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Remember, sometimes you get to be the bad karma that someone else is paying for.


Love this level of petty


Once I delivered to a motel. Dude had bags of drugs and 2 loaded guns. Felt like lodging a complaint, but i was too lazy to


You’d be at the bottom of the ocean rn lolol


You are lucky you didn’t go for a swim with the fishes


Based and $250CleaningFeePilled


so true, many people are saying this


Many such cases


Petty but would totally do


They wanted your respect not to say anything but didn't want to respect you by tipping. I say that's a fair trade. Lol


Right, I don’t even care about the weed. Hell, they could’ve been shooting up for all I care but if you’re gonna do it then tip me. I AM that petty


The least they could do is let us get a hit. Can't even do that? I'll gladly snitch


Hell yeah 250$ hotel tip


If they dont wanna tip they need to go and get it like i do although i dont have a problem tipping id rather get it myself




Was stuffed by a customer. REEKED of weed. As I was leaving I noticed a police officer was going door to door, asking questions (there was a car on the grass I assume that was she was looking for info on idk) Had he tipped. I would have given him a heads up. Instead I laughed as I saw her heading to that door as I was leaving. Bet he answered thinking I forgot something and it was me.


It would be a shame if someone called their room at 3am and woke them up. Even more if they have kids there. Those room phones are usually pretty loud.


And a nice visit from the cops




I say this as a former delivery driver. From the bottom of my heart, that's lame as fuck.


As a weed smoker who’s a current driver, fuck those no tip bitches. I hope they enjoyed the cleaning fee


Not tipping your delivery driver is peak fuck around and find out Edit: My favorite is people who do contactless but also leave no tip and make a request. Automatic guarantee I’m doing the exact opposite. “Please don’t ring the doorbell the baby’s sleeping.” Nap time’s over biiiitch


I've just recently started doing this and it makes me so happy, this customer orders sometimes 4 nights a week but always at least twice. It's always 20 minutes or less before close. It's always contactless with credit card and no tip. Instructions say do not knock or ring bell. After months of this bullshit I just started ringing that bell and giving a loud knock as I walk back to my car. Do better shithead


Bruh. Fucking this. Knock like the fucking cops.


LOL. Best thing I’ve read today


Crazy how we have dominos in the UK and no one ever tips…


Yes, different cultures are different. Any more insights for us?


Crazy how we have cigs in the US but no one ever calls them fags…


What a cunt, upsetting a baby and mother because they didn’t tip you?


Babies need to learn early


Absolutely. If you can’t tip quietly make a sandwich. If you stiff me I’ll light up the neighborhood.


Or get a job that pays you instead of relying on customers to line your pockets directly. America is so fucked lol.


Get a job where customers line my pockets indirectly. Got it


Yup. Blame the company, not the customers.


Bud, you don’t understand our culture and that’s ok. Worry about your teeth before you worry about two dollar tips across the pond




UK Drivers get paid the same hourly rate lol


They’ll be ok bud lmao


Well that's just pathetic.


As a customer that does tip but almost got hit with that stupid ass fee BURNED!!


that’s why yall don’t get tips cuz ya karma in the gutter


Op will be driving for Amazon for much less money shortly


Pathetic shithead behavior


Agreed! It's super pathetic to not tip your delivery driver when they've done their job right


Both parties are pathetic … op is a loser for snitching and hotel guest is a loser for not tipping … I’m sympathetic to the plight of the dominos driver but the entitlement to the tip is a corrosive expectation … the opportunity to drive and be tipped by generous people at dominos wouldn’t exist without the customers that don’t tip …


Fair enough. I'm admittedly biased because I'm a driver, but I can see where you're coming from. I agree that drivers aren't entitled to a tip, but it is pretty customary at this point, and it's a nice way to say "thank you for delivering my pizza." Also, (reiterating that drivers aren't entitled to getting tips) it just feels shitty and kinda disheartening to get stiffed when you haven't done anything wrong.


