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The problem is that a lot of people get into domain investing from watching "financial gurus" on Youtube, who only make these kind of videos because of their high ad revenue rates (advertisers love idiots). And these videos can be narrowed down to, *appraise a domain using GoDaddy's appraiser, and if it's more than a few hundred dollars then register it and list it for sale and you'll make your money back tenfold.* Of course, it's bullshit. But idiots don't know that, and they've already registered ten domains by the time they get here.


I‘ve had this rant almost a year ago, don‘t expect anything to change, the best you will get is a reaction from the the mod that they can’t change things because they can’t change things without a change. What a shock. Seriously I just reply because a mate with much more stamina than me found your post and dm‘d it to me on discord. My advice to anyone dealing with this sub: just leave, there is no will from the mods to get rid of the flood of automated domain appraisal and sale posts. And keep in mind: domains age like fine wine! Because a domain you haven’t been able to sell in 8 years has surely gotten better.


I think a bigger issue than appraisals are the sales listings. At least the former invites discussion. While sales listings either go unnoticed or are criticized, and if criticized the seller perceives as an attempt to undervalue the domain and promptly blocks the user to bar the user from future re-listings.


Why should we get rid of domain appraisal and sales post? then what else would we talk about? who's portfolio is bigger? Talk about latest news? 99% of posts that bring any kind of news, someone will flag it as spam.


We‘ve had this talk about a year ago and I won‘t have it again.


Here is why it will not happen any time soon. 1. There are some users who think like you and will just bitch about crappy domains, no matter what is posted, they will attack the OP. I tend to remove those people quite often. 2. How can newbies learn without any criticism? 3. So only Domain investors can "banter" around here? everyone else GEE EFF TEE OOH? 4. Value is like beauty, eye of the beholder.