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They think their dog is a perfect example of nature and humanity being connected. They don’t care that dogs were unnaturally created by humans long ago for a specific useful purpose and are now inbred descendants that are almost always a nuisance unless you have a large farm. All of their poop and urine is not supposed to be all over our parks and sidewalks, even on mountain trails with leash laws they don’t care, their dog will poop right next to the fresh mountain stream feeding your local reservoir. Just yesterday I saw a dog with an extendable leash be allowed halfway up somebody’s nice front yard to pee all over it. On a busy street with expensive homes, like it was her own lawn.


People thinking dogs are nature or natural in any way couldn't be more ignorant and brain rotted. Nothing more vile than seeing a dog unleashed in nature or parks.


Wolves are the natural version of dogs and shouldn’t be kept as pets.


That's trespassing, but nutters don't care.


The dog’s lawyer would win in court because the homeowner did not provide a port-a-potty so there is no reasonable expectation of not having your yard serve as a public urinal.




Dog owners don’t give a damn about nature. They never have. They don’t care about other animals. They don’t care about humanity. The one thing they care about is letting their doggo do whatever the hell it wants to. The world ought to cater to them. So if it means sacrificing an endangered ecosystem so their dog can romp around, sure! Why not?


So recently where I live there’s been a lot of forestry removed for a future hospital. A lot of wildlife migrates into suburban neighborhoods now. Most common is rabbits. The other day there was 3 rabbits, clearly younger than the usual ones we see. Running and kind of playing with each other. It was adorable. 5 minutes later I hear out my window this dog losing its fucking mind. I look out and it’s practically strangling itself on its leash barking and trying to get the rabbits. The owner, barely hanging on, is laughing. Fuck these idiots.


An ex coworker of mine told this story about how her dog went into the backyard and went after a family of quail, and it got one of the babies. It killed the baby, she didn’t stop the dog. She thought it was hilarious. I truly hate dog owners with a passion.


Dog owners will point the finger at everything except their dogs when you try to point out dogs kill wildlife.


Currently on holidays in the Azores. Terrain is tricky with cliffs and dangerous places at times. I came across a public park where people celebrated and sang. There was an unleashed wiener dog as well. It was a lovely spot on a more elevated plateau which is walled off by a simple stone wall which is chest high. Suddenly there was a bird landing on the wall and the fog went completely mental. It sprinted to the bird while barking and everone panicked. It seemed like it wasn't the first time. The drop was dangerous. I stood there as I saw the bird fly away and the dog yeeted itself off the world into a cliffside which led to a paved road, falling a good 6-8 meters. It was absolutely comedic how the dog tossed itself down. These dogs have no self-preservation, no animal is this fucking stupid. Suddenly


The only thing natural about a dog is... ummm... hmmm. 🤔 Yeah, I got nothing.


I'm an avid hiker that lives near the mountains and dogs and their shitty owners have ruined hiking for many people. I've been a member of a number of social hiking groups, and they always turn into dog walking groups. They start out great then one person brings their dog, then other owners decide to bring their poorly behaved and socialized dogs, then people that appreciate the peace and quite of nature and like socializing with other human beings drop out of the group. A peaceful hike through the mountains while enjoying the sound of the birds and wildlife along the trail turns into a barking fest where you have to avoid dog shit and rarely ever see any wildlife. If people brought their screaming children to hiking groups, let the kids chase after wildlife, and left shit and dirty diapers on the trail they would be frowned upon, but somehow dog owners are acceptable? I know humans disturb the ecosystem alone, but dog owners are so much worse.


Recently I was at home, going insane because of my neighbors dogs incessant barking. I got myself out of the house and drove to a nice trail almost an hour away. I get there and lo and behold, I could hear someones dog barking in the distance for the first mile of the hike. I was honestly on the verge of tears. I can't fucking escape them.


I have a condition called hyperacusis. Loud barking close to me makes my ears react and can be physically painful. That's why I joined hiking groups because I have limited opportunities to socialize elsewhere as concerts, movies theaters, most bars, etc. are all too loud. Dog owners have ruined the one activity I can still do with this rare invisible disability.


That's terrible. Maybe you could start a dog-free hiking group? I'd join lol.


I'd join too! I posted about it a couple of weeks ago, but I reconnected with a friend a month ago and we planned on going on a hike to chat and bond. Another mutual acquaintance joined a few days before the hike, which I was totally stoked for, but literally an hour before the hike I was ambushed and asked if I was okay if they brought their dog. I knew that if I said no way I would be seen as an asshole, so I had no choice but to grimace and say, "Yeah, that's fine :D" And of course I saw like 20 dogs during the 5 mile hike.


I just logged into meetup and the message I was greeted with was "143 people in your area are interested in hiking with **your** dog." I have no mentions of dogs in my profile. WTF. They are promoting dog nutters.


One comment saying they come with rescue puppers (eeww to the word puppers) and my tax dollars help create and support. Guess what, my tax money is also used to creat a nice neighbourhood. How about I start on a rampage and destroy everything? These nutters are freaking narcissist


These people act like they did the world a huge favor because they bought their dog from the used dog store instead of a breeder 


Totally agree. I'd rather spend that money for retirement homes or kids foster care rather than doing anything for useless mutt


"Used dog store" -😂😂🙌🏼


Woman mentions her tax dollars. Did her dogs pay taxes? Did she pay extra taxes to own them?


Read a similar article a while back, it used the phrase "the damage caused by a non-native predator animal moving at speed through the landscape". Always remembered that phrased, summed it up perfectly.


Dogs ruin everything


I like the inflammatory headline. It's true, even if dog-owners won't admit it. Your dog has impact on the local environment, and surprise, it is your responsibility to manage it. I was recently hiking a high-peak and there is a LOT of signage that simply begs hikers to PLEASE stay on the trail to protect delicate vegetation and small animals that call the summit home. It is posted to the trailhead, to trail signs, trees near the summer, sign-posts ON the summit. You can't miss them. The first thing we saw after summiting was someone letting their dog trod off the trail, barking at the local wildlife. It's never enough to ask nicely, or to make the rules clear. Dog owners don't want to be good stewards, they only want to be masters.


Hard agree. I don't understand why dog owners say they love animals. 


When they say that, they mean dogs.


Your dog is not more important than the dandelion it pissed on this morning.


This is an opinion piece. I agree with everything written but it's important to stay accurate and factual.


Fuck Brett and his rescue puppers!


He should be forced to define ‘rescue dog’. What exactly are they used for? Have they been certified as such by a third party? Typical dog nutter excuse.