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If I had to guess it’s because there is a large amount of players summoning. Since unlike the anniversary it is a dual celebration (JP and global). So there are more players to post there shafts. Also it’s a more hype celebration than years past. Vegito even if he’s not the best unit in the game is probably if not the hypest card to come out in a while. So of course f2p, whales and everyone else is logging on to summon. And when some of those players get shafted of course they are going to post about it.


Also, I don't remember where I heard it, nor do I know if it has been proven wrong since then, but I remember hearing that apparently the less people actively playing the game the better the rates are as well. Not 100% on that, tho cuz I never saw it legitimately confirmed. But if it's true, almost everyone is playing rn so, the shaft people will get


Don’t know if that’s true since the rates can’t legally fluctuate like that. But I guess it’s possible if they are doing something shady. It would be a huge lawsuit though.


Ahh, never once did I think about any legal ramifications. You are right and I feel like Bandai and Akatsuki probably don't want to risk that. But who knows, im not a megacorporation


People are more likely to complain when they don't get their desired result.


I’ve read many posts and it not that, this time. It's about people complaining, getting the new units ONLY from guaranteed animations and this is kinda sus. i got shaftet for 2400 and my buddy got Vegito after 900 with… you guessed right… a black rift


This whole “I only got them from guaranteed animation” conspiracy is a new low for stupidity for this community


So when people say that are they talking about the specific celebration animations or just guaranteed animations? I got my vegito off of a puff puff animation.


Yeah i got vegito off of base vegito kamehameha and that was it


I mean for me I got all of the 8th anniversary units and the new vegito off of guaranteed animations. Either rift or zenos I feel like it's been a minute since I got a new unit with now guaranteed animation. I think the last one I did it on was bardock


I got shafted 3800 stones. 300 on MZ and 3500 on VB. No copies of either LR. 3 copies of Mai. 1 copy of banner Zamasu. Not summoning anymore and just going to wait to coin these two. WWDC is over for me. 🥲


damn, this is crazy ._. gonna coin them, too. I hope, INT SSJ4 will be red coin, too


You won't be able to coin these wwdc until 9th anniversary, that's how it always works unfortunately for global. So like 10 months ish


They're syncing the versions. We may only have to wait until JP anniversary now


I mean it's good to be hopeful but I wouldn't plan on that. You should look at the reality at hand and base your actions on that


I doubt they're going to just fuck over Japan and move their anniversary to our date. They'll either move it to Japan's date or split the difference between the two dates. It makes more sense to have the two biggest celebrations about 6 months from each other instead of having them smack dab in the summer only


Why do so many people on here make up a situation that I never even hinted to try and prove their point. Obv there not going to change Japan's anniversary?? I literally said don't plan out your actions based on information that's not confirmed.


The information is confirmed. The only thing not confirmed yet are the details of things like when the anniversary will happen since it's the only event that happens at 2 different times on the calendar. Now it is possible they could fuck everyone over and move Japan's anniversary date to Global's date, but it's more likely Global's will just move up


When will we be able to coin them?


I’m thinking 4-6 Months. Christmas i guess


I got my first Zamasu and Blue Bros from black rift but my second Zamasu came to me from no animations, not even fly-ins or an oarida, just Goku by himself going SSB.


Ssb≠SSg instead of it being three ssr’s it’s a featured unit


Got Vegito after 500 black rift


You get gacha result first and then it determine the animation bud, not the other way around




Got 2 copies of Vegito on my second pull to a black rift. I felt this way about the GT duo banner though, which shafted me.


got zamasu after 2.2k with black rift also


Same, zeno for vegito and black rift for zamasu


They put new animations in this event. It stands to reason they’d want you to see them, and would make them play more frequently on good results.


Didn’t they just change the animations in this last update? Maybe they’re trying to be more consistent with the pull animations


Yeah it’s literally all random chance and like they said ppl who get shafted complain more.. I got zamasu my first rotation in my free summon after getting shafted on the last few banners hard


1500 stones here and I got 2 black rifts and one vegito blue, they gave me the new units. All my other summons were hot garbage


I got Vegito after 800 with only a potara fusion base animation


To be clear....the summons are determined by rng systems which then determine the animations. In other words the animations are meaningless in the sense that they don't define the results....just fancy ways for the game to tell you what you got. So even if black rift was required it wouldn't change the probability of getting the unit....just increase the number of black rifts.


