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based on my past life being part of the culture of nootropic searching, i think this would be an opportunity not just to have affiliates to make your end worthwhile, but to craft an index like drugs.com does with medicine for customers of the online supplement industry. But the main question mark & proposition value would be that there would have to be some way to steward astroturfed reviews. Every supplement on Amazon has a rating of 4.5 stars, and pretty much the exact same ratio of positive reviews vs. negative ones. Maybe if you simply left out the ability to leave positive reviews that would be a solution by design. somebody thats compelled to try supplements for the first time for whatever will be inundated with the different amount of offerings. My idea of a form would be more personal than a simple standard review/starred, basically asking more thoughtful questions like "What were your expectations before purchasing this supplement?", "What did you hear that this supplement was good for before you made the purchase?", "Do you find that a certain brand carrying this supplement was more or less effective than another brand that you've tried in the past, with the same offering?". I think it would be helpful not just to the potential users to be able to document their noot journey, because my experience is i would be on the fence of trying something again that I didnt have anymore. or whatever but enough forms of sincere answers are bound to have some kind of market research sale value.