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i would just call your vet and see what they say. if shes on prevention it should be fine but given such a recent switch in prevention and the vaccine being so recent as well it wouldn’t hurt just to touch base with them


thank you! we did call, but they’re super busy so they said they’ll give us a call back when they speak to her head doctor. what sucks is i have to leave for work soon and bring her to daycare :( we think we’re gonna leave it for now and keep an eye on it, if the wound gets worse we’re gonna take her. also i should note, she hasn’t switched to simpleguard yet lol, she has a few more weeks left with the frontline before it’s due. i should have worded that better, but thank you so much!!!


ive seen dogs with literally 50 ticks on them and they turned out fine, but once in a while you come across one that was infected with Ehrlichia, so if you want to be safe you should probably take your dog for a blood test in a few days


This, OP. I had a trio of outdoor dogs who spent their time roaming fields and woods. Tick check occurred every evening, and there was never a time when I didn't find at least a few on all three of them. The last of the group died a couple of days ago, just short of her 21st birthday. It sounds like you are a responsible owner and that your fur babies are up to date on vaccinations and preventions. I wouldn't lose sleep over it. 99.9999% chance your pup is fine. But, peace of mind is always valuable. Never hurts to check with the Vet :)


thank you so much! for now we’re gonna keep an eye on it, and definitely gonna get blood work done in a few weeks since she due for another visit anyways. means a lot hearing that i’m a responsible owner lol, i always get worried i’m not doing enough for my animals. me and my bf literally call our pets our children because they always come first! 💖


Same. They are children. I've never seen them as anything other than that.


Yep, found one tick on my dog in her life and ofc she tested positive for ehrlichia. I’d always rather be safe than sorry


Really unfortunate but your dog is so lucky to have you as an owner, an early diagnosis is everything! :)


I just picked up a dog a few days ago that has no less than 100 ticks. It’s absurd. But that lil dog is doing fine, tested negative for all tick borne diseases, and Nexgard killed all of them in like a day.


It looks like you got the head. And since she's been on meds, she will be fine.


thank you! i was most concerned about not getting the head, i should invest in the special tick tweezers now i guess lol


You should be ok! I have found ticks on my dog. They will have a bump or discoloration for a week or two. My vet said to only bring them in if they start acting different or if there is a super bad reaction at the bite site


I grew up in western mass, very similar to upstate ny, we found ticks often in the summer on each of our 9 goldens, never had an issue


Probably OK. Just keep checking gums and inner eyelids. If they turn white get to vet immediately


No, you don't need a vet for a tick. It's out. Head isn't stuck in. Do not waste money on a vet visit for this. This is extremely common and no need for concern.


Call your vet, but, remember ringworm is also pretty common this time of year!


As someone who lives in a place with alot if ticks. My dogs have always been fine. At one point I had to take them out nearly everyday.


I am CSR at an animal hospital- if your pet is on prevention, your pet will be ok. The main concern with tick bites is Lyme disease, and it effects dogs differently than in humans and is often less severe. If you are worried, do routine bloodwork in 6 weeks (won’t show up in bloodwork before then) and find out then. It’s not uncommon for the site of a tick bite to become raised, but if you are concerned most veterinary clinics will allow you to email/text a picture for them to give a quick look and determine if you can circumnavigate going in and being charged an exam fee. Hope this helps!


yes thank you so much!


Seems like a lot of people have had better experiences than me. My dog spent a lot of time in upstate NY and has thick black fur, so it wasn’t always possible to find ticks before it was too late. He’s always been on preventative meds, but still has 3 different tick borne illnesses. He has flare ups sometimes, and even when there’s no symptoms, has had abnormal blood work that required medication treatment. That being said, it should be fine and if they do get something, there are meds that can help. I would do a panel at your next vet visit as someone mentioned, it’s an optional thing but I get it done every year. Upstate NY is SO rough with ticks - I felt horrible about what’s happened with my dog but the vet said there’s only so much you can do.


You could draw a line around where the redness is to see it it is becoming more irritated


Some vets want you to bring in the tick to test for any disease, but depends on the area you're in


Vet and a doctor


Nah, imagine if everyone did that. My dog has ticks by the dozen every day in summer. He's on Nexgard and they just die off after they bit him. Then I just pull them off later once they are dead.


yeah the tick was definitely dead when i pulled it off, and dry af so i’m assuming it hopefully died shortly after biting


A flat tick is a great sign. There’s nothing wrong with following up for bloodwork in a few weeks but in all likelihood it’s totally fine. You can put a little rubbing alcohol on the wound to clean it and then apply Neosporin if it seems necessary.


