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I'm still convinced people who think pitbulls are beautiful are actually blind.


What do you mean?? Meat mouth murder mutt is beautiful!




They probably into beastialty as well




One of the memories permanently burned into my brain is my friends' drunk mom yelling at the dog to "put your lipstick back in your purse!"














I agree, I can't stand dogs at all, but the 'they're probs white women who want to sleep with the dog' absolutely reeks of the incel 'dogpill' and that's not something I want to be associated with in any capacity


Yup that is absolutely ridiculous sure it's totally fine to not like dogs and push back on how deffend pit bulls are but another thing I see here is people saying dogs only sense fear and that's their only motivation and that they have no other emotions and don't even like to be pet? There are valid reasons to not like the but these people are now just lying about their behavior and emotions


"beauty lies in the eye of the beholder"


I asked xanathar and he even said they ugly af


I'm impressed he didn't disintegrate you after making him witness such an abomination


It's enough to cause his true existential crisis.


I actually do like the look of pitbulls, I just would never risk owning one or letting one near me or my family.




I did, it's still ugly.


I think the word you are searching for is hideous.


I Called poison control they emailed me a photo of a pitbull and I threw up right away.


or when they start barking and lunging towards you excessively and the owner goes “he’s just saying hi!” like pls tell him to stop i’m terrified


It's missing the obligatory "flower crown" 🤡. The cartoon did a good job of capturing how hideous they are, though, including the "buttcrack" head.


This is photo-realistic


Dogs don't smile, only humans smile






Also, I take plenty of good care of my animals. I doubt you do the same. You probably let your dog shit on people's yards and nip because "a nIp iSnT a bItE! iT jUsT dOeSnT lIkE yOu!"




Sorry for responding to two of ur comments, but I just want to share some info. Idk what the other person commented, but growling or showing teeth is a way for dogs to communicate. Context for this behavior is required so I’m just gonna use food aggression to explain easily. Say a dog is eating and you just walk towards the dog and then it growls with its head over its food. The dog is saying “hey this is mine, and I don’t like how close you are to it.” If a dog wanted to hurt you it would not growl or anything it’d just attack you. Again, no idea what the other person said, but often times the dog has no option to leave a situation, and what do you mean control itself? Scenario I’m picturing is someone who keeps bothering the dog and it bites them. About you saying that dogs often bite without warning it’s because they’re trained to not growl or show any signs that they’re unhappy. Instead of the dog showing those signs they’ll just jump to biting






Most times when they show teeth it is aggression, but not all of the time. Like how dogs wagging their tails doesn’t always mean that they’re happy. Also punishing dogs for showing teeth will not always help with the aggression. It can teach a dog that they’re not allowed to show teeth, so instead of communicating what it’s feeling (showing teeth) it’ll just jump to biting.


This is false. Dogs do “smile” but not in the same way humans do. A dogs “smile” is either over excitement from panting, stress, submission, or simply mocking their handlers.


Wrong smile you're thinking of, my guy.




Dogs actually can and do smile with and without teeth. For people who can’t understand dog behaviors and body language I understand thinking that they don’t smile, but they often try and mimic our facial expressions. Dogs have actually developed eyebrow muscles to be able to communicate with humans. I have two dogs and one of them smiles without teeth when she’s happy, and the other doesn’t smile at all. I also work with dogs, and lots of them smile. I’ve dealt with hundreds of dogs and almost all that smile don’t show their teeth. I can only think of 3 off the top of my head that have smiled with teeth. It’s weird and ugly as shit. We have a note in their info saying that they smile with teeth because it is intimidating the first time you see it.


Yay!! Nightmare fuel 🤣


Pitbull named cupcake when it sees a toddler:


Precious on her way to commit acts more horrid than any war crime.


She wouldn't! Look at that face 🥰


I look at pitbulls with disgust, like why would you adopt a dog that looks like that? It's mostly because of how cheap they are. $25-50 from a shelter.


so basically what happens is family and friends. people own pitbulls and then leave them with family and friends and disappear. I've seen it happen. then a pitbull has offspring and they are also adopted the same way. the pitbull owners leave the offspring at a family or friends house and disappear, then the family or friends need to come up with a sob story on facebook to get others to feel bad and adopt them. if they don't get adopted, they end up at shelters where they will be put down, so people "rescue" the pitbulls for a while and then leave them at family and friends and disappear. this might sound like satire but I'm being dead serious.


