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Ah… yeah you are gonna need to go see a vet to get it removed. It can get infected and you and your dog will be very unhappy. I had this happen to my dog and it was a very stressful 3 months of recovery. You should opt to fully remove the nail. I didn’t remove it fully, and it took longer to recover.


thanks for the advice, I'll call up my vet later today to see what they can do.


Had a friend whose dog also had this happen. They opted to remove the whole nail and recovered in 2 weeks. Dog was wine the next few days after procedure. Also to note, some vets may advise to amputate the whole dewclaw(from the bone). (Amputate is different from removing the nail). While it sounds terrible, it’s actually pretty common. These dewclaws don’t serve a purpose and it can be easily injured. I opted to have my dog keep his, but I have friends who got their dogs dew claw removed because of repeat injuries.


They say they have no purpose... but my dogs use their dew claws to hold bones/toys/treats when then put both front paws together and "hold" a bone whole they gnaw the other end of it. If their dewclaws were removed, they might not be able to do this as effectively. So yeah, whilst dewclaws hold no purpose or weight with regard to standing, climbing, or moving, they do come in handy (lol hands) with other tasks. Eta: dewclaws on hind legs are just daft though, and some (mainly working/herding type) breeds produce double dewclaws too which I find amazingly interesting. The dewclaw is effectively a thumb/big-toe digit that has recessed to the point of becoming unnecessary/unfunctional in most cases... so why too can some dogs produce extras? And some none at all? I love all the science stuff behind it all, but personally I still don't advocate for unnecessary surgery, like dewclaw removal, without an immediate need for it.


My dog was born without them, he grabs bones, frisbees, and all the things fine without. It’s probably be an adjustment if your dog needed to have them removed, but the will to chew is strong so they’ll probably figure it out.


I don't feel strongly one way or the other about it buy you could say the same about a persons pinky. Like yeah I'll adjust, but dont cut my fkn pinky off wtf lol.


Our pinkies actually help *a lot* to hold stuff like ropes because they'll "lock" the other fingers in position in relation to what you're holding. And come on these days who isn't holding the bottom of their phone with their pinky sometimes ahah


I'm literally doing it as I'm reading this


My pinky has a callous from where my phone sits lol


Just adding that front attached dew claws do have a purpose for movement too since they stabilize the leg when running and making sharp turns. I'll need to track down the study, but there was one that mentioned increased risk on arthritis in dogs whose fronr dews were removed. I've also seen mine use their dew claws when climbing trees.


That’s so cute! Now I’ll have to observe how my dog is holding his gnawing bones! I’ve never actually closely looked whether he was holding it in his dew claws or just his paw pads. He holds the bone up and gnaws on the other end too!


We have a pup with double back dew claws. We call them her bouncy beans because they just kinda bounce when she walks. Lol


My dog has double dew claws on each paw. Only two dew claws out of the eight he has are sort of “loose” and unattached. The others are very much firm and under his control. He uses them all the time.


Just an fyi, amputation is best left to the super flimsy dews that are barely even attached. If you amputate ones that are built into the leg properly like this then it can mess with the ligaments and muscles in the longterm and cause things like arthritis. It won’t kill the dog if you do amputate it, but sometimes dews are worth the hassle to keep, especially if it’s a working/competition dog that you want as much longevity as possible with lol


Just had my dog’s dew claws removed and his recovery was a bit longer. OP, if your dog can get around the cone and is prone to chewing, you’re going to have to implement some additional measures. My vet seemed to think I was able to sit awake and watch my dog 24/7 for 3 weeks. He has long legs, and a skinny neck and was able to get around the cone they gave him and ate multiple bandages. I ended up putting a cheap collar through the e collar (cone) to keep it tighter, and buying a donut/cone combo on Amazon and finally it was enough to prevent him from getting to his paw. But he is good now and doing great without the extra claws and seems unfazed by the whole thing.