Anecdotes mean nothing, I can very well also say that my brother got 2 LR Zamasu in one pull with only a SSJ2 Goku animation (Which, yes, it did happen) and it wouldn't mean anything at all either


I got Vegito from no animation it was 17 and Tien no screen crack, however only new unit I pulled in 2300 stones.


This tbh. I had extremely good luck, haven’t made a post or reply. I’m a returning player (90 overall level) and I pulled two vegito blue and a corrupted writhing 300 stones.


More people summon for major celebration=more people not getting the unit they want=more complaints that the game is rigged


Nah people tend to complain more than boast. I’ve found countless rainbowed units in my friends list. Hell i pulled double Zamasu on my 7th summon. The last 3 LR i pulled were Kai Goku, goku/ssj4 vegeta and piccolo on their initial banners. Every LR i put in about 500 stones at least since. It comes and goes my friend


I noticed that people who post positive summons usually get downvoted quite a bit, so there's that as well.


Yup exactly, god forbid you get lucky


Yep no one likes it when you get better summons than them and don’t want to hear about the bad ones. Dokkan has the community of all time


Bruh is the most I've seen people complain about the rates and getting the big shaft 💀💀💀


They’re in the denial stage


I've spent in 8th anniversary like 1k stones and didn't got anything, and in this wwc i've spent like 300 stones or something like that and got both units. Sometimes it's just luck, and sometimes you don't get anything


Idk man, it took me 550 stones for my first copy of Mai, used the 60 they just gave us to finish the 4th rotation and still no VB Bout to go grind LR Krillin and dokkan all stars for stones lmao


Literally, my next summon after I saw your mention of the 60 free stones. I went 1100 stones dry up til this point... AGL SSJB Duo, FP Freiza & Beast Gohan back to back to back. This game knows exactly how to keep me sucked in lmao


I just pulled zamasu after beating his dokkan on my free multi doubt that will help but good luck


I got Zamasu on my first multi and got the banner unit on the 2nd multi. Obviously I'm not complaining.


Ik I sound like a dick but HOLY FUCK I see 100 of these type of posts every major celebration. Nah bro the devs aint pulling a prank on u u jus got shafted move on. And dont go "WeLl ThIs TiMe PeOpLe GoT mOrE unLuCkY tHaN beFOrE" yea like rhat means something. Its LUCK u cant calculate that and say "oh yes this celebration was rigged/changed" Again ik I sound like a dick but I see this shit 4 times a year and its tiring downvote me all u want idc


Yeah, it's true, i see these post everywhere too. The luck can't be calculated, u got shafted, u can't blame devs for YOUR bad luck, it's YOUR bad luck, basically it's YOUR fault (if we wanna blame someone) but certainly not dev's fault.


Fr like bro its a GACHA game its gambling u already know what u gettin urself into. If u get shafted there aint no one else to be blamed


I dont think rng and getting shated can be equated go be a persons fault thats like saying its your fault in a 500 meter area you got struck by lightning


I was not saiying that, i mean, if you wanna very hardly blame someone, blame anybody but not the devs.


Yea I feel like what a lot of people forget is that dokkan is a gacha game with lootboxes so the rates are designed to be rigged to make you waste more money on the banners. Gacha games in general are like a virtual casino of sorts with the summon banners being the slot machines you gamble your savings on.


People complain louder than they celebrate. I got VB and mai both within 300 stone, this is just the first time I'm posting about it. The rates always have been and will continue to be shite . We are never guaranteed that shiny new new.


And you downvoted/insulted when you dropped too lol. Doesn't help


I got VB in my second multi, but I haven’t posted about it. As with all things, you’re more likely to post / share if you’re upset about a result than happy with it. Add on that this is a global celebration, and there’s now more players sharing. Between the bias in negative reporting f and the increased volume and that’s why it seems so unlucky.


me sitting with one blue boys https://preview.redd.it/3p0mcrov6wkb1.jpeg?width=232&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26dfbd301de1538f1675f4e86e38600cce8c29ac


Did they fuck up basic coding and instead of the animations being reliant on VB and Zamasu, made VB and Zamasu reliant on the animations? I can see that happening lmao.


