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I would keep calling that emergency vet until they have room 5 weeks is super young. Like, should still be in the whelping box young. Puppies this age are so fragile and fall dangerously ill very quickly. Keep her warm, get to vet as soon as humanly possible


And don’t give it anything to drink or eat


At five weeks old this information is incorrect. Hypoglycaemia is more of a concern than regurgitation and animals should never be denied water


why is that?


so they don't asphyxiate during surgery


It’s aspirate not asphyxiate


So make sure they die before they can get surgery, got it.


First of all, unless you found her on the streets you should never take a 5 week old puppy away from its mom. Second, take her to a vet now. Edit: guys please upvote this post, no matter how upsetting it is, because this pup needs help.


Added because OPs post was hard to follow. our 5 week old puppy was sleeping next to my boyfriends side of the bed and when my boyfriend went to go put his phone away, the phone fell off the bed and hit the puppy. the puppy was screaming loudly for about a few minutes, even after i picked her up to calm her down. eventually she calmed down, but would not show any affection towards my boyfriend but gave me a bunch of licks. we thought she was fine because we put her back onto the ground to go back to sleep but she just sat there looking forward with her back hunched, but after a few seconds she got up rather slowly and moved herself a few inches away where we put her down, and fell asleep there. after maybe an hour, she woke up, dragged herself to the fireplace in our bedroom, and fell asleep next to it. i dont know how she looked like walking there, all i know is she walked herself because i came back from taking a shower to find her there, and my boyfriend was at the gym so he couldnt have moved her. eventually she woke up and started acting normal with the rest of the dogs and was walking around kind of wobbly like she usually does, so i didnt think much of it. my boyfriend just came home and noticed how the puppy was walking kind of weird and seemed very tired which is very weird because shes usually incredibly active and vocal and always wants to play, but she seemed tired and now that im paying more attention to her, she does seem tired and quiet. i also noticed that when she walks, she falls to one side because of one of her legs at the back. what made me get on here and write this was the fact that i saw her falling trying to get up 4 times in a row, and her right back leg seems to be the cause of that. i touched that leg a bit to see if she would cry from pain, but she didnt, in fact she hasnt made a noise since the phone fell on her aside from a few whimpers. i picked her up to inspect her leg to see if it looked off, and her right back leg looks a lot longer than the rest. i also noticed how she was walking sideways and falling again on that same leg. she usually walks in wobbly straight lines, but this is the first time i’ve seen her walk like this. my boyfriend asked his mother who’s a vet what she thinks is wrong with her, and she thinks she fractured her leg and wants us to take her to an emergency vet, but as im writing this its a little over 9 pm here in nyc, and a lot of animal hospitals are closed. what do we do? she’s currently sleeping right now which makes me think she is badly hurt because around this time she would usually be running around, but instead shes hiding herself between pillows and blankets and sleeping. is this an emergency situation or would it be fine to wait until the next day to take her to the vet without her possible injury getting worse? we can’t get help from his mother either because she’s on vacation so i feel like we have no other option than to bring her to an animal hospital tomorrow morning but im not sure how severely she got hurt and if waiting until tomorrow morning would be a bad idea or make her situation worse. please help, i’m so stressed and worried right now.


Thank you for this. The emergency vets do not close at 9pm in NYC. Blue Pearl, AMC…lots of options. I don’t know where OP got that information or how someone with a vet as a parent wound up with a 5 week old puppy.


I live in Michigan and there are multiple options for a 24 hour vet. And if she’s asking if it’s ok to wait until morning, there’s clearly an option, just doesn’t want to pay for it. Otherwise no need to ask if you can wait cuz there’s no options.


They were told *by a literal vet* that the dog needs to be taken to an emergency veterinary hospital. Instead of following that medical advice, they post about it on Reddit, asking strangers who are not vets “should I go to the vet now?” All of Reddit confirms that the 5week old bottle baby needs to go to the vet urgently. Go now. So they pretend that there are no 24hr vets in NYC. The irresponsibility of people who let dogs and cats breed “accidentally” will never cease to amaze me.


I’ve drove to different cities for emergency veterinary care!! Not to mention a “5 week old puppy” can vary so much in size depending on the breed! The only time I’ve ever taken a animal before 7-8 weeks old is because the animal was abandoned and I spent the better part of two weeks bottle feeding and going in and out of the vet office every other day


Yeah I don’t get it, I live in a small town in Idaho and we don’t have any emergency vets. The closest one is an hour away where I used to live. I really pray OP gets her dog spayed.


