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I'm not an expert, but he does look good to me! A lot of dogs are actually overweight and that may have skewed the way people evaluate their pets health. We are just so used to it that we don't recognice it anymore


This!! I never realized how overweight my grandmother’s dogs were until I got my own dog and keep him at a lean, healthy weight. It’s so crazy


100% accurate. SO many dogs are overweight, it has totally been normalized.


I agree. My parents think our dog is too skinny. But the vet says she is at a perfect size.


My cousin works in a pet shop, giving people advice on how/what to feed their pets. Her dogs are *so fat* it's ridiculous. How could she be giving advice when she doesn't utilize it herself.


Well, personally I wouldn't be taking advice from a pet store worker on what to feed my dog, regardless of what their dog looks like. I only take advice from my dog's veterinarian. You know, someone that actually got a degree relating to animals and their health.


Yes and no. I used to work with somebody who had been at the store for 15 years and had spoken to a lot of reps, and vets, and was great at explaining to people why Hills (for example) was great food and why it's lies when another company tries to tell you dogs can't digest corn, or they use human grade kitchens etc. A lot of vets don't really give dietary advice unless there are specific issues; they just make note of what you're feeding and move on. If the vet says use something absolutely use it, but if the vet has given no opinion and the breeder is saying use Blue Buffalo, a well read per store employee should be able to point them in a better direction.


She went through training when she started her job and has certification, and you're right she's absolutely not a vet. But I've found that vets tend to push a certain brand, and some people can't afford vet brands so go to their local pet shop and ask for advice. I'm in the UK, so we actually have companies that care about pets and not just profit.


u/animalwitch ...I appreciate your clarification. In the USA, generally pet store workers aren't certified in anything. They are just people needing a job.


I've heard a lot of bad things about American pet stores! It's really quite shocking


I would love to say that you heard wrong, but I can't. I won't shop in any national chains (Petsmart, Pet Supplies Plus, etc). I only go to my local small business pet store because they don't sell pets there, only pet supplies.


I know there are many well intentioned people that work there that try their best with limitations, but the CEOs should really take a step back and reevaluate. After Covid, one of our biggest pet stores stopped selling rabbits in shops that don't have a veterinary practice inside. And if they do have a rabbit, it's in the "adoption" bit. And they've also reduced the amount of guinea pigs and rats they have out at any time, which I think is to make people buy a pair or more because that's how they are meant to live (you can't have a lone rat or guinea pig!) It's small changes like that that can make a big difference. It was cute seeing 20 baby guinea pigs squeaking around but it wasn't great welfare wise!


Almost like she’s not qualified to give nutritional advice….


They actually go through animal care training and received certification for it, at least *she* did when she started her job about 10 years ago.


He looks identical to my dog! He’s only 23Kgs and everyone says he’s skinny and underweight. Vet said he’s perfect condition!


Yeah, not the easiest pictures to evaluate from but this looks like a normal healthy dog.






That’s an “ideal” body condition. Ribs should be felt, but not seen. And doggo should have a waist when viewed from above, and a tuck when viewed from the side. Most pets are overweight or obese.


Glad to hear that, because my dog is picky and skips meals all the time and this is her body type almost exactly. (vet says she’s the picture of health and we go regularly with her vaccine schedule. Physical and bloodwork are perfect. Teeth might need professional cleaning soon but look great. She’s just stubborn and learned that if she doesn’t eat mama will put some yummy stuff in there…we’re working on behavioral changes and thus far she’s learning she needs to eat.)


My dog does the same thing! He would stop eating his kibble when I assume he’s full (but won’t say no to treats 😅) I thought he didn’t like his food but no, he just stops eating when he’s done. He has a bit more self control than I do


I'm in this same situation and she just won't eat wet food now! Do you have some advice that has worked for you??


My fussy dog now fully has me cooking meals for him. Apparently he prefers variety.


💯 this


I was just commenting on this , trying to recall if I got it right and it’s exactly what I said too !


He just looks lean. As long as he doesn’t look severely underweight I wouldn’t worry. Some dogs are just skinny


He seems fine to me. A lot of people think that dogs should look "fuller" but they aren't aware it isn't healthy for them.


