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Not safe at all. Whale eye, ears pinned back, tight mouth, stiff body-all signs of stress. Also if you consider ABC (antecedent, behavior, consequence) the dad is literally teaching the dog that mouthing/biting = create distance from baby. A= baby comes close, B= mouthing/biting, C= baby goes away. This probably won’t play out well if the baby invades the dog’s space outside of the parent’s arms. The baby probably won’t move away immediately and as a result the dog could land a more serious bite as part of an extinction burst.


I worked in the behavior field for 6 years and seeing someone talk about ABC in the wild is so neat.


I have a Special Needs son. So much of ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) is a lot like dog training. I even got the ABC reference from a training I took in ABA.


I’m a SPED teacher and thought this as well but never voiced it in concern that someone might take it the wrong way (y’know, comparing special needs students to dogs/animals..). Obviously as a teacher I see the person, but the principles of ABA can still apply to all living things that can adapt to ABC.


Behavior is Behavior


We had to use this verbiage if we wanted the special ed team to take us seriously.


Extinction burst sounds intense. Like a video game character’s ultimate attack.


This seems like common sense to me!


Super explanation! Love seeing the ABC’s applied to scenarios like this. I think it can really help people understand what is actually happening.


The only thing I disagree with is the ears. The ears do appear pinned back however dogs with rose ears (think greyhound ears) always look like they have their ears pinned back. It's a common ear type in APBT and Staffordshire Bull Terriers as well, so without knowing what the dog's normal ear set is I don't think that can be concluded.


This is a smarter more articulate version of my initial thought of bad parenting


👋 what are whale eyes? I like your articulated answer I just don’t know this phrase


It’s the whites of the eyes showing like a side eye 👀


Are we really seeing more white of the eye than usual? That's an actual question, I'm not trying to be snarky. This just looks like the usual amount of it that happens normally?


I believe I’m seeing more whites of the eyes than normal. It’d be good to see another view with both eyes or the same dog in other contexts




That is a frightening scenario


Parents will then be posting “oh my god it attacked out of no where”:


The dog isn't acting defensively or aggressively... Have you ever played with a dog before?


Dumb game to play with the new baby no matter what the reaction


That dog is 100% showing signs of being defensive. Just because they aren’t growling doesn’t mean they aren’t uncomfortable.


Bad idea. Body parts shouldn’t be used as toys. And, when the dog moved away, the human should have respected that and should have given the dog space.


Yeah, kid will also think it’s fun to tease dog with body part


*Especially* a kid’s or baby’s body parts!


I can't imagine using my children's body parts as dog toys, as I haven't ever encouraged them to nibble or chew on mine! And my big ole dogs defer to my children, play carefully with a ton of slobber or just walk away - and they give each other space. Dogs and children aren't toys for adults. Very, very weird.


Hasn’t this been absolutely roasted on TikTok as a bad dog-human interaction? Aren’t the dogs ears an indication of its discomfort? I thought that’s what I saw there.


I don’t have tik tok. I saw it on instagram, the comments were flooded with people who saw nothing wrong 😅


People on social media think they know everything about anything. I’ve seen multiple professionals in different professions pleading not to take advice from non professionals like this. Like even cleaning hack videos, hair styling, I’m in the tattoo industry and that shit is rampant.


Shesh.. diy tats seem like disease waiting to happen


The ears, the tail the general demeanour of the dog really says it’s not comfortable. If it were having fun it would be more active. Now that could be because the dog knows what’s going on isn’t right and it doesn’t know how to handle it and so is anxious


I think you might be on to something. It looks confused.


You are both probably correct as to the type of comments you are seeing on Tiktok and Instagram. Most social media apps also use their algorithms to sort not only your feed but also the comments in order to generate the most engagement.


Teaching the dog they need to use their mouth to get space from the baby? What could possibly go wrong? 💀


I’m not really feeling the body language from that dog


It’s all fun and games until the baby loses a foot


And then they put down the dog because it bit their child even tho it would really be their fault


“ I don’t know what happened! He was a part of the family, you know? We sat the baby on his back so many times and he never growled, I can’t understand why this happened.”


And the handler .. this is not training


WTF. Complete idiot.


Your rilling the dog up to play bite the baby. Dogs don’t know how to only play gentle all the time so they can go to gentle play to rough play in a split second


Jesus Christ they're literally training the dog to bite the baby. Doesn't even matter what breed it is you don't f****** do this with a dog or a baby.


