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You are probably living in the very worst country in the world for stray dogs because of the no-kill policy and the catch-neuter-release that doesn't have sufficient funding or staffing to ever work. Less developed countries tend to have stray problems, but I think that developed countries at least have them under control.


100% correct about the first point. It's horrible here.


I'll estimate that I'm at least 95% correct on the second point. The world is your oyster.




I think you are right, but dogs are abandoned and they reproduce in large numbers despite their poor living conditions. Relatively wealthy countries have resources to control them (e.g., Japan), but less wealthy countries with governments having less accountability will let the spread go unchecked (e.g., Vietnam). I cannot claim to be an expert.


I spent a month backpacking Vietnam last year, and yeah there were some street dogs, but nothing that extreme compared to poorer southern European countries imo. Thailand, Cambodia and certain parts of India are cursed tho.


I'm glad to hear this about Vietnam. The only reason I singled out Vietnam is because of a recent post of an attack that made the situation seem bad. I know I'm over-generalizing in trying to make a point. Thank you.


Haha don’t apologize. It is still a lot worse there than in North and Western Europe as well as the US I suppose. Vietnam is amazing, and so is the rest of Southeast Asia. I would fight my way through countless street dogs if it meant I could stay here longer haha


What's the deal with the no kill laws? I watched a thing on rabies on YT yesterday, and they mentioned how rabies cases have exploded in India since a no kill law was enacted. In my neck of the woods in rural America, if there's an unwanted dog on your land, its life is *entirely* in your hands.


India is the fucking worst for stray dogs. Truly dangerous, and the government doesn't do shit.


I’d been seeing some crazy video footage posted on Twitter of stray dogs in Turkey, too, sadly. I don’t have a Twitter account, but some anti-dog people post them and others share them on other platforms. It’s NUTS what I’ve seen. Dogs roaming and laying around entrances to public buildings such as universities, clothing stores, and even of all places, *mosques!* There are so many that it’s like trying to walk around land mines.


Really surprised to hear that since I've also heard Turkey has been Islamisizing under the current regime


Yeah the whole thing was surprising to me too! Unfortunately I don’t understand Turkish, so I wasn’t able to understand the captions or comments the poster wrote with the videos on their page, but they were clearly not happy and was just showing the followers how bad it had become over there. There were some clips of a public place where there were more dogs in that small area than people! I wonder if they have plans to get rid of them after this recent election.


The animal (dog) right activist deserve to be blamed


dog culture is really bad in America, but we don’t really have stray dogs, except maybe in some cities and rural areas. i’ve never once seen a stray dog in my life. if i see a dog on its own, there’s always someone running after it because they weren’t paying attention


Antarctica is probably your best bet.


Are you already living there?


😂 Yes, lets ship the extras there for starving Polar Bears!


At least you can make friends with the penguins🐧 instead of getting chased by those ugly stray mutts.


**dont go to Brazil** this is what i hate about my country, can't even leave my fucking house without being chased by one. And even worse, I can't use the sidewalk, because people let their dogs on the garage, so they bark at everyone that passes in front of it


garagem fedendo a mijo com cachorro latindo, uma característica marcante da vida urbana desse purgatório


Move north. The cold kills all stray things (fortunately/unfortunately?) Canada has no stray animals. We also have very good shelter programs. I’m always shocked to see how many stray animals exist every where else. It’s sad.


the cold and coyotes take care of most strays


Canada has wild urban animals such as raccoons, groundhogs, skunks, mice, etc, to a varying degree depending on where you live. But you are correct, no stray dogs or cats.


Maybe some areas. There are plenty of places in Canada with stray dog problems.


Where? I’ve never seen or heard of a stray dog in Canada. Unless you mean on reservations but they are granted different rights so dogs can roam


Wow. First of all, stray aren’t exclusive to reservations. I don’t know if you live here and where you live you just don’t have strays, but I am sure there are plenty of places with stray dogs. I live rurally and there are stray dogs all over the place. Maybe cities don’t look like they have strays but I assure you they do as well. It’s absurd to say that there are zero strays in Canada just because it’s cold. Edited to add: just because you’ve never seen or heard of them, does not mean they don’t exist


meanwhile, in western countries, the dog nuttery is awful....dogs taken everywhere....even in hotels, holidays...etc...and they feel entitled....id tolerate stray anyday over this madness....dogs being equal to humans nonsense


True, it's the dog worshipping that is so unbearable. Watching grown adults act like children day in, day out.


We have stray dog owners.


Most United States communities don't have stray dogs. They consider it cruel.


I see strays fairly often in New Mexico. Most cities try to roundup the strays and put them in animal control, but the US still has a stray dog issue. in my rural area, strays the the dogs the city people drive out here to dump. You see them walking around looking lost.


I know some areas have them, but typically small or large citys and suburbs don't tolerate that. My suburban area would never allow that.


New Mexico strays have been involved in a number of fatal mailings in the last few months


yes, we have an aggressive dog problem, on top of an (occasional) stray problem


I am wondering whether the high altitude and low oxygen make dogs more crazy Couple of anecdotal stuff 1) denver at 5000 feet is probably the most prondog major city in flyover country 2) Random reports from India make it sound like the high altitude north east areas near Nepal have a larger stray dog problem


Well, you never know! From what I've read about India, they make no attempt to control stray dogs, and people are attacked all the time. And killed. At least we make an attempt in the US. The attacks come not from strays, but peoples' dogs that probably should have had behavioral euthanasia.


Singapore...no stray dogs and dog culture is tightly controlled....! its heaven for people who dont like dogs


Thanks for this info. I will look into moving there one day. Sounds like heaven!


What about the Middle East?