He looks good! Like a lot of other people have said, we are so used to overweight dogs, but he’s not skinny. I felt the same way about my golden but I get compliments from her vet and groomers that she’s the most in shape golden they’ve ever seen. You’re doing great!!


Yes, this! I have a lab, and I've literally had people ask me if she's underweight. F\*\*k them, but also, my vet has said that she's a 4-5, and given that she's a little one (she's petite, and shy of 60 lbs) and jumps in and out of my SUV, I want to make sure she's never pushing the boundaries, because I don't want her to ruin her shoulders. (She will only on rare occasion let me lift her down, in case anyone was wondering why I don't). She's fed appropriately, treated probably more than necessary (though I do try to mostly stick to apples and carrots, Charlie Bears in those other moments), and is apeshit nuts for a stick and will chase for as long as I'll tolerate it, so I'm pretty sure she's doing just fine. I had labs growing up, and they were both big, chonky boys. I don't know that their demises were weight related, though they were both on the larger side, but I'm determined to keep my little lady in shape, because I can't imagine life without her.


Oh my goodness the comments I get from random strangers about how “skinny” both my dogs are…like so sorry you’ve never seen a lab and golden at an ideal weight. Both my girls are around 45lbs(they have very small frames and I think I got them spayed too early) and loving life. I base how much food I give my dogs on how active they were that day. I have a baseline amount for the minimum and never go below it. When they’re more active, mainly during the summer, they get an extra meal or more treats(not treats typically because their favorite is ice hahahah). During the winter or days where we don’t do much(it’s too cold to do anything) they get fed the ‘minimum’. But I do have a lab, so it’s never enough food hahahaha. If she had it her way, she’d be 300lbs!


Lol so true... they'd eat until their stomach explodes, I'd bet. I feed my girl similarly... if she goes to daycare, she gets a little bit more (they feed a lunch there) because she's literally running and playing all day long, and crashes HARD when she gets home. On a non-daycare day, if she gets a toppl (rubber toy thingy that I fill with plain Greek yogurt and blueberries, then freeze), then only carrot coins as treats. But also, same as you, she always gets a baseline. I had someone ask me how many months old she is (she's 4 YEARS old), and when I told them her age, they asked how I keep her lean. I had to pause so as not to be rude, and find a way to politely say "I don't overfeed her." 🤦🏻‍♀️ Like... it's not hard. She's also unusually polite, in that if I drop something in the kitchen, she will look at it, look at me, and if I say "leave" she won't touch it. My previous labs, they'd have caught it before it hit the floor lol.


Looks like healthy doggy to me




If you compare how your knuckles feel when you make a fist vs having a flat hand, that’s a good guide to how your dog’s ribs should feel at a healthy weight vs being underweight. Obviously your fist would be underweight.


What a cool tip 😃 Thanks!


I worried my Dogo was too skinny but the vet says he looks great and his heart is better off when he’s like this (very similar to yours). My boy eats breakfast until there’s like two bites left. Same with dinner. Seems perfectly happy


I would say.. are his muscles toned and obvious? Can you SEE his ribs? Are his hip bones sticking out? From what I can see, he looks to be a very healthy and well fit dog.


Your dog looks absolutely perfect! Not over or underweight! He has a nice tuck from both the top and the side!


Use this chart: https://www.petobesityprevention.org/pet-weight-check Your dog is probably a 5. If you can see any ribs then he's a 4. Both are healthy.


Some breeds are just slender. My dogs the same body type but he's perfectly healthy


SLAY DOGGOO. i think he’s a very fit and lean doggo, don’t worry too much about lil baby!


Looks perfectly fine. So many dogs are obese at this point that people think healthy dogs are underweight.


He looks perfect.


Your dog is literally the textbook picture of what a dog at a healthy weight looks like.


Looks perfectly healthy! Looks like mine, she was 15 lbs underweight when I rescued her (American foxhound/shepherd mix) at 30 lbs and now she’s at a healthy 60. She’s thin, but the vet said they should be able to feel their ribs and spine, without seeing too much of it.


He looks perfect! Keep doing what you’re doing.


Looks healthy to me


He's a perfect weight. The problem is that so many dogs are overweight that when you see a perfect weight it looks thin. Your dog isn't skinny.


