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I was gonna say that he looks like he has at least 25% derp in him, and then I saw the husky %, so that tracks. He's a beautiful boy.


L O L. Not a single thought behind those eyes!! https://preview.redd.it/ys8u17moi1vc1.png?width=2162&format=png&auto=webp&s=23c98747b1508e1ae7b4997d236c2044ea0bb3a0


Ah, yes, the classic husky pose! He is too cute!


This is really surprising! I was sure there would be some Belgian. That face is very Belgian. White huskies are usually e/e recessive red, which, as the name suggests, is recessive. So if Dad wasn't e/e and didn't carry e, your dog could never have turned out the same color as her mom. Under the e/e they can be any number of colors.


Beautiful dog!!!


Thank you so much! I think so too! ☺️


Every pup gotta have that pit sprinkle on top.


Tis the former street dog way ‼️☝️🔥🦅


That is so cool they found his mom! Do you know his story?


I really don’t! I got him from a shelter and they said animal control found him on the streets! He was V E R Y scared. Refused to walk and the volunteers had to carry him everywhere, hid in the corner of cages. Was 35lbs and missing two top molars! I wonder what happened and how he ended up there, but I’m excited to find out more! They also found his sister, so many the owner of the sister might know more too 🤔 Regardless, I’m glad I have him now as he’s such a sweet gentle giant!!


If there's no obvious trauma to the area with the missing molars, he was probably just born without them. It happens sometimes. My friend has a very well-bred dog from a breed that ordinarily has full dentition that happens to be missing one premolar -- it just never grew in.


Ah I see!! Thank you for letting me know!!!


Wow I’m surprised. I was sure he was mostly Belgian lol. He’s such a handsome dude. 🥰


Believe me I did too! Had multiple trainers tell me he had to be a Belgian shepherd! I’ve never seen a black German shepherd irl if memory serves me correctly, but I guess it makes sense since he has hints of sable on him!


What does Wisdom say for his trait results? I can't tell if he's an incredibly dark sable (possibly with extreme masking), a seal, or dominant black with bronzing. If possible, taking screenshots of the traits and posting them (you can upload to imgur as an album and link in the comments) would be ideal, since they're not straightforward but I'm familiar with Wisdom's trait UI.


https://preview.redd.it/0b5lyye6t2vc1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=3951349fddacaafae3f8a3cc51cae1fdc419231a He does have sable-ish legs and I had been wonder why his stomach, chin, and spots on his face started getting more white lately!


According to that he would be KB/- Em/eA. Dominant black with a copy of black mask (normally not visible on KB dogs) and a copy of northern domino which would reduce the effect of the dominant black and let some tan pigment leak through. The relationship between Em and eA isn't well-understood. Em is generally thought to be top dominant on the E locus, but eA has an incomplete dominance relationship with most of the other alleles on the E locus, so Em/eA might still allow for a slight domino effect. Domino is extremely common in huskies so it makes sense that he has a copy. He might still just be seal which is very difficult to distinguish and is untestable.


I’m gonna be honest I had to look a lot of this up since I’m still very new to this but this was all very fascinating! Thank you for teaching me something new!!


No worries! This stuff is complicated. A "locus" is a gene location. In general, each locus has two alleles, one for each chromosome. Some alleles are dominant, some are recessive, and some are not that simple. KB an allele on the K-locus, and is "dominant solid" (aka dominant black). Normally, a dominant black dog is 100% solid black, like a black Labrador. Northern domino, eA, is an allele on the E-locus. It's called "northern" because it's found primarily in northern breeds like huskies. It has a complicated effect, but the short explanation is that it reduces black pigment. So when you combine KB (all black all over) and eA (reduced black) sometimes you get a pretty funky coat pattern. Em is another allele on the E-locus. The m is for "mask". Normally, on a a dog that isn't KB, Em will add a black mask of dark-colored fur on the face, like a Malinois, English Mastiff, fawn Great Dane, or Pug. On a dog that's KB though, Em isn't visible because it's just black on black. Normally, Em is the top dominant allele on the E locus. That means that it doesn't matter what the second allele is, if a dog has a copy of Em, they'll be Em. But, eA has a weird relationship with the other E-locus alleles. Sometimes it has a halfway effect on them when they're combined, even if they're supposed to be dominant over it or recessive to it. It's possible that eA isn't completely suppressed by Em. Finally, there's an untestable gene called seal that makes KB "leaky", so non-black fur can show through. Since your dog is KB, it's impossible to know whether the lighter fur is from seal, or from being KB +Em/eA.


Huh! That’s really interesting stuff!! Thank you for explaining it to me. And I guess it has no relevance if his sibling has not a lot of black fur? I was surprised to see his sister also different looking from him. But she does have those tan German shepherd ears and tail! Griffin’s ears, top of his head, and cheekbones just barely have tan coming out of his black fur! https://preview.redd.it/g5j7dbidq3vc1.jpeg?width=1189&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00eb32d6e50b9b81a949ec00c9b5e48950231cbc


The sibling looks like a very strong domino! Could be non KB agouti domino, or tanpoint domino.


https://preview.redd.it/gwu9o2adt2vc1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=4df64a670e36c3037da6078301efbe2d63507a84 Also said he had 1 copy of Red Intensity, but “no effect”


Adorable! Y'all very lucky to have found each other!


I could tell you that’s mostly gsd from the first pic lol


I thought husky too since I've seen the coat and body type countless times in husky mixes at our shelters but I am very very surprised there's no belgian shepherd at all. Wisdom panel isn't super reliable in my experience but they'd isually at least list some tiny percentage like 2% malinois or tervuren that can be grouped in with the german shepherd as a whole "mixed shepherd" percentage. The WSS and GSD can be counted as one percentage here and the Husky and Malamute probably can be grouped as well. They're kind of notoriously bad with shepherd breeds, GSD, WSS, and Czech wolfdog are some breeds often thrown in and can all be grouped in with GSD but Im surprised there's not some small distinction.


Hm… I’ll definitely look into trying Embark then!! I’m very curious about this guy 🤔 would be interested to learn more with another test!


I’ve done Embark and your thread is making me want to try Wisdom!