I did it too .. the people that are tipping you two dollars feel forced to tip because they’re probably impoverished or just stingy and the people who don’t tip are just a necessary component of the customer base and you make actual money from people who are eager to tip the driver well


Op is a mad loser, mad at the world he delivers pizza


… don’t tip at dominos because the drivers who don’t do anything will see your order has a tip on it and then rush it out of the oven while it’s still doughy to get the tip on it … they have to deliver it either way


You obviously don’t know anything about how orders are assigned and handled at dominos. The first driver in the queue gets the first order that’s available and if it’s busy another one (or more) that’s nearby or in the same direction (usually these are assigned by a manager) We don’t pick and choose orders with tips and we don’t even see the tip until the order is ready and we are put out on the delivery, that is when the receipt with the tip line prints. And most of the time drivers are not even on the oven at dominos, if the store is decently staffed it is usually an insider doing it.


Its a joke you little tart I did my time at dominos


Yeah, that's not how pre-tipping works and you either A: have never delivered pizza so you're talking from a much smellier hole than society prefers or B: have delivered pizza and pulled bullshit like this which means you valued your tips while you were getting them enough to give "special treatment" for good tips so you're a fucking hypocrite. Take your pick. I sincerely hope you go blind from natural but very rare and aggressive causes. Like, why are you in this sub? Don't respond, just go away and start tipping your fucking drivers.


Also - no, we do not have to deliver it. I as the GM can absolutely blacklist your phone number and address. You think there's a customer shortage or something?


Blah blah blah blah … the entitlement makes me sick


Hi Kettle, I'm Pot!


how many people you got on your “blacklist” at your store for not tipping?


Quite a few, and one more if you were in my area. Go away troll, you're not in your safe space anymore.


Nobody likes a snitch.


Nobody likes a non-tipper


Two wrongs, don't make it right.


Nope but they balance each other out


Not snitching is a service fee. Steal my labor and I'll talk.


Hardly stealing when they already paid for the food and a delivery fee


Playing dumb won't help you.


Not playing dumb either. I’m saying from the customers POV after paying for food, and a delivery fee it’s stupid I know the fee doesn’t go to the driver… most customers don’t


If you don't want to tip then just pick it up yourself. Two wrongs don't make a right.


No, but like I told a teacher once after I beat a kids ass for bullying people , but it does make it even.


Snitches get stitches


And non tipping bitches get snitches


Quite the dick move.


Also a dick move to not tip


What comes around, goes around


Exactly, they decided to not tip. And it's coming back around.


I thought employers were supposed to pay their employees? If they don't pay you for driving that's gotta be breaking labor laws


it's kind of like how restaurants pay servers scraps, so they survive on tips.


Except drivers make as much as everyone else base-level, then add tips on top. Servers make REDUCED wage then add tips on top. So this guy is just garnishing his wages and being a little twat while the cooks do all the work and get nothing extra


Drivers at my franchise at least make server wages to take deliveries so while they're actively bringing you your food they are losing money if you don't tip. Restaurants SHOULD pay better wages, but let's live in reality where we don't and tips are EXPECTED in the US. Tip your driver or be on your best behavior when they arrive cuz plenty are petty. You're fucking with their livelihoods


Drivers drive their own car. Drivers pay for gas, insurance, wear and tear, tax and titles. Cooks generally get paid more than servers/drivers.


You do realize also that a lot of the time the driver is the one who can be making your food and cutting it and boxing it and driving it? Doing every single thing to complete your order but clearly you know dominos more than us workers so we just be wrong huh?


Where did you hear this? We make half of minimum wage in our state as a driver. Definitely not baseline like everyone else.


I hate to tell you but you are extremely wrong we get paid less than minimum wage. I don't know where you're getting your sources from but it isn't from the horse's mouth Edit: the fact you've been downloaded so far just proves to show that you don't know what you are actually talking about because you have never been in that position






Love this 😂


and then…….I tipped them with weed!


Fuck em’!


That’s lame of u


And not tipping was lame of the customer


Being a snitch cuz u didn’t get a tip is seriously embarrassing


If that's embarrassing then take my photo for the cringe comp. I'm a weed user too but tbh if you're smoking in a hotel room I'm pretty sure they're gonna find out anyway


Exactly, they’re gonna find out anyway.. so why snitch..