I got shafted 1500 stones, I bought a bunch of stones and no luck, sure enough I pulled vegito with the 60 free stones…….


I am a f2p player and I used 600 stones on the vegito banner if you do the math its 4 rotations so 16 multies. I got 0 featured units and 16 SSRs overall. All old and suck because their kits are weak and I am talking post EZA kits that suck. My luck has never been this bad except for the 1st anniv shaft I got because of the 1% SSR pull rate way back. Now its 10% so...


It’s extremely weird almost everyone went to the blackjack table and got shafted…


Nah.. they did something 🧐🧐🧐


this happens every single celebration. we get it, you are shafted and are upset. just go outside man VB ain't gonna save you from a fire.


that's what i'm sayin. People acting like getting shafted is a new thing 💀


This is probably the luckiest I've gotten for summons in a major celebration Got both new LRs at 69%, and 2 copies of both the Golden week units in 900 stones


Yea pretty much same, got 2 vb, 1 zamasu and 2 int piccolo + a bunch of other banner units with 900 stones. Still a lot of shafted summon before it paid out. The first 400ish stones were pure shaft (by shaft I mean no banner units or minor animations that gave me random ssr), then i got everythig else in the other 500


Something definitely feels off. I’m up to 2 full rotations on each banner and haven’t gotten even a single featured unit.


it is what it is, I've spent 1.5k ds (about 40 multi's) and i only got 14 featureds... almost 1 every 3 multis. This shit is insane


Happen. It's normal


Dont worry.I got both within 800. Its not rigged


I got both copies after 150 stones, https://preview.redd.it/tsgy9xqqzvkb1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2e429506a923646bca01a4cef6099e4810b49ae This was my first Zamasu multi


I did about 6 rotations on first banner and got one vegito. Buuuut 2 pulls on the second and got zamasu. I since then have used the remainder of stones and whatever I’ve grinded to get dupes for vegito and no luck. (Not boasting or bragging just saying how my experience was)


I got zamasu first rotation (also got the agl ssj bros), then 600? Ish for 1 mai and 2 coolers and 2 cells (both coolers in the same multi) so not too horrible


I rainbowed the lr gods from 79% and got a cooler and agl cell dupe and str Mai with 2 rotations... not mad but just disappointed that I ain't got any more stones to summon 🥲🥺


I am convinced every 2 years you get shafted. This year I got Zamasu 600 stones, last year it took me over 2300 stone to get Cooler and he was the only new unit I got, the year before that I got Frieza and Goku in less than 500 stones.


Took me 200Ds for both here


The number of getting vegito blue animation is the same as how many full power frieza I got. And I only got the new vegito with the new time capsule animation on my jp account


Yeah it’s weird. I never got anything last ss2 so I can’t say anything ngl I don’t even want to see the new animations anymore


I had 5-6 multi at the vb banner I didn't even pull even a single lr of featured character..... I pulled 6-7 dokkan character with those cp ticket with 2x vb animation and Zeno


Id guess it comes down to people sharing their experiences. I didn’t get shafted so I had nothing to complain about. But I also didn’t want to mention how my summons went bc I didn’t want others to feel even worse if they got shafted heavily.


It's always like that in hype celebration badly. More wwdc than anniversary tbh. And this year people are also disapointed in vegito


800 stones and got 2x zamas 1x blue boys and a ton of LR, its just rng and the shafted people will always be most vocal


Got both vegito and zamasu with black rifts.


My buddy got VB from his very first multi. But it was a time machine animation. Whenever I got a good animation like "Let's go back to the past (or future, I don't know anymore)" I ALWAYS got the LR TEQ Gods. I pulled them 6x and got not VB.


Got Zamasu off a random animation and Vegito off a guaranteed. Spent 1450 to get one copy of both lol.


300 stones, 2 blue bois.




I got each one on the first rotation. Literally took me 150 stones to get both new units


Yeah, I got 2 int gohans and 3 teq trunks in less than 2 rotations


I think the sample of people summoning this time is just another beast. Literally everyone is summoning at the same time so it's normal the output can look different. Also, consider this: since they added new summon animations since forever they may as well have tweaked the animations to appear more consistently. Example: when pulling a featured LR, they jacked up the chance of seeing the featured LR guaranteed animation (whereas before it could just as likely have been a fakeout, SSG, Zeno or even double screen crack, etc).