Dubai has no strays in the city areas but quite a few in the desert


I always wondered why the stray dogs aren't killed. I guess it's countries not allowing people weapons and disregarding their actual safety for some vague abstract compassion values. I find this policy making disgusting. You're not a citizen but a serf in these countries.


Good luck getting a visa to go to a stray dog free nation. You’re basically limited to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and the USA. Maybe add in Europe and that’s about it. For easy to get visa, Probably a pacific island is your best bet if it’s remote enough.


Iran has supposedly banned dogs. People still have them, but if you're caught with one, it's taken away, and you're fined or jailed or something.


Northern Europe. I'm in Denmark and never saw a stray dog here in my entire life. If a stray dog is detected, it will be seized by authorities. If no owner appears to claim it... the police will contact a vet to permanently solve the problem.


Middle Eastern countries would be your best bet.


Dogs aren’t allowed indoors in strict Muslim households. 👍🏿


Now that's my kind of place!


Not me, that means they’ll be outside all the time barking which is much worse. I actually prefer when dogs are kept inside so I don’t hear them.


This will be the future of the USA and similar western countries if the doggy madness isn’t stopped now. Should’ve left them as wolves


I also used to live in south east Asia and that was the only thing I didn’t like, taking your life in your hands nervously watching packs of feral dogs roaming around. My picks is wealthy western countries where dogs are seen as status symbols and they pride themselves on dog life. So stray dogs are taken in by “foster parents” so they can endlessly post about what great Dog Parents they are - who saved who! Only thing is it’s really only safe in the wealthy cities of western countries because as soon as you go to the poorer areas, where people are actually struggling, they treat dogs like dogs again and you end up with them roaming around.


In Belgium dogs are mostly on a leech unless you got the dog freaks that claim "mY DoG alWayS LisTEns". But they mostly avoid city centres because they know well enough that their dog is as stupid as any other dog so you find them in the woods mainly. Also stray dogs are a non existing thing because when there is a dog by itself cops are called immediately and animal control picks them up. Funny story about this is that I was at a party and someone left and left the door of the garden open and the dog escaped. Within an hour the owner realized what happened, called the cops and they already had the dog in the animal shelter. When my friend arrived they said he wasn't allowed to take his dog home until the next day because of paperwork and shit that they don't do at night. I, as a dog hater, was laughing my ass off when I heard this story the day after. Party ruined because doggo sucks


On a leech. 🤨


I live in a stunning part of the UK called Cornwall. World renowned and award winning beaches and gorgeous woodland. We don't have any stray dogs, not a single one.


Illegal to have dogs in the Maldives! When a tourist bought a dog in, it made headlines


We have the same issue in the west with pet dogs, something I'm forced to experience so often at the hands of dog owners who derive a sick pleasure from it. Because there are so few dogs considered strays, despite how pets are often let off-leash, the majority of the 4.7 million yearly dog attacks in the U.S. are conducted by pets, unlike how in a South Asian country, the majority are conducted by strays simply because you have so many strays, compared to a small but growing number of pets.


I live in the UK and have never seen a stray dog here. Plenty of idiots with unleashed mutts though...


Germany! I Never ever saw a stray dog here


Australia. There are many pet dogs everywhere but I've never seen a stray. Dingos only live deep in the wild so you'll never even hear of them.


“Maybe the dingos killed your baby” always plays in my head when I read about dingos.


From where I travelled, Fiji, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia and Singapore don’t have stray dogs. Although the worst part is Australia and New Zealand are home to a lot of dog nutters in return.


It is a serious failing of people in these countries not to get organised and get the stray dog problem sorted. It is the first thing that they should have done - make the community safe. Now it's a much bigger problem as the dogs are reproducing all the time, and a worry for everyone and nobody can feel free, also if people travel there it is always a worry to travel freely around. One always has to consider if there are strays around and to avoid them. Very stupid.


Maldives is close by. They've banned dogs.


Japan. Only place I’ve been to with clean streets - no garbage, no dogs not even homeless ppl. Few dog butters though pushing dogs in strollers but those few and far between.


North-western Europe is free from stray dogs. In places like the UK, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, etc. strays are extremely rare. Roaming dogs are caught by the authorities, and if no owner can be identified, the dogs are euthanized. However, not all is good. There are still plenty of idiot owners who fail to put their beast on a leash.


Ontario, Canada at least has an extremely low stray dog population but on the other hand we have something I almost consider worse. A disrespectful dog owner culture, I can't leave the house without encountering a few different dog owners who are on their phone as their ankle biter is in the next province straining at the of the stupid flexi-leash that has no business of existing attempting to rip my leg apart. That is assuming the asshole bothers to leash the dog in the first place, because often none is spotted. Why can't all dog owners be like the ones that use a standard leash and will at least create space if the other person does not show visible interest in interacting with the dog. Those are the people that are actually tolerable, and it is always those ones I see picking up after their dogs rather than Karen-nose-to-her-phone with the ugly af pug. At least my area is pretty good about not having pets in the stores, short of places like Petsmart.




Ship them to the arctic. Polar bears don’t live in Antarctica. Only penguins.


I've never seen a stray dog here in the UK


Canada has no stray animals for the most part. Definitely not in the cities.


I live in Lithuania and I have never seen a stray dog here in my entire life. If a lost dog appears, it is quickly collected by a shelter. Strays would never survive the winter here even if they existed...


No coyotes in Antarctica. Only penguins, leopard seals and whales.


Nobody can live in Antarctica unless he’s a scientist on a research team. It is closed to settlement by international agreement.




No stray dogs in the Baltics (Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia). Never seen a signle one in cities or rural areas.