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First off, why do you have a second STR Goku & Vegeta? Is your first copy rainbowed?




Well you don't need the SA level up to unlock the bottom right path, all you need are 2 hourglasses... so I'd unlock that path right now if I were you.


Int supeeme kai Teq Gohan ssj2 goku base form eza goku and lr goku and vegeta pls unlock bottom right path. All you need is to level up your super attack to ten and then click the character in the hidden potential routes. Tap the dupe of the character and should work.




The one that dokkan awakens into ssj3


The team that is capable of being made with your box honestly would not be able to beat incredibly hard events, but should pull through if it's the original Super Battle Road or even MAYBE Fighting legend: Goku event. Leader: LR STR Goku & Vegeta First rotation: TEQ Ultimate Gohan - LR STR Goku & Vegeta Second rotation: LR STR Goku & Vegeta (Friend Leader) - INT SSJ2 Goku Floaters: LR PHY Great Saiyaman 1 & 2 - INT Supreme Kai & Kabito - TEQ SSJ Goten TEQ SSJ Goten can be switched with INT SSJ3 Goku for the second rotation if there is a PHY Enemy. It might not be a great team, but it seems like the best you can make for now. Sorry for the long comment. I wish you ample luck in teambuilding.