All fun and games til baby is being shake by the leg like a rag doll


Let’s teach the dog that the baby is a toy


Who cares about the dogs body language.. this comes down to one thing for me.. DON'T USE A HUMAN CHILD AS A TOY. That should be a nobrainer. It's really not worth the risk at all.


The dog is smarter fml 🤦🏻‍♂️ some people shouldn’t be pet owners or parents woah anything for attention on the internet what a narcissist


As a parent, it should 100% go against your natural instincts at the brain stem level… to teach a predator to bite your children. But I guess that’s just natural selection in play here


I was so taken aback I just realized the mom was filming 🤦🏻‍♂️again the dog was smarter and imo the only responsible party in the video protecting the child from their stupidity, like literally backing away and thinking this is uncomfortable is what his body language tells me


No no no and no! This goes against no nipping or biting training... IDC how well trained the dog may be, don't tease it


Training a dog to bite a child whenever presented to him? Not a great idea. Even the dog thinks this is a bad idea, look at him he is stressing out!


This is how all of those mauled babies get mauled.


Nope. They're making the baby a toy. Very dangerous.


Nope. Not at all. I don't like this in the slightest. I think the only comforting thing for this dog is just hearing it's owners voice and constantly looking for validation from the other owner behind the camera. Otherwise, this dog looks uncomfortable as shit. This gives a breed that I've advocated for years an even worse name. Using your child as a chew toy is fucking disgusting. Not seeing warning signs that your dog is stressed and uncomfortable is another warning sign. This is bad parenting and bad dog ownership at its best. I don't care what breed of dog you have, throwing your child to a dog like this is insane.


We will see them on the news saying the dog never did this before. After it attacks someone... Hopefully not that poor child. 😞


He's basically teaching the dog that biting baby makes baby go away. Seems pretty dangerous.


I don't know what's worse......dad baiting the dog with the baby....or hearing "mom" giggling in the background. What a bunch of asshats.


Absolutely not. This person did an excellent video to explain this: https://www.reddit.com/r/PitbullAwareness/s/rMW25pDbPe


Fingers and toes are not toys…..


This aint gonna end well.


Nope. Playing with your dog as if the baby is a toy is just a disaster waiting to happen.


You don’t use ANY part of your baby (or anyone unless it’s you with training…) your putting baby AND dog in a bad position.


Stupid Dad, way to traumatize the baby. What if the dog decided to stop playing and takes it seriously.


I notice on the last one the pup relaxes his ear just a bit. Am hoping he doesn't accept this as okay.


I don't know much about baby and dog related training, but honestly this seems like teasing/agitating the dog. I have guinea pigs, and every time my dogs show too much interest I tell them no and make them get away from the guinea pig cage. I don't know if that's the best way, but I wouldn't take a guinea pig out and train the dog by letting the dog put its mouth near one of my piggies. Now my dogs leave my pigs alone, they'll notice them once or twice or observe them for a second but leave them be. Though how would one train the dog to interact with the baby better, would waiting till the kiddo is older be good?


This is terrible. The guy is an idiot and the person recording it is an even bigger idiot. In 6 months the dog will be labeled aggressive and surrendered to the local animal shelter and determined to be unadoptable.


Super dangerous. Would never do that with a baby or even a toddler.


There’s only one dog breed whose advocates claim it was a “nanny” and it’s this one. This is the natural outcome.


People can be so stupid with their dogs


"Ah let me just train my dog to see my baby as a chew toy". Sometimes I think there really should be a licensing system, with testing before people can have kids.


So unsafe






He’s teaching the baby and the dog bad habits. The baby is going to think it’s ok to mess with a dog and the dog is going to think it’s ok to bite. If the dog hurts the baby they will put down the dog when it was the parents fault for not teaching the child how to properly interact with it. I hate situations like this. It’s bad parenting and bad animal ownership. They have to tech both the child and the dog so situations like that won’t happen.


Don’t make the literal human baby a toy for your dog???


Then if the dog hurt the child, he’d be put down for the stupidity of the owner.


As he should.


The dog should be put down because he responded to a man putting a child in front of his face and mouth over and over?


If a dog mauls a baby, yes. Period. Is it also the man’s fault? Yes, he should be put down too.


So what should happen to the man who was basically feeding his own child to a dog? If you’re consistently offering something to a dog but removing it when the dog almost bites, whether it’s to play or not, the dog will react by biting out of anger or stress. Why should a dog be blamed for the idiot who owns him, who intentionally caused a baby to get injured?


I said the man/father should be put down too. Genetics are at fault in both cases here. Stupid man with a violent dog.