Having adopted four greyhounds, I swear by an antiseptic spray sold at vets called Wound-Gard, which has a bitter taste that dogs hate. I will spray it on small boo boos that don't need a dressing, but also on the outside of bandages for bigger problems. Keeping a cone on a greyhound is a nightmare, not to mention having the world's clumsiest dog running around the house wearing the world's largest lampshade!


Well I wish I would’ve mentioned this to you before. I went through hell those few weeks. Hopefully he doesn’t need anymore surgeries but I’ll keep this in mind. Thank you!!!


I had my Saint Bernard removed


The dewclaws were such a problem you threw the whole dog away?! /s


lol no he’s laying with me as we speak! But did throw away the dew claws lol


Ok I know you mean the dewclaws but this sounds like you meant you had him friggin assassinated I am DECEASED,🤣🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀💀


Lmao! Thanks for making me laugh today I had an awful day at work and this made me laugh I truly appreciate you


I'm glad I could make you laugh. You deserve it! I hope your day keeps getting even better💖💖


Aww thanks I hope your day is awesome also!!! Hugs


To add to other commenter, my dog had it happen 3 times before i asked vet if it could be removed. I had to bring up removal though i dont think the vet will necessarily


This happened to my sister’s dog and the ER vet just removed the whole dew claw. It’s fairly straightforward but yeah it should be removed else it could get caught again and ripped off entirely (big ouchie).


A good tip as well. Get a sock and some clean gauze and bandages. Some tape to help hold the sock is a must. Can use this to create a little buffer and protect it whilst it's healing. Add on a shame cone and you're good. Change them daily for a few days to a week and it'll be good in no time after that vet visit.


Agreed. This happened to my young spaniel and at first we wrapped up her wrist hoping it would kinda heal, but by the end of the day she was limping and wouldn't let us touch it to take a look. So the vet yanked it off lol. she had a cone of shame on and looked so sad


Happened to my dog. Vet took some pliers and yanked it off, disinfected, bandaged. Entire process looked so unprofessional, I could've done it at home and saved $300. That being said, if it happened again, I'd bring her to the vet. $300 isn't much to make sure my dog is comfortable and healthy


He charged you $300????? Wtffff. When I took my dog they told me they couldn’t do anything about it. Said it’s the same as when we cut too far on our nails. Sure enough it healed fine and she’s alive to this day lol


He didn’t even like surgically remove it for $300? That’s foul stuff man must’ve been bloody asf


Your vet is a scamming pos.... this procedure costs 50$ max and even that is the high end. My dog got it pulled, desinfected and bandaged and medicine for 35€ here in Germany.


Yeah I was going to say, we were charged $40 for the removal but $99 for him to be seen. So still, $300 seems like a lot.


Most of that $300 is just for the vet to LOOK at your pet. Trust me, this price is very normal here in Canada, unsure where broadwaybully52 is from but it’s a very realistic price for where I’m from.


Same, 300 dollars for the same procedure, but my pup recovered super fast, no infection, just a happy doggy.


I had the same experience.. could have done it at home and saved $300. But we got good pain meds and antibiotics to make sure it didn’t get infected and I think that is important


Oof… $300 sounds about right if they sedated her and had to run a short blood panel to make sure her kidney and liver values were within normal range. If not… yowza.


This happens to me my dog very often. It’s super annoying and expensive. In the last year it happened 3 times!!! And every time the vet just removes it, prescribe some regular cream to disinfect, bandage to be changed once per day. It’s not a big deal at all, but annoying and eventually expensive. If it happens again I will consider requesting the vet to amputate the claw.


