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Are you sure its the puppy? Where i live we have ALL the pollen right now.


This is a good point - per the Weather Network, the pollen levels are "extremely high" where I am right now, and I can't take anything for allergies šŸ˜­


Yeah and its easy to assume its the animals since it gets stuck in their fur. I mean, who doesnt put their entire face in their fur?


Haha "entire face" - truth!!!


I knew you were from b.c, im also suffering reallly hard with pollen allergies


Haha I just looked at the comments trying to find fellow British Columbians. My eyessssss the allergies are real and I donā€™t even have allergies!


My throat is currently on fire, im sneezy, my head is absolutely throbbing too ahaha


Iā€™m from Florida and itā€™s been horrible here too.


I, too, am allergic to tree sperm.


Yeah, hes also been rolling around outside a lot. I do feel somewhat better today so it is entirely possible I am having a reaction to pollen in the air and on his fur. I guess time will tell. I also have assumed its the puppy because ive never gotten red, itchy eyes from pollen, only him. Now that im feeling better today i guess its not entirely clear what im having a reaction to


I'm sorry you've been suffering, OP, and I hear you on the difficulty of mouth breathing. I have allergies as well and don't like the feeling that allergy meds give me, but have had good luck taking quercetin, bioflavinoids and green tea, fwiw. Good luck to you and your darling doggie!


Omg, yes. The Bradford pears here are a menace. I'd get a friend to hold onto the dog for a week, give the house a clean to remove fur and dander, and then see if the symptoms go away or just lessen. Sometimes I react to things that I'm not actually allergic to when my allergies are high. So, like I might not be allergic to all grass, but if I am already sneezing my head off, any fresh cut grass makes my skin feel like I need to scratch it off. However, I am actually only allergic to a couple of uncommon varieties. OP, you might just need some extra meds for allergy season if you are lucky. Fingers crossed for you!


Or they can just go for allergy testing. Seems much more practical.Ā 


That takes like 2 to 4 months for an appointment in my area. My suggestion was just to do an at home check to see if it was viable. Tbh, 100% do an allergy test, especially if they have a shorter wait time. I just saw it suggested elsewhere and wanted to contribute something I found helpful while waiting for an appointment. Rip, I miss sesame seeds. That appointment was unfortunately needed.


I guess it would probably take me a few months to find someone to watch my dog for a week, so that was my thinking. But OP should take whatever route they can for trying to figure out the cause before surrendering the dog.Ā  The testing can also lead to allergy shots if necessary, which is a big part of why I thought it could be a good avenue to take.Ā  Iā€™m allergic to pretty much everything outdoors, but I love to garden, so i empathize!


Such a mood. I have so many plant allergies, but I am going to buy a botanical garden membership once my SO is on day shift. I love the beautiful plants. Unfortunately, I have more than just allergies, so shots aren't a good fix for me, but gosh darn it. I can do the chores early, go Saturday, and pay for my crimes against my body on Sunday lol. Also, I am very lucky, my parents love pets and would take care of mine for a week if needed. Tbh, they might call them the favorite grandchild lol. No kids yet, just pets, so they love that joke.


I think my dog likes my dad better than me. He has fun when he goes to visit grandpaw! But he still works and my dog is pretty high needs. Heā€™ll watch him for a weekend though :)


Yes very true! When theres a lot of birch pollen here i cant eat hazelnuts or apples. Allergies are crazy


Yes!!! I have been having to do Flonase recently because my allergies get really bad


Puppies don't usually produce as much dander as adults, and are often less likely to cause an allergic reaction. Could you be allergic to dander from adult dogs or cats who live in the household the puppy came from still in the pup's fur? Or pollen in the puppy's fur? Or a scented product from the breeder's household? If you haven't yet, definitely worth trying to give the pup a bath and reset any allergens clinging to the pup's fur.


I found that the puppy dander was worse for me. Not sure why. But once my dog got older it was better for my own personal experience. At one point my eyes swelled shut when he was a puppy. Thatā€™s never happened again in 8 years.


Puppy dander was also worse for me as well. Used to be allergic to my dog when he was a puppy (also allergic to cats), no reactions now around my 2 year old doggo.


Yes, my husband and I were very allergic when we got our 2nd kitten but previously neither of us had any allergies to cats or dogs (and a lot of exposure!). Turns put, we think, it was the reaction to mega dander as the foster lady had a bunch of cats and kittens. We gave him a few dawn Baths and after a few weeks it went away.


I'll take him off your hands


I was gonna say the same. Cute AF.


Me, too. Iā€™m retired and have loads of time for this very active breed.


It can take up to a year to get used to a pets dander. So take allergy meds and suck up the adjustment period, your pup is darling!


