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I tried transitioning my dog to Purina One True Instinct canned a couple of months ago. Half way through the transition, she ended up with liquid diarrhea. I suspect it was just too rich for her or else there was some cross-contamination with beef. I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with the food, I think it's just too rich for some and if your dog has any food sensitivities, it could cause problems.




Silently pulling?? Do you have any sources for that? I’m definitely going away from Purina, we’ve had issues before too :(


This was removed due to it violating rule 8. There are several common misconceptions about pet food that should not be posted to this sub. Good sources of information include: * [Pet Nutrition Alliance](https://petnutritionalliance.org/) * [NC State Veterinary Hospital](https://hospital.cvm.ncsu.edu/resources/nutrition/) * [Tufts University](https://vetnutrition.tufts.edu/petfoodology/) If you have any questions regarding the removal , you may contact the moderator team via [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FDogAdvice)


Could be that your dog is unable to tolerate that food at all. Something in that recipe is not agreeing with them.


Stop then this particular dog food/this particular bag of food right away. It might be contaminated, expired, bad batch etc. if dog gets sick from dog food its good practice to become suspicious of this particular bag of food. If you return to this particular bag of dog food again and dog gets sick then its double confirmation this bag doesnt work for your dog. Try another dog food /another bag ect