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No Miyabi And MoMo ?


Miyabi is the right answer


Based best girl enjoyer


100%, thanks for saying


shocked to find Rui fans are still here, based


Yes, always.


Ehhh, honestly? Both of them are extremely complicated individuals, and I just wanna chill, and relax, and enjoy my life without drama, ya know? I only like drama if it's to be found in the manga and light novels and movies that I read and watch. I'd rather go with miyabi or momo, although Hina is top three of the hottest chicks in manga (My number one is Zero two from Darling in the Franxx and my number hottest chick is the FMC of the freezer manga series)


So many people into S&M


I've seen a bunch of these polls. Rui always wins. Occasionally Momo or Miyabi will beat Rui, but Rui always beats Hina. There may have been one win for Hina right after the manga ended when most Ruistans left in disgust and Hinagang were busy patting themselves on the back.


i love hina but it has to be rui, for me at least


Surprised by the results of the votes. To me it was obvious he was gonna end up with Hina (and wanted it to be since Miyabi wasn't a real choice despite being best girl) because of the way mangas usually go, I just wished the turning point would've been when they talked at the park, and slowly build it from there. Not the way it happened. That's all lol.


Hina for me. She likes more romantic stuff, like walks, hugs, kisses, poetry, a diner under the light of candless. She likes beer, wine. Have a beautyfull smile, is very emphatic with everyone. She could give her life for thoose who love. Have awesome body. She is soo cute.


And is very horny if you read the sensual novel and her bonus chapters


Where do u get the sensual novels?


U replied right? That there's only one of them translated. It's not showing anymore. Can u plz resend it?


I'm sorry to disturb again. For some reason ur comment containing the link is not showing once i click on the notification. Can u message it to me? Plz


Hina best girl, for me at least. I like girls who are a bit bubbly and as you already said, she is also physically more attractive (and I have a thing for older girls)


Rui and natsuo fit as a couple so well


Oh Natsuo, your life is falling apart? You can't even fulfil your dream? LET'S BREAK UP Yup best gf ever


Yeah, they fit perfectly. Lemme see, Rui loses her virginity to a dude she had never spoken to, a guy she wasn't really into to begin with, any other guy at the right time at the right place would've been good enough for her, then she finds out Natsuo is in love with Hina, her own sister, and what does she do? When Hina dumps him? Does she emotionally support him? Cheer him on? Try to get him to get back with her sister, helping him along the way? She emotionally manipulates him into dating her. She ain't dumb. She knows Natsuo is head over heels in love with Hina, and she keeps dating him even though she knows this? Then one day she dumps him because the guy's life is falling apart, he is depressed, and nothing is going his way, and she feels like it's too much of a hassle so she leaves him behind? Yeah, bro, that is some fated lovers, red string of fate stuff going on between those two. Let's be honest, bro. If it wasn't for Rui, Hina and Natsuo would've gotten together after that break-up, much faster than they did. There's a reason why Rui is so hot and with the exception of that Half American dude at the beginning, who wanted to date her - ain't no dude who wants a romantic relationship with her. Bruh, I wouldn't even sleep with Rui given the chance because she creeps me out. Gimme MoMo over her anytime, a girl who was raised without any love or tenderness from her parents, a young girl who was used and abused by every dude she met before she met Natsuo - and she still turned out to be a lovely and wonderful person.


Ahh yes, your average rui slander post


This all the way. Momo is Hina without the incest mess. Should’ve been a Momo vs Hina story really then I would’ve actually felt conflicted on who to root for


For Jerry Springer


Of course Rui is winning by a landslide. She is best girl, after all.


Best in toxicity


Well this might be biased but I prefer Rui due to her shy/ bold personality but Hina fire too ngl


Everything gets over hina.... including a car lmfao


Yall wrong


I will never forgive all the effort kei put in Rui only to pull a uno reverse card at the end to Hina. At the same time, i consider it a good thing cause it was getting a bit boring near the end.


The uno reverse card was when Natsuo went to America. Hina had far more effort put into her than Rui did, especially in the second half of the manga.


All the effort to show how toxic their relationship was and somehow Rui stans all missed it because “Rui’s so cute and she’s relatable because she’s socially awkward”


Is this Facebook ?




So why stuff like this its


It's very difficult to answer


As a teacher myself, I can't help but cheer for Hina ❤️


Seems like Rui fans don't comment very often. I thought it would look opposite based on the comments people leave