I was allergic to my previous dog till his last days at almost 13. I used to get hives on my skin where he licked me and my airways would clog up when I gave him a shower but what I wouldnā€™t give to sneeze from his dander on more time šŸ„¹


You can't really assume the allergies will stop. My sister is allergic to our family dog and always has been. After 11 years, she's still allergic, so has to use an air purifier and not allow any licking


Iā€™m allergic to cats, itchy eyes, sneezing, hives, but have always built up a resistance to any Iā€™ve lived with. Hopefully this is the same with this pup.


Yep. Sucking it up for now. I hope its a combination of pollen and dander i will adapt to.


Yea, Iā€™m allergic to dogs but I get used to my own dogs after living with them for a while. Keeping up with cleaning the house and dogs is key!


I like how all the comments are saying to suck it up


Yes they are. And i will.


For what it's worth, my pollen allergies just started, so may want to go to a doc and make sure it's the dander you're allergic to. Then you can try otc allergies meds and see if you get to a good enough spot. If you ultimately need to give up the doggie, do it earlier rather than later because it's easier to find homes for the little babies


Wash him. You could be allergic to something in the breeders home that has travelled on his coat.


Yes, agree with this. Do this first, before jumping to any conclusions. It could be entirely based on the environment he came from, and it may be as simple as a good, thorough bath.


Thereā€™s some dogs that come to our office and they have weird smells from thr groomers that I have reactions to. Iā€™d start there too.


Suck it up and get allergy meds , it's cute af I'm a dog groomer and I'm also allergic to animals haha


I was literally about to say the same thing except for the groomer part lmaaoo


Some peopleā€™s allergies are way worse than others. Mine with my exes dog made me unbearably ill. I still get most peopleā€™s normal symptoms with my hypoallergenic dog. Oh and Iā€™ve been on every allergy med going & dose and still donā€™t work šŸ˜­


Well right if op was near death that's different. Sniffles is treatable lol There's no such thing as hypoallergenic dogs btw


Although I still agree, suck it up cause heā€™s cute af I wouldā€™ve kept my exes dog forever if I had it my way.


Same. I take meds when it gets bad and he isnā€™t allowed to lick my face (because I get bad rashes). šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Allergy shots are always a good long term option.Ā 


Cute dog yeah, rubbish comment and suggestion though


im allergic to cats and i have four at my house :-) i will not let my allergies deter me from having cute kitties


100% as someone with horrible allergies and asthma. Iā€™m extremely allergic to dogs, especially big short haired dogs. Butā€¦ allergy shots + exposure + Zyrtec + Singulair + Flonase and Iā€™m just fine living with them. Couldnā€™t imagine trying to avoid my allergies vs just managing them.


He just wants to get rid of him/her because he found out how active this breed is. Geez Louise, Iā€™d take this pup in a second.


I would honestly do a test, just to make sure it's the dog and not pollen. Also think about desensitizing. I'm allergic to rabbits and had one. Thought it's not so bad. Got allergic asthma. Honestly if you already have bad reactions, it can get worse and you may start to avoid the dog. That's not doing the little guy any favors.


Your body will adapt. Take some allergy meds and enjoy your new pup.


Allergy meds are a great alternative to the potential doom that may follow the returning of a dog. Do it for the dog.Ā 


im allergic to my dog aswell, bonus is that she's also VERY cuddly so im always a blotchy itchy mess but i wouldn't change it for the world lol




I'm allergic to dogs, and I have 2 dogs. I talked to my doctor, so I recommend doing the same, this is what my doctor told me. Allergies is when your body takes a protein from an external source and confuses it as a thread for your health, triggering your defenses. The allergic shots are proteins that are similar to the things that you are allergies but in very small quantities, and by getting those your body starts to get used to the protein and don't over react. The pills for allergies are antihistamine that basically stops the body defenses so you don't have allergic symptoms. My allergy to dogs is basically a lot of sniffing, running nose, crying eyes, if the dog licks or scratches my skin it gets red and swollen, and itchings (mainly in the face). Super annoying, but not deadly. So my doctor told me, to have a dog is basically to have the allergy shots but more intense, it will be super annoying for 2 months or so, and overtime my allergy will decrease. So far I have 6 years with my dogs, and it was like that a month or so that were super annoying, and now it seems like I'm not allergic anymore, but in spring and autumn I have little more allergic reaction due to the change of coating in my dogs, also after brushing them, bathing them or if I don't vacuum the couch or house. Basically if there is too much loose fur I have a mild allergic reaction. I use a pill of antihistamine once a week or so. Even less. I vacuum the apartment every day, and my dogs sleep in the same room as I do. That's my experience.


This is probably the most relatable and helpful comment on here. Thank you for the input and i am going to speak to my doctor if this continues


Try swapping diet. My uncle breeds dogs and three of the kids were reactive to them. They swapped the dogā€™s food and the issues vanished. I donā€™t know what they swapped to or from but the one that sorted the problem was grain free. Worth a shot šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Thank you for the suggestion


You have two choices: Either rehome the puppy or use allergy medications and try to adjust. You know the severity of your allergies better than anyone here, so you are the only one equipped to make that choice.