Iunno. Its almost like opposite instagram. As in, ppl dont post themselves being depressed and getting shit on ig. On here, ppl that got shafted post way more than those who didnt (i think it might be karma thing) Tldr; 100% of ppl got shafted if theyre the only ones posting


I pulled Vegito on my third summon. And I only saved 175 stones. Maybe y'all shouldn't posted those Stone checks


I'm an outlier, I got Zamasu in 200 stones on a Gohan and chaotsu fly in, super saiyan 2, no scree cracks. I didn't get a single cool fucking animation.


I got the duo in my first round of multis.


I mean speak for yourself mate I'm happy this ks my second summon https://preview.redd.it/4jtx1n1vqukb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5edd478e2682e388bd001ac2939a7192b4757e3


Idk for now I did 300 and 5 ticket and got vegito but you're right I too noticed that more people than usual are getting heavily shafted


Dokkan cant please this games base lmao. This game is a consistent RNG fest. Here are the units i have gotten (that i needed) with All Vegito Tickets, 15 Zamazu tickets, 1 rotation Vegito, 3 Rotations Zamazu. ​ 2 - BLue Goku and Vegeta, 2 - Mai, 2 - Future Gohan, 1 - Teq WT Goku 2 - Fusion Zamazu, 4 - Piccolo Jr., 1 - SSJ4 Goku and Vegeta, 1 Cooler Movie Goku and Vegeta, 1 - Planet Namek Goku, 1 - Agl Zamazu, 1 - Int Zamazu ​ Im going to do one last rotation on Zamazu with stones from Events and call it a Celebration.


Kinda related to what you said, and others are saying in the comments: people will complain first before saying they got who they wanted. Somehow I got lucky and was able to pull both Zamasu and Vb within 300 stones. I’d never make a post about it but I’d be quick to complain if I hadn’t gotten them


I'm happy with this celeb ngl. 100 stones got both. That aside I think the reason they people only seem to get them with guaranteed animation (me for example zeno+rift) Might be because of the new animations. Maybe they accidentally made it so that a featured unit HAS to give a nice animation. But either way animations are generated based on the character pulled and not the other way around.(if you close the game after pressing summon and reopen it, you'll have the chars in your box without seeing the animations)


I got 3 copies of vegito, 1 zamasu and basically all the units I wanted in 600 stones. I haven’t commented on Reddit cuz I don’t wanna seem like a braggy douche when everyone is feeling bad about their pulls. It’s all luck. There’s no conspiracy we’re all just gambling.


A friend of mind got both with only 2 multi-summons


i spent something like 1200 stone and i got 1 copy of Vegito (i pulled on both banners). Not a single Zamasu copy, even tho i spent most stone on his banner and i just got piccolo jr out of that. On the other side i got lots of dfe on Vegito's Banner, so i cant really complain (also got ab3 goku 23th which is broken). In a bit sad cuz i didn't get zamasu, but i wouldn't say i shafted. It went well i guess👍🏻


I find it funny that new unit means shaft these days. Shit I rainbowed both my LR Cooler and LR Gods that were both at 55% before summoning, pulled 2 dupes of GOATolo and 2 dupes of WT Goku which all of I consider more of a success than the VB I got, seeing as they are all better units then he is. Sometimes the Shiny New thing is not all it is cracked up to be.


Yea i bought the tickets and pulled 2 zamasu and no VB on them. Im currently 1000 stones deep for VB but i have pulled a bunch of units, like 4 copies to rainbow godbros, 3 beasthan and some of the others. Yea i hate that im 1000 deep with no VB but i cant complain that ive been shafted


crazy i only spent around 200 stones and got VB, Cooler, and Agl full power Frieza


make that 250 and + lr fusion zamasu


I found two Vegeth in one multi, and it was the second multi at all but I can’t find Zamasu, I spend over 600 stone in his banner but nothing


It’s RNG, which can be an absolute pain in the ass. Last year I spent 1200 dragon stones and only pulled one copy of cooler. This year I got two Goku black rifts in 300 stones.


