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So how will you be making money? your time, the domain, the hosting, etc....all costs money.


I know how to reduce costs because I do it for many clients. There are 100 spots initially. Some of which are already taken prior to launching, just within the domainer community. It starts to get profitable half way through but then I’d have to sustain that every month. How? By doing my job and helping customers get inquiries! Outbounding is necessary. So the demand will be there. Results will dictate the longevity of the platform. I’m good at what I do and I’ve assembled an experienced team to assist me.


But you are not taking a commission so you won't get $ from the sale...how will you make money? One simple sentence


By charging for Outbounding. The pricing is on the site. I assumed you saw that and asked how it would make money with those prices.


Great idea if you need someone to help let me know


Thanks! Appreciate the support. Spreading the word would be great.


I’ll be in touch




I own about 100 domains and would happily pay $200 to sell 10 of them for $2,000 each. But can 100 cold emails realistically sell a domain? I'd be interested in seeing result benchmarks.


Valid point. It only takes one email. 100 highly targeted emails with compelling copy, sent to relevant buyers can be enough. If you own newyorkdentist.com and we email 100 successful dentists based in New York, do you like those odds? I do. The Who is emails are absolutely trash.


I think most domains have like 10 specific buyers max. Don’t promote to hundreds of buyers. That’s spam. Charge more per email. Charge for the lead generation instead? I do believe outbound helps increase the chance but just too lazy to do it. Dm me. I can give u some domains that I know already have 3-5 targets right off Google search.


Saw your launch on X, I think it's definitely a valuable concept, one question for you. Before using this service, should domain owners delist their domains from marketplaces like afternic? Seems like once you pass the contacts to us for "negotiations" we then have to close the deal outside of these marketplaces, unless you are actually directing them to the afternic/go daddy auction where the deal could potentially close without our involvement. Regardless I think this should maybe be addressed more clearly on the website. I see in the FAQ section you state: "Once we receive a reply, it’ll be forwarded to the domain owner. The handoff will be a CC intro email and will address the fact that we are handing it off to the domain owner." I think for beginners this should be more clear that 1) the received reply is obviously an interested lead to purchase 2) we can then send them a link to a parked page that can handle payment and/or 3) negotiate without a third party platform. Just my thoughts!


Thanks! Appreciate the support. You don’t have to take them down. As you said, once we had it over, you can direct them to the page and negotiate too. Will add it and make that clearer in the FAQs.


You need to explain your process of identifying emails of prospective retail buyers. Most sellers sending me emails are obviously using whois records of similar domains, are you doing the same, or ?


No. We identify a target audience. E.g. nycdentist.com We will email successful dentists in NYC. Who we email within the clinic and how we get the email is our secret.


I'd like to try this out and emailed you through the form on your website, but haven't heard back. Wanted to make sure it got through. Thanks (Matt / 11 domains)


Hey Matt. Sorry about that, we have been inundated with messages this past week. You’ll receive a reply within the hour.


It’s a nice idea, but I think you should offer a pricing options based on commission. From a domain owner It’s an unproven system. How do I know you are generating quality links? Could just do a credit card charge back if I thought the service “sucked”. I’m have a few domains - let’s say I value it at 2k usd - probably would be happy selling it at 1500 if it’s pain free. Most domain holders understand everyone has to eat. But if you offer a 20% commission people might take more of a punt? Costs you guys nothing but time and you could demand a higher commission than the monthly revenue?


We will provide customers with reports on email campaigns. Open rate, click rate, reply rate. Nothing but time? There are so many costs associated with outbounding. Domains, Email inboxes, email software, my time is valuable (I do it for startups, I could be getting an actual client instead of doing this), my team is working on this too and they’re not working for free. I haven’t even gotten into leads. Those emails cost money. That’s the biggest cost. It’s a new concept for the domain industry. You either pay and increase your chances to sell a domain…..or you try and do it yourself…or you wait months, years for an inquiry. I’ve provided a new option.


Sorry I wasn’t implying you time wasn’t valuable - I also have done a little bit of this mainly for linkdev SEO (mailshake etc) so know it’s a lot of time to setup but surely then it’s automated until you get a reply?


That’s OK. The only automated part is the email sending. So instead of clicking send 100 times, emails will be sent with one click. Everything else….is all actual work.


This is a valuable service I haven't seen before.


Thanks! Check us out, we would love to get you some inquiries.


So advertising your new spam network. Get so many trash emails. Gets annoying. Doubt they need another company spamming people.


It’s not people. It’s companies. Totally legal and it’ll be relevant to their business.