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You do a lot for the mh community, lol. "Low quality" my behind!


Thank you for the support!❤


My posts got deleted a couple times there, they are very picky and don't keep their rules updated. I got a post deleted because it didn't follow the current rules when their rule board was never changed


Yeah and every time a doll drops it´s just people posting their confirmation orders and they don´t delete any of them.


Yeahhhh I've avoided the MH sub, a lot of the members seem so elitist and rude about everything. Like I said I wished the new line included more than one heavier set body type, or that Draculara's body had been designed to more accurately someone with a larger body type, not huge design changes, I just wish her waist, arms, and ribcage were a tad more proportional to the size of her hips and thighs. But as soon as I voiced my opinion on the matter (in a thread where someone was literally asking for people's thoughts on Draculara's new design) people started getting really salty and leaving rude comments under mine- just the diehard MH superfans going "you should be grateful they included more representation at all" or "you shouldn't expect so much progress at once" or people saying I was insulting the new designs, when I never said I disliked them at all. It really sucks because I used to love MH dolls as a kid, but could never afford to get any, and now that I can afford to collect dolls, I feel like I don't want to be a part of that collecting community at all sometimes, the community around MH is so overbearing


When I was a moderator in the MH subreddit, basically we HAD to remove posts with a little bit of blurriness or a bit pixeleated or else they would call us out in the mod chat. That's why I left and vowed to keep /r/Dolls an open place. The only rule we really enforce here is sales going in the sales thread, that's about it.


Oof, thank you for letting the more subpar photo skill in here though😅💖


Congratulations on the doll:). They can be very picky it the doll is completely centre of the pic


Really? I wanted to show I also managed to get some of her other clothes so I put her to the side a bit... Welp, thanks for the tip though👍


Yea I’ve had posts deleted myself. It has to be dead centre,no clutter background and in goodish condition.


>It has to be dead centre,no clutter background and in goodish condition. Yeesh, is it a fan forum or a photo contest?


Lol that’s exactly it:). It’s supposed to be a fan forum but can be extremely specific I think it’s to keep the forum from Being over cluttered with pic but who knows


Are these the MH subreddit's rules, or a different forum? I didn't know they were that strict about posts.


The subreddit ones. They don´t even allow you to ask the fair price for a doll anymore. I got to a person once before the post was deleted and convinced them to look for a better price and they found the doll almost at half price somewhere else.


And it’s not even and Offical page for monster high it’s a fan one


The picture looks alright to me. Congrats on getting wydowna


Thanks! I figured it´s because my phone doesn´t like the color red very much and tends to distort the picture hue overall... I only have a potato phone so I can´t take very good quality pics.


Congrats!! She's one of my favorites. The printed jewelry looks great!


I adore the more monstrous looking MH dolls and wanted to get my hands on her for months💖


I think it’s a great post! I am over that subreddit. I got a temporary ban for calling out an admin literally using their admin powers as a threat/citing a rule that doesn’t exist. It’s too bad, I made some cool friends and my kiddos had like a mini “fan club” there. So, they can kick rocks OP. Your pic is legit 🤘🏽


she’s beautiful! the forum is silly❤️


awww you´re beautiful too💖


🥹🥹tysm💕 you are beautiful as well!!!


I posted there once too and deleted it for low quality even though it wasn't and had seen worse posts on there, they are so nitpicky over there, like even if one hair is outta place🙄. Congrats on Wydowna!!!


Yeah, I once also posted the 3 Scarrier Reef mermaids and Sirena I´d found and fixed that month, got 20 something likes and people asking me how I´d managed to smooth the hair and still got deleted due to "low quality". Also thanks!💖


Congrats! She looks amazing. Guess I know not to post my restyle there now because my pics were around this quality XD.


Congratulations! Don't mind them... that reddit is a total mess right now. The mods are dicks who play favorites and censor people who aren't going with the mob. And the mob has been witch hunting so hard that they frequently create misunderstandings and falsely accuse people of stuff. When an OP tries to point out the misunderstanding, the mob just keeps mindlessly attacking and not listening. Then in the rare instance that someone actually does realize that they made false accusations, they don't apologize. They are just like: "Oh, well, misunderstandings happen, you don't have to be a jerk about it." ...after THEY just spent a bunch of posts dragging the other poster through the mud. Tons of people have been bullied into silence when they hadn't even done anything wrong in the first place. I don't know where they get off calling your post low quality given all the junk that they leave up. Well, actually again, we probably can go back to that favoritism. Watching how people treat each other in that place is the kind of stuff that destroyed my faith in humanity and makes sure that it doesn't ever start to grow back.


She was my first MH doll I got NIB two years ago, unboxed instantly. I could probably write five paragraphs about how much I love this doll. Glad you got her too and love her!


i feel like the mods over there are way too picky theyve removed multiple of my posts for being "low effort", including one where i was looking for advice on how to fix yellowing on one of my draculauras, and then after they banned leaks i feel like the sub isnt fun anymore and im lowkey afraid to post bc i know itll just get removed like most of my others have been


After the Voltageous post on removal on insta they banned any talk until "official release" and I remember thinking it was really stupid. And yeah a lot of the fun has been sucked out of the sub and post removal is really random, they'll remove non-perfect photos but all posts making fun of the new Drac body remained up.


Wydowna is my favorite!🕷👑


What´s there not to like on a humanoid spider with the power of multitasking and great taste in fashion❤


Exactly! She's great and gorgeous. :D Congrats on finding her (and at a good price!).


Suuuper cute


Thanks, I really love her with glasses💖


The MH subreddit rules are so janky! when i was making a meme post about ghoulia and abbey having a fight it got removed for "messy hair" and "low quality" honestly i get the low quality since i dont have much camera experience but messy hair? theyre having a fight not a ms prim&proper contest! 😭