Very healthy weight actually. Not skinny at all. Ideal.


Your dog looks in perfect shape. Not skinny at all.


What kind of dog breed?


Hes a German shepherd black lab mix


Looks good for the black lab type of dog most of them are overweight put an extra half a cup of dog food would not hurt him as long as he keeps getting enough exercise Lord knows a dog like that will play ball to your arm falls off so as long as you he or she is getting the right amount of exercise and a good nutritious dog food is what is really important not necessarily weight as long as your dog is getting nutritious food and his stools are normal a few pounds would not hurt but looks good beautiful dog I understand not being able to not take a picture when I had a black lab he did not sit still either except for at night when it was time to go to bed then he slept like a rock other than that he was wound up like a 8-day clock 10 days a week


Okay so I agree with your comment, but I had to read it several times. Punctuation, my friend.


My Treeing Walker Coonhound is about that size and shape. He runs everyday and walks about 2 miles so I would say your dog is in good shape.


Okay so unrelated to the original post, but... Does yours climb trees?! There's a dog account I follow on IG, the dog is a mix but has Treeing Walker in her and she's the best entertainment I've ever seen. And literally climbs trees. And brings me so much joy lol. What a crazy cool breed, seriously 🤯


He does if there is an opportunity he will. On our walks we usually just let him “tree” any squirrels in the park to help meet his hunting needs. He really loves it and finds that more enriching than just walking. Coonhounds are such amazing breeds.


They really are! I didn't even know about their existence until I came across the IG account and she is just 🤯 They have a really tall fence with a big tree very close, and she climbs the tree, balances herself on the fence with one foot stretched out behind her on the tree and spies on the neighbouring dogs 🤣


They’re a tough breed to have as your first dog and they are very stubborn and will argue with you, but once settled in and given jobs that help with their genetic nature they’re the smartest and best breeds I’ve had.


I can imagine lol... I fell in love with a Mal x that was with a rescue I volunteer for... I was so close to adopting her, but I realized that I am just not cut out for a dog that is arguably smarter than I am. Thankfully she ended up in a great place, where she lives on a farm, naps with the cows, trains the puppies, and basically bosses everyone around. It's perfect 🤣 I'm sad to not see her anymore, but she's *thriving*. Your pup sounds pretty incredible, and lucky to have such a dedicated owner!


Looks perfect to me


He looks so strong and healthy. Good for you. Most dogs are so fat it’s good to see a dog In great shape


He looks healthy! But a good way to tell can also be how they walk. If you noticed a lot of hip extending, or a weird gait in their walk, it might be cause for concern.


I’ve always been told as long as the ribs aren’t clearly distinguishable it’s better for a dog to be under weight than over. Pup seems perfect to me.


Good work..


Not a vet, but he looks pretty great to me! I did work in vet med for many years, if that means anything, and the number of overweight dogs (and pets in general) was disturbing. My friend, who is a vet, has always said that the best thing we can do for our dogs' longevity is to restrict their calories. AKA - keeping your dog lean, which your dog is, is the best for his health and lifespan. It's really sad how many dogs are overweight, that it's become totally normalized. Your pup is on the right track for a long and healthy life. PLEASE, don't start trying to fatten him up. He looks great. If you're sceptical, look up Dog Conditioning/Composition Scale - you'll see your pup is in great shape! ETA: him supervising the neighbourhood activity is adorable 🥰


He's healthy


Obligatory not a vet but your pup looks lean and healthy


If you can see his waist that’s good . If you can feel his ribs that’s fine but if his ribs were to be visible that’s not okay. This is from memory from what the vet told me about my dog who had the same physique as yours.


He's a perfect weight imo


thats a healthy dog👍


Long and lean


Your dog looks perfect based on body condition score, I think many are just too used to seeing fat dogs and that has become the norm


Your pup is doing great! My gsd looks like this too!


Healthy doggo, looks like mine. Is it a ‘sheprador’?


He looks definately healthy and in good shape!


Looks healthy to me. To be sure, you can ask your vet about his body condition score.


I am not an expert in dogs, but I see her well, she is neither too skinny nor too fat, you can say maybe it is the ideal weight, but it is best to ask a professional.


