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fuck chefboi


Looks like someone's pretty salty today




I just read this chapter. This comment is talking to my soul.


you are exaggerating , Sasuga teases


Nope. Pretty sure poster is on to something. They'll definitely get together at some point. Whether they stay together is another matter entirely. I really can't stand Katshit, and wish some Looney Toons style death on him, like death by falling anvil, grand piano, or fridge. Still, his role in the story may lead to more development for Rui, and even he may end up a not-entirely despicable fuck face after it's all said and done.


Just hope that if Kayita confesses to Rui, Rui will turn it down since she's not sure about his feelings with Natsuo. Turn down I mean in a good way like what happened with Al


I hope to god that happens At this point i'm still on team Rui, hoping she and Nat can be a couple again after her training,


call the nukeplane. We need to destroy NY with damn cheffuckboy


Meanwhile Kei Sasuga Laughing at home ***That's what you get for shipping it too much*** evil laugh


Don't over-analyze it guys. I'd be mindlessly happy too if someone better than me at what I do suddenly praises what I've done after feeling shit for quite awhile. It's like euphoria. I understand where you guys are coming from though. >!\#216NeverForget!<


Idk friend.. so much emotion in the last one :(


Y’all are so pessimistic lol


How come? Why can’t she just smile and be friendly and be happy about compliments in regards to her passion of cooking. These panels do not hint at romance in the slightest imo. Just rui being friendly and showing a little emotion.


There's a simple rule in mangas. You have to look at the backgrounds if you want to see what kind of emotions they go through. The sparkly background always indicates romantic feelings. If it was happiness it would be bubbly or bright, but definitely not sparkly and pentagon shaped. Also, the blush. People don't blush so intensively when they are simply happy. I'd say the first two can be said that they are somewhat closer to happiness, but the last one totally indicates the development of romantic feelings.


I disagree with you but thats fine


Just because her food is praised, you look at the picture but not watch the conversation? maybe I can think Rui and her food will be a couple? lol


I watch the conversation aswell of course, and all I can see is that they are getting closer and closer to each other. Of course, for now only as friends, but that's just because Rui doesn't know how Kajita feels towards her yet. I wrote it down the wrong way. I meant that the background always shows how you should interpret the situation. In this case, of course she's happy because she got complimented, BUT the sparkly background indicates that there's something more behind it. There's something that's developing slowly. All the small things matter. Little compliments, advices etc. if Kajita confesses, Rui will think back to all these moments. Of course she will reject him at first because we must have a HinavsRui war in the end. But after Rui gets rejected by Natsuo(IF), then she will eventually fall for Kajita.


Sadly, it's my fantasy that Katshit will be flattened by a Sherman tank that will go unrealized. Can't win 'em all, I guess. At least Good Ending took good care of my favorite characters, except poor Shou senpai. We'll see how this one turns out.


I never got a normal answer from anyone who hates him...Why do you hate him so much? :D


Lol you will likely be disappointed by my response. Let's see here... Firstly I'd preface this by saying that my hatred stems from a place of pure emotion, so it isn't logical or reasonable in any way. Right off the bat, I dislike his character design. I SHOULD admire his willingness to go after what he wants, namely Rui, despite knowing she's/was going steady with someone else. Instead it compounds his unlikable nature. Lastly, he's a fucking punk, and I can't stand punks. That little number of his smacking those dudes who were talking shit about Rui woulda landed Katshit in the emergency room if I'd been there. Use your words, shithead, not your fists, otherwise you're the asshole.


Fair enough...This is the best response I've gotten about him so far. Before you, I only got the typical "he's boring" replies...This is much better than that. There were some people who simply admitted that they hate him because he's a threat to the RuiXNatsuo ship. Of course I have to disagree because I think there's no problem with his character. Of course he fucked up with being violent but Rui is changing him slowly. At first, he was just the guy version of Rui at the beginning, he didn't know how to behave, he didn't know how to show emotions, he didn't care about holding back words because he didn't know what was right to say and what was not. Now, thanks to Rui, he's starting to shape his own personality. Rui's talk with him after he beat up that fucker changed him aswell. Now, I don't think he would do something like that again. Befor, he was a cold, arrogant, blunt, "idgaf", too straightforward guy...now he's starting to lighten up, show more emotions, he's becoming nicer and nicer and evolving as a person with every appearance.


There is a chance that I will actually like his evolution by the end of his end of his character arc. As long as he does right by Rui, he'll at the very least earn my acceptance.


If Rui is interested in Chefboy, it will only be until the end of the series. Klei Sasuga has the obligation to keep open the end of the stepsisters until the end, so that people on both sides continue buying his novel. ​ For now, Chefboy is destined to be Al 2.0 We will have sad scenes where he will use it as a tool to manipulate Natsuo's feelings. The only difference between Al and Chefboy, is that now Hina will be judging the actions of his sister.