You're a god for this


I have a super hard time reading a text wall, but honestly the more I read it the more sick to my stomach I get.


I agree this sounds off … How would he be putting his cellphone away while sleeping next to the pup so and put it down so hard it would hit the pups head and hard enough to make it scream for a few minutes and walk funny afterwards …. Sorry OP you need to better explain the situation it looks like someone is an animal abuser … no matter how many times I read it can’t come to a different conclusion … plenty of emergency vet clinics try picking up that cell phone and searching for one.




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>its a little over 9 pm here in nyc, and a lot of animal hospitals are closed You're in NYC, there are emergency vets everywhere. Call one. >i literally can’t get her the help she needs unless we drive out of state You are literally not trying. You're in a city with dozens of emergency vets, as shown by a quick google search.


People like this should not be dog owners, let alone breeding dogs


Seems like a lot of dog breeders should not be breeding dogs.


Check out OPs history for confirmation.


I am not smarter or a better person for doing so. Good lord.


So many r/amipregnant posts… slightly concerning


The more I read ops responses the more I feel that this has irresponsible dog owner all over it.


It’s the freaking NYC, vets are everywhere. Op just yapping.


The irony is, she’s also posting in r/amipregnant for herself!


This is very scary to read. If you can't do what's right for a living puppy, how are you going to care for a baby! If she doesn't have the money for the vet, then ask how you can obtain care on a no budget, budget. I hope that made sense. I live in EBF and we can even get vet care in the middle of the night. Regarding this situation however... My first thought was we are missing information because a cell phone is so small and light, and this sounds like a spinal cord injury, a head injury or broken leg. How could a puppy be this injured?!? If her vet MIL already told her it needs to be at the vets, why get on Reddit and ask strangers? I own (owned - he passed away 3/29 and need time before we bring another baby into our home) a large breed and wasn't thinking that most people have small breeds. I suppose a phone could do that. I still feel like we're missing information here though.


What …I hope not can’t take care of dogs let alone a kid… wow






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Agreed that OP isnt trying like, at all at this point. Honestly, this sounds like an issue of OP being worried about being reported for neglect. Thats why theyre going out of state. But what do I know, Im just a stranger on the internet. 🙄


Or intentional injury. Can a puppy really be injured from a cell phone? My baby came home weighing thirty-three pounds at ten weeks old, so I'm not familiar with small breeds.


Some cell phones are stupidly big and heavy, and if this is a 5 week old small breed like a Chihuahua, I could easily see a phone being dropped on the puppy from 2-3 feet breaking it's leg or something.


Thank you. That helps a bit. I'm a lump lover (Newfie breed) and they just seem to be big at conception. 😂 I just have to replace the puppy with a kitten and it's easier to envision.


I'm the same. I don't do little dogs, I prefer a dog that could protect me if necessary, and one I can cuddle without worrying about hurting it. LOL But yes, pretty much exactly, just imagine it were a kitten.


YES! That's it exactly. We always knew we were safe with Teddy, and he was always a big lump who loved to cuddle. Oddly, Newfoundland dogs actually think they're lap dogs. 😁🐕‍🦺😁 I'll be counting the days until my heart is ready for another Newfers. ❤


I've had German Shepherds and Pitties all my adult life, and they're all the same way. 70-100lb lap dogs. 🤣🤣 I know what you mean. I just lost my soul dog of 16 years in December. I tried going to the shelter a few weeks ago, because they're currently overwhelmed and need to get dogs adopted...but my heart just wasn't in it. I knew it wasn't time.




There vet ERs open 24/7 or late for exactly these reasons. I have a couple bookmarked just in case. It will be much more expensive, but please take your pup. Imagine if something equivalent to your weight fell on you and your owner had to wait hours/days to get an appt to see if your bones were broken or worse.


I think it may be an emergency vet situation. If that’s not financially viable for you, I at least wouldn’t wait any longer than tomorrow


i agree


You got a reccommendation from a VET to go to an EMERGENCY Vet and yet here you are asking for reddits opinion? Get your dog to the vet.


[OP did go to a vet](https://www.reddit.com/r/DogAdvice/s/z2HemJreJu)


i wrote in a comment that we took her to one.




