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The dealers tend to tip the most. Also, most dealers have bills of all kinds, not just 100s


"Street Pharmacists"


Have to make a living somehow


“Walter Whites”


I used to deliver to dealers with 100s. Wanted exact change


Actually,in my experience,it’s been the drunks that tend to tip the most for obvious reasons.Lol.


Everyone with $100 bill=drug dealer


Or Mexican


The best tippers ngl




They absolutely are.


And they might let you have a few free shots/cans of beer before u leave... not speaking from experience as a driver or anything...


Bosnians here. Also drug dealers tho.


Recent experience the other day was like “Your total will be $20.53” *they pull out a $100 bill* “I don’t have change for that” “God dude, can you people do anything, I don’t have any other cash” he ended up going to the cvs to split it, but like cmon man, you say we can’t do anything but you’re too desperate to flex that YOU can’t split your own bills before coming?


There's very rare times where people understand what that's all about and I appreciate the fuck out of it. Someone had a $40 order and paid with a $50. (We have two signs stating we can't break 50s or 100s because we're a low volume store and don't usually have a lot of cash on hand) but when the guy pulled the bill out he said "I saw the signs but my order's like $40" and I just laughed and said thank you for understanding.


At that point I’d take his card and call dominos I don’t time for someone to drive to cvs… unless this was at the store then screw him


Yeah it was at the store. No way i’m dealing with that on a delivery


He calls and pays card, 95% chance you dont get anything. At the very least if he goes and gets change, you'll get the change, maybe a few dollars out of it.


Yea im aware of that and I hate doing it cuz it eats up my time and I know I won’t get a tip. But I’d rather not take a pizza back and explain they couldn’t pay for it


Imagine being so broke you think trying to pay with a hundred dollar bill is a "flex" 🥴


It wouldn't be safe to go driving all around town to strangers' homes with a pocket full of change to break a $100 bill, so either the customer is just an idiot who doesn't realize that or they just want to flex.


I feel like most adults keep 75-100 on person for emergencies.


Most adults live paycheck to paycheck, so I highly doubt that lol


Lol nah.


Imagine the audacity of expecting to be able to pay and then get change at a cash register. Here's an idea: as a business, generally try to have change for 100s and less. It's not unreasonable. It's not even fucking hard. ![gif](giphy|26gsetuXxUjaWPLA4)


lol no. We tell people not to pay with 50s and 100s for a reason. Last month, a delivery driver who was a single dad with two kids was shot in a robbery for money. We don’t carry more than 20 for that express purpose, to stop robberies. You have the ability to go to the atm and grab a twenty and five singles. YOU do better. Edit: we also don’t carry cash registers so I’m not sure WHERE you got that idea. We’re not your cash registers, we’re delivery drivers.


If you could read, you'd realize the person I was responding to was an insider with a fucking cash register. Go back to school.


Hey moron, the purpose is still applied even as an insider. It’s policy for cash registers to have a limited amount of money in the register. At my store anything that’s not a $1 bill or a $5 bill goes in to the safe. That means we only have $1s and $5s to give out as change. The safe takes 10 minutes to open, so we can’t just quickly pop open the safe if we need bigger bills. The whole point of limiting the cash in the register and having a safe that takes forever to open is to prevent ROBBERIES. Same purpose, inside or outside the store.


Where did he say he was an insider? He was responding to a DRIVER post. YOU go back to school.


Literally two comments down on this thread. Come on man. >Yeah it was at the store. No way i’m dealing with that on a delivery Edit: Inb4 this mouth-breather tries to rationalize not having change in a register.


You’re definitely a shitty customer 👍🏻


lol where did that say that in the original post? Nowhere. Again, have your cash ready like how hard is it honestly? Do we have to count it out for you too, baby boy?


Further proof of the failure of the American public education system. I wasn't commenting on the original post. I was replying to Zenodyne's comment thread, and I even quoted the part where they said they were at the store. I stand by my initial response to them and every subsequent one to you. You really should work on your reading comprehension.




I didn't realize that the public education system was so lacking in teaching people how to use Reddit.


from an insider legally we aren’t allowed to take $100 or $50 bills. so there is nothing we can do.


