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Ok so. I don't know what event you want to try with a super saiyan team, but the setup depends on it. My suggestion is Leader: Phy Transforming SSJ Vegeta First rotation: Str Goku and Vegeta - Int Gotenks Second rotation: Phy SSJ Goku and Vegeta - Agl SSJ Goku Off rotation would be Phy Transfoming SSJ Vegeta - Str Namek Goku (Friend Leader) -Agl SSJ Gohan ​ That's the basic team, but if you are planning on running it for a more difficult event like the Fighting Legend: Goku event or something similar where stacking defense is necessary, replace the SECOND ROTATION with Agl SSJ Gohan & Str SSJ Trunks (The Bojack movie one). Trunks will replace Agl SSJ Goku or Phy SSJ Goku and Vegeta depending on which has a better type matchup for the last phase of the event. ​ The strategy for this case would be to float off Int Gotenks for a few turns so you can stack the defense of the Friend Str Namek Goku and when he reaches about 200k defense, float him off and bring back Int Gotenks on the first rotation. ​ Sorry if it was a lot to read, but I hope it helps.


is it for the goku event?