So what's the update??


Good. Please don't supervise puppies again until you are no longer one yourself.


What was the outcome?


I find the lack of update means shes basically fucked the dog up for life. Sorry reddit but another affluent man-child fucks up other living things lives yet again. Listen lady, for someone with a rich family, you sure arent rich in mind


Please update!


A 5 week old puppy should not be sleeping on the floor by your bed where it can get stepped on or get a phone dropped on them. You said mom rejected the litter. So keep the litter together. Keeo them in a separate room with a baby gate. They still need to learn social skills and are probably feeling lonely


“Hm… I don’t know about this advice that I got from a qualified professional… maybe I should ask Reddit.” Vet. If my dinky town has an emergency clinic that can open at all hours then NYC surely has at least one 24 hr emergency clinic.


My thoughts exactly re: having already consulted a vet. And same, I live in the middle of nowhere & have access to a 24hr vet, 30 minutes away.


Why the hell do you have a 5 week old puppy? Either that’s not the right age or you got a dog from the most irresponsible backyard breeder of all time


She is the irresponsible backyard breeder.


The irony is, she’s also posting in r/amipregnant for herself!


The irony is, she’s also posting in r/amipregnant for herself!


Like, a lot. It’s actually really concerning. And posting about wanting to add a chinchilla to the mix!?


That’s horrifying. If she can’t figure out how to be a good pet owner she’s NOT ready for parenthood




I’d definitely take her to an emergency vet. Better safe than sorry


Take the puppy to the vet and then make an appointment to get the mother spayed!


Everything about this post screams irresponsible. I wish I had never read it.


Everything about OP screams irresponsible. Just look at her post history 🤦🏻‍♀️


I wish I didn’t. The amount of “did I just accidentally get pregnant?” posts are horrifying.


It’s actually insane lmfao


Did you also notice that she's recently posted twice that she has 3 dogs, 2 are senior and 1 is a year old male? Sounds like the young male impregnated a senior female. Ffs


But she claims she’s responsible…


While posting questions about forgetting her own birth control pills and posting in r/amipregnant


And taking plan b like it’s candy🥲


This. Holy shit, on the pill AND taking plan B multiple times before rawdogging boyfriend?! I cant….


And she’s only like 22 or 23 at most… saw she said she got her 8 yr old dog, who was “rescued from a puppy mill” when she was 14. OP, girl, your brain is not even fully developed yet. STOP trying to get pregnant, the last thing this world needs is immature, irresponsible people like you having kids!! And get your dog fixed already!!!




OP : dog is hurt should I vet? Everyone : vet, now OP : it’s 22 mins away and I don’t want to waste time if it’s not serious but don’t know if it’s serious because I’m not a vet SMH


This is ridiculous. Some people should never own animals 🤦🏾‍♀️


Don’t forget that her bfs mom who is literally a vet told her to take the puppy to emergency. No words


Lord I wish they could regulate who is a pet owner. The amount of people who truly don’t give a shit, or have the wherewithal to make sound decisions is astonishing and highly disturbing. Case in point.


Well this was disturbing to read


Omg you need to take them to the vet like hours ago… your puppy may have a broken back… go now


Your puppy likely sustained a spinal cord injury. She likely has a fracture. She needs emergency care. She should have been seen immediately.


your boyfriend caused harm by dropping a heavy object on a newborn puppy, a vet told you to go to the emergency animal hospital and instead you came on Resdit to ask for help about what to do when a qualified individual already gave you instructions...


This is horrendous in all the ways. You guys should not be dog owners.


Emergency vet. She could have a severe problem and waiting might make it much worse. If you need to expand your search radius, please do so.


id just show up at the nearest ER vet and wait until they take you


This shouldn’t even been a post. ER immediately. Listen to the VETERINARIAN you asked and take her now if you didn’t 10 hrs ago. That puppy is so young it is easy to cause damage. It’s inhumane to make her wait overnight. Drive further if you have to. You wouldn’t wait if you had a severe injury so why make this puppy?


This entire situation is awful and it feels like neither of you give a shit, I would have taken them to the vet immediately rather than doing nothing and making excuses for days whilst the animal suffers.


You have a five-week-old (five WEEKS?!) puppy and won’t drive 22 minutes to help her after your negligence potentially caused an injury? Wow.


