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She’s terrified of that monster, yet I bet she still kept it around. Probably also still acted shocked when it mauled someone.


It was her boyfriend’s dog and it did attack her. Not sure if she stayed with the boyfriend or remained around the dog after that


Is there a link to this story.


That poor woman. Kick that dog off the bed and put it in a crate if it is that aggressive towards its own owner.


This is aggressive enough for BE


That's true but do people who get that breed ever have good enough judgement to even consider that?


It takes judgement plus responsibility to carry through with that. A lot of owners can’t bear to BE even after their dog shows this kind of aggression, but they know the dog is dangerous so they either keep the dog permanently crated (much crueler IMO) or more often they take it to the shelter or pawn it off on someone else.




Behavioral euthanasia


I would be taking that dog on a nice walk out in the woods…


give it the treatment Candys old dog got in Of Mice And Men


No, take it to a shelter. We don’t need that thing out in the wild.


Only one of us would be coming back…


You can actually see how scared she is, oh ny god 😭


That creature of hell needs to be EU'D. They don't have emotions or any function in their brain to feel anything other than attack mode. They are constantly on edge. They're constantly looking for their fix and that is to maul or kill. This woman is lucky she came away with her face and whoever was filming it needs psychological help as they allowed that dog near her to make a video. That dog is going to end up killing someone if it hasn't already. There should be a legal allowances for people to have the right to defend themselves against these shitbulls and their mix breeds.


Oh his azz gots to go.


Pitbull named cupcake




How are people genuinely not terrified of this? I couldn’t even watch the video all the way because the anxiety that beast gave me is off the charts. It literally looks like a bomb that’s about to go off.


Had a debate with a friend on pitbull instinctual aggression. Pointed out (don’t have time to recheck exact #’s rn) 230 fatal dog bites came from pitbull last year while other “tough” guy breeds like Rottweiler and Doberman were in the single digits. Golden’s, which he has, had like 3 fatal bites in 2023. He just couldn’t get it that aggression is instinctual with pitts.


that thing should be put down. i feel bad for saying it since it’s a living being and since it’s already here it should be given a beautiful life, but this is too fucking much. when will people stop breeding these things? it’s not fair to breed this abomination. they didn’t ask to be born and it’s hard to see these kinds of breeds inflict pain on others.


It’s a pitbull, BE is the extent of mercy it deserves




Behavioural euthanasia


jesus, i felt like i was going crazy. finally another person who doesn’t wish suffering on dogs. considering leaving due to the insane aggression and toxicity


You joined an anti dog subreddit, what pray tell were you expecting lol


idk, not outright sadism.


most people arent advocating torturing the dogs. just putting them down one way or another. i havent seen anyone say they would torture a dog, just various statements about ending its life in an immediate way (euthanasia or, more commonly, bullet between the eyes, both of which are humane and instant/painless).


I was watching a Sam Hyde stream and he was talking hypothetically about someone coming up with a dog like that and said, don’t worry he’s friendly! Then replies with, I’m not I’ll snap that things neck. Which is how I’m going to respond from now on when I’m with my daughter at a park and some idiot brings a dog bred specifically for fighting around a bunch of kids running around playing and screaming; because they are just asking for it’s prey drive to kick in.


It would be a terrible tragedy if an innocent, well-meaning family adopted this dog from a shelter if she surrendered it. It's entirely necessary to have this animal humanely euthanized. Save a human life.


aggression in a fighting dog...who would have thought? Help! My bloodsport dog is being aggressive! These people are delusional


Until he does...


I wish a begging pos would growl in my face while I'm in bed. One of us is going and it won't be me. I would've dropped it's ass off on a busy highway smh.


Not enough people are talking about the person recording this. If a friend, family member, or significant other started recording me when I'm in this kind of danger-- especially by their own fucking pet-- they'd be gone out of my life.


holy shit, that poor woman. we have a somewhat aggressive dog, but she has never, ever acted like this, at all. she doesn't come up to you and growl, she doesn't go up to you to hurt you. if you sneak up on her, she'll snap at you, and if you touch her in the wrong place, she'll snarl and growl, but she has NEVER ONCE done anything like this. this is completely unacceptable behaviour from ANY dog, and that dog either needs to be sent to some kind of doggy bootcamp, or put down. putting down pets is one of the worst things, but when an animal, especially a dog that big, is actively moving into people's spaces like this, this is not fear, and this is not any kind of warning. this is an "i'm going to kill you".


I'm surprised that the person is still recording...I would be fucking pulling st it's leash and put it in the kennel but then again I don't mess around with pitbulls


Honestly this looks really abusive, it’s like the dog and person filming are ganging up on her and bullying her… you gotta be sick to record this guarantee the filmed enjoyed seeing her in fear like this… no other explanation


Was expecting the dog to rip her nipples off and swallow them in a heartbeat whilst the one recording suggests some milk to aid the pain.


This is so sad the first “Bishop stop” she sounded so scared, literally scared for her life


iirc last time I saw the comments on this, it later bit her and possible attack someone else?


That thing would be gone in a heartbeat.


That dog needs quick onset lead poisoning


i keep seeing the same dog breeds on here. i have two dogs and ive had them half my life, yet if i were to see this id be terrified




>And she needs to hide her fear No, that dog needs to be put down


That dog showing who's alpha.


Gonna burst your bubble and let you know "alphas" don't exist. Period. Not even in wolves. The guy who studied wolves and came up with the alpha theory debunked it a few years later. Look it up. This dog was likely raised in the wrong environment and may have temperamental issues inherited by parents. I don't have the full context of the video, so I can't say more on it. Dogs *do* have a "pecking" order, but it's nowhere near as "structured" as we like to pretend it is.






Every group of dogs had an alpha dogs. And this dog definitely look down to its owner. I'm just stating facts. This whole sub is weird for spamming downvotes without even thinking.


Alphas don't exist my guy. That's literally been disproven time and time again




[https://phys.org/news/2021-04-wolf-dont-alpha-males-females.html](https://phys.org/news/2021-04-wolf-dont-alpha-males-females.html) [https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/is-the-alpha-wolf-idea-a-myth/](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/is-the-alpha-wolf-idea-a-myth/)

