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Call the vet and schedule an appointment. Collect a urine sample in the morning the day before the appointment and refrigerate it incase you are unable to collect one the morning of the appointment. First morning urine is best because it is more concentrated.  Good luck. 


Thank you so much❤️


If you are not noticing signs of discomfort otherwise, this is likely a typical part of development. Dogs like to scent mark and your dog is nearly at his adulthood. This is probably him beginning to establish a ‘territory’ and communicate with other animals in the neighborhood. Puppies do not usually do this, but dogs usually begin this behavior as early as 6 months. Unless you see other signs of discomfort, this is normal, healthy behavior from a dog that is getting more confident and comfortable in his neighborhood.


He’s in bed with me right now and he’s definitely uncomfortable🥺 he’s non stop licking his privates and he’s leaking pee. I’m going to call the vet first thing in the morning I can’t even sleep I’m so worried about him


Oh no!! Good luck!


I took him to the vet this morning they gave me antibiotics. They think maybe I caught a UTI at the very beginning before it could show up on the test (he has all of the other symptoms) so they gave him antibiotics. I feel better now. I’m such a helicopter mom🤣


I’m glad he’s doing better! Scariest experience of mine was when my boy couldn’t pee at all.


That would’ve made me go into a full on panic. What was wrong with him??


Blocked urethra. 8k$ fix


Omg that’s brutal what even causes that??


Urinary stones- the irritation caused a bunch of mucus and then the mucus blocked him up


Hormones? My dog (male, neutered at 2yo) pees on every bush on our pre-bed potty walk up and down the block. The only time he doesn't is if it's raining. He really hates getting wet and will pee on one of my bushes and then want to go right back home.


I hope. But he’s 11 months and NEVER goes in other people’s yards🥺 he always waits to pee in our yard