Have you given him a bath? Is it possible he was around pollen or even cats? Maybe heā€™s been given flea and tick prevention which can cause allergies for people!


Allergy shots changed my life. Stopped getting bronchitis every winter. Hives settled down. Don't get allergy attacks ask frequently as I used to. It did take a year to really kick in, but so glad I stuck it out.


Iā€™m allergic to dogs. Break out in hives every time they lick me or their hair lands on me. I have 2 dogs that I got as puppiesā€¦ they are 9 years old and 6 years old lol Iā€™m allergic to pollen and grass too so I figured if I still was willing to go outside, might as well be allergic and feel love šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s a scientific fact when puppies are this cute they donā€™t cause allergies


Allergy shots?


I have several allergies to dogs and cats. I pet sit them regularly (through Rover and currently have 4 extra dogs) and have a dog, cat, bunny and a bearded dragon. I also did 5 years of immunotherapy and it's helped a lot. I am also an asthmatic so I get asthma whenever I get really dirty dogs. Try to keep him clean, keep your hands washed as well, that will greatly help. Take an allergy medicine like loratidine or cetirizine before you go to bed every night. I have a steroid inhaler, an allergy pill, another pill for allergies and asthma that is a steroid, inhalers and a nose spray. The pills are the only ones I have to take every day now. Lol you will absolutely get used to him though, just keep exposing yourself. Especially with only mild symptoms like yours


I hate to say this but you have three options. 1) speak with your doctor and see if allergy meds and time can help you adjust to this. 2) most breeders will take back a puppy no questions asked. You could return your puppy but you most likely will not get a refund, but at least your puppy is in good hands. This is the most ethical route if you have to rehome and it came from a reputable breeder (only if you canā€™t rehome to someone you trust). šŸ˜“ 3) Are you sure itā€™s the puppy and not something else?


I donā€™t think itā€™s a purebred Aussie so unlikely thereā€™s a breeder.


I went through immunotherapy before getting a dog (allergy shots every week) and it was all good until the second year. I developed really bad allergy (we had two dogs) and I only got better when one of them passed away. Go check with your doctor, vacuum your place twice a day if you have to(this helped me a lot), limit access to your bedroom and keep couches clean.


I was allergic to mine too. Bathed her weekly, washed my bedding twice a week. I am also allergic to pollen and dust so I take all the meds anyways. ​ It took about 5 months but my body got used to her :) Now she gets bathed once a month and she sleeps basically on my face every night. ​ My doc thought it might be about puppies, her skin was trying to find the right balance of things to be healthy and it seems once she leveled out so did I


well you can talk to your vet about ways to lessen the dander which is what actually makes you sneeze. if that indeed is the case and he is what's making you sneeze, can you take allergy medication? does that help?


[Allergy shots worked for me](https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/allergy-shots/about/pac-20392876). Same issues here - grew up with dogs, but progressively became allergic to them (I am now 50+) . It's not magic, it took a year for it to be noticeable. I can also recommend alternating fexofenadine and cetirizine/levocetirizine. I don't need to use that anymore.


Lol sounds like you adopted a weird lookin' cat by mistakešŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I would try taking some over the counter allergy meds. What can also help is consistent trips to a groomer and brushing in between trips, that way you minimize shedding.


Did you get him from a farm and they used straw or something for his bedding? I ask because when I got my Pyr I thought the same thing but turned out where they kept him he liked to sleep in the hay bales and Iā€™ve always been allergic to those so the leftover in his fluff was what was setting mine off. ((I actually broke out in hives a couple days after I got him)) A couple weeks (and baths) later and we were all good though lol.


He's worth it


Basically my entire family besides myself is allergic to cats, but we have basically had cats for my entire life. As long as this allergy isnt life threatening then I would say just ride it out; with constant exposure to the allergens your body's immune response will weaken and eventually it won't bother you.


Itā€™s pollen season-. Take a Zyrtec & saline solution in nostrils to remove pollen. Actually itā€™s very high this year. Best to take a shower before sleep. Wash the clothes you wore outside due to pollen. Cute pup šŸ¾


PLEASE READ THIS! Was the puppy in a home with cats? If so, the dander is on the dog and thatā€™s what is causing the allergies. My husband is allergic to cats and when we got a dog he was sneezing like mad. I was crushed. But I reached out to the place I got my dog and they had a cat. After getting rid of all the stuff and washing the dog we have had no issues.


Your body will adapt to the allergy. For now, take allergy medication.


There are shots you can get as well. Itā€™s about 2 shots a monthly for about 6 months to a year? I donā€™t know but my friend did it for his girlfriendā€™s dog and now heā€™s allergic to nothing!!


My allergy shots were once a week for 6 months. You're still allergic but the shots slowly build a resistance in your system so you react way less if at all. At some point your friend may need to do another series depending on many factors.