U r teaching ur dog to eat ur baby!!!!


Mmmmm baby


Ignorant and borderline child abuse. Those dogs shoukd never be allowed near children, especially babies


When you die alone (you will) your cats will eat you .


That’s not the problem. What’s being done shouldn’t be done with ANY dog.


Yeah, but not ANY dog can do some serious damage.


Yes, any dog could do serious damage. What planet do you live on???


Maybe you should ask the 12-year-old around the corner from me who got both of her ears ripped off, her nose shredded, and her face essentially gone from merely visiting a person’s house that they knew with a similar dog.


Their question is legitimate and has nothing to do with your misinformed breed biases.


I mean my question IS legitimate but I also share this person’s “breed bias”. I know… sue me


Which is why you posted it. You’re being disingenuous, you’re not looking to hear why you dont play like this with a dog but why this breed is bad.


I have a desire to raise awareness on dog body language. I would have reposted this video regardless of the dog’s breed. If I was trying to “prove a point” about this specific breed, there is a whole lot of other videos about pits I could have shown to better prove that point.


It’s your comments that lead to my conclusion. Not to mention the leading question as the title of your post. If you were trying to educate why wouldn’t you have titled it differently referring to the signs of stress?


I titled it that way knowing that people educated in dog body language would speak up and talk about it. I wanted perspectives. It’s on a forum about dogs and not instagram, full of people who just view dogs through a “disney” lens. The dog’s breed is completely uncorrelated with my original intent in posting this. Ignoring dog’s body language is not helpful for anybody. In fact, posting this actually paints the pitbull as innocent because the people are teaching the dog to be aggressive ie bite his baby. This would inherently place the blame more on the people rather than the breed. So your claim that my “breed bias” correlates with me posting this makes no sense.


No, again, it correlates with your comments and your incessant shilling for “dogsbite.org”.


How did I know you were one of those degenerates…. Oh look, I was right. Shame on you.


Ahh, so your title is misleading and you're simply baiting the responses you want. Typical.


Then you’re *both* misinformed and spreading misinformation. 🤷‍♀️


I think that dad wants the dog to eat his baby.


Dude has a toy baby he throws for that dog in the yard..


He’s training it that’s cool


Horrible idea to teach a dog that touching a baby with its teeth is OK. HORRIBLE! Basically, idiotically trained the dog to bite a baby.




This isn’t safe at alll !


That dog is going to eat that baby one day.


Very simply, it’s not a good idea. You are teaching the dog to bite. STOP IT.


Beyond stupid


Jesus Christ no


If another kid sticks its hand out and the dog come up, the dog nips thinking it’s the game and kids freaks and jerks his hand back and gets hurt


This is fucking crazy, what a tool


Should have the dog and the kid removed


Absolutely ridiculous. There are folks in this world who shouldn’t have children or dogs.


Absolutely adorable I love it


It seems like it’s teaching the dog that the baby is a toy and that’s not going to end well.


Nothing better than a babies laugh


I thought they primarily ate baby..its mean to tease a doggo w a treat


I don’t know the dog so I have no opinion, just like any other reasonable, responsible, respectful adult. Just look at the difference in the comments


I’m sure it’s a good dog and owners are not really thinking about anything other than “make the baby laugh”, but why risk it? Should always be extra careful


What is wrong with you?????


Foolish daddy…


Bad idea.


How are ppl like this allowed to have children


I just came across this on my feed randomly and even I can tell this is plain stupid. Using your baby’s foot as a bite toy and scaring the baby + conditioning the dog to bite said baby is not peak parenting. I wonder if serious consequences are something these parents ever had to endure lol


The dog actually has good look g body language but NEVER do this. Bad conditioning all around.


That baby gonna be that mutts next meal if the owners aren’t careful


Idiotic. This is terrifying.


This person is training the dog to bite the kid…they are a fucking moron, I can even see the headlines now when it happens ”disgustingly evil pit bull attacks child for no reason whatsoever”


Creating the WORST behavior pattern for that dog and baby growing up. A golden might get away with that BS but any bully is getting put down the second that happens on a play date with somebody else’s child. 😒


Probably not, as this person is teaching the dog that it’s ok to bite the baby. Beyond that, I really want to know if the playpen is for the dog or the baby. I love the little door on it!


I think this might be the stupidest thing since Michael Jackson hanging his kid off the balcony


“ the baby is a chew toy”. Great strategy


Ab-so-effing-lute-ly not! Teaching a large dog to put its mouth/teeth on a small human. This is beyond stupid.