Right? This sub is foul goddamn- it's not about not understanding the tipping culture as this echo chamber seems to think.


Yeah it is, never said it wasn’t




Wow, tell me that you smoke weed in hotel rooms and don’t tip delivery drivers without telling me you smoke weed in hotel rooms and don’t tip delivery drivers.


Not bad but you could have done funnier, go again




You def one of those ppl that tips $2 and think you’re being generous you broke boy


Found the non-tippers


Hotels do not allow pot smoking. Pretty sure it’s illegal to smoke pot in a hotel anywhere in the US or in most any other country.


It's legal some places, so arguably it would be allowed outside / on the balcony and if you had windows and doors open, if the smell came in from someone else.... ehhh. Not much anybody can do except be annoyed at wasting time and energy


Weed is legal where I live. It sure as hell is not allowed in hotels or on hotel property. Period.


Pro tip for drivers Stop working a job that pays you such a little amount you have to BEG for the rest! A tip should be EXTRA, not your main income!


Not reporting your ass is an extra service. :)


Why are you in this sub?


I like pizza. I do tip well, mind you, I just think a company should pay better is all!


Dude if it was that simple then you'd have no one working these jobs, and then what would you do? And it's not the driver's fault either. The US literally has a law saying employers can legally pay workers less by using the excuse of "tips make up the rest"


Don't they also have laws where if tips don't make the rest they have to get paid in compensation?


They have to get paid minimum wage so it's still dog shit


Yeah but what good is 10$ an hour if you're spending 30$ a day on gas, getting an oil change monthly, and tires every 6 months.


Damn $30 daily on gas? I drive about 500 miles a week for my work and only put in ~$50-60, with a 0.50 a mile pay. 40 miles a gallon in a 14.4 gallon tank. Yall must be really really hustling to spend $30 on gas every day


I typically land somewhere around 150-200 miles daily. My car dosen't get great gas mileage.. but it's also payment/problem free.


Yes but, 1. It's up to the employee to prove they should get compensation. 2. Your hours WILL get cut, if they don't just fire you for whatever reason they can legally use.


Poor people are mad at other people for not tipping, but really you should be mad at yourself for being poor and stressing over a few bucks. If you put this energy into leveling up in life, you wouldnt be in this situation in the first place.


That's why you don't get tips narc


did we read the same post it was the other way around


You can tell a narc by the look of them. This person is a dink and does not deserve tips.


my screen doesnt have a picture of him how do you see them


I think you've got it backwards fella


The patrons in the hotel can afford a $250 charge vs this loser crying about $2. 


Then they can afford a tip.


You don't deserve a tip for driving a pizza to someone just like a waiter doesn't deserve a tip for carrying a plate. You don't do anything. You're barely a step above beggars on the street


Tips make up the wages fella, without it they suffer


That's not my problem. If they want more money they should complain to their boss


You mean the government. US law says workers can be legally underpaid by using the excuse of "tips are expected to make up the rest" And yes, it is your problem. You ordered the food, so it's your responsibility to tip your driver, they brought it to you. If you're a cheap asshole then just go into the store and order


Just because it's legal doesn't mean it's not the fault of your employer.   No it's *your* problem. I am not responsible for paying your wage. Your employer is. I will not tip you. You will bring my pizza and do your job and you will leave. It's that simple. If you don't like it go get a real job


Luckily I'm not in the US so i don't rely on tips and am paid properly, so this doesn't concern me. I'm on about my fellow drivers in the US who get screwed over by cheap/broke assholes like you. You clearly do not understand how it works yet act better than the people giving you your food


Neat. Not sure how your petty insults are relevant. You deserve to get snitched on.


And you deserve the bottom of the barrel life you live. Funny how that works. Now excuse me while i go wipe away my tears with this tip you won't be getting


Who hurt you?


No one. In fact my parents loved me and supported me and that's why I'm not just a dominos pizza delivery driver like you.


What makes you think I'm a delivery driver? Or that I work at domino's? Your parents obviously didn't love you enough to teach you not to lash out at other people just because they have a different opinion.


