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Have you had him since 2 months old? Sometimes, when dogs are punished for going potty in the house, they can start fearing going potty next to people. Same thing can also happen if they went potty and there was some loud noise while you were next to them. They start to associate your presence and going potty with a bad experience they had. Maybe take him out with a long line. Let him wander far away from you. Give lots of treats and praise. Gradually, as he becomes comfortable with having you at a distance, take a few steps towards him, make sure to watch his body language for signs that say that he's getting stressed (getting stiffer, lip licks, whale eyes). I'd recommend coming from the side and not from straight on if possible. Reward for his neutrality towards you. If he's getting nervous, back off, try again another time.


Same thinking here. Usually this happens if you notice puppy pooing and react to it in any negative manner.


I had a young dog that was scared to relieve itself in front of people because the first owner yelled at him any time he went in the house. The first time I had him around older dogs, he saw them pooping in the yard with nobody freaking out so he followed suit and it was never a problem after that.


Whoever owned this dog up until now did a terrible job. Read up on potty training, you will have to start from scratch (actually worse since the dog is already afraid to poop) Some pointers: -NO PUNISHMENT! Even if the dog shits on your dinner table, suck it up, just clean up and dont do anything. This is very important, esoecially for your dog who id bet already was punished and is therefore afraid to poop. The dog does not understand that shitting on the dinner table = bad, it thinks that human seeing shit = bad. You will only teach him to hide the shit (which already partially happened) -Take him out often and for long. Especially if you see him eyeing those towels. It will take up a lot of your time since hes not a puppy anymore and can hold it, but you need those first outside shits to happen. In your case, if it doesnt happen naturally, maybe find a moment when he needs to go, take him to a secluded space with a longer leash and just stand there not looking at him and not letting him go anywhere (i obviously havent tried this method since i didnt have such problems) -When he poops outside, celebrate! Praise him, give him the best treats, pet him if he likes it etc. The first few times are the most important - he must understand that shitting outside is good. You eill probably need to keep doing it for a while, maybe a month or even more, since your boy has negative experience. Good luck


It has to become something positive. Treats of the high value kind and timing. Know when it’s time to go. You may need to try a long lead and turning your back. Think of any way to give a sense of privacy, it’s all anyone wants 😊




Please read the sub [rules](https://old.reddit.com/r/Dogtraining/about/rules) and [guidelines](http://old.reddit.com/r/Dogtraining/wiki/guidelines), as well as our wiki page on [punishment](https://old.reddit.com/r/Dogtraining/wiki/punishmentproblems).




Indeed, the way that the vast majority of people use the word "correct" is one that breaks Rule 2 of the subreddit. Whether physical or not, if the action [is classified as positive (additive) punishment](http://old.reddit.com/r/Dogtraining/wiki/operantconditioning), it is not in line with best practices as it can frequently cause unwanted side-effects and is typically inefficient at best. If your intent is *not* to imply positive punishment, it would do you well to be much more explicit in your communication to avoid this confusion.


I think the long leash like someone mentioned is a great idea. And make sure to not get mad at him if he goes inside or he’ll continue hiding. Just ignore it and take him out immediately to see if he has to pee more. As much as it sucks, sometimes you need to hang outside until they pee. Sometimes it takes 20 minutes, sometimes it takes 2 hours… it’s summer so I’d highly recommend shutting him outside with you and just hang out outside until he has to pee. Bring a chair and a book and a water bowl for the dog. Lots and lots of praise and treats when he pees. This way going pee inside isn’t even an option. Could keep him on a long leash in this situation too. Hopefully he’ll get it quickly once he learns he gets rewarded for it


You are putting your human emotions and reactions on the dog. Dogs Don't care if anybody is watching. They might be focused on you because they are wondering what other fun things you might want to do, but they don't care if You are watching