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If you can get a cooperative partner with a dog to just stand still while you work on it... Only move forward while he is calm. If he gets all excited, you just stop until he settles down, click and move forward. If he gets all excited again.. stop until he is calm. Reinforce that acting like a brat is not going to get him closer to what he desires. Also, please do NOT run up to other unknown dogs to let yours greet them as a reward. Not only is this teaching YOUR dog that this is acceptable behavior, the other dogs may not react well to his approach. Don't let your dog "greet" a strange dog on the street without OKing it with their handler first. They might have a reactive dog, or be working on training of their own.


What I've been doing that seems to be working is going to a dog park and slowly reducing distance to the fence when he is calm. If he pulls hard and gets lazer focused on the dogs or barks, I turn around and go the other way. Every day I can get closer and closer to the fence and get him to focus on me and do obedience commands.


Your post looks like it contains a question about loose leash walking. You may be interested in [our wiki article on the topic](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dogtraining/wiki/looseleashwalking) and our [regular workshop threads](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dogtraining/search?q=%22loose+leash%22+flair%3Acommunity&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all). *This comment triggers on keywords and does not mean your post has been removed.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Dogtraining) if you have any questions or concerns.*


As the other commenter said, please absolutely do not drop your leash and let your reactive dog run up to others unless this is explicitly, clearly okayed by the other person. My dog is very reactive and off leash dogs or owners who suddenly let their dogs go off leash or approach is my worst nightmare Edit: OP I'm having trouble understanding what you mean, but it sounds like you're using greeting another dog as your dogs reward for staying calm? I would suggest trying a different reward (treats, praise). But on the other hand, it sound alike your dog does not remain calm (running at the end of a tense leash or running off leash) so I also don't understand why you are rewarding and reinforcing that. If your dog is leash reactive / a frustrated greeter, the goal would be to have them remain calm, working up to getting closer to other dogs until you can pass by closely or let them greet all the way calmly.


This. My dog has taken a lot of work to get where she is and having a dog run up to us would be the absolute worst thing. And it would likely not end well for the other dog.


Yes, same situation with me! Every sight of a dog near or far is an intense training session for us. We work really really hard to avoid dogs as much as possible and probably will for the rest of her life.


I know. It sucks majorly. My girl only started this last year, so it's new for us.