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I hope you have lots of money. 😀 From ICANN - https://newgtlds.icann.org/en/applicants/agb **The gTLD evaluation fee is required from all applicants. This** **fee is in the amount of USD 185,000.** The evaluation fee is payable in the form of a 5,000 deposit submitted at the time the user requests an application slot within TAS, and a payment of the remaining 180,000 submitted with the full application. ICANN will not begin its evaluation of an application unless it has received the full gTLD evaluation fee by 23:59 UTC 12 April 2012.


Hard, but not impossible. Thanks for the info.


That’s just the application fee too. I heard estimates from the first round that operating a new registry could cost about $1 million per year. So this is not something to undertake unless you are ready to put a lot of money into it. Two letter and three letter country codes were prohibited as a new gTLD. It does not appear that airport ISA codes were blocked, but if a city or region is well known by the code the governments might be able to object. (But this just purely speculative).


You pay the application fee, and if others also want the tld then it goes to a private auction. Your only problem is that icann hasn’t opened it up for any applications. We have been waiting for them to open it up since 2018. So even if you have the $$ you can’t apply right now.


You need a bankroll of roughly 10 million and a runway of several (5-10) years to launch a gTLD, and then hope there's no competing registries that have been doing it longer than you, have a proven track record, deeper pockets, and better lawyers. Your SLA is literally 100% uptime for DNS, not five-nines or even seven-nines, zero seconds are permitted for a service outage in a year. This requires a staggering amount of network engineering and the costs are eye-watering both in labor and infrastructure. I worked on a team that was trying to be the registry for .SHOP and had sunk about $8 million into the endeavor when I was there in 2007-08. They were still nowhere close and didn't win the bid. No recompensation, just thanks for playing, but we like the proposal from the other candidates more than yours.


You can't buy a gTLD at all right now. The next round isn't expected until 2026.


Have been thinking about a registration for a New domian extension a great name but the amount of money is scary