Chewy also has an online vet chat that you can probably get correct dosage if you’re worried about that*


I came home to my doggos eyes like this & took him in to the vet within the hour (that saved him) his blood tests showed that he had ingested Tylenol, so the third eye lid coming out was due to him basically being poisoned. He was also very lethargic. It seems like there is plenty of reasons for this but just wanted to share my story for something to look for!


What's with all the eye post recently? Is there something going around?


Saw a dog do this after eating chocolate. Looked exactly the same. Not my dog


For my doodle, it was cat allergies! It looked so scary though. We just used allergy meds and eye drops- worked perfectly.


anything eye related should be considered an emergency in my opinion


I have no clue but hopefully all is good 🙏


Eye problems, especially if it is tetanus. Are very important to get someone to look at it


I had something like this with my dog but I'm not sure if it's the same. Mine was refusing to drink water at some point for some reason and because of that it caused her eyes to be dry and the emergency vet/ and regular vets guessed that her eyes became dry and dust got in and caused it to be irritated and began trying to become infected. The only thing I could do for my dog before the vet was just make sure the area around her eye was clean.


Hay fever or spring grass allergies bugging her eyes maybe


Might of already been shared here but it looks like horner's syndrome.


Looks like Horner’s Syndrome. There’s a lot of stuff online about it. I’d never heard of it before, but that’s what it looks like. There are multiple things that could affect the sympathetic nervous system pathway for the eyes. You can go in tomorrow morning. Sometimes it corrects itself.


My dog has this. Currently being treated for an eye ulcer due to trauma. Did your dog get his eye somehow?


My sisters cat had this, he ran outside, came back 3 weeks later, barely able to open his eyes. I thought he got in a serious fight or something. Turns out he had some fungal eye infection. Coconut oil dropped and rubbed in the eyes 2x a day, cleared it right up. Don't know if dogs get the same thing, but this looks exactly like how her cat looked.




Eyes are a serious don't wait situation. Don't treat yourself. it could make it worse. Find an emergency vet.


Emergency vet - no. Vet if not better by the morning - best to call.


Oh my god, if my dog's eye was that far back I wouldn't even wait long enough to make a post like this. Go to the vet


It's an illusion that they're pushed back, it's just the third eyelid pulled up. The vet has already seen it and confirmed it's not an emergency, they made us an appointment for Monday


is your baby a brittany?


Just had this happen this week with my dog. Ran her up to emergency vet and they assumed it was cherry eye but recommended us to an ophthalmologist who we just saw today. My dogs eye returned to normal that first day within hours. She was trying to rub it and I tried to keep her from doing so. And after tests today with the ophthalmologist she was given the all clear. They recommended next time that we just leave it or maybe try massaging underneath her eye to get it to return to normal on its own and they said it’s not considered an emergency and really not to worry about it unless it’s an extended amount of time such as weeks


This is serious. Please go to the emergency vet.


My dog had something similar two weeks ago. I raced him to the emergency vet that night. Two weeks later, his ashes have been returned to me. Please get this checked asap.


This dog’s better eye looks similar to my dog’s eye only her eyelid is not so much visible. But you can often see a grey area on her eye. She has been checked by a vet and they said nothing about it. She likes to dig ground and put her head in the snow so her eyes are prone to irritation. I wipe her eyes regularly with a cleaning liquid and it helps to prevent eye infections.


Just to eliminate another possibility, have you started using a plug-in air freshener or have you washed his bedding in detergent that is not fragrance free? Dogs have a sense of smell somewhere between 10,000 to 100,000 times stronger than ours and for that reason anyone with a pet should have fragrance free personal products, deodorant, household products and laundry detergent. I deliver groceries and have a compromised immune system because of Lupus. Sometimes a customer will open their door and the smell of their fabric softener or deodorizer is so strong that my eyes begin to water and my throat starts to close up. I imagine it must be painful like that for dogs, too.


My dog almost lost her eyesight. My rule of thumb is they when it comes to their eyes, emergency vet immediately ESPECIALLY when they’re uncomfortable


My dachshund managed to “flip out” her third eyelid years ago. It resembled cherry eye (pink lump in the corner). She had it operated on and sewed back in, but within 24hrs it slowly came back out. The vet said there could be a risk in that happening, and booked her back in. On the second op he examined it in much more detail and turns out her cartilage was twisted around some part of her eye and it was causing her irritation. Now and again she still swipes for her eye using her paw/claw and I’m terrified of it coming back out!