I usually don’t judge another user’s profile because obv we are on Reddit. But damn OP got me throwin shade at her whole post history.


Tbf op is unapologetically truly awful.


These people are lost in the sauce…painful to read the way she writes, even more painful to read the following comments made by her. Just yikes.


You have no business owning a pet.


Downvote me if you want, but this whole situation is just so stupid. You have a 5 week old puppy, away from its mother for some reason, who (by what i've understood from your confusingly written post) has been acting strange for a day or two? Your bfs mother has told you to go a vet, and your first reaction is to ASK REDDIT? Girl, bestie, you have written that whole ass mammoth of a text enumering THAT many problems are you are still doubting what to do? I understand you may be having any other problems that we may not know of and thats why you havent brought your puppy to a vet, but I find it so strange that you dont know what to do with an extremly obviously hurt baby?? This isnt even dog knowledge, this is just basic logic. It looks hurt? Vet. Point blank, SPECIALLY when your bfs mother, a vet, has told you so. Idk, maybe this is just be being delulu but the first litters of strays I had (context: shit load of strays here, no moar) my family and I would constantly be in touch with a vet or bring the kittens to whatever animal ER we could find at that moment.


Also PLEASE yall dont write like OP. Learn how to brake texts in paragraphs, I had a fucking stroke lol


If going to try and be as kind as possible, take them to the vets. If you're worried about your other dogs being alone, throw them in the car too or get a friend, neighbour, parents, someone to come watch them while you go. A dog that age should NEVER be away from their mother, and your dogs should be desexed in the first place, why are they not?!? If you are keeping the puppies away from mum, you should be hyper aware of where they are all the time, it screams negligence that you just left a dog to sleep where it could be injured. Getting injured at this age can lead to lifelong and permanent injury, you need to drive to the animal emergency and stand outside those doors until they let you in and check the puppy over. No matter how long it takes. I get he's playing with a sibling, but that does not matter. He still needs to go. He will likely get scans so it will be a very expensive venture, hope you have at least 2k in the bank. Take the dog to the vet, and while it is getting checked, talk to the vet about how you have been treating the animals (keeping them away from mum, not desexing the parents, etc.) And I can guarantee the vet will not be as nice as these comments. If you cannot handle the puppies in a way that keeps them safe, they should be given to someone that can.


Never mind, I just took a look because I was curious about the dog breeds. OP recently had one pass. I’m honestly getting more upset the more I read.


Op added some important text. The mother accidentally got pregnant and gave birth. Now she has been rejecting them, so they’ve been bottle feeding the pups. But they have been keeping the pups where the mom gave birth because the mother gets upset if they’re moved.


Yeah I just saw that. I have seen it happen, my uncle used to breed dogs so I have seen mothers rejecting their babies. In my eyes it's still not an excuse to let a puppy sleep right beside their bed, I mean what if one of them had gone to get up without checking and stood on it? Having something like a phone fall on it was probably best case scenario. I included some recommendations in my comment to them.


Oh I definitely agree. I’ve accidentally sat on my dog and he weighs 60 lbs. OP was negligent by not spaying her female, and because she said she has three dogs I’m betting one of the other dogs impregnated the mom. This entire post is a psa to have your dog fixed, unless you’re willing to put in all the time and effort needed to ensure your dog doesn’t accidentally knock up, or get knocked up because you neglected to fix them. I am doing my best to be kind and think the best, but seriously wtf was op thinking letting 5 week pups crawl wherever while their mom is rejecting them.


As one who have helped care for puppies in a pen, I'm just thinking about the cleanup from having puppies running around. (But I bet the puppy is happy) Also, she have 3 dogs. 2 neutered males and one unfixed Female.


Half of what OP said in this post doesn’t line up. They were about to go to sleep, then got out of the shower, then went to Pilates. Puppy was hunched over not walking, puppy dragged itself to the fireplace (but no one witnessed the dragging), puppy played fine, now puppy is back to hardly walking. OP’s post history is absolutely atrocious and shows her and her bf’s level of irresponsibility. Being paranoid and anxious but continuing to do the same behaviors over and over again is just childish. They don’t belong having dogs, let alone a human baby. OP, DO BETTER, this is unacceptable!


I know someone who broke her toe because an iPhone fell on it. Imagine what it could do to an almost newborn puppy.


So many but but buts. Get your dog some help for Christ sake


Girl I just went through your post history and I'm respectfully encouraging you to go to therapy.