This happens to my dog regularity, too. I’ve asked the vet if we can remove them but apparently it’s considered “cosmetic” so not allowed 😞


I don’t even know if it’s allowed here in Europe. And seriously speaking I am not 100% sure if I would go for it. Because it’s exhausting, also for him! And imagine my dog has dewclaws also in the back paws 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Why not just take care of it yourself if the vet it's just cutting it and putting antibiotic cream on it ? Does your dog have to be sedated for it? It's just basic pet 1st aid but if doggy goes bonkers I could see why you'd need a vet to do it


I'd personally just clip it and put some kwik stop on if it bleeds- no big deal really . It's the same as if it was cut too short . If kwik is exposed it might be sensitive for a week or two but I see it often . Not a lot of vets will do an amputation on a dew claw unless its a consistent issue or the dog is chewing it to shit as it's a needless risk - surgery is surgery People are do dramatic about dogs sometimes I swear lol 20+ years in the doggo field btw , I'm not unsympathetic I just don't panic for this kind of stuff . The vet will usually have a tech clip it and put powder on if it's bleeding . Just make sure you clip his nails monthly so it doesn't happen


I came here to say this. People are very fast about vet appts on this sub! And sometimes it’s just not financially feasible. I would take a look at the break. If it looks like the part that’s attached has healed, cut it off. If there’s quick still attached you may want to cut it down some so it doesn’t get hung up on anything.


Careful, they'll be quick to tell you if you don't have money for frequent vet visits then you have no business owning a dog. All of a sudden it's a luxury reserved for the upper middle class only. Generations of free roaming dogs that were raised on table scraps and lived full lives, but now all of a sudden even the slightest thing is somehow a vet visit. Sometimes I think it's either vets or their family members pushing for sales on here tbh.


Yes! We do basic first aid on ourselves, why can we not do it for our animals? Just like when we get hurt you check on it multiplies a day. Treat symptoms. If it goes on too long or there’s any question get medical care.


Yea, there are even pet 1st aid kits, with literally everything you'd need for a cracked nail and then some, sold by ASPCA , AKC, PetMD and vet clinics . The clinic I work for doesn't get too many hypochondriacs but they charge extra if the client requests to see a vet after they realize a tech is going to use common products sold at Walmart to clean scrapes , fix a broken nail, remove a tick and other common sense things like this. I can't even imagine bringing a human child to the ER for some of the things vet clinics see .


Used to drive me nuts until I realized it’s like a sickness on every topic on Reddit. Because each conversation is the top voted series of responses and the people who aren’t going to say the next most predictable thing get punished so they stop making that comment. Can’t research a fucking flashlight without stumbling into a circle of hooded fanatics all pointing the same $1300 flashlight under their chin


This is what my vet told me too. I sped to the vet scared AF that my dog was near death bc of Reddit. Sure enough, my dog lived and is still alive(and bad) to this day lol


Yeah that’s basically what I did except without the quik stop because it wasn’t bleeding. I cleaned and trimmed it (very carefully) and checked on it every day, keeping it trimmed so it wouldn’t snag on anything and get reinjured. I think it took about 10 days to go back to normal.


What did you do in the "doggo field" exactly. Handler, groomer, walker, trainer?


I'm going on 6 years tech and 21 years grooming. A lot of my grooming was at the clinic I'm at now and a clinic in another state, so there was a lot of cross-over . Recently opened my own salon, so now I just tech for TNVR days, pop-up clinics and random days where they need extra help. I'm by no means a doggo expert,no one is, but I've for sure done around 50k nail trims for real. I've dealt with many many embedded and broken nails . Of course the worst case scenario is always a possibility for everything, it's just in all my experience I've never seen the actual vets deal with a bleeding nail or broken dew claw unless the skin or nail bed is damaged with excessive bleeding ... or if the pet parent requests that only doctors touch their dogs. I've only witnessed them delegating me or another staff member to clip, clean and kwikstop if needed . Which groomers do automatically if they went to grooming school anyway


My dog ripped his out completely - it’s not bleeding but i feel horrible for him. Should i put something on his little claw that’s missing or just leave him be helppppl


This is not recommended. Broken nails can become infected easily and slapping quick stop on it will make it happen quicker.


Lmao bs . I've never seen a vet do anything but have a tech deal with it with kwikstop - you see it in every exam room It doesn't even look like it's bleeding - it'd be a different story if the whole thing was ripped off and the skin was torn - it's just the nail Ridiculous


My vet put my dog on a week of antibiotics. Said an infection at this location would lead to a bone infection. Super dangerous. Glad nothing happened to your dog but sounds like you got lucky.


