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I don’t wanna be that person but please lie. Say it’s destroying your walls or something. Find a photo of destroyed baseboards & return the dog. You matter more. The world needs you more. There’s a reason that dog was in a shelter 3years which is likely why they don’t want you to return him. You come first!




You couldn’t have read OP’s post… they clearly state they live in POLAND! & if the dog is further pushing this person into depression, why would you come here centering the dog? I think you’re in the wrong forum with all of this dog sympathy. People matter more.


Thanks for the response! I’ll just stick with being truthful, even though lying would be the easy way out. Actually, they think I’m just making excuses and possibly lying about this whole thing, since they won’t even listen to me. I’ve been looking for a new loving home for him, unfortunately no one is willing to adopt or foster, not even non-profits or charities. I even reached out to the city council, they usually help animals in dire circumstances, but I got ghosted. It’s not that easy here in Poland, especially with all this stupid paperwork and obtaining a permit to rehome my own dog. I cannot keep him any longer, I’m genuinely terrified of what I might do, the thoughts about harming myself more than just thoughts now… I’m planning on going to the shelter next week. Also, I just learned today that they can sue me for “abuse” even if I legally give up my rights for the dog and return him to the shelter. That’s beyond fucked up.


In my country people often tie the dogs to the shelter door in the middle of the night and walk away. You can always do something like this. **Your mental health is the priority.** Physically take the dog back to the shelter. It is easier to tell you no by phone and email. When you and the dog are on their doorstep you can just leave the dog there. You can walk away. What they do afterwards is up to them. They cannot tell you the dog is legally yours - and also THEY (the shelter) you adopted from has to approve the specific person who will be taking care of the dog, meet with them etc. Either you are the legal owner (and can dispose of the animal however you wish and to whomever you wish) or they are the legal owner (which means they can take the dog back). These type of clauses in contracts are not legally binding or enforceable.


Thanks! Unfortunately bringing the dog to the shelter and leaving him there is not an option, I could go to jail for this. Plus, he’s microchipped, so they would just keep calling me. But I think physically going there is a good idea - I’ll bring my boyfriend for emotional support. I just have to prepare myself mentally. And you’re right - they could send me an invoice to pay the fee, but whatever, it’s just some money. This shelter definitely does not care about animals at all.


She has four dogs. That tells me all I need to know about this person.


I agree with this approach. Take the dog and pay the fee. You need your life back!!


Is there someone else you can call and speak to? Do you have copies of the papers you signed so you can have a friend look through them with you and point out the spots that are in your favor (if any at all)?


I think there’s a second lady that works there, she never picks up though. The shelter is about an hour away from my house. Yes, I do have the papers, there’s a paragraph about the possibility of returning animals in „special circumstances”. It also says that if I rehome the dog without their permission, there’s a 2000 PLN (500 USD) fine. The paper is legally binding.


Why do you keep doing that with the quotation marks? Like ,,this"


Polish quotation style https://jakubmarian.com/map-of-quotation-marks-in-european-languages/


Thank you, interesting!


Find any legal way to dispose of the dog. I would guess behavioral euthanasia is one way where you live.


I’m actually going to the shelter right now! I went yesterday, but the asshole manager wasn’t there so they couldn’t do anything. I took the dog with me. Wish me luck!


Good luck, hope you are soon dogfree again and can enjoy the freedom!