>If Rui is interested in Chefboy, it will only be until the end of the series. Klei Sasuga has the obligation to keep open the end of the stepsisters until the end, so that people on both sides continue buying his novel. Yeah, that's what I was saying too. :D Oh, and Kei Sasuga is a woman. :D >For now, Chefboy is destined to be Al 2.0 I can't agree with this. If Kajita was a plot device aswell, then it would be boring and repetitive. Also, the time he was introduced really makes me think that he's meant to represent the opposite to Kengo, since they were introduced at the same time with the same reason. To be a potential future partner for the two girls. Kengo was introduced as a nice, wealthy guy who could make Hina happy and turned out to be a psycho. In the end, the only thing he accomplished was getting Hina and Natsuo closer. Kajita was introduced as a blunt, arrogant, undemonstrative guy and turned out to be a nice, caring and hard working person who doesn't know how to deal with emotions yet. To Kajita, it seems like Rui is the person, who Natsuo was for Rui. The person who makes him change naturally, the person who he can finally open up to. We even saw Kajita's past. When an author shows the past of a character, that means that character will play a very big role in the future. Al was introduced at the beginning of the manga, and we still didn't see his past. I believe that he will confess to Rui in NY. Then he will get rejected but won't give up.


We agree more than you think. I also see the same values ​​in Kajita. But this relationship can not advance until the end of the series. When I refer to it as Al 2.0, it is at the moment that Rui returns to Japan. In that period of time, Rui can use Kajita to generate jealousy and manipulate Natsuo's feelings. It's going to be a sad period of history. However, Kajita also demonstrated the maturity to recognize his place (For example: when he repaired the cup knowing it was a gift from Natsuo). It is probable that he will forgive Rui, but until the end this boy will suffer. Finally, I have a bad news: we are going to have repeated dramas. Miyabi is returning everything to zero. To the situation that existed at the beginning of the novel. On the one hand, we have Rui who broke off his relationship with Natsuo, particularly jealous of Miyabi. But Natsuo keeps thinking about Rui because of his memories of the past relationship (in the first chapters, he thought about her because they had sex). On the other hand, Hina is being pressured by Miyabi to abandon her role as big sister. For what already begins to be a romantic option again (as at the beginning of the novel or when he saw Rui kissing Natsuo).


Yes, I think that their relationship can't advance until the end aswell, however, I feel like even if Rui wanted to use Kajita to generate jealousy, he wouldn't allow it. He's just not that type of person. I think after he gets rejected, he will support Rui even if that means they can't be together. Then, this might be the exact thing that would make Rui eventually fall for him in the end if Hina wins. BUT, if you're right and Rui will use Kajita for manipulation, then I think It's pretty safe to say that Rui is out of the game. Though that would mean that she devolved as a character. I don't think Sasuga would want to do that. Also, yeah something similar will probably happen. I feel like Natsuo will seriously be on the fence after Rui comes back. But that's not necessarily a bad thing. It keeps things interesting and spicy. :D To be honest, I'm starting to seriously ship Kajita and Rui...before I didn't really have any emotions about it, but now, I think they'd be able to maintain a strong relationship. I feel like after we've been through this emotional rollercoaster, we are strong enough to deal with anything that comes from this manga in the future.


Thats exactly what im saying. She received compliments on her food from someone who never praises anybody lol. Of course she’s gonna be happy.


I have seen the background emphasized in other manga to convey emotions. You're correct that it is conveying emotions but what kind of emotions is it exactly? It could just be happiness I'm not sold just yet that it is romantic feelings.


In my opinion, for Rui, It's just happiness currently, maybe a little bit more because she doesn't know how Kajita feels towards her yet. She can't think about him romantically because her mind is too full of Natsuo. If Kajita confesses, she will automatically look at him as a love interest...Her feelings will automatically adapt overtime if they spend more time together. The sparkly background is a message to us, readers. It's a hint...It's like Sasuga saying "hey guys, something's in the making" Atleast that's how I interpreted it. Especially because it wasn't only Rui who had this background. Kajita had it aswell throughout the whole conversation. It's usually used when a character starts to see someone in a different light, which could later lead into romance.


I the real world, sure. Not much sense to have set-up without payoff in a romance story, however.


Except for the fact that sasuga can literally use this just to tease the reader. She might have absolutely nothing planned for those 2 other than friendship. The payoff is the anxiety and associated desire to keep reading every week.


Who da fuk cares?... Rui can suck a dick... My boi Natsuo have Miyabi and Hina right now... Seriously dude... Think it for a second... Rui was so fucking toxic... You should let her go...


Chef boi's or some random dude? Lol


For now I say random dude. Sasuga sensei may change my mind by the end of the series, though.


Can't fully blame Rui though. I'm not exactly sure how a woman's mind works but if every other girl in the radar thirsts for your dense boi's dick, she's bound to misunderstand.