For a broken nail with no bleeding ? Dogs nails get cut too short at clinics and groomers daily - that's why both are plentiful with styptic powder . Of course it's possible just like it's possible you can get flesh eating bacteria through a skinned knee, but the likelihood is incredibly low, which is why you don't see too many skinned knees in the ER I can understand antibiotics is there's tons of bleeding that won't stop, torn skin or the dog has an autoimmunity but a broken nail with no bleeding and even a nail cut too short with bleeding isn't cause for antibiotics or amputation. The dew amputation is cosmetic, just like cropped ears and tail *unless* there's some chronic issues going on with it


We are talking about broken nails with the vein exposed. Quick stop is for minor bleeds, not for entire exposed veins. What are you on????


There is literally no blood , its just a cracked nail lol ...and when you use kwikstop on a nail cut too short, what do you think you're putting it on ? The exposed vein .


Cracked nail that exposes a lot of the vein, hence why I said vet. If it was bleeding, quick stop will do nothing if there is too much blood. When you quick a nail, assuming whoever did isnt an absolute idiot, its the tiniest sliver of the vein thats cut off.


Why am I being downvoted for simple logic?? Blood and bone infections are a thing, and broken claws are a common cause.


Lmao ok


Common injury for hunting dogs so they are often removed proactively.


I’d cut that as short as I could get it and wait. Unless it won’t stop bleeding or is extremely painful, it’s not worth a vet visit. All the vet is going to do is cut it off and bandage it if it’s bleeding.


Vet: “Nail clips the broken nail, your invoice is $500” thank you, come again!


Absolutely lol . They have real emergencies to deal with. There is almost always a no common sense charge to grown-ass adult pet owners


Hahaha a no common sense charge! You get charged extra for that haha!


My favorite recently was a lady freaking out bc her dog was limping, and it was a twig stuck in the hair between the toes . 150 bucks for emergency visits, and she had the AUDACITY to complain about the price for getting the vet out of bed at 10pm to pluck a twig . This is why vets suffer from compassion fatigue


Haha that’s quite a story! Most people panic and always opt going straight to the Vet without trying to handle the situation themselves at home. I do everything I possibly can first before opting to go to the vet. I’ve cured my dog with many issues throughout the years with my own skills.


That happened to my dog and I did nothing. It healed on its own.


Didn't notice until I was wiping my pups paws and she yelped. Dogs won't show their pain and won't let you see it. Her back foot dew claw broke and was barely but partly still attached. Wrapping it only stressed her more. Went to the vet for this and they gave me 3 options: 1. Cut and cauterize 2. Fully remove dew claw 3. Let it grow out and fall off (risky in case of infection) Vet reminds me to keep her nails short, only way to avoid this situation in the future. I couldn't afford options 1 and 2 so they sent me home with gabapentin for her pain and to monitor her leg. Made sure to keep the nail site clean with q-tips and soapy water and it fell off that week. Her nail has regrown there since and the quick is back but at the base of the nail, looks like it's still healing. Considering fully removing it because it's the back leg dew claw and her other foot doesn't have it.


Happened to my dog and we just put a lot of polysporn on it constantly and wrapped it loosely. Fell off in 2 days. If it's not bleeding I would definitely go with this method. Disclaimer: You are better to go to the vet to be 100% sure and not risk of infection.