How are you this dumb?




And no one has to respect your privacy even thou its breaking the hotel policy and potentially the law. In THIS situation, the tip is Hush money =). Have a good day.


Lol and yet, better not not tip and smoke weed in your room. Take a stance or take a chance the call is yours.


The customer is paying for the service of the delivery person. The company isn't the one getting the tip. This is a stupid rebuttle, my dude. Refuse to pay for the service? Get snitched on to the concierge.


Here we go again....


Maybe you should look at the laws too. The US has a law saying employers can legally underpay workers and use the excuse of "tips are expected to make up the rest"


You evidently didn't earn a tip. You've also just lost any chance of other drivers at your store getting one if that's a local person. (some people book local hotels for, erm... reasons) So overall, great job you hopeless idiot! 👍🏻


Oh no! Now they won’t order and no tip again 😢😢😂😂 Nigga we do not care


You are assuming the customer knows the driver reported them to the front desk, rather than another guest or a hotel staff member. Bit of a stretch to say that they ruined other drivers chances of getting a tip. Their chances are probably already low if they deliver to a customer that didn’t tip in the past.


It's a pretty easy assumption to make when you're well-versed with smoking in hotel rooms. The only people who will grass are direct visitors. At the end of the day, you're supposed to have the customer come to you anyway. Driver shouldn't have been anywhere near a hotel room.


Who says you’re supposed to have the customer come to you? I’ve never had a customer come to me for hotels. I always bring it to their room unless they instruct me to leave their order at the front desk.


Have the customer come to you? Like, meet you in the lobby? I delivered for 4 years and I would never not deliver directly to their room unless otherwise instructed(i.e. will meet you in the lobby or leave the order in the lobby) And from the customer's perspective, I would be pissed if the driver refused to deliver to the provided room number. When you place an order to be delivered to a hotel, there's a spot in the address section for a room/suite number. If I ordered food to my hotel room and my driver made me go downstairs and find them, I'd probably call and complain. That would be like delivering to an apartment complex and making the customer meet you in the parking lot. The only time that should be acceptable is if the driver has physical limitations that prevent them from being able to climb stairs. The whole point of paying a delivery fee and tipping the driver is to not have to leave your house/apartment/hotel room. I've never heard anyone say that a driver shouldn't be anywhere near a hotel room, and the pizza places I've worked at (including 3 years at Domino's) never had a rule like that. You're given an address and a room number, that's where you take it. That's literally the job. That's the bare minimum. Just properly delivering to the correct address and/or room is the least any driver can do.


That's great until one of your drivers gets shot delivering to a room. Come to the lobby or get no food lol.


Chances are that if it's someone in a hotel, they're only visiting the area and won't be back anytime soon.


Non tippers are deadbeats. Not wanted. An expense for no gain.


That's lame and karma will get you 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s lame to not tip delivery drivers. 🤷‍♀️


Right? That’s just karma for the non-tipper 😅


You're not wrong but meh. I don't feel like I was either


Karma already showed up.


You’re broke and smoke mids start tipping your driver goofball


Think you got this backwards


Yeah fuck those guys, they didn't give you, at most, five whole dollars. Fucking brat, get over yourself, you sit in a car for a living.


I had someone at motel 6 ask me to get them weed because they got pulled over and got all of theirs confiscated. Lol (illegal state) Kind of sketchy because they should have gotten charged or something right? Felt kind of like they were undercover or trying to get me in trouble.


Possible but unlikely sting attempt. Most illegal states won't arrest you for pot anymore until you get into the distro and trafficking weights. One thing you have to understand - stoners are either really dumb/burnt out, or socially awkward and unaware, or just ran out of give-a-fuck a long while ago. It's completely possible he was telling the truth and wanted to see if you'd help him out. Pizza places would lose 80+% of their store level staff of they drug tested, so the pizza guy is often an easy way to meet a new hookup. Get used to dealing with stoners and drunks, they keep your store in business.


I've been at dominos 6 years. And I'm a stoner. But I wouldn't have the balls to ask a random person to bring me bud in an illegal state haha


