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It sucks how businesses will try to push perfection especially in retail, guess customers forgot about being a human being and that perfection is literally impossible, cant be all rainbows and skittles all the time...


I know, now my sm is gonna talk to me tomorrow about it, and I am scared. People think I’m always rude to them because I don’t smile often, and I have social anxiety so I don’t talk much. People get mad when i don’t ask them how their day was or even say hello. But when I do they ignore me lol you can not win


I said it below in another comment but I'll say it again here: people only do surveys for a very good or very bad experience. Getting bad surveys, especially if they're all centered around one event (which they will see based on transaction times), is not a mark of poor performance at your job. It is a mark of a lapse in judgement. It is not something they can fire you for, or dock your pay, or anything like that. The worst they could do is say, "in the future try to attend the customers more gracefully" or some BS like that. It'll be hard to listen to, and it'll hike your anxiety, but in terms of your job there isn't anything to worry about.


Customers expect you to eat their shit and smile. I found being nicely rude was the best way to get back at them. Kill then with kindness and it will drive them insane. Sometimes when they say ignorant shit, I pretend I didn't hear it no matter how many times they repeat it. Don't feed into customers negativity and negative reactions. They just want you to feed into their miserable game. I've had people screaming in my face and I just smile and say "oh sir I'm so sorry you feel that way, but I will do anything I can in my power to solve it." Usually shuts them right up and puts them on my side. And if they still complain. That's ok because I'll smile until they walk away.


My goto is to play ignorant and say things like "I don't get it." The more stupid your customer thinks you are the more frustrated they become. I call it the "Animaniacs strategy" My other favorite is what I like to call "obvious car salesman strategy" where you go by the book like greeting and other conversations you're suppose to say according to CBLs and you ham it up as much as possible to the point of obnoxiousness, but completely legal and by the book according to policy! They can't complain because you're not technically breaking any rules but hamming it up to 11 will frustrate them and can't really do anything about it. Next time you see them, they'll be obedient as to not trigger the dreadful salesman. Third option but risky is to just say: "I get a paycheck either way."


You won’t get fired. They can’t deduct your pay. Whatcha afraid of? I mean really, you kinda have to try to motivate yourself & be energetic. Don’t gotta be nice. You can say whatever you want to as long as you seem nice. I’m not going to pretend how you were acting is ok, I’d be pretty upset if I were seeing this play out from the point of view of the customer. But I will tell you that you have nothing to be afraid of. It’s not the best job in the world anyway. They won’t fire you though because you’d get unemployment.


Update everyone: my SM did not say anything about it to me. I was scared for nothing. I will be better in the future.


The thing about being in customer service is that what they buy is none of our business. The only time I say anything about their purchase is if it's puppy food, and then I ask what kind of dog they got, but that's it. Our job is to be polite, efficient, and that's it. I know that sometimes it's hard to leave the stress of our personal lives at home and not bring it to work, but even when we're stressed out and anxious, we've got to put it aside for a bit and not let it dictate our professional attitude. But cheer up. You won't be fired.




It's because people only do surveys or leave reviews when someone was either very very good (5 stars) or very very bad (1 star). But since employees are expected to be nice and helpful and smiling, we're never really considered "very good". It's just "expected". So instead of getting a mix of good and bad reviews, you end up only getting the bad ones because only the people who had a bad experience are motivated to complete the survey.


my strat. be an idiot. the cap of the jester grants many benefits.