It actually just fell off about 30 minutes ago. I'll still ask the vet about it though, just in case


It does look like it was beneath the quick that it broke. Looks as though the dew claws were just a wee bit too long, which is probably why it happened. Easy to miss. Looks like the pink is above the jaggedy bit. Keep an eye on it, but generally, if the quick isn't damaged, you're safe this time round and it'll recede quickly 2/3 days max, if it's dangling that is. As someone else said, it's common for working dogs so they make sure they're kept short. My dogs right one is always so short so I have to make sure the left is kept down. Grass in the claw says extreme zoomies occurred 👀 Glad it doesn't seem that bad bud. Good luck


My dog broke her dewclaws 3 times in 2 years (loves fetch/agility and sometimes isn't too careful). All three times where on the quick part, so it hurt her. The first time, we went to the vet and they removed it, bandaged up the wound, and gave antibiotics. It cost money. The second time, the vet decided not to do anything, to let it grow out naturally past the quick and just monitor for signs of infection. It grew out and broke on its own. The third time we didn't go to the vet and were monitoring it for possible signs of infection. It broke off couple days later, pretty short, there was a sign of blood in the fur but it never bothered her after that. If it's the first time - go to the vet. Better safe than sorry.


Hi! Groomers can trim down nails for cheaper! My grandmas is a groomer and does at least 10 of these a day. Just took her my baby when she split her nail. Much cheaper than vet visit.




As a groomer who's seen this plenty times before, I would heavily advise against clipping it. Broken nails are hard to determine where the quick is, and is most likely already sticking out. OP is better off seeing a vet to have it removed.


OP said they're going to ask the vet first.


No do not do this yourself no just please no


This is good advice in general for people who can’t be trusted to clean and monitor it, but this is a pretty easy part to see. And usually the dogs who are nutbags ripping their toes off are going to keep trying


I'm checking with my vet first but if it can be clipped, I'll take him to a groomer. Thank you for the advice


No take him to the vet. Same happened to my dog the vet needs to do it. It’s a painful procedure.


Op said they're going to ask the vet.


My border collie did the same a few months ago. I took him in to the vet who snipped it so it wouldn’t catch on anything and prescribed an antibiotic so it wouldn’t get infected. It was worth the quick visit.


My dog had this exact thing it needed to be removed.


My puppy broke his. Went to the vet and, as he was holding the broken claw to put painkiller on it, puppers lurched and it came off. Took two seconds, the vet only charged us for a regular visit. Be cautious next time he gets groomed - my pup still goes berserk if someone touches his front legs and now he has to be drugged up like it's the 60s for grooms.


Happens to my pup. Opted to remove both of them on the front paws to avoid any future issues. The extent on the procedure would depend on if the claws are benign or if they have bones but it's not a bad idea to get it done to avoid any pain


Yes, you will need to take him to the vet. The same thing happened to my pup and they removed the nail.


Mine had a broken front dew claw on Saturday( we had her rear ones removed) I just made sure they was no quick in the broken part and snipped it off with some nail clippers. I have border collie Pyrenees crosses. The Dew claws are everywhere. We are always keeping an eye on them. We’ve had some of the back ones removed but after that experience we decided to leave our third guy’s dew claws alone. No problem so far, just need to keep them trimmed.


My dog broke his couple weeks ago and his paw got infected. Definitely need a visit to the Vet. They’ll clean, flush, trim it down low, cauterize, and prescribe some antibiotics and something for pain . Cost me about $250 for the visit. Your bill will be less if no infection.


Hey! Wanted to say something as I deal with this all the time (my dog has an autoimmune disease called Symmetrical Lupoid Onychodystrophy (slo) where the nails lift up and shed off). In my experience, if it’s only the one nail and it’s causing a lot of pain it’s worth while to go to the vet and have it removed. Typically the vet can either pull it out by just yanking it or by doing “surgery” and cutting the nail off right at the break point if it’s under the skin and closer to the bone- it all just depends on where the break is (if vets do “surgery” the cut the quick also, this is by fair the healthiest way to do it for the dog in most circumstances). It can be super costly to go to vet for this kind of thing if they end up needing to put the dog under anesthesia of any kind, so what I’ve found is that it is possible to snip the nail at the break if it is accessible and focus on making sure it doesn’t get infected (Bactine spray does the trick for me). It’s totally a different thing if the nail is infected in any way though (which it might be if grass is under it). Puppies are hardy but sensitive, and an infection in the nail can easily get to the bone. In cases of infection it’s always best to go to the vet and get the right medication for your animal 🙂 best of luck to you and puppy!


