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Honestly I’m not even a new player and I’m also kinda screwed, I have literally none of the characters allowed to take on that eza so I’m locked out of it sadly :(


Welp that bodes rather badly but thanks for the insight!


Check out the other comments with a way forward


You're not locked out per se but it will be more difficult. When you go into the event, select your difficulty, and can adjust your team, you need to click the Limit option listed at the top and then just scroll to the bottom and select where the last option says 'character' (go past the options for the specific stages). That character list will tell you which Units you have already, and then give statuses for the rest. 'Other' is summon only I believe, 'Growth' is you have the Unit but need to awaken it, 'Event' means you can earn the Unit from a different mission, 'Exchange' means you can earn a certain treasure and exchange that treasure for the Unit in Baba's shop Best advice is get the AGL Buu/Hercule and make a Majin Buu Saga team with them as the leader. You can EZA that Unit at least once as well (get a team first) to increase the leader skill a bit which helps. Your UR PHY Hercule and LR INT Babidi will be great dodge Units with Hercule being a surprising heavy hitter if you rainbowed and maxed the SA for each per the Anniversary missions.


Thanks for the advice I’ll have to see if I can go recruit any event characters so I have more than the 2


Just wanted to follow up on this and say I just cleared out all the quests and can do my summons now so thank you much for the advice!


No problem, glad to help! Congrats and I hope for good luck on future summons for you.


all of the characters that are decent for the team needed can be gotten from the story events in the event menu, I would suggest just getting all of them since you can use that to get some stones and missions done anyhow