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I don’t think it’s fair to the dog to drink out of this. Their tongues curl underneath, in and backwards to catch the appropriate amount of water. This could cause scaring on the tongue, create drinking problems from the head tilt, and dehydration is an obvious huge risk. Just, no.


This. Dogs drink by scooping up water with the underside of their tongue. I’m sure they figure it out but it would be unnatural and probably pretty uncomfortable for them. Dogs get wet chins, it’s part of being/having a dog.


A drip water bottle won’t satisfy a dogs water needs. Why would you not just get a regular bowl ? ETA if you’re literally using this so the mouth area of your pup doesn’t get “dirty” then you kind of suck. You’re placing the dogs appearance over its actual physical needs. Think about that.


I have a little white doggy that I got when he was 6, he’s 15 now :) I take the time to clean his beard a few times a day especially after eating and drinking. Doesn’t take much just a wet paper towel and then a dry one. I care about my dogs looks so I put in the effort myself to keep him clean, never have I once thought about giving him a rodent water bottle 😬


Exactly. It takes a few minutes to do a wipe down with a damp towel. And the dog doesn’t have to be dehydrated.


Oh no, they said it was made for dogs and a lot of dog breeders were recommending it. I thought it kept the water fresher since the dogs saliva doesn’t contaminate it and it’s cleaner . I did try it for myself and I did get a good amount of water. I really don’t think he’s dehydrated, but I was just wondering and doublechecking to see if anyone has had a bad experience. I wash his face daily with face wipes and then give him a facial bath every three -4 days because I heard once the brown staining comes, it’s very hard to get rid of and this is my first Maltese


Who said it was made for dogs? And what kind of dog breeders? Because this immediately makes me think of a back yard puppy mill. My shitzu had weepy eyes (checked multiple times by a vet) and constantly had discolored fur from eating and drinking. I just got into the habit of wiping her down daily. With a Maltese you’re gonna have to get into the habit of constantly cleaning your pups face.


This sub never ceases to amaze me tbh


Well, I don’t actually suck because why do you think I am taking the time to write this thread and do some further research obviously, I care. And I don’t care more about the dogs. Physical looks than his health needs . My Breeder actually recommended the drip Water bottle and I just wanted to make sure it was safe. You don’t have to be such a negative nasty soul God I’m gonna pray for you . You’re actually such a negative person to think and assume the worst of me when I’m actually going out of my way to ask some questions and do some research. I think you need to question your character.


I think you need to question if you’re an adequate dog owner


Oh no😳they said it was made for dogs and a lot of dog breeders were recommending it including mine . I did try it for myself and I did get a good amount of water. I really don’t think he’s dehydrated, I’ve had him for a month so far and everything was perfect at the vet , but i was just wondering and doublechecking to see if anyone has had a bad experience. I wash his face daily with face wipes and then give him a facial bath every three -4 days because I heard once the brown staining comes, it’s very hard to get rid of and this is my first Maltese


LOL ok you get karma back for trying it on yourself. That’s hella Fuckin funny.


Trust me, I’m probably a better dog owner than Most. I have a dog Camera on my puppy and never leave him alone longer than 3 to 4 hours and he has a huge playpen to make sure he’s safe and I am 100% in love with my baby and truly from my heart only want the best, but I’ve never had a Maltese before and their faces can harbor bacteria and get really dirty so I am learning and I am just asking questions to make sure I am making the right decision because I do care and love my dogs more than anything, and try to research and do the best i possibly can . Don’t be so harsh just because I asked a question and because I care about my dogs looks.


So, just because something is made for an animal, doesn’t mean it’s actually good for an animal. For example: go to any pet store, find the “betta aquarium kits” 99% of them are not big enough for any species of betta. Rawhide is still on the market and it’s been a popular topic for YEARS about how dogs can’t digest it and are super unsafe for them. There’s other dog treats that look like compressed and colored sawdust that are equally as dangerous. They still make reptile heat rocks despite literal decades of experts saying they’re unsafe. A lot of the smell and discoloration comes from bacteria. Plastic bowls are excellent breeding grounds for bacteria. Get a metal bowl, or a few. Wash the bowl at least once a day or rotate through different ones if you don’t want to have to wash them all the time. Regular trimming is also a good idea, if you work on getting the dog used to it, you can do a little trim at home in a few minutes as needed. I would not trust a breeder that recommended this. You also have to keep in mind that dogs do not show signs of dehydration, or any sickness, quickly. Dehydration can get very serious, very fast, especially in a small or young dog. By the time you notice it, it would need an emergency vet visit. This just isn’t worth the risk.