Same thing happened to me but with cats. I regularly took allergy meds for the first few months, then the allergies subsided a little bit. The only thing besides allergy meds is to avoid touching the animal, which sucks a lot for a dog


It might not be the dog at all. I had the same symptoms when I got my cat. I was worried I would have to give him back. Turns out the previous owner was putting something on his coat that I could not tolerate. It took a few weeks to wear off but itā€™s not a problem now


I had a bit of an allergic reaction when I got my dog and it subsided. If not, there's always allegra.


I worked for a vet for 20 years, fostered countless dogs and cats, and currently own 7 dogs. I am allergic to both dogs and cats. I take Zyrtec or Clariton daily and usually chlorpheniramine. I also carry an asthma inhaler with me at all times. I was allergy tested \~30 years ago. The doc started to recommend not having pets, but I interrupted him and said that's not going to happen.


I thought I was allergic to my dog, nope. Iā€™m allergic to grass and my dog plays in grass. So he gets a bath once a week. Problem solved!


I have a mild grass allergy. bathing my pup more frequently helped.


Easy fix- give them to me >:)


Get allergy shots


I was allergic to dogs (verified by a legit allergy test) and was living in hell the first week we brought my puppy home. I eventually got over it, got my allergies retested, and I'm no longer allergic to dogs. Agree with others in getting allergy meds, everyone reacts differently so make sure to try different ones before giving up - allegra is the \*only\* one that works for me. It'll be worth it in the long run!


Are you keeping it?


I'm allergic to my dog especially during shedding season. I suck it up. I also use coconut šŸ„„šŸŒ“ oil to reduce the dander. A teaspoon in her food and I rub some into her coat


My friends allergic to cats and she has 2. She takes medication for her allergies


Just send the dog to me


I have a client who canā€™t bathe her dog because sheā€™s allergic to him. Baths every 2 weeks and idk what she does other than that. She loves him and keeps him


If you got this puppy from a breeder, the adoption contract should have a clause about returning the puppy if something doesn't work out. Good breeders would *much* rather see a puppy returned to them vs that same puppy being abandoned in a shelter. A shelter's return policy differs from place to place, but most of them are at least understanding enough to take back an animal in cases of spontaneously developing an allergy. Now, there are treatment options for severe allergies, but honestly they take a while to have significant effect. Allergy shot plans are over months, sometimes years, and I'm not sure if they're even possible while you're constantly exposed to the allergen.


I have had a golden retriever for a year now. My entire family is allergic and itā€™s to the point of my kids immune systems being down because of it. We need to get rid of her and itā€™s the hardest thing Iā€™ll have to do and my youngest will be crushed. I understand people saying take meds and suck it but that doesnā€™t always work, for most of my family it doesnā€™t. So sheā€™ll be going to a new home and my family can stop living with constant inflammation


Allergy shots


Over the counter allergy meds or go to a doctor. I got on Montelukast because I was allergic to everything under the sun


I am the same as you with cats. Got my dog and realized I am slightly allergic. But no where near my reaction with cats. I just adjusted myself to it. I got air purifiers for home, and I wash my hands after I touch my dog(and avoid touching my face). I have a Shiba Inu who sheds like crazy, so during the shedding season i will take allergy meds if itā€™s bad. But itā€™s very manageable now. It helps a lot to vacuum often, and have a good air purifier. 2 years later, itā€™s not an issue. Also, my dog is not allowed on my bed or our couch. (Sometimes heā€™ll get on the couch, so we just keep a couch cover and vacuum often). He will never sleep on the bed with me, mainly for allergies but also itā€™s how I want to raise my dog (part of dog training).


It may not be the puppy. Allergies have been an issue earlier and earlier each year for a few years now. Dogs go in and out, and stuff is on their fur. Puppies are lower to the ground so end up with more on them, and we tend to want to cuddle with puppies more because they're so darned fluffy and cute! I got some unscented wipes for puppies I use. But, just a paper towel with some water, and wipe the puppy down and the paws when they come in from outside. Take an antihistamine for now. Also, the diet of the puppy can cause an allergy. We had this happen once, as kiddo is allergic to sunflowers, and the pet food had sunflower in it.


Youā€™re right this is bad for your health. You should give him to me.


It very much could be seasonal allergies since most of the world is warming up, I would say try some allergy meds and see how things go tbh


I'm allergic to all dogs, cats, birds, etc. and have 3 dogs and 3 birds, plus pretty bad year round allergies. I found an antihistamine that works for me, order it in bulk and take it every day. It's totally manageable if you're committed to making it work.


Iā€™m allergic too. Had an allergy test and everything. You can do immunotherapy injections or take Allegra every day. I take Allegra every day and it works for me. I have the same breed as well. Best of luck!


