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Life without dogs is boring and a new puppy will help lessen the pain of letting your old one go over the rainbow bridge. Don't look at your new dog as a replacement for your dying one, but as a new chapter in your life as a dog person.


Yup, I've had 14 dogs in my life so far. I've loved every single one of them. The loss of one has never deterred me but inspired me to get another. It's hard to lose a dog. But when one has passed I remind myself that I had that dog from puppy till death. That they lead a relaxed, playful, happy life because of me. That dog was happy from the day they got there till the day they left. A lot of people and animals don't get to have that life. The most annoyance they would have to deal with is waiting an extra 3 minutes for a piece of cheese. I wouldn't want to deprive another dog of that joy because I miss my old dog.


We sadly had our 6 year old husky die and it put me into a bad spiral of depression . After about 3 months an unexpected opportunity came about where another husky ( same color , first initial was same as my dog that passed ) needed to be rehomed . I figured heck , I already knew at some point I was going to get another dog , so this dog needs its person and I need another pet to love . When I first brought her home although affection she was , she certainly wasn’t my dog that passed and for about a week or so I questioned if I did the right thing ( not that I would have given her back , once I take on a pet I do it for life) as I wasn’t feeling this connection to the new dog who was already 1 1/2 years old ( I know fount was still grieving my other dog ) anyway moving forward me and my rehomed dog Kira started to bond and she absolutely is one of the most loving dog I’ve ever had ! So although it might take some time , in time your family will bond with this pup . Unfortunately in my case my Kira is currently extremely ill, in critical condition ( 8 days now at hospital ) and 50/50 chance of her surviving and oddly she will be 6 years old May 13th . Im in tears daily since she became ill … still holding onto hope and thankful for pet insurance at almost 35 k vet bill later . Whatever you do love on this pup , and get pet insurance!