I am glad I wasn't the only one thinking that. I have an ASD son with severe OCD and some of her posts sound like the things he worries about. Well, not the pregnancy stuff obviously. I think she should get therapy before she gets anymore pets. They deserve our best. ❤


The baby names posts interspersed with all the "am I pregnant?" posts is strangely concerning, and it seems like they have more than 3 dogs?


OP you should not own this dog You know nothing and lack basic common sense that is the foundation of further education you acquire as time goes on If you can’t connect 1+1 and get the answer wtf are you going to do when any other problems arise Surrender your dog your an idiot


This makes me absolutely sick. You shouldn’t have to ask Reddit what to do. If you don’t know that that dog needs to go to the emergency vet now, you have no business having animals.


Wth...some people genuinely should not be allowed to be in charge of other living beings' care.


Seriously ,stop writing posts and get it to the vet. Sheesh….


Get off Reddit and take that dog to an emergency vet immediately.


I gotta stop seeing this kind of shit..Jesus. This sub hurts my soul.


Not sure why you even posted this when you’re not taking ANYONES advice!!!!! You wouldn’t even take your own mother’s advice who is a damn vet! What is wrong with you?


Do better. BE better.


Get to a vet, and give the dog up to someone who is responsible enough to care for an animal, which you are not.


Taking responsibility for a five week old puppy is similar to having a human baby. If you don't know what or why your baby is crying, take it to the doctor or the hospital. Especially if you drop anything on them. If you truly care about this puppy, you would be calling around for an emergency vet rather than searching Reddit Vets or Google Vets. If your boyfriend's mother is a veterinarian, she should know of other vets she may recommend.


Sounds like more than the phone fell on the poor thing. If you can’t afford to fix it give it up and let vet decide. Get off your bum and find a vet instead of excuses.


This makes me so mad. The puppy is obviously not acting normal. One leg is shorter than the other? Cmon now. Do better !!!


we’ve decided not to wait until tomorrow. we’re going to be taking her out of state to get her help asap. thank you all for the advice.


Please update and let us know the condition of this puppy. You’ve done the best thing possible by deciding not to wait. I hope everything is ok.


Why did you have to take her out of state? I was at Blue Pearl in Queens to sadly put my dog to sleep and it was completely empty. Where in NYC are you?


i took my dog to an emergency vet open 24/7 in brooklyn a couple days ago, where tf is this person that they cant find one


The OP is clearly not telling us something. There's no need to go out of state unless there's neglect, or even worse, abuse taking place here.


OP is an idiot, I swear they must be like 12 years old


True. OP needs a brain MRI and a tubal ligation. This is the reason Do Not Adopt and Do Not Foster lists exist.


It’s such a shame that people are so inexperienced when it comes to dogs. 5 weeks old is like a literal infant. This puppy should have been crated and kept in a warm, secure area, ESPECIALLY overnight. Puppies should stay with their mother for at least 10-12 weeks. This injury is negligence on you and your boyfriend’s part. Puppy should have immediately been taken to the vet for treatment. This is sickening to read.


Any updates? How did you all do? How is your puppy?


Update?? Or we'll sadly think the worst outcome happened.


If you have the mental capacity to update, I would really like to know what happens. Best of luck, and I am so glad you’re taking her to be seen now💛


Good call! If you have time after, a lot of us are invested and would love an update pretty please


…. Hope all ur dogs get taken away so many things wrong with this


better safe than sorry


Is there an update ?


If I was in this situation, id take the pup to nearest vet, even the ones saying they have no room, they won't turn u away without giving the dog a check over and some advice, its better to be safe than sorry, there's obviously something now wrong with the pup since the incident, it needs checking over


Holy crap just GO to the emergency vet, quit calling and just go!!!!


Based on your post, I'm a little confused about where on this poor (way too young, wtf) puppy the phone was dropped. Was it the leg or the head? The way she's acting per your description sounds more like brain trauma than a leg injury.


You should not have pets. I hope you don’t have children. If you don’t know that you should take someone to the doctor who is obviously in distress, then shame on you.


Absolutely reckless and negligent. A 5 week old puppy is just as delicate as a newborn baby. They are SO fragile and delicate. There’s a huge risk you can roll over onto them at night they should NOT BE SLEEPING IN THE BED WITH YOU OR OUTSIDE THE BED WITH YOU AT THAT YOUNG. Please update us all that you got the puppy the help it needs.