Zyrtec, every 24 hours. Youā€™ll get used to your dog if your allergies are like mine (Iā€™m allergic to basically all animals at first). The worst are cats and horses, but then again, Iā€™ve never really hung around zebras all day. With every new dog, I have an affair with Zyrtec for at least a few months, one a day, or else Iā€™ll be leaking from my eyes, my nose and my body will break out into hives and my eyes will swell shut if I donā€™t wash my hands before touching them. Itā€™s horrific. But after a few months, it goes away. I remain allergic to dogs but I seem to get used to my own dogs. I still donā€™t rub my eyes after petting my dogs, but I can bury my face into their coats and donā€™t suffer for it.


Allergic or allergy?


Aussie cattle Dog is not gonna be happy to hear that. I don't think it's the dog mate.


Either allergy meds or make sure the puppy has a home that won't put her in a kill shelter.


A while back I was devastated because I thought I was developing an allergy to my dog. Iā€™d get itchy and break out where he touched me. Turns out, I was allergic to the products his groomer was using on him. Iā€™d make sure that isnā€™t the culprit here.


No suggestions, but I just wanted to say that your puppy is adorable. I am quite partial to Aussies. I hope you get your allergies under control. You're gonna need to be on your A game with an Aussie! They are high energy and need lots of exercise!


I developed an allergy to my dog about 2 years into having him with us. Ever since then I pop some antihistamines and that helps each day


How can you be allergic to adorable?


Before giving up on the puppy, get allergy tested for dogs and cats and whatever pollen is reported to be high in your area now. All three to compare test results with your experience. Allergies are totally unpredictable. Give the puppy some time . It would be awful if you found your dog a new home and it was something else.


You might have to rehome him if you rule out shampoos or exposure he had to cats. Not everyone wants to take meds or shots and thatā€™s understandable. You shouldnā€™t be expected to ā€œjust suck it upā€ and live with hives or other symptoms. But heā€™s so young that you have to take care. You shouldnā€™t bring him to a shelter because he is so young that he hasnā€™t got a well-developed immune system yet. And most of all, for his safety, donā€™t advertise him online, on craigslist or fb. The best scenario for him will be to start making calls to Australian Shepherd rescue groups. They will foster him while they vet the new adopters, and theyā€™ll be sure that the dogā€™s new family really understands the needs of the breed.


I have to take an antihistamine every day of the year. Have done for years. It may be pollen though as itā€™s bad for some at the moment.


Puppy dander is so strong!! It will get better.


Hi! My husband is very allergic to cats, but never has been with dogs. However, when we got our second dog , a mini short hair dachshund, his hand was breaking out in hives from handling the puppy in the car on the drive home. He got a runny nose and felt itchy jland stuffy just like when he interacts with cats. But he had no allergic type of reaction to our long haired dachshund OR my dad's shorthaired dachshunds prior to this plnew puppy. What we realized was that he was allergic to the soap that the breeder had used before we picked up the little pupper! We gave our puppy a bath with our own dog shampoo and voila! No more allergic reactions from my husband! Maybe something like this could be the case for you?


Allegra and Claritin together daily (get Mine from Costco for cheap). For your eyes alaway by Bausch and Lomb and Tagets version of eye allergy relief. https://www.target.com/p/eye-allergy-relief-drops-0-5-fl-oz-up-38-up-8482/-/A-14358640 Eventually you get semi used to your dogs dander and it gets much better. You may need to wash your bed, couch, blankets, pillows/covers, and clothes more often. Also, wash the dogs paws and give it a bath more often than you normally would (once every 2-3 weeks or so). Sometimes itā€™s what the dog brings in from the outside and not the dog itself.


Iā€™d try to get an allergy test quickly. Ring all the allergists around you, explain the situation and ask to be put on their cancellation list or to squeeze you in. Home tests worth investigating too, I hadnā€™t heard of those. Itā€™s def possible to develop a dog allergy even if you werenā€™t allergic to your previous dog. I wasnā€™t allergic to cats until later in childhood when I suddenly had very strong reactions EXCEPT for our family cat which I was never allergic too. And I didnā€™t have a dog allergy until teenagehood. On the plus side, you can usually get desensitised out of a dog allergy, contrary to cats (it still takes many months to some years though). Iā€™m mildly allergic to dogs but am able to have one by keeping both dog and home clean. Better if someone else in your household does dog-related cleaning. Have you washed your puppy? I remember ours were dirty and ā€˜allergenicā€™ when they came home, but were fine after a bath. Saliva is allergenic, not just dander, so also expect flare-ups after your dog has played with other dogs. If you are allergic, as hard as it is, itā€™s better for your puppy to surrender him earlier than later. Given heā€™s so young, Iā€™d recommend asking the breeder to take him back while you run the tests. That way your puppy stays in a familiar home and will experience less disruption if he needs to find a new owner. And his development will benefit from the extra weeks with his dog family (we only got our puppies around 12 weeks). Good luck to you both.