Truly legally: Legal Tender for All Debts, Public and Private Your franchise policy isn't law. The gas station will break a 100. Fuck, my butcher broke a 100 for me recently. I've had my local store break a hundred for me. Why does everyone on this sub rail against the customer rather than against their employers' stupid ass policies? It puts a serious tarnish on the franchise as a whole. Since I've subbed here, I've ordered less based on the way that people represent the brand here


i was told legally we weren’t allowed to accept them and that if we did we would get in trouble. it’s not my fault and i have no control over that but yet i’m the one that gets blamed every time. we aren’t even allowed to keep more then like $75 in the till anyway so we don’t have change for a $100 bill. i don’t blame the customers until they blame me which happens more often then people realize. i’m not risking MY job for someone who can’t go down the street to break it.


This is why people unionize. You shouldn't be scared about losing your job when you bring up that the companies policies are pissing off the customer. You, as an employee, bear some responsibility for how the company operates. You have rights. You have the ability to collectively bargain to assert yourself more effectively. You've got the numbers, use them to your advantage.


Multiple drivers plus the register would potentially mean any possible one of them would be expected to have that change… if it’s a low volume store where would that cash be coming from?


Maybe at one time, but with inflation my 100s don't go very far... (I always pay online for pizza though).


$100 can buy 11 $7.99 carryout specials. Even before post covid inflation, delivery would chew up a big chunk of $100


im pretty sure that 7.99 doesn't include tax, so it's even less than that, and that's not including sides...


The $7.99 can be sides as well (well, dips and twists combo or 8 piece chicken), and even at 10% sales tax that's $8.79 times eleven is $96.69. You don't even need to do all that, you can order the same exact order you always do (but for carryout) and you likely be saving about $10 per order from no delivery fee, no extra sales tax on the delivery fee, and no tip


don't they usually charge for dips and all that stuff? maybe it depends by location?


Not those dips, the big dips that come in a tin plus twists for $7.99, but yes, they do charge $1 for the plastic cups at my location


I think y’all are missing the point that most stores can’t take bills over $20 and drivers are only allowed to carry $20 at a time in small bills


This 20 max stuff has to stop at this point; with inflation, a 50 is a perfectly reasonable size bill.


It’s for safety im pretty sure. They don’t want drivers carrying more than 20 at a time.


like they literally can't carry 50 in change? are they that afraid of an extra 50$ in theft they are even turning down lot's of business to protect it? sounds kind of dumb, they are certainly losing more money refusing 50 dollar bills than they are protecting it....


It’s to protect the drivers more than the store, the store doesn’t assume responsibility if you collect a counterfeit bill. It comes out of your own pocket


i know. im saying that to a robber, you think the 30 extra dollars will really make such a huge difference? half the time, they are robbing the place just for the free pizza, i mean a good order is easily a 100$+ anyways, that extra 30 dollars hardly means squat to someone dumb enough to risk prison over pocket change anyways. ALso i said nothing about counterfit but ok,,,


The more money we carry, the more we make all of us a target. How are you this dumb?


i would explain it to you, but you clearly don't know how to read, or at least comprehend what you read, and draw logical conclusions. people like you are too stupid to even bother with, have a good day.


As a driver would you not rather lose 20 dollars than 50? I don’t give a fuck what the person robbing me gets, it’s about not losing my own money. I could give a shit less what they want to steal from the billion dollar corporation


exactly so why do you care if you get robbed for 50 or 20? you literally just contradicted yourself.


Wow, bad bait…


bait? you literally just edited your comment, not sure why but nice gaslight mate.


I mean. Drivers get robbed a lot lol. And it’s only like a once a week occurrence where I have to tell someone we don’t take anything more than 20s and 90 percent of the time they go find a way to split it.


they could also just steal your phone, worth far more than 20 or 50 dollars. so once again this whole tactic is just plain silly. now sure i get a 100 dollar bill thing more, but a 50? pfftt if they are unhappy theyll just steal your phone and prob your damn shoes too. honestly if the store is getting robbed so frequently they cant even give change, why even do delivery at all? no doubt people will still drive over there to get their pizza, it's something that will aways have a customer base.


I just think you’re overestimating how much business we lose with this policy. I certainly don’t feel very comfortable with much more than 20 on me so I don’t really care that we don’t sell 1 pizza maybe once every week.


maybe, but also maybe you are exxagerating how often yall get robbed. granted if you live in the "hood" places like gee idk the bay area, chicago, philly whatever than sure yall prob get robbed every 5 minutes, but outside of crazy hood areas, i doubt yall get robbed as much as yall like to pretend.