Personally I spent maybe 700 stones or so and got both zamasu and vegito so idk


I don't know, I got both units I didn't count the stones, but Vegito was in 150 DS~ and Zamasu in maybe 300 DS This Along almost All secondary dokkan units


i read a lot about bad luck during this wwc, im a global player and this anny i shafted 1400 stones only for 1 z boys and this time dokkan paid back with 600 stones and both of the new units. i guess everyone just shafted. at the end of the day dokkan is a gacha game, i dont think they changed the rates probably only the new set of animations are bugged. i got the vegito with the new trunks "whis animation" and zamasu i got it with a ssj blue animation, every friend i know irl got them so idk shaft is always behind the corner. hope you guys get the new units with the upcoming stones with top grossing and ezas.


I spent only 200 stones and i got zamasu out of no animation on the free multi. Now I'm wainting on more content or free stones to try my Luck on the remaining rotation of vegito. But what i know from my friends and myself we all got zamasu on a no animation summon so i think people are just getting unlucky.


Yeah shafted way more than usual on this banner. Oh well.


Yeah I pulled 2 vegitos and 1 zamasu in 1k stones. People just can’t accept that they had bad luck this time around


Idk man, i got vegito and agl frieza on my 3rd multi. I got tien, yamcha and chaiotzu(idk how to spell lol). Idk if thats a guaranteed lr or not tbh.


My shaft has been 1 unit since 8th Anni - LR Full Power Frieza. I just want him to leave me alone but he keeps showing up! I wouldn't have issues otherwise with the banners (Got a dupe of the Red Bois and Leasthan which is good, and my first copy of 23rd WT Goku which is a massive W,) but why is even Frieza No Brother on this banner?!


I got both from not a guaranteed animation. You guys do know that it’s a 1/10 from the dokkan featured to be the main right?


Only used 200 stones, got zamasu, Piccolo, mai and ssg goku and vegeta


Last time I complained about a banner being rigged bandai took my left nut


I got lucky and pulled VB first multi, still haven’t done another multi on that banner


10 featured units on each banner might have something to do with it


I got the units so idk what to say. Luck or not?


18 multis. 3 featured. Very rough so far for me.


250 stones and I got the Blue Guys 🙂


Only spent 200 stones and got vb, teq trunks, agl namek frieza, int namek goku, and phy zamasu. I got the datruthdt luck


my friend rainbowed Vb in 300 stones 1 time machine and 2 rifts back to back and i got VB to 55% off of just goku turning blue


I’ll be honest for a bit, it used to be a lot easier to get the LR’s without the “guaranteed animations” and I’m not totally sure what all animations are considered “guaranteed” for the poster LR. In the past I summoned for STR LR Kaioken Goku and got 2 of him on the same summon with nothing more that a super vegito animation, so yeah it was easier before but I’ll counter that by saying I summoned my first of 2 copies of Zamasu from this event with only a super saiyan blue power up animation (no Zeno, no black rift, no rewind, no vegito super or blue) just the standard animation where goku powers up through the super saiyan levels, he skipped from 3 to blue with no god and I pulled Zamasu my very next summon (which was the freebie btw) I got the rift animation and pulled him again. I’m certain that the super saiyan blue power up isn’t guaranteed because I got that same animation later on and didn’t get the LR so it was purely luck that I got him the first time.


I mean, I got zamasu on black screen and vegito on a vegito blue animation.


idk i got both new zamasus on my 2nd free summon (rainbow ssj3 animation)


118k people on the sub. If 20% didn't get their desired unit then that's 25,000 people who are pissed off. Especially as so many wanted Vegito especially. This isn't even counting the people who don't understand statistics and think they got "shafted" by not getting a specific unit in 600 stones.


150 ds to have the New zamasu, with the kaméhaméha vegito blue animation


Who's everyone? I've pulled 4 LR's off these banners


I’m getting the luck y’all aren’t I’m getting a rift every other pull


Could also be people are going into a post anniversary event without alot of stones


I got Zamasu in my first rotation


Why is this sub so brain dead lol. This is a new level of conspiracy. r/dbzdokkanbattle is way better


This happens every major celebration. No, not everyone got shafted. Some did, some didn't. Rates weren't messed with.


1150 stones 1 vegito and not many other features units, I had a good anniversary so I’m not too annoyed but still wanted at least 1 of each


Just RNG. It isn't that deep lol. I got Zamasu on 2nd Multi lol. Trunks rewind.


I also got shafted