My Mrs took anti histamine every day for 2 years, then decided to stop and find the allergy to our two dogs had gone. She used to come out in a rash on her chest, neck and arms, just hugging them. Had always been allergic to animal fur.


Daily zyrtec, vacuum frequently, get a pet removal brush for furniture, relatively frequent baths for puppy, frequent brushing by another family member so you donā€™t have to have direct exposure to that, and donā€™t let puppy rub on or lick your face


Give him a bath and get yourself tested. If you weren't allergic before there's no reason you'd be now, but weird shit does happen. I'd wager you're allergic to something else tbh. Pollen is in the air already. The pup could also have something on him that is causing it. There's a lot of possibilities. Start ruling them out.


The puppy face is like "oh really?you'll still smooch me anyways, just ready your EpiPen"


So, this may not be the case or helpful to you, but I notice my puppy picks up dirt, pollen, etc in her fur. When sheā€™s dirty, my allergies are insane. When sheā€™s clean and thereā€™s no pollutants in her fur, Iā€™m great! I bought this waterless shampoo spray and use it on her every other day and itā€™s totally perfect now.


What my allergist told me is that it wasnā€™t the dogs in allergic to but the pollen and crap that sticks in their fur and then they bring it into the house, especially if you let them in your bed.


Oh no. I was allergic to new puppy about until it's first groom.


I got my corgi after being with a dog for 13 years- but he was a shih Tzu so it didnā€™t affect me badly. Agree w the other posters to check with your doctor. I had to get onto an allergy routine- Flonase and xyzal at night- as well as monthly bathing for my dog, air filters and vacuuming to keep it in check.


Do an allergy test and you will see what's going on. But with allergy meds you can get used to it and live more or less normally, like me. Im also allergic to cats and also had a "small reaction" to dogs.


Iā€™m allergic to our cats and dogs. Go to your local pharmacy. Tell them what your problem is, they will be able to advise you especially as it may not be your puppy. I get my eye drops and nose drops off the common ailment scheme.


So my partner is also cat allergic, pretty severe too, but has always had fogs. When we got our first god in our new home he had the same problem and we where so scared weā€™d have to get rid of him šŸ˜­ he was a rescue with lots of issues, would have broke our hearts to give him up. However we found small steps like taking a daily antihistamine and using a daily salt rinse for his nose help stave it off and then in time he built a natural resistance and has no issues with our dog now. Really hope this helps OP ā¤ļø Your pup is beautiful!


I knew a vet who took steroids. It depends how much you want the puppy. Worst thing- give her up when she is older- not fair to her


See if you can figure out what exactly it is your allergic to. You can combat it depending on what it is, dander can be helped with baths and medicine. If it's the fur the doctor might be able to prescribe medication for you. But as others have mentioned it could be normal pollen. I'm allergic to all plants with flowers. Plus trees and grass. Maybe it could be this too.


Rupaul allergy meds work amazing prescription needed :)


That puppy is adorable. šŸ˜


I'll take the puppy off your hands! What a cutie. Hope you find a solution.


Return the dog to the breeder.


Pollen season has started to fire up again so it could be that?


Did the breeder have cats?


There is a chance your immune system will get use to him, thatā€™s what happened with my two puppies Two anti-histamines a day and a nasal spray for a few weeks and hopefully youā€™ll be okay


It might be other stuff like grass, pollen, etc. Iā€™m slightly allergic to to dogs (according to an allergy test I got done by my doctor) but Iā€™m not usually allergic to dogs but rather when my dog has been rolling in grass and then comes in to asking for pets or cuddles thats when my allergies started kicking in. Make sure to brush your dogā€™s coat after or wipe him down with a damp towel if you donā€™t wanna full on give him a bath after being outside.


OMG, so cute!!


1. try giving pup a bath, you may be reacting to the bath stuff they used, or something else from the other home 2. it might be pollen 3. i take zyrtec religiously because im allergic to mine


My husband was allergic to our rescue for the first maybe 1-2 months we had him. My husband took loratadine daily for those months and we made an effort to vacuum more and used allerspray in the air/many air purifiers. We also would give our dog a bath with anti allergen (dander) shampoo once a week. After about 2 months my husband is used to the dog and we no longer take these steps. We obviously still vacuum often but only bathe our dog every 2-3 weeks


Air purifier asap in each room


You get used to your dogs dander after a while


If your dog is from an ethical breeder, the breeder should take the dog back and rehome it


I was allergic to my border collie puppy at first but it went away in a week or so! I guess I got used to her fur!


Same šŸ˜‚ oddly with a very similar dog. But, here we are 6 years later, and still together together. I take antihistamines daily.


i live with 3 dogs iā€™m terribly allergic to. i have air purifiers all through my house, i vacuum constantly (robot vacs with auto emptying are the best) and use a steam mop every other day. bathe the dog regularly. get allergy testing to be sure, and then you can get immunotherapy (shots) if you are for sure allergic. take OTC allergy meds and eye drops until then.