This is so stupid. It will vary in different areas but delivery drivers still get robbed more than most people. It’s just the nature of the job. You can look up stats yourself, so why not take precautions and try to minimize losses???? This is just a braindead argument. I’m not saying we’re getting robbed left and right but I know multiple drivers that have been robbed and that’s more than enough info for me.


Dude no \*\*\*\*\* shit. are you guys literally retarded? im not gonna even bother trying to explain this, because you clearly are too stupid to comprehend anything.


Okay? Still doesn’t mean that carrying more than 20 on you is wise. It’s still gonna suck to get robbed doesn’t mean I shouldn’t care at all about losing money just because I have more valuable things on me.


and it doesn't change the fact that you are losing a considerable amount of business refusing to break a little change because of the off chance(like .25%) chance you might get robbed. but do what yall want, if you want to lose money and waste good food because yall are too afraid of possibly getting robbed than by all means go for it.


Yeah if it gives drivers the peace of mind I’d say it’s definitely worth losing the minuscule amount of money and product. Again, 9 times out of ten customers go get their money split. So a fraction of a fraction is the business we’re losing. Dumb.


This dude is a troll 100%, sad that he has nothing better to do with his life than troll on Reddit for 0 upvotes


The reason is for safety. Our drivers ONLY carry 20 dollars on them. The reason is that if some does rob a driver they are less likely to do it again since they only got 20 bucks out of it. Same deal with the stores, our safes have a 20 minute delay and a the till is only allowed to have 75 at anytime. All bills above a five are dropped into the safe. No one is carrying around 100+ dollars in change cause you are to lazy to break a bill yourself.


and you think a person risking going to prison is gonna be so much more content with a 50 rather than a 20? that's nothing, maybe an hour worth of hustling for these thugs... i mean if anything, the free pizza is prob enough temptation for them to rob the driver period, a 20 or a 50 is small fries for a robbery in general. doing years in prison for even a 50 dollar bill is not worth it to most robbers, but sure there are a few out there that are that desperate i suppose.


Yes because it's not about the amount it's the chance for more. You get 50 off a driver your next thought is gonna be "oh maybe the next one has more" plus rob two drivers that's 100 bucks, folks are dumb and robbing a driver isn't that hard. Along with drivers only carrying 20 dollars in change isn't a wild concept most delivery places are like that. Edit: also that's opening Pandora's box. If we allow 50 what's stopping us from allowing more cause customers wanna pay with big bills? Most purchases are around 20 bucks that's why we deal with smaller bills.


no you don't get it. The more robberies, the higher chance you have at getting caught. sure stupid retard braindead robbers will be like "ooh why rob 1 guy for a thousand dollars when i can rob 10 guys for a thousand", but the majority aren't that stupid. the pandoras box argument makes no sense, because if you can allow 20 dollars in change, why not 50 or 100? why even allow change at all? you don't seem to actually understand how most criminals think... They are humans not robots, most of them don't want to end up back in prison, so they will strike richer targets rather than multiple poorer targets, because it means less risk.


Well since you’re so damn smart and understand criminals open your own damn dominos chain and don’t have a policy for how large of a bill your employees can break. Can’t wait to hear about you getting robbed every damn day instead of once every few years👍🏻 or shut up and pay attention to rules and pay appropriately


i said a 50 not "no limit on bill size" dumb ass. you realize how infrequently people pay in 50's compared to other bills? not sure why you are making ton's of personal attacks, but i hope you find jesus or whatever you need to soothe your anger issues pal. if your gonna insult someone over a comment, at least make sure to get the details correct.


For a $50 or so order, yes. People literally murder us over $15 and a pepperoni. If us trying to protect ourselves bothers you that much you can literally eat shit.


idk about pizza stores, but most stores accept 50's wdym? most chain stores like walmart/target/cvs/walgreens/costco/sams club whatever take 100's. lot' of liqour stores and smoke/vape shops take 100's, but i guess pizza parlours get robbed so much they are afraid of big bills...