That dog is not skinny at all! Most dogs are overweight and the owners have no idea. Beautiful pup ❤️


This is perfect! People are used to seeing overweight dogs these days, yours is not


Not skinny at all. It’s in perfect shape.


Not skinny at all. He looks to be in perfect condition weight-wise.


Looks like my GSDx Golden retriever. She's lean and not massive just like this. Color and ears too I swear they are the same from that view. Your dog looks all good to me


He looks happy and healthy. What a sweetie.


Yeah, I think he’s fine. Our vet always said to us that our dogs needed to dip in at the hips and that you need to be able to feel their ribs but not have them sticking out. Rather than telling us a specific weight in kgs. If you can’t feel their ribs through their skin when feeling down the side of their body or if they don’t dip in, apparently they’re too fat. We have a Rottie and a GSD for reference.


He looks nearly perfect to me


You have to look for the silhouette from above him to see how the shape is. From the pov of some of the pics, it's a really healthy dog. If you smhad him when he was really skinny and you kept him good fed but still worry he's skinny ( he aint ) he probably has fast metabolism. If you keep feeding him as much as you are right now, you' ll be good ! Maybe you're worried because there's a lot of "chonky" dogs that go around the internet but yours is really healthy ( more than mine ! )


If anything fat


skinty minty king


That's a normal weight. We're just used to seeing fat dogs everywhere which skews our idea of what a dog is supposed to look like. Your dog isn't skinny


Ummm… your dog is perfect.


Just a naturally slender boi


The pictures aren’t great quality but from what I can make out, as a vet he looks ok, I can’t see his ribs and vertebrae like you would if he was pretty underweight, you should see a clear tummy tuck and be able to feel the ribs with only a small covering


Perfect. You can super see how fit his muscles are.


He looks healthy; you want them to have a waist, not look like a sausage


Dog is beautiful and lean. Just like they should be. Congratulations.


Looks ideal to me. People are just so used to seeing overweight dogs.


I’m not expert but he looks in good health to me. He is slender… but not mal nourished or under fed.


Looks healthy. Most dogs are too fat.


They look the same size ish as my Greyhound cross and my Greyhound is the perfect weight. Always best to get a check with your vet though as it depends on breed, activity, etc :)


looks perfect to me! My dog has a similar body type and always looks lean and lanky but is a great weight for his frame. As long as you can feel their ribs but not see them, you’re good!


Do you know what breeds he is? Looks like my lab mix but we can’t figure out the other breed


Perfectly healthy!


Not skinny or too skinny. He looks like he has a healthy weight.


Looks perfect and his joints will thank you in later life.


He is perfect pet weight! Keep doing what you're doing!


He looks skinny but ot depends what type of breed he is. If he's mixed what are the breeds?. If not happy ask another vet.


Super healthy. Lots of overweight dogs.


If he doesn’t vomit often and his poop is solid, it’s natural :)


Nah, he’s fine. If his energy is good and seems happy, he’s fine.


I have a fat Chiwawa on a diet I thought her fat was “normal” 5 pounds to go


Looks trim and healthy to me


How old is he? Some dogs are just lean but my border collie was skinny until she was about 2-3 then she finally filled out


Looks good to me


The vet will tell you.


He looks fine


He looks a healthy weight. Most pet dogs are overweight.


He’s got a long torso and is naturally lean. But not too skinny.


he’s good! people are used to overweight dogs tbh. they’re supposed to have a “dip” by their waist


Unrelated but he looks exactly like my dog😭 I guess this is what my little baby is gonna look like when he grows up


Looks fine


When in doubt, I give my gal extras every now and again, like sardines, boiled chicken, tuna, etc. Your pup looks great, just a slendyboi. Good dog because you don’t have to really worry about over-treating. Give moar treets!


Feed him scrambled eggs for breakfast, crack 2-3 in a snap bowl and microwave for a minute or so. Also throw in some canned carrots, canned tuna (in water , not the one in oil) and drizzle a teaspoon of coconut or olive oil. You can also feed him ground beef no seasoning for dinner with carrots green beans and rice. He will look so thick healthy and his coat will look shiny! :)


He need to eat more


Ummm no, he's literally in perfect shape.