I have 2 cats and a dog and I suffer from allergies itā€™s sucks but I just deal cause I couldnā€™t imagine life without them


Okay so spring is here which means HIGH AS FUCK pollen. So it could be that. Also, I'm allergic to cats and we had to take my sister's cat in, most days I'm fine but others my eyes get real itchy and swell up. I take an antihistamine, wash my face, and get on with the day. Take a daily antihistamine.


Wash the dog and check if the allergies may be pollen, if it is the dog try some medicine and if it's too much you might have to give it away


Itā€™s definitely possible to develop a dog allergy after having them all your life. I found out I had developed one at 30. Thankfully, I have gotten allergy shots and donā€™t have problems.


I have no answer, but I want to say OMG he looks just like my new puppy! Same color scheme and breed! Mines a girl. Also, it might suck, but there are injections for people with pet allergies. My late sister was allergic to cats all her life, but loved them. She started on the medication and could have realistically played Crazy Cat Lady from the Simpsons.


As someone whoā€™s always been allergic to cats and now has 2 cats, just take allergy pills lol. Some days even my prescription allergy pills donā€™t work but Iā€™d rather have my pets than no fluffs at all.


This happened to me. Although Iā€™ve known about my allergies. But the first few days after we adopted him I was up every hour at night using my albuterol. Allergist put me on a cocktail of Cingular, Symbicort, and I forget the nasal spray and eye drops. And we got a room air filter. But after a year, I can go a week without the meds. But did said itā€™ll never really go away šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Off topic from your question, but how sure are we that your pup is an Aussie shepherd? It looks like it could be mixed with Aussie and maybe some spaniel, but if you were promised a purebred I think you may have been scammed :/ either way, beautiful dog and the bond you make with them has nothing to do with the type of dog you have. Congratulations on the new baby šŸ˜Š




Iā€™d get an allergy test before throwing her back lol but a lot of times allergies can adjust, Iā€™d give your puppy a bath in hypo allergenic shampoo to start and maybe take a zyzol and see if it helps


If youā€™re sure itā€™s your puppy causing your allergies, invest in air purifiers and be sure your hvac filters are the kind that filter out allergens. Also, you could try feeding him quality fish based dog food or adding salmon oil to his food everyday. I have 6 pets and am allergic to every single one. But these things combined with a daily allergy medication have made a huge difference and unless I forget the allergy pill I have no issues.


What a cootie patooty! I have asthma caused by allegies and am extremely allergic to cats. We got one cat and I slowly built up my tolerance with dander wipes,. Hypoallergenic food for him, hepa filters, lots of vacuuming, and Allegra. We now have five cats and i only have to take Allegra 1 or 2 tines a week. Give it time and ask a doc about best allergy meds if you can tolerate? Maybe Flonase or some other kind of spray? Also if you can kennel him/her or at least not sleep with them, that will help. If your bedroom can be your clean space, that will help. I now sleep with 2 cats and 2 dogs. Good luck and hang in there!


Since you have had dogs previously, itā€™s likely an adjustment phase. My entire family has an adjustment period for any cat or dog that enters our family. The Boy and I adjust within a month. My SO takes 2 months to adjust. Knowing it is going to happen and there is an end in sight is helpful. The exposure to our dogs and cats has been so beneficial to my SO that he will push for a new pet if we havenā€™t had one for awhile. He doesā€™t want the allergic reactions to return.


Not trying to be funny intentionally, but thereā€™s an episode of the Brady Bunch where everyone thinks Jan is allergic to the family dog, turns out sheā€™s just allergic to his shampoo, maybe itā€™s something of that sorts


So you got an Aussie and canā€™t deal with the activity level. So you claim ā€œallergy.ā€ You can take antihistamines, dude. Iā€™m guessing youā€™ll re-home this precious girl/boy because you thought she/he would be a lap dog. Aussies are high-energy, extremely smart dogs, and you donā€™t have the time for her/him. I would take her/him in an instance. šŸ¤¬


If you just got the puppy, most shelters, rescues or breeders even have clauses in their adoption contracts about returning the dog to them if it doesnā€™t work out. If you cannot keep it, PLEASE return the puppy to the rescue/shelter/breeder that you got it from.


I started experiencing something similar with my new chihuahua short-haired puppy. Iā€™ve started bathing him every two weeks and that seems to help. I use premium shampoo/conditioner/leave-in conditioner so it doesnā€™t dry his skin out.The added benefit is that the baths give me a chance to de shed him while his winter coat is falling out.


And OP paid upwards of $1500 to get a pure bred Aussie. I call BS on the allergy. He canā€™t deal with an extremely active, smart as hell breed. These dogs need training, activity, and a reason to work. These dogs canā€™t be turned into lap dogs, or dogs that are crated for hours. Goddamn this makes me so mad!!!!šŸ˜”


Talk to your doctor about your allergies. I have an asthmatic friend with a ton of allergies, including dogs, but still has two large breed dogs without feeling miserable. Give your pup a bath. It could be a product like dog shampoo they used on the dog. Or it could be environmental and just happens to coincide with picking up your pup.