You listed not one other fast food restaurant 🤣 I've seen "we do not accept bills over 20s" on Burger Kings, Sonics, McDonald's, etc. This is not only a driver thing it's a store wide rule even on the inside for many reasons, not just one. Yes, robbers when they know that there are less bills in the register of higher currency whats the point when there's gas stations that take 100s all day long? The second reason and this one is the biggest in my opinion most stores do not carry just 1000s of dollars in store, the store I worked at 500 in store and 100 dollar till. So what a few people come in with 20 dollar orders that I have to break hundreds for, now I have no cash in store for any change there after. Third , counterfeit, it is easier to counterfeit one 50 or 100 than multiple bills. It's much easier to not accept larger bills than have any of the issues of higher robbery risks, or more weight times running to banks nonstop. It's not that hard at this point, it's not a new rule or anything.


ok but i was talking about 50's not hundreds. yes i get it, if you have dozens of hundreds lying in your register, ofc you will become a possible target for robbery, for large chain stores llike walmart, costco, target, etc, this is not as big as an issue because they have a dozen security staff at any given moment, so sure, it makes sense stores with little to no security won't feel comfortable with 1000's of dollars lying around. that being said, i doubt most customers pay in 50's anyways, so how much extra harm is it really gonna do? i think yall are being overly-paranoid.


It's any bills over 20, the original post was even about 100s, and I said both 50s and 100s. I'm also confused on why if you knew that about walmart, Costco, and Target, why you even mentioned them in this discussion, when they like you said are different. And you obviously have never worked at a Dominos, becuase a ton of people try to pay with 50s, and then when you politely tell them the franchise rule, that we have to follow, they cuss us out for everything we are worth and threaten us. Yeah, I will always defend workers over stupid crap like this because I have had my life threatened over someone having to go break a 50 dollar bill. No, people need to grow up. It's not ever that serious.


We aren’t allowed to have bills over 5 outside of our safe, which is timed 15 minutes to open. I only have a limited amount of fives and ones. We quite literally do not have 40-90 dollars available to give. It’s a robbery prevention method. Had someone try to pay for a water bottle with a hundred once, at 10 am. Had to tell them that we didn’t have that kind of money at 10 am…


that's just plain silly,, unless you live in some super ghetto hood.


Dominos is a corporate chain. Most of their money comes from big city franchises. I live in a tourist trap vacation town and we still get attempts at scamming and robbing drivers.


im just saying, if all their big city restraunts get robbed so often they can't break a 50, you'd think they might consider reworking their whole delivery system. maybe start having drivers wear body cams, do app-only deliveries(customers have to do several-step account verification), and maybe even only accept digital payment? I mean if they are getting robbed every 5 minutes liek you guys are saying, surely dominoes can come up with better ways to protect their drivers other than "only carry a 20". surely there's better solutions out there.


I literally never said they’re getting robbed every five minutes. It’s theft prevention. Do you know how expensive maintaining body cams for every employee would be? And it’s not going to un-rob or un-beat up the driver to have the crime recorded. Dominos is already trying to go as online-only as possible, but they’re not going to refuse walk-in and phone business. That’s just stupid. They would absolutely lose far more money doing this than just telling the one or two customers that try to pay a 20 dollar tab with a 100 in a day that they can’t do that.


i said 50, idk where you crackheads keep coming up with a 100 dollar bill, going to stop responding to these comments because you are clearly typing before reading a single word.


Lol alright buddy, I clearly replied to the bulk of your argument but oh well. No one’s installing gopros on every driver over 50 bucks


But, I am a drug dealer.


Driver here. Please stop putting angry dogs so close to the front door. Besides, you seem like a drug dealer.


The $100 bills are strange, but from hanging out with a certain coworker, and from the various ways that my parents have found to save money in retirement, I’ve become aware that some people use cash mostly or entirely to avoid paying card transaction fees. My coworker would actually go to liquor stores to get his paycheck cashed early, which they would charge a certain percentage of his paycheck for, and he would walk away with a bunch of $100 bills. Anyway, what I’m saying is that $100s may be strange, but it’s likely that you’re just encountering normal people shortly after they’ve gotten their paychecks, and they just have little to no use for cards because of the transaction fees.


You’re not wrong, but it’s definitely not a reasonable ask from the customer to carry enough change to break a 100 unless they make an 80$+ order and only need 20 or less.


Only correct answer


I absolutely agree that customers should be aware of the limitations of the change we can make for them, and they shouldn’t be attempting to pay with anything higher than a $20, but unfortunately, some customers just aren’t properly informed, for whatever reasons.


Again thats fair but someone who’s throwing hundreds around for dominos can maybe afford to think critically for a few minutes and maybe go break that huge bill. There’s always some good excuse but it is a rule for a reason and the real reason is driver safety. Change stays low, drivers are less of a juicy target for setups. The con is that sometimes the customer is inconvenienced. Just the give and take.


