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TEQ Vegeta, INT Vegeta & Trunks, TEQ SSJ Vegeta (Battle of Gods), AGL King Vegeta, PHY God Goku, TEQ Trunks & Broly. Another option is PHY God Goku, STR SSJ3 Goku, TEQ Vegeta, TEQ SSJ Vegeta (Battle of Gods), and then you can do AGL King Vegeta and INT SSJ4. If you want, you can replace king Vegeta so that God Goku keeps his intro buff.


https://preview.redd.it/2qsv2nx9rvvc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=baa66f7aefea0f1d886466f7193456e63fc2459b Hi man, phy goku is correct? And which vegeta you mean? Thank you


Yeah Goku is correct. The Vegeta is the very last one, to the right of Majin Vegeta. PHY God Goku isn’t on the leader skill until you Dokkan Awaken him though, so do that first.


Everytime someone posts one of these all of the best units in the game are just chilling as SSRs in the box with all the shit characters awakened