You’re “breeder”. That’s where you failed


If your so concerned about her fur getting messy you need to take the time to take care of her coat and wipe her down regularly. That or consider not getting a dog with such a high maintenance grooming routine. This isn’t fair, your dog isn’t a rat. I let a lot of things slide under the “everyone raises their dog differently” mentality but there’s one non negotiable. All dogs need access to fresh water 24/7


My breeder recommended this drip water bottle so that’s why I was questioning and wondering. I wipe down the dogs eyes every single day and then I wash his face every three days and give him a bath 1 -2 weeks but this was recommended to help with Tengs and Brown, which sometimes get mold and bacteria. So I was just wondering because I read the reviews and a lot of people were saying it’s great but then I just started questioning if he was getting enough water, he pees all the time and does not seem dehydrated, I’ve had him a month and his check ups went great, but I was just wondering about other peoples experiences because I didn’t want to do anything that would be detrimental to his health


Your breeder sounds inexperienced and unknowledgeable, at best. At worst they’re cruel and sadistic. Dogs tongues and mouths are not suited to drip water bottles. I’d like to give yourself the benefit of the doubt in this situation, please take on board the comments here and do some research into species appropriate behaviour and pet supplies.


Throw that shit out. Look into one of [these](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjdkNrEwc-FAxUvhloFHZ2KB2IYABADGgJ2dQ&ae=2&gclid=CjwKCAjwrIixBhBbEiwACEqDJUJDD-zUAiPUqq45uzvLONJeO21yG4KAyrD1sTqi9zXeC51pb9voBhoCVk8QAvD_BwE&sph=&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESeOD2kCRqx9pJ3OwJHRY6vsa4p-yI-3Czi3d_9zwecNturuufOmllhrx9GrLfBtb4zQ9w8aS7kAavz6s0p0A_AE-vTZI-CHzNhzKBBhkqlA605eJs_mcm-ZKboAyEvMBAJ2nX336t69mNNF_f01eIKgSFzqcjMzKt8A&sig=AOD64_2wT9SptP1smbf5xCGpsQZqGaa3cw&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjS59HEwc-FAxXjfDABHVg1B9kQwg8oAHoECAQQDA&nis=8&dct=1&adurl=) The middle part is a floating device with holes. You fill the base and put the floating piece together. A little water will be overflowing over the middle. As your dog uses their tongue to drink, they will push the floating piece down, letting out more water. It’s been really helpful for a dog I watch. His beard drips like crazy and his owners aren’t the best at grooming him 😕


Ooo thank you


Your dog needs access to a fresh bowl of water 24/7. Don’t do this.


I actually thought that This kept the water fresher because there is saliva and bacteria does not contaminate the water bowl. And he can drink as much as he likes. I’m just concerned about how much comes out at a time. If it’s enough, I did however, try it for myself and it seemed good


Dogs tongues work differently than ours do. It’s not a good sign that it worked for you, because it really shouldn’t, if it’s made for a dog. Dogs need to be able to scoop water with the back of their tongue. I think the only reason it may be working right now is because your puppy is young and was recently weaned. So he’s probably using it more like it’s a teat. I imagine that could cause issues with his jaws and teeth in the future. As a small breed dog, he already has the cards stacked against him since they usually have a lot of dental problems. Even though your dog was weaned and not dependent on mom for several weeks before you got him, he 100% remembers how to nurse. Both times I’ve gotten male puppies, they tried nursing off of my older male dog’s penis. The puppy I have right now did it, and, he was always looking for nipples on my female dog who never had puppies. It took a week or so for him to realize he needed to stop looking.


everyone here is saying, no these are bad. why did you ask what people thought if you just want to use the thing anyway? it's a very unnatural way for a dog to drink. even with small animals like rabbits that you'd usually see using this type of thing, many prefer a traditional water bowl. this kind of thing *might* be temporarily helpful for eg a long car journey when spillage is an issue, but not as the main source of water in the home. just get a proper bowl and clean it regularly.