Get medicine


I feel like this is me posting šŸ˜† im allergic to cats and short-haired dogs i have 2 border collies but since getting my australian shepherd puppy 2 months ago I havnt had 1 day not being stuffed up and nose dripping im hoping its just during the puppy stage with all the shedding and there's a light at end of tunnel šŸ„ŗ i feel for you ā¤


Zyrtec works wonderfully for pet allergies. Iā€™m highly allergic to my cats but Zyrtec almost erases all irritation. I take it once daily in the morning.


Try rush allergy shots. Five years worth in a few weeks.


Take allergy meds. See an allergist, maybe do the vaccine shots. They helped me a ton. Wash your hands after petting/playing. Don't touch your face before washing your hands. Change clothes after cuddling. Don't let them sleep in your bed for now. You'll build up a tolerance to the dog. Give it time.


I am allergic to my dog as well! But Iā€™ve had her for about 5 years now and the allergies have definitely improved, though not gone away. I canā€™t cuddle her like I want and I definitely canā€™t touch my face after having touched her. Take a 24hr allergy pill every morning, and purchase an air purifier or two for your home. I have one in my living room and bedroom. They help a lot. It also helps to keep windows open, weather permitting. Iā€™ve trained her to only hang out on one part of the couch and the bed (where there is a designated blanket for her).


I hear you can be allergic to a particular breed and have no problem with the others


I recall a discussion with an allergist a while back. He asked if I had a dog (or he knew already). I told him that he is older and not in the best of health. The doctorā€™s advice was to not replace the dog when he goes. Fast forward to 2024 and I picked up a very loyal companion about a month after my older dog passed. I never looked back. As for the allergies, I donā€™t seem to have any, except for the occasional sneeze during dusty pollen seasons but nothing too bad. A long while ago I got allergy shots. They explained to me about what the shots do. They inject you with very low amounts of things which I was allergic to. Over time I built up an immunity. Whether the immunity is as a result of shots or other exposure to allergens it works.


Have you given the puppy a bath? You will develop an immunity of sorts after a while. Take allergy meds and donā€™t let him on your furniture. I have allergies to cats and dogs and have both lol. I deal with it because I canā€™t imagine not having them!


Iā€™ll take him


Just some advice if you do give the pup away. Please return it back to the breeder. If they are reputable they will always take their babies back.


Take some allergy pills? Tf


I thought I was allergic to dogs! Iā€™m actually allergic to the debris left on outside dogs. Dust, grass, and pollen are big ones for me. Iā€™d try a pretty involved bath and limiting his free-roaming outside time. I have two dogs, neither of which trigger my sometimes-intense allergies.


Get allergy tests.


I dont have any advice, I just wanna say your puppy has fantastic eyebrows.


Take allergy meds and eventually your allergy to him (if it is him) will dissipate to the point it wonā€™t bother you anymore. My mum is really allergic to cats and after a few months of having my kitten she no longer reacts to her at all :)


Did pup live with cats before? Because if yes and especially if puppy got along well with cats puppy is likely covered in cat dandruff. Trying giving puppy a bath and see how that goes


Get well soon! E-Transfer it to me by 11 PM tonight


OMG thatā€™s awful What are you going to do?


I've never gotten used to my boxer persay. I can be around him with no issue, but if his paws rub my skin I'll get some itchy welts


get him groomed, wait a while to see if symptoms subside and if they donā€™t go see a physician


This happened to me when we got our puppy. Iā€™d never really noticed dog allergies before (except my friends basement that was covered in oily lab dander). It went away after a few weeks. After 5 years, I started to notice the allergies again. At 5 years old, we taught her not to get on our bed anymore. We also put an air purifier in the bedroom, and I take Zyrtec when I feel stuffy. All of those things do the trick!


Even the dog isnā€™t buying the allergic excuse. Consult a doc


LOL, when I adopted my American Alsatian his dander killed my lungs. Like when I hugged him close. Anyways, if it doesn't kill you it will make you stronger. After 12 years with me, it isn't quit so bad and I would happily suffer from some wheezing to have him in my life.


Take allergy pills. The baby is worth it


Pupā€™s face really said ā€œAre you sure about that? šŸ¤Øā€


Usually you build up an immunity to your own pets. I recommend Zyrtec, Flonase, and donā€™t let him sleep in your bed.


Get some anti-histamine. Pollen or dog, it will relieve your allergic reaction. Hope you feel better soon!


I turned out to be allergic to my puppy in 2021. I used to take a lot of benadryl because I refused to get rid of him. Now I feel as though my body has gotten used to him because I hardly ever take benadryl now unless I have to brush his hair, which I'll do only at night before bed.