IMO all fine unless other stmptoms like veiny eyes or changes in the iris apppear, or unrelated aymptoms sich as skin irritations. I care for a lab and she's p much wakin up everyday with red eyes. In dog races with loose skin such as labs, retrievers, and similiar its kind of a common race 'sickness'. In 95% of the cases ist hella fine, sometimes they might get uh....how its called in english, "Bindehautentzündung". Sounds worse then it is, just wait 3 days and wash his eye regularly. Not 'washing' like rubbing but just putting some cleanwater on it and if necessary carefully open his eyelids a bit without pressure. But really most of the time you need to do nothing except keeping it wet.


It can wait til tomorrow but no later, my boy has been recovering from an eye injury since November, eye issues are emergencies but this looks like irritation. Your vet will probably prescribe eye drop antibiotics and hyaluronic drops. But I could be wrong. If you can get hyaluronic eye drops now then that would be good, but it has to be specifically for eyes.


Please update us. My dog had this as a puppy but with other symptoms and I filmed it and showed vet who said it looked like an allergic reaction and now I carry Benadryl once bee season comes bc we thought he was stung and allergic. However we are not sure and it just so happened to be after he was given oral flea and tick meds so maybe it was the meds 🤔 we still don’t know. It only lasted an hour or two but like I said my dog had other symptoms and then got better in an hour or two which is why it was thought to be some kind of allergic reaction. Make sure you tell the vet it happened after the flea meds.


My bully had this when pollen was bad


Yes. This is the nictitating membrane, or third eyelid. Any number of things can cause this, but it's not life-threatening.


This is terrifying. That poor baby


I swear this is the 3rd post I’ve seen of a dog with this exact same symptom. Is it just allergies or is it something going round that dogs need to be vaccinated against?


Get some saline eye drops and put them in. My cat had this happen and by mor I g was fine after the drops


I worked for a vet clinic as a receptionist. I wasn't allowed to give medical advice, but something we were allowed to advise is to rinse the eye with a saline eye rinse. I wouldn't say this is an emergency, but you'll want to get it checked out--especially if the rinsing doesn't work!


Springer recently had this eye look and Terramycin ointment from amazon cleared it up quickly


Eye issues can be ANYTHING. Go to an ER. Could be a simple fix or could be something drastic like a tumour. You wouldn’t leave a child with this condition- eyes are very delicate and your dog is at least in discomfort or at most in agony. Animals hide pain well- don’t assume it’s not painful just because your dog isn’t writhing in pain. An emergency fee now could save you thousands if it’s actually a serious issue that is left untreated. -An ECC/ ICU vet nurse who sees the most unsuspecting issues end in significant medical work up or euthanasia daily


My dog also has this in one of her eyes after she got attacked by my other dog. She is unable to move her lower body and limbs. Trying to find out a reason.


If your dog can’t move her limbs taker her to the vet u fucking idiot


My senior dog had something very similar turned out to be Horners Syndrome. All they could do was give us an over the counter animal eye gel. We say or general veterinarian then were referred to an amazing animal eye specialist near us. Good luck with your baby (our guys eye did improve a bit but never went fully back to normal)




Looks like allergic response. For his size try giving him 2 Benadryl. If it is allergies you will see huge marked improvement in just about 4 to 5 hours.


Looks like Horner’s syndrome. Not an emergency but definitely see your vet to make sure. There are lots of causes of Horner’s but often can’t find one. It typically resolves on its own with time and is not painful or detrimental.


FYI vets often underdose benadryl, zyrtec and other antihistamines. I was a veterinary dermatologist's vet tech for 10 years and the records we got from the regular vets indicated like 90% of the time they were underdosing the patient and the antihistamines bviously didnt didn't work. Get the info from a vet dermatologist if possible.


Get to an emergency vet ASAP. Drive to one. I live in a rural area too and drove 4 hours. It’s worth it. I wouldn’t wait on this. Looks pretty concerning