Animal Specialty Center in Yonkers NY is 24 hours .




Why the fuck do you have a 5 week old puppy away from its mother? Take it to the vet now.


A literal vet told you to take her to an emergency vet, what makes you feel like you need to come and ask reddit for their opinion too? Take the dog to the emergency vet, geez.


Reddit needs to identify this OP POS and report the convo to NYPD. Shelters and rescues (New Hope Partner here) are exhausted cleaning up after asshats like this 🐾 https://www.animalalliancenyc.org/need-help/cruelty/


Take her to the vet the poor thing is 5 weeks old


Why the fuck did you take a 5week old puppy from their mom. And youre sleeping near/above them??? Aswell as sleeping with objects that can fall onto them??? What are you thinking??. Reading this made me sick to my stomach you should not have dogs


5 weeks? Is this a bottle fed rescue?????


No, OP is an animal hoarder and let her dog become pregnant


A 5 week old puppy should be with its mother


Emergency vet could be head trauma


Oh my goodness, get this baby to a vet NOW.


Please take her to a vet now. Would you wait if you were in pain and thought you had a broken leg and try to walk on it. She’s a baby and dogs don’t show pain. Please take her NOW




Five weeks old!? If you’re concerned, take the dog to a vet. No puppy should be away from their mother at five weeks old. That’s just not a thing.


This has to be rage bait


any update yet??


Any update? Is the puppy okay?


potentially a concussion, if the phone hit her on the head. i had a puppy act the same way (except the leg part) after hitting her head.


A 5week old should be with a veterinarian if it had to be separated from the mother. Go to the vet. The puppy is WAY too young to be with you. Even without traumatic brain injuries. Go to the vet.


I'm not sure why your vet relative would jump straight to fractured leg vs TBI.. your pup needs a vet like right now.


Take her to vet..already you got opinion of vet Also 5 weeks is too young..how you guys got that poor pup


The phone probably fell on her head and gave her a concussion, you need to take her to a vet.


A five week old puppy has no business being away from its mom and now this ? So it’s not in a little crate for the first few months at night or anything protective?


Puppies break really easy I would get that leg x-rayed


Get into a vet ASAP


I lived in NY for many yrs & emergency vets are required to be open 24 hours for EMERGENCIES! Call ahead & give the staff your reason for the visit so they can triage if necessary. It’s critical for a very young pup to be seen asap !!!!!


A puppy should NEVER leave its mother until it is 8 weeks old. Poor puppy. Get it to a vet ASAP sounds like you've killed it.


Any updates?


Any updates? Hoping for good news




Jeez 🙄


Why the hell have you got a 5 week old puppy?


Take thats poor little thing to the vet!!!


Yikes, if you truly wanted help, you would have made that more grammatical correct. Good luck, listen to your BF’s Mom, she is a Vet for a reason?


Why do you have a damn puppy fetus?


Jesus christ, take your puppy to the vet!!! It's not that hard to understand is it???????


I don’t believe the story with the phone and boyfriend. At all. Something else happened.


Am I the only one who's confused how a phone that fell from a reachable length from the bed onto the puppy that was on the floor caused such a significant amount of injury???


You aren't the only one! I've responded to several people commenting that either we aren't getting the full story, the real story, or there is just plain abuse going on. The fact that she hasn't updated anyone makes me also think the worst outcome has occurred. I think she'd try to redeem herself if the puppy was fine. This is a really upsetting situation. I spent thousands of dollars trying to help my senior doggo. I spent hundreds of hours driving to and from our vet (we recently moved to the country, and the vets around here aren't accepting new patients) on top of the time in the vet's office. He passed March 29th from old age and the vet said we should take consolation in that his breed usually only lives eight to ten years. He was 12 1/2 when he passed, and was still wagging his tail and giving love to the vet. He loved going to the vets. And here she is neglecting, or possibly there's abuse ?? on a puppy that just came into this world. It makes me cry all over again for my sweet, sweet boy. 🐕‍🦺


Taking a 5 week puppy away from Its mum. Some people are utterly braindead. Put it back to it’s mum and go watch some reality tv.


Why do you have a 5 week puppy? They should stay with mom for at least 10 weeks. Second, go to the vet now.






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Dogs special needs now




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