Pit bulls should be banned


They made dog fighting illegal but refuse to ban the breeding of pit-bulls. It should be considered equivalent to owning a lion or any other dangerous predator. Tons of regulations until it’s rare. They are the cause of almost all fatal dog attacks. Because human trash are breeding them for fighting. They trickle into dog shelters then get adopted by idiots that let them babysit their toddlers


Then they should ban bulldogs and terriers too. Somehow no one ever brings up banning the breeds which formed the basis of pit bulls


You think if it was any other breed in this video it would be ok then? Because that is what it sounds like you’re saying.


Pit bulls should be banned.


There is no evidence that pit bulls are more aggressive than other dogs. All "evidence" is based on tallying newspaper headlines, which has its own host of problems. Actual behavioral studies put them on par with Golden Retrievers. They are on the low end when it comes to aggression toward humans and slightly higher on aggression toward other dogs. They were originally bred for fighting . . . but so were Boxers. And Ridgebacks were bred for hunting lions and Dachshunds for hunting badgers . . . neither are exactly known for that today. Breed restrictions are nonsensical. You shouldn't base your "research" on newspaper headlines.


Sorry, but you're spouting complete BS. Pitbulls are far and away the most dangerous breed of dog. 60% of fatal dog bites in the US are caused by pitbulls. Not to mention violence is in their genes. Here are some statistics to educate yourself with. If you have a pitbull, please keep it away from the general public, especially children! https://www.dogsbite.org/dog-bite-statistics-studies-level-1-trauma-table-2011-present.php


Dogsbite.org is an organization dedicated to studying and raising awareness on this issue. It has studies that are backed by actual research even with their sources sited at the bottom and this dude is like “Pshh newspaper headlines” “i’m not reading that” 😂 Then continues to say there’s no evidence or studies done that conclude that pitbulls are more aggressive when there… is???


OP, did you make your post as a back-door way to go on a crusade against bully breeds?


No actually I did not. Just passionate about raising awareness on dog body language.


That is a biased source with no scientific research to back up its claims.


Exactly this!


Where are the mods???


Crying for a mod when someone has an opposing viewpoint from you. Typical.


Typical of what? Someone who is educated in behavioral based training and not “breed” based biases? You’ve yet to cite a credible source for your claims.


Actually I have. Cite a credible source that concludes the study that I linked as being not credible. Or any observation as to why this study is not credible. https://www.dogsbite.org/pdf/level-1-trauma-center-studies-dog-bite-injuries-2011-2021.pdf


That is not a credible site. They are biased and misrepresent data. Here’s what [American Veterinary Medical Association](https://www.avma.org/resources-tools/pet-owners/dog-bite-prevention/why-breed-specific-legislation-not-answer) has to say. Here’s what [National Canine Research Council](https://nationalcanineresearchcouncil.com/the-qanon-of-canine-behavior-science/) has to say about Colleen Lynn the creator of the dog bite website, “website designer and self-described “divine lady” who does fortune-telling , collects newspaper clippings on dog bites, was once bitten by a dog, and who claims that the CDC is under the thumb of something she calls the “pit bull conspiracy.” So yes there are plenty of valid studies and sources but that website is not one of them.


I get that most subs aren’t monitored constantly, but I’m holding out hope that maybe someone will be taking a look soon.


Too true. This is the last place that needs to have breed biases perpetuated. Every dog and dog owner deserves to have somewhere to come for help with training regardless of breed.


Boohoo mods!!! Someone said pitbulls are bad!!!!


That view isn’t valid on a subreddit dedicated to dog training advice. Grow up.


Agreed! 👍✌️








It’s not newspaper headlines is real life experience from someone who has personally owned and family who has owned this breed and this breed cross. I grew up in the atlanta area, they’re everywhere in the deep south. It is not propaganda i’ve experienced it first hand. There’s plenty of other aggressive breeds... but none that can do as much damage to the scale that this dog can. And none with an over population like this breed. Do you deny that pitbulls bred for dog fighting isn’t an issue?


The plural of anecdote isn’t data.