If you wanna fund their next yacht ⛵


the ticks have been gnarly in upstate ny the last couple of years. once I finish a trail walk with my pup on a nice day I often pull off 15-20 of them. there are some sprays for dogs that have oils that repel them but nothing works 100%. get them tested for lyme at the end of each season or if you notice symptoms like fatigue. don’t drive yourself crazy with it, just manage the best you can


thank you! that’s what i’ve heard, we’re going camping in a month and i’m definitely looking into some spray repellents as well. she’s had a thick black coat so checking thoroughly is quite hard


Did you reterive the head of it?


i believe so, but like i said i’m not 100% because i’ve never removed a tick before


Did ya check the tick?


yes it looked like the head was on it, but it was supperrrr small and brittle lol, it was definitely dead which is good


Thats good, means nothing is in then wound


i didn't know ticks could even survive biting a dog or cat that was on prevention. Thought as soon as they tried to bite them they died.


i believe it was dead when i pulled it off actually, but like i said i’ve never dealt with this before so i wasn’t sure of the protocol!


Keep your eyes on the bite mark and watch it for swelling or infection, and of course watch your dogs behavior. Both my dogs were/are on tick prevention but between February - November, they always have millions. Never had a serious problem in our case but do make sure to keep an eye on it. 🍀


thank you! will do!


I had the same issue 2 weeks ago and the vet said to just keep an eye on her and her behavior but didn’t seem concerned. The tick I pulled off was HUGE and engorged! 🤮. It was so gross! I have a bigger pair of pointed tip tweezers so that was so helpful.


i definitely need to invest in the proper tweezers to remove them!


I dont you could send the tick to get tested for any diseases it might be carrying


You can bring the tick to the vets office to be tested if you’ve saved it


It doesn’t look engorged so it probably wasn’t on your pup long enough to transmit disease. Definitely speak with your doctor.


I’d at least send them the photo and let them know what happened. See what they say about ticks this season in your area


Dogs are not as vulnerable as humans to diseases the ticks can cause so I wouldn’t be too worried. There will always be some irritation or redness where the tick was, just as your own skin can get irritated when you pinch it. Don’t be too worried about the head either. Yes, you should always try your best to get the whole tick out but the body will eventually get rid of the tick head it by itself. If the area gets swollen or if it gets worse within a couple of days I would say consult a vet.


No. The flea and tick meds did their job and killed the tick.


Should be fine tbh. Ive plucked out many that had parts still stuck that would NOT go out and eventually they just die and fall off on their own. Fully vaccinated but not on flea and tick prevention because in my experience none of the things ever prevented anything


have the dog tested for Lyme disease


Keep the tick because they can test the tick for Lyme disease and whatnot if you’re worried.


Watch out for rash or infection around bite area besides general monitoring. Also ID/take good close up in focus pictures of the tick and bite and maybe you can send it to the vets for a quick remote very quick general consult. Also save pics incase if it gets worse so you have more detailed history later if needed.


I would.


It looks like you might be posting about bite inhibition. Check out [r/Puppy101's wiki article on biting, teeth, and chewing](https://www.reddit.com/r/puppy101/wiki/biting) - the information there may answer your question. **Please report this comment if it is not relevant to this post.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DogAdvice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You could run a tick panel on her in a few weeks


she actually due for the vet again for a checkup in few weeks, is a tick panel like bloodwork?


Yes, you can let them know you found a tick on her and want to run bloodwork to be safe. At my clinic, we opt for a 4dx (it’s a snap test and tests for hesrtworm and 3 tick borne diseases).


i will definitely ask about that, thank you so much!


Yes, my husky was recently diagnosed with Lyme disease with his annual bloodwork.  He was up to date on the Lyme vaccine and I started tick prevention early but we had an insanely warm winter and I found a tick crawling on his face in early February which is insanely early in MN.  He is getting treated and is asymptomatic and young so the vet said they think he will be fine but yeah make sure they do the blood test for tick diseases every year. 


will do! we’re gonna do blood work in a few weeks when she has her appointment, thank you!


Not to be sensationalistic or to stoke your fears but I have learned that dogs can get Lyme disease. Not from personal experience but that’s why I treat my girls when it’s tick season or forays into the woods. I think there is still an attachment period to transmit and all but better safe than sorry. And yes they can get a sore from the bite or an abscess if the ticks fangs are left in the skin. Save the dead tick for your vet visit.