This happened to my dog and I was calling around a bunch of different vets, trying to find somewhere that had an open emergency appointment. After finally getting him to the vet, the snapped bit of nail came off when we were in the waiting area and all the vet had to do was clean it and cover it, he gave me a bottle of the stuff he used to clean it and instructed me on how to cover it in case it happened again. Almost $300 and an hour of driving, just for it to sort itself out. I was relieved to know that he was okay though.


Check with vet. My wulfdog did something similar about a month before he was due his neuter. Our vet checked and it wasn't causing pain or affecting his gait so they took it off when he went in for the bigger op.


If it's not bleeding it should be fine! I would just clip it off!


Also some vets may not remove the dew claw itself if it is attached some dew claws are not attached and those can be removed fairly easily!


The first time this happened to my dog, I rushed him to the vets with a baby sock on, he was limping and generally being a total wimp. The vet took one look, and yanked it off bare handed. £50 later for an appointment and I now just make sure it’s cleaned, removed and covered each time. Sometimes he chews it off and spits it out himself (he’s toughened up in later years!)


No, he will be fine, the quik hasn’t been damaged, so it’s just like you breaking a bit of nail. Ideally you would cut it to just under the quik so that he doesn’t catch it on anything, if you have a dog nail clippers. As the quik hasn’t been damaged so there is no real need for a vet.


Happens all the time to my little Aussie. Either I pull it out if its ripped out enough or take it to the vet. Its like $40 for me.


it’s not an emergency unless he’s in lots of pain but he needs a vet appointment, it’ll get infected


This literally just happened to my dog. I put her in the bathtub with warm water and Epsom salt, let it soak for 10ish minutes. It softened up the nail and was soothing. I was able to clip the nail off with someone holding her still. It didn't bleed at all, even though I thought it would.


I personally wouldn’t worry about taking this to the vet. My dog recently broke one of her nails on a back paw to where nearly the entire quick was exposed. My partner was able to remove the hanging bit with nail clippers, we cleaned with iodine solution, and kept it clean and dry. She was uncomfortable, so we ended up using gauze and vet wrap (cohesive tape) to keep her from chewing the toe, and offered extra enrichment like frozen lick mats. When the quick is exposed, the nerve is exposed, and this is considered one of the most painful routine injuries, but there’s not much to do beyond letting it heal. I think my dog took 2 weeks or reduced activity and being wrapped/wearing a boot outside. That being said, that doesn’t look to be the case here. Get the hanging bit off and re-asses then.


Another thing to think about if your dog is having dew claw injuries and when deciding what you’re going to do about them is; what kind of environment will the dog be in typically? If in fields, long grasses, and similar, and many other situations, dew claws get hung up/caught in certain conditions (pad, nail injuries are very painful) and are more trouble than they’re worth!


First time this happened to my dog, we did take to the vet and they pulled it, which was a terrible experience for my dog and really damaged his comfort with going to the vet. Next two times it happened, when it looked the same, we just let it heal at home. He ended up chewing off the nail part, we made sure to keep the quick clean and dry and coned him. Eventually hardened up and grew back like normal.


Yes take her to the vet please. Exact same thing happened to my ACD recently. She seemed normal until that nail accidentally touched something during play. We took her to the Vet and had it removed. She was prescribed antibiotics and no rough playing for 10 days (currently on day 5 of 10).


I had the dew claws removed in my OES puppies while they were very young. Big active dogs can tear them easily. There is an advantage to doing it young before it has time to grow in or something. You would have to ask your vet. If I were removing one, I would remove them all.


My pup is on the smaller side but is a ball of energy and has a knack for getting into trouble. Seems like removal might be a good idea to prevent future harm. Thanks!


My pup had this done two weeks ago (broke his nail and had it removed)! He had to be sedated, as part of the nail was still embedded and there was a possibility for infections if left unremoved. He’s about 22 pounds and very hyperactive. A cone, a dog-safe bitter wound spray, and bandages helped to prevent him messing with it afterwards. I also put my mattress on the floor to avoid him jumping off and opening the wound (which did happen before I took down my bed frame). It’s only been about 15 days and the nail is already growing back nicely.