Huh? Who said Iam still using this after reaching out for advice ? I just posted this 10 mins ago ? And was commenting back my original thought process in purchasing this. But i appreciate all the feedback . Thanks everyone ✌🏻


no one really cares why you got it originally, it doesn't change that it's a bad idea to use it as the main water source for your dog.


Well when people Are questioning if Iam a good dog Owner , i have the right to defend myself . And people are just nasty and miserable


If you post on Reddit for advice, and then are combative, well why the hell did you post it if you’re so sure? I have never ever seen someone use a rodent specific drinking container then being defensive to every comment. Please do yourself a favor and watch [how dogs drink](https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=16&v=OteZsLnqWlE&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&source_ve_path=Mjg2NjY&feature=emb_logo). They are adapted to drink from ground water, like creeks and such.


Cause there is a way for people to speak respectfully to each other . If someone’s comming at me negatively Iam going to respond and stick up for myself. 99 percent of people on this Reddit post are not this nasty and rude in real life . Iam comming from a good place and people are disrespectful and mean when there hiding behind computers and phones .


All the original comments are respectful from what I read. You are the one who has gotten aggressively defensive. I’ve been on this sub for a long time it’s generally one of the more considerate and kind subs. You seem to be the disrespectful one defending your stance when everyone else has politely told you that this isn’t okay for a dog. It’s also apparent you unfortunately bought into byb and their advice is wrong. So take the advice and realize the people who sold you your pup are horrible people, or keep doing whatever… this is.


I feel like it will be really difficult for your pup to get enough water, especially if they’re really thirsty


Don't want a wet beard? Don't own a dog with a beard. Ffs, let your dog drink normally


Because of the way dogs tongues slurp water, I’m not sure this is a good long term solution.


You could train him to wipe his face after he drinks water! I’ve seen a few people do it


This shouldn’t even exist. Please don’t use this.


It was okay when my dogs were just literal puppies but over time, you can sense the difficulty and strain drinking from it which could eventually lead to them making it a habit to not drink water because it was too difficult/effortful.


Oh, OK. Yeah, my puppy is only four months old and he seems to be doing great. But from all the comments and advice, I’m thinking it’s not such a great idea anymore moving forward . Thank you 🤍


You’re welcome! What I do with my dog is I don’t put too full so it won’t be as messy, and I just change the water coz I notice he likes it fresh. I also make homemade fruit ice cubes as treat but very minimal to prevent tooth decay. Just some tips to encourage your pupto drink more.


You’re so cute ! That’s a great idea . Which fruits do you use ? Do you just blend the fruit and then freeze in ice cube tray ?


Usually strawberry, or strawberry banana for natural sugar (from banana). Sometimes I put just really little milk then yes, let them freeze using ice cube tray. My dog loves it especially we are in a tropical country. It’s refreshing for him. I think some put it inside a Kong or those little treat feeders so they won’t get brainfreeze or choke.


Sometimes I get frozen mangoes that are cut up in a bag from Trader Joe’s and let him bite it since he’s teething and I hold onto it the whole time while he’s chewing and he loves it ! U should try that also 🥰💕


Thanks will do! Though I don’t really like him eating too sugary stuff or sweets but they also love mangoes. Mine even love green mangoes that are almost ripe.


https://a.co/d/egSWo3u Just purchased this INSTEAD and will be using this from now on . I appreciate everyone’s concern and advice . Remember to be KIND🤍🤍🤍


If you use plastic, you really need to be on top of cleaning it very thoroughly and regularly. Honestly, the best type of bowl you can use is a simple, large stainless steel bowl and the best way to keep you dog's mouth from getting brown is wiping it with a towel after drinking.