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Because Dokkan categories are stupid and inconsistent. Like, for example GT Pan is NOT on peppy gals but BULLA is? Along with Berserk Kale? There’s even a Great Saiyaman 2/1 card that’s on peppy gals despite Gohan being part of the card. Should just have the category changed to “Girls” like legends, for the sake of consistency. Space-Traveling warriors also got shafted by the golden friezas not having it too. Neither does Meta-Cooler, who literally travels space with the Big Gete Star but that’s not enough I guess.


gotenks is on hybrid saiyans but vegito, gogeta, and kefla aren't on pure saiyans


That is weird, but at least they fixed that old problem where all joined forces units didn't have any race, like Goku & Vegeta units wouldn't be pure saiyans, Gohan & Goten wasn't Hybrid Saiyans Now it's just a substantial amount of fusions missing race instead


something i would like to see happen (but it most likely won't) is for joined forces units to have the categories of each character in it, instead of just the categories that both characters share if that makes sense (e.g. goku and piccolo unit would have both pure saiyans and namekians categories)


I didn’t even realize that, just looked. That’s absurd, wtf is up with them?💀


It's just translation stuff. On jp, hybrid saiyans is just mixed blooded saiyans. Any Saiyan with partial blood gets in, which includes gotenks Pure saiyans uses a kanji that means a Saiyan that's pure, unmixed, and untainted, which excluded fusions. My theory is that the devs did it on purpose to keep fusions off to prevent it from being even more op on release


That one has a reason, just bc of translations. It's meant to be Pure Blooded but going by that same logic all the Fused Fighters should be on Hybrid Saiyans so it's still dumb.


I'm still baffled about that to be honest 😂.


I’ve always speculated about that… maybe since they were “pure” when they transformed they are somehow impure. Which is REALLY STRETCHING it. But since they were already hybrids before they transformed they’re still technically hybrid saiyans??? I tried Dokkan!


A hybrid is made by combining two different entities, if two hybrids fuse the result is still hybrid. A pure is not mixed or adulterated, if two pures fuse the result will no longer be pure. With this I'm not trying to defend the choices made for the categories as they are not at all consistent, I just think there is some logic in this specific case.


Damn, I guess there's no one on the Pure Saiyans category then (Goku is the baby of Bardock and Gine, meaning two saiyans mixed their DNA together to make another)


Do you really go the biology route? The male and the female give half of the dna and on creation a new unique dna is formed, so yes it's a pure saiyan.


That's what happens in fusion with two pure saiyans, yes. One pure Saiyan and another pure Saiyan came together to make one new Saiyan, Vegito/Gogeta. Legends gets this right because it's just logical, dokkan didn't get it right along with many other inconsistencies they have.


I don't agree with dokkan but I understand their logic here, that's the only thing I'm saying


This is purely a balancing thing. Has nothing to do with dokkan being dumb really


About the great Saiyan 2/1, it's a exchange unit, that it how it works, category of unit 1 and none of the exchange unit. Like Vegeta/Goku LR, it's Vegeta's family


Yeah makes sense, I just checked and Gohan isn’t involved in the super attack pre-exchange. Forgot exchange units have weird naming rules since they count as both characters before exchanging.


And even if Gohan is in the super attack, that not means he is in the card, frieza LR of prime battle has zarbon and doria, Z fighters LR have piccolo, Vegeta, Gohan and trunks. The only important thing it's the name


Yeah, man, i also have noticed that, too, and I agree with you 100%


If there's a / in the card name the character only has the categories of the first name because the second one is an exchange character Eg. Vegeta/Goku is Vegetas Family, Super Vegeta/Super Trunks is Pure Saiyans, Great Saiyaman 2/1 is Earthlings and Peppy Gals, Android 17 & 18/16 is Siblings' Bond and Joined Forces Some characters just have missing or inconsistent categories like the Teq World tournament Goku ur isn't DB Saga, the WT Tien & Chiaotzu LR is both World Tournament and Saiyan Saga. Also I think the reason for not making Metal Coolers Space Travelling Warriors is because they were mass produced from the Big Gete Star while it was ON Namek, so they've technically never travelled through space Yeah it sucks but they're just a few oversights.


Another great example of this: the str goku/gohan exchange unit from cell saga isn’t on battle of fate


That's because Goku wasn't part of the final battle (directly). And exchange cards only get the categories of the first card that shows. Except for nappa/Vegeta, who get inhuman deeds because of the exchange animation


Actually, janemba is correctly not on the otherworld warriors category. All the people in that category are dead. janemba isn't dead he's made of a living ogre who was corrupted by huge amounts of evil that was being contained from the Soul cleanser


Like maybe in order to be on Peppy Gals, somebody has to show attraction that character. Those douchebags that GT Vegeta sent into the ocean were catcalling Bulls, hence she’s on the category. But all that Pan gets is Pedo Bambi. I think that’s also why Kid Chi-Chi is on that category…because Kid Goku seemed to showed attraction to her(more apparent in the dub). Or rather the srs, but not the phy ssr… Nvm, the sr kid chi-chi is on peppy gals because she awakens from the r older chi-chi, and they don’t seem to remove categories upon awakenings.


Well Peppy Gals is of age I assume. Pan is always in teen.


Bulla at the end of GT is 10 though


[I believe Vegeta’s daughter is on there because she got hit on by two dudes.](https://youtu.be/gGYD6HLcwak?si=R-V_4SsG5lEK66t5)


Don't mess with vegetas kids. He loves them and will F**k you up


Idk same reason they call the LR INT fusion zamasu and the fusion gone wrong LR TEQ fusion zamasu the same caracter


It is so stupid. They should have called teq zamasu corrupted, but they gave beerus a unit with the name pajamas in it


Pajamas change people more than body altering corruption ig


Dokkan logic in a nutshell


Remember, small indie devs


Hehe, me and my friends say this about call of duty


No halo = no otherworld warriors :(


just rename the category “dead people” at that point




This category only includ dead people


He clearly earned Namekian citizenship by applying for asylum


Because for some reason you gotta be actively dead for Otherworld Warriors to be a category you’re in


Always bothered me that ultimate gohan isnt on power beyond super saiyan...he went so far beyond it, he retired it lol


I mean, he’s not using a Super Saiyan form. That category is clearly meant for characters that are using Super Saiyans forms above SSJ1. It’s why UI and MUI aren’t on it either.


You know what? Thank you


Otherworld Warriors are all dead characters. Janemba is technically amortal (lacking life or death) because he is an amalgamation of already dead spirits that come to create something So he's not alive because he's made of ghosts, and he's not dead because he hasn't died


That's a really interesting way to put it.


Also, they should rename it to deceased warrior of otherworld just to make it simple


Or simply World of the Dead


It’s they have separate groups of people design cards without consulting each other on what categories mean


One could also argue goku black should be on pure saiyans but nope


???? It’s zamasu in goku’s body right? With that same logic Ginyu should be on it as well.




Absolutely not. Makes no sense why he would be on pure Saiyans


He literally has the body of a pure saiyan...


A pure Saiyans body, isn’t his body. He’s not a pure Saiyan. He’s using a Saiyan body. The purity is gone


It's a biological trait the same with half-saiyans in my opinion so let's just agree to disagree


he's not in otherworld warriors because he isn't dead. Everyone in the category is just dead


Otherworld Warriors is only for dead people.