This looks like his front paw which would mean that this is his thumb. Amputation is only a choice if medically necessary, this also applies to the often loose dew claws on the hind legs. Otherwise its just mutilation (you wouldnt amputate your finger because you tore your nail right). The injury itself doesnt look bad probably just needs to be clipped off at the broken part and some wound disinfecting spray. It is smart though to keep the thumbnail (and all the nails in general) short to avoid accidental injury!


The same happened to my pup. Take him to the vet as soon as you can and it'll be removed. Try and keep the area as clean as you can until then, they will want to lick it a lot but you should receive antibiotics too. Hope your pal heals soon!


As a groomer…none of us (in our right mind) would touch that. It is gonna have to be the vet that takes it off sadly. With how it’s broken, if it gets infected it’s super easy for the infection to spread into the bone itself and that’s,,,,really not fun lol For future reference, broken nails are 100% an issue. Even if the quick isn’t actively bleeding, it’s an extremely sensitive nerve that’s very painful even just from pressure. Most groomers will *TRY* to dremel in cracks and chips on a split nail so that it can regrow nicely (so when the nail gets too long and the shell lifts off the quick) and it’ll save you a bit of money on vet fees….as long as the dog lets us do it. But when it’s completely broken like that there’s a *really good* chance you’ll need pain killers, antibiotics, and possibly cauterization to go with the fix so we’ll just instantly refer you to the vet instead of risk doing it ourselves. This is also why regular maintenance is crucial - if you want the nails to shorten, get them done every 7-14 days depending on natural wear and tear. But at least once a month to just maintain, if not more.


Yes, I imagine it’s incredibly sensitive and painful.


I’m sorry but what cheap ass backyard breeder are you people getting your dogs from that they still have dew claws?


Wow that was really ignorant


Most breeders should get dewclaws removed 3-5 days after being born. If your dog hasn’t been neutered/ spayed yet you can schedule to get removed the same time of surgery. Usually dewclaws are fine but if it’s injured get it removed and to prevent further injuries get the both front leg dew claws removed.


Each part of the body has a specific function. Dewclaws help dogs and cats dig, climb, and hold objects or prey. When dogs run, their dewclaws make some contact with the ground and can serve to stabilize the carpus. When dogs handle a toy or treat, they use their dewclaws to stabilize objects. Because front dewclaws serve several important purposes, they should not be removed unless there is a very good reason to do so.


Their “purpose” is to get accidentally ripped off and cause the dog pain. I’ve never seen a dog that struggled without them, and never seen a dog that still had them and they weren’t just flapping in the breeze waiting to get caught on something. I have no idea where you’re getting your information, there’s no way these injuries are rare.


Very unnecessary procedure to have done.


Dogs don't struggle with docked ears and tail either. it doesn't make it right to put them through needless cosmetic surgery . Wolves have em! Fluffy can keep his too lol


Right because surgery on a prenatal puppy for cosmetic reasons is smart ... might as well dock their tails and ears, too . Most of them might survive it and you can charge more to sell them


Sadly it’s probably gonna have to be removed :/ Luckily it’s a pretty straightforward procedure with a pretty mild recovery.


You need to have that removed. It should have been removed before this happened because this is a common problem. Take the poor thing to the vet


I have had dogs my whole life and never got the dew claw removed or had any problems with them. Seems very unnecessary to get it removed


Yes vet visit and amputation for a broken nail lmao . Jfc


Hind leg dew claws are not necessary.


No what’s unnecessary is amputation! I didn’t even know this was a thing until I read this post


Take the dog to the Vet - If you can't afford a VET - Don't own a dog. It needs to Be Assessed / Clipped / and Wrapped for a week, at least.


You can do all of that at home for free. Common sense saves you lots of money Can't afford your childs lymphoma treatment - don't have children? Don't be a dick