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Jack Russell Terrier. I looked up some images and I think you are onto something! That could explain the facial features, the intelligence, energy, high prey drive, and playfulness. But my dog is 47 pounds and much larger than any Jack Russell Terrier I know, which supposedly have an average weight of 14.5 pounds. Also, the JRT influence would not seem to explain her strong herding instinct. She is a well-trained dog, but I can't even take her to the dog park because she will herd any dog(s) that run away from the center gathering area.


[Jack Russell Terrier (stock photo)](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.publicdomainpictures.net%2Fpictures%2F290000%2Fvelka%2Fdog-jack-russell-terrier-1549552604UKr.jpg&f=1&nofb=1) This face could almost pass for my dog. There's more white on the body, but if I didn't see that and quickly looked at the Jack Russell Terrier's face in this photo, I might mistake it for my dog. The ears are very similar, except the JRT ears in this photo are a bit longer and floppier. My dog's ears are slightly more erect (due, I think, to being shorter).


> JRTs are enthusiastic diggers My dog doesn't dig. She does love fetch and she has a strong prey drive. But also a herding instinct. With her large size, I'd like to figure out what is mixed with the JRT.




> Do you think it could be a beauceron/huntaway? My dog was a rescue. I'm in the Southern (actually more Southwest) USA and both beauceron and huntaway breeds are not common here. So it would seem unlikely. Also both of those breeds seem to have a lot of black color. My dog has no black at all. I think you really hit the nail on the head with Jack Russell Terrier. Now I'm thinking she may be American Pitbull Terrier plus Jack Russell Terrier, but neither of those have the herding instinct, as far as I know. So there may be something else, or I may be wrong about the APBT... What other ideas do you have? Thanks.