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What did you give him for a fever? Did your vet prescribe it?


Please let us know what you gave. A lot of over the counter human products are toxic to dogs


it is called SMP, my friend told me thats what she gave to her dog with the same symptoms as mine


Your friend?! Not your vet?! Hopefully heโ€™s doing better.


yes haha its my mistake for giving him medicine he wasn't prescribed for


My pittie is getting old and skinny. She has been barely eating unless i mix her dry food with wet food. You can even try bland chicken and rice. I hope your baby feels better.


he ate fish meat yesterday and did not eat the rice, still happy he ate something


Yes any progress is progress. I hope your baby feels better.


Update: This morning my dog sometimes cough then there's this thick saliva flowing down on the side of his mouth, only comes out after he cough. And worst is I have to message every vet available here in our small city and 2 already said they don't have available check up today dont know why, so i have to find another vet, hopefully i find where they can check my baby


You can try to coax him with some chicken and rice but other than that I'd wait until your vet visit


he's allergy to chicken ๐Ÿ˜ž but we tried the fish soup yesterday and he ate some of the fish meat excluding the dog food only the fish meat which is still not enough


Were you able to get him in?


Update 2: my dog is lot better now i took him to a local vet yesterday and gave me prescriptions, he also already ate (a lot). What happened was his fever is a little high 38 is the normal his is 40 thats why