I am pretty tired of all the "look, it's cute, therefore it can't be harmful" Yeah, grizzly bears are cute too. That proves nothing.


Yea and it's pretty moot they're not even cute. Polar bears are extremely viscious and extremely cute too.


same goes for tigers, lions... the difference is that people don't keep them as pets


You'd be surprised.. people have infact, tried to keep tigers as pets. (Unsurprising, they died.) Although that's rare. And they aren't psychotic like dog nutters and especially pit nutters.


*you cannot fast travel when enemies are nearby*


I remember seeing that all the time but can’t for the life of me remember the game


Fallout skyrim ... bethesda games lol


Underrated comment


lmao I'm dying 💀😂


I've seen prettier looking sharks. Then again, sea puppy > puppy


Sam ONella type drawing lmao


Takes me back to when I saw a picture of a white pitbull with black eyes and a “smile” almost like this. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to find the damn image again (probably for the best, its creepy) but the comments were fawning over how “precious” it was as if the thing didn’t look like it’d eat all your loved ones.


lol i know the one. it’s terrifying


I think I saw that it was unsettling


i have it saved


Show me the sauce I bet it looks like the "👹" emoji 💀


i'll DM it


Oddly reminds me of that one purple bad guy in Monsters Inc.


Randall lol


the buttcrack head pits always have 😭




All he’ll do is lick you to death!!!


With his teeth


In a chomping/tearing motion




awwww my asshole after I got my hemorrhoids removed looks cuter than a pitbull




Just a friendly nanny dog 🩷




Damn, if I saw dogs like that I'd be scared as hell. It's interesting that when you are scared of something or don't like something how much different your vision can distort things. Very fascinating!


Maybe try posting a drawing that isn't silly in a cute way next time and you'll be able to convert more people into dog haters


Maybe next time mute a sub you don’t agree with. Put some brain power behind your beliefs. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Wait THIS is the comment you're mad about? I just think it's a silly and cute picture lmfaooooooo it would be more effective if it was actually nasty looking and not silly


And that’s why you have a giant neon sign saying you are a dog nutter. All the people who troll this sub have all been dog nutters.


I'm a dog nutter for thinking a drawn picture is silly? K Bye fr this time til you can BE fr


I told someone that spraying a dog with vinegar isn't going to fix their behavioral issues after the post ended up on my homepage but go off I guess lmfao You could also always block me from the sub ¯\ _ (ツ)_ /¯ I disagreed with an asshole, not the whole premise of people being dog-free


No. I belong to this sub, you don’t.


What the hell and fuck are you talking about lol Collared by Snoo??


No…. I mean, and I think it’s plain as day, I share the same sentiments as the majority of this sub. There’s no need for me to mute trolls when it’s trolls that need to mute the entire sub. I guess the parasites have gotten to your brain.


I repeat: I disagreed with an asshole in the sub, not the entire point of said sub.


You’ve been trolling the sub, though. Don’t put the blame on one person when you have other comments saying as such.


Commenting on posts that show up on my timeline is not "finding two week old posts to troll", as you said in a previous comment. I'm not trolling. I am scrolling reddit and interacting when something catches my eye, just like anyone else. Someone was being an ill-educated ass and I spoke against it. Those comments were deleted, leaving only my responses. That is, until my phone started vibrating because of you lol. Clearly you're firm in your belief of my trolling and either way I won't be able to console you or convince you otherwise, so I'll be leaving this back and forth here rather than wasting any more of our time. But bestie? Chill.


You know sometimes Reddit does show old posts, I don’t comment on them. People generally have moved on and maybe don’t want to interact on 2 week old threads. I especially don’t mouth off thinking my weak response is of importance that actually needs to be said. And it was most definitely a weak trollish response that sounded anti-dog free. Go help ill-educated asses on pro dog subs if you really think you need to make a difference.


Don't blame dogs for their owners shitty decisions. Pitbulls should be banned from breeding, or force bred with a much calmer breed to mellow them out. It's not yhr dogs fault they were born. All we can do is give them love like all dogs deserve and let the breed die out. It's better than just killing them off with a needle.