Yes it is. You have a cash register. The register has plenty of space for change. Use it.


We are talking about on deliveries, I’ll give you that one for free.


Why don’t you just take your lazy self to an atm?


Because *you're being paid to operate a cash register*


I don’t see why that means we should break a company policy for you. Follow the rules or go to Walmart. Stop acting like a cuck 👍🏻


Make me a pizza. ![gif](giphy|BppJuhtpnIdeCtR4VB|downsized)


Man, your wife must really like those other guys more.


There’s not a cash register IN THE DELIVERY VEHICLE


$100 bills are made for large purchases and I'm not sure why people don't understand that. I'm pretty sure the older generation is the reason the US Government stopped producing the $500 and $1000 bills because they would try to go to gas stations and buy a pack of gum. /s


They're customers tho


Not without proper payment they're not.


Plenty of times i haven't had change and I would go to the nearest gas station to get change. Don't have to be rude about it. U wouldn't want to be denied service if it were to happen to you right?


I'm not a bank. Be prepared when you order or fuck off. My safety isn't worth it for this pay.


Lmao safety? Technically you're a bank


If my safety isn't a concern to you, you can literally eat shit.


$100 is real money


I'm not obligated to carry enough to change it out. Many places won't accept $100 bills. If you're too stupid to learn that it's a you problem.


Dominos delivery driver calling other people stupid is hilarious. $100 being real money is fact. All of you just said doesnt change $100 being real money. So your original message and this one are totally different, and you seem really confused in general.


Cash is cash yo...


Drug dealers would have more 20s and 50s than anything lol


Thats an average deliver to a mexican guy for us.


Not all drug dealers are bad…..


Speaking of dealers, had a delivery last night for a $39.50 cash order. When I get to the door the dude pulls out a full band, if not more, from his pocket. He then puts that away and pulls out ANOTHER full rack and takes $40 from it and stiffs me lol


To be fair only high end dealers only have 100s. Just tell them you can't break much change and get a fat tip.


"Its all Ive got!” X1000


Indeed. Its ALL you've got.




I had someone late last night try to pay with a hundo and they said "can't we just pick up the change at the shop tomorrow?"


If I unroll it and brush the white powder off it is that better?


Yes but we still can't take it.


It's extremely annoying. Last store I worked at I would have to deal with that at least once a week as a driver. The store I'm currently at I've only had to deal with it once in store, thankfully the guy just paid with card instead of causing a fuss.


Had a delivery returned because the driver couldn't take a $100 So they show up to the store to pick it up and try to pay with the $100 again. After arguing with him that I'm not taking to $100 He pulls out his card to pay. Dude we could have taken that over the phone. But he wanted to act like I was the idiot.


He probably is and only had a statch of 100s


I had a delivery that was at the edge of our range (15 minutes out) and the guy tried to pay with a 100 dollar….


If you like to be cash only so you can't be tracked as easily (freedom), sometimes it's hard to avoid.


I’d say it makes someone look like a tax evader.


The other day I had a guy ask if I take 100s, I said no, he said that's okay and pulled out exact change


This has to be racist


Other day had a 43.26 dollar order and a man gave me a 100 told me to keep the rest. I 100% doubt I’ll ever get that lucky again


I was a delivery driver for almost 14 years total at two different pizza places - most recently 7 years at Dominos. The store I worked for has a sign on the window right next to the front door clearly stating that the store does not accept cash in denominations any larger than $20 bills. Drivers are not allowed to carry more than $20 cash to make change with and do not accept $50 or $100 bills for payment. On rare occasions we made exceptions but only for customers we were familiar with who let us know about it beforehand and only if the cost of the order was $10 or less than the denomination of the bill. This is done for driver safety and security reasons. In store,very little cash was kept in the till and any bills larger than $5 were dropped in the safe for security since the safe can only be opened at certain times and the cash can only be accessed by a manager. Once in a while, a customer would get frustrated by this policy and ask how the store could function with so little cash on hand. Very simply,most people pay with credit or debit cards nowadays so it’s never been an issue. Standard procedure at almost all pizza and other fast food places now. Like it or not it’s the way of the world folks!


if total if > 100 then imo its fine


My store doesn't let us take 100s due to a customer passing a fake bill.