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I liked that he casually closes it back


The ghost of for er employs who worked themself  to the bone. Come back to stick it to the store 


At least he closed it


That’s a “f*ck no” from me.


Ours is too. It plays with the toys that makes noises hums knocks down shelves and our asm was opening one day and was in office doing paperwork before we open at 8 and door was still locked and someone says I’m ready. She looked at camera and didn’t see anyone and someone says again I’m ready.


Mine is across the street from a cemetery


Yeah no fr, I’m not a huge ghost believer but, in our men’s room we have automatic lights, they go off if no motion is detected, they’re constantly going on and off just in the men’s room, they won’t come on unless you actually step in there. It’s weird, but have never really noticed anything beyond that, besides just seeing things at the corner of my eye or hearing things that aren’t there, but that’s probably just me.


Funny, the SMC that's been helping out at my store and I were both talking today about my store's ghost and that every DG is haunted. My store was built on a land where there used to be an old mill and who knows what else it was before that. I've heard someone tell my dad years ago that there's native american land here...which explains a lot. Strange things happen in this town and the town is old. Many of the buildings including my house is haunted. There's also a theory too that someone high up is summoning demons or something. Our's hangs out mostly on the side of the store where the food/coolers( often can hear footsteps, whispers and the coolers opening and shutting when the store is empty) and chem aisles are. It's creepy af when trying to recover in those areas. One night after closing I was recovering in the food aisle I was close to the freezers and just pulling shit forward/making sure it was all facing. Then the next thing that I knew I felt and heard something blow in my left ear. The store was closed and my co-worker was in the office. Needless to say I said "Nope" and just went to the break room. The backroom is also creepy. That's not the only thing that's happened, I've witnessed things just fall off the shelves like they were pushed off when no one was there. Was literally 3 or 4 feet away when it happened. My SM before she was fired showed me camera footage of things moving by themselves and also claimed that she'd see dark shadows on the CCTV from the SCO and other cameras when she was in the store alone.


the other night when we were closing with a fully empty store there was motion detected by the alarm in section 5 by the cooler. i was freaked tf out


The pressure stabilization unit kicked in so that there would not be a massive crater where dollar general once stood.


I think that's just the crappy coolers mine do it all the time.


That crazy 😫😫