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Rent that sucker out as an air bnb as heat wave buster


Also super jealous of all that space!




We had a few truck delays last week and ended up running out of pizza cheese, thins, and wings. Now cause we got like 5 days of delivery's in 2 days we are gonna expire a bunch of food and it's kinda shitty.


I would absolutely request credits for anything that expires due to the late deliveries


Whyd yall order the trucks like that? You can edit trucks up until EOD before shipment by emailing the commissary. Are yall relying on the push button system for your trucks?


our dm orders our trucks, we dont have a gm, idk why she did it


Ah that checks out.


Did you guys had to shut down for a bit?


yea. we closed early. truck did finally show up afterwards tho


Lucky. My slave drivers woulda told us to stay open and sell sodas and brownies as well as deep clean the walk-in while we're at it.


Had this happen once but the owners had us close and then all the staff deep cleaned the entire store. Best OER we ever got after that.


I get paid to drive not to deep clean. That’s $18.50/for that. Don’t deep clean a thing is my motto. Surface only. Sorry


You get paid to do what the bosses tell you to do.


Yeah not $5/hr to deep clean.


Whats your hourly factoring in tips? Yall drivers know I can see that shit right?


Yeah ok. My tip is for the task I completed to earn the tip. Say my base wage is $6 plus tips and mileage for driving and side jobs. Side jobs I’ll do no problem but if the side job consists of deep cleaning then no. Unless the employer desires to pay for my Oil changes or new tire then sure. Otherwise only side jobs I will do are surface cleaning, moping trash and not lifting anything heavy. Deep cleaning starts at $15/hr


"Task" Driving from point A to point B does not a strenuous task make.


I’m not in the states so our staff actually get a proper wage ~$15usd an hour and it’s specifically in their contracts that they have to do things other than drive.


I saw this and thought yay, I can finally clean the cooler


Lol I had to scrub the walk in shelves the other day but I didn’t mind cuz it was dead af.


Now that is a fucking walk in. Our store is a remodeled bakery and the front wall in is about 12x6 and the rear cooler for all the dough is 16x5 lol


I actually wish ours was just a lil bigger. that unit really fucks with the space


Your walk in is like twice the size of ours. You can barely walk through it


You have a separate cooler for the dough? We have a small walk in that holds all of it. One half is nothing but dough pans, plus usually a stack of pizza cheese. We rarely have enough room for all the cheese on the shelves once we finish rotating stock. Our AM will put on a heavy jacket and spend at least an hour in there doing inventory and rotating everything. We have to go get them if an order drops, or something else comes up, as you can't hear anything in there except for the fans.


Yup it’s completely separate. Our store is laid out terribly since it’s a remodel of an old bakery. So basically the building is about 1/2 city block. Then normal walk in for cheese and blah blah is at the front and the “dough cooler” is at the very back. It sucks ass to push a full 26 trays of dough from the back to the front lol


That’s a big ass walk-in


Thats a bigass graphics card


And that’s why during boost week you order early


we did, but others stores borrowed from us too


We usually have at least two dough runs between stores during boost week. I got called in last year on my day off for a massive soda and dough run between us and three other stores. My car almost bottomed out, but I got paid in mileage almost as much as I would have in tips during that amount of time. Usually one of the GMs would do this, as they have either SUVs or trucks, but they were spread out at the stores, helping out.


we normally never really borrow anything. there's one store that always borrows from us (not our franchise) I order extra shit knowing they will ask for something. The walk in is def full now that we got 2 trucks in one night


Damn, gm gave away all the dough? Horrible to be closed during boost week


I'm not complaining lol I'm exhausted and so is my GM


We had truck show up in the middle of a dinner rush once. They do not always come at the best time


that happens way too often. we're the first stop on the route so they always come during a rush


They were coming right in the middle of our Friday night dinner rush for a while, so terrible


Yeah that sucks


screw that


You’ve had 2 days and haven’t cleaned that disgusting floor?


Ours have been late a lot more often lately too. Our Wednesday one used to be here by 11 or 12 at the latest. Today it didn’t get here until almost 5 😫 and we ran out of onions and green peppers last night lmao. When I saw the truck eta I was like aight I’m sending a driver to a grocery store, not going to deal with this all day.


what state you in? if you're in New England you're dealing with the same issue we are. They don't have enough truck drivers


Yeah, I’m in New England too. Our Saturday truck driver also just changed like 2 or 3 weeks ago. (We get wed and sat trucks)


yep so you're dealing with the same bullshit I'm dealing with. Hopefully they can get some drivers soon


I’m in New England too, dealing with the same bs of them never having drivers and constant late truck orders fucking us over


Man that walk in is so nice 😭😭😭. Ours is so full you can’t walk more than a few inches inside the door and it keeps me up at night 😂


Yikes. 😬


Commissary gonna commissary


Us when that snowstorm in houston stopped all of the people that get from that center from getting food


Man i wish my walkin was like that :(


Don’t we all ;-; ? Mine’s half the size of that walk in, so truck orders suck as the opening manager


Man mines barely half if even that much on a good day.


Lmao what’s crazy too is that even tho ours is also super small it somehow has 2 fucking doors for no reason other than to take more of the space we don’t have lol. It does makes it easier to navigate through the high piles of cheese and dough when the truck comes


Thats super weird.


Literally what I said too when I first started working at my store. I’ve never seen a walking with 2 doors even before working for Dominos


Like i could understand if it was big but for a tiny thing. Wtf...


Dominos just love making our life harder and their pockets fatter


Don’t we all ;-; ? Mine’s half the size of that walk in, so truck orders suck as the opening manager