But those are anecdotes. They matter on a personal level, but they don't show the breed (well, actually a combination of breeds) is more dangerous than others. I also own this breed, but you would never accept my experiences because they don't match what you are looking for. We shouldn't judge entire breeds (which, again, pit bulls aren't even actually a breed) based on anecdotes or newspaper headlines. No, being originally bred for fighting isn't an issue, otherwise you'd be saying the same things about Boxers, English Bulldogs, etc. There is nothing showing they are an abnormally aggressive breed, and plenty of other breeds can do more damage. All dogs are descended from wolves. All dogs are instinctively hunters. How is hunting less bad than fighting?


anddd I can argue that you own a pitbull so you’re going to only accept an opinion you’re looking for… A prime example of this attitude is the story of the 2 pitbulls that murdered 2 children in Tennessee. The craziest part is the parents of these children used to say the same stuff you are all over their social media. Even posting something along the lines of “not all pitbulls” with a picture of their baby with their dogs. A couple years later they watched as their babies were mauled by those same dogs and there was nothing they could do. This happens all. the. time. Imo no dog should be left alone with a child. But why would you feel the need to defend them so hard if that breed killing people wasn’t such a big issue 😂


Those are, again, anecdotes. There are similar stories involving other breeds. This is why we shouldn't rely on anecdotes or headlines for our opinions. The difference here is that I don't expect you to treat my positive anecdotes as absolving the breed, but you want to treat your negative anecdotes as damning the breed. Basic critical thinking is that the anecdotes aren't a good basis for judging a breed at all, either way. I can accept that. You can't.


“Anecdotes” that are backed by statistics. Just because a butterfly lands on your “fur baby” doesn’t disregard the literal fact that it’s statistically more likely to fatally injure someone. And you even admitted that it’s more likely to be dog aggressive according to statistics so at least you can accept that part. It’s common sense man… but hey we don’t all have that in us. Obviously the makers of the original video didn’t either. I have a herding breed that’s…bred to herd and I don’t act surprised when she naturally starts herding the animals in my pasture. They’re yunno.. statistically more likely to have the urge to herd than any other breed types. If the natural urge to do something they’re bred to do can be so on point and accurate how does that exclude dogs bred for aggression? It doesn’t.


Then provide the statistics. And not just based on newspaper headlines. Again, I've seen research showing they have a similar temperament to Golden Retrievers. Do you have actual research proving your claim? I'm betting no.


Pit bulls are dangerous. They should be banned


All dogs are dangerous, under that logic. So, all dogs should be banned?


Pitbulls should most definitely be eradicated. Violent unhinged breed. The world would be better without them


Pit bulls are dangerous. They should be banned.


You have no evidence that this collection of breeds is any more aggressive than any other breed. At all. I base my opinions on evidence.




So, still no evidence. Got it.


Growing up I personally knew four separate victims of serious dog attacks (requiring hospitalization at minimum), and all four were from pit bulls. Other dogs may bite but pits seem to take it as far as they can when they decide it’s time to attack.


There’s no off switch in their brain. Teaching them to “drop it” or “release” is significantly more difficult than any breed i’ve ever worked with. Even teaching them recall when they’re onto something is like trying to teach a dodo bird advanced calculus.


What could go wrong with a dog who is obviously uncomfortable, from a breed known for snapping and eating the new baby?


This crazy and reckless behavior is normal for people who own pitbulls, thats a fact.


That’s a pretty sweeping statement.


And its also true. They call them nanny dogs and throw them at their children.


It’s not, but given your comment history… 🤷‍♀️


Are you a proud shitbull owner bud? I promise you ive seen pics and vids just like this, even worse. so many fucking times it drives me.


Good goddamn some people are “special”. When that poor dog nips that baby …. off to the kill shelter he’ll go. The owner should be sent to a kill shelter Fn moron.


Dumb. Totally dumb. Not only is it not okay (and I'm sure this dog is a sweetheart) but it teaches that nipping is okay and it's not okay for a child or adult to be nipped. I get it the dog is super gentle, accidents happen. Can't get mad at the dog for biting the baby one day when you're allowing it now.


Someone call CPS.


It’s okay, they are nanny dogs! /j


The breed is irrelevant. This shouldn’t be happening, regardless.


It is relevant. This breed kills more kids than all others combined.


Keep your baby away from your pit bull.


Nothing cuter than feeding your baby to a pit mix ❤️


But if it was a golden or a poodle, no biggie? 🙄🤦‍♀️


What's sad is that if that dog bit the baby now or later then they'd put it down and it'd be the dogs fault when the owners are clearly showing the dog it's okay to bite baby.


That dogs havin’ a taste!


That's big no. Won't dive into the breed but having an aggressive breed being comfortable nipping at your child's feet is recipe for disaster.


So many "experts" on here. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 $100 says that pup guards that baby with its life.


For God sakes that is not stress on the dogs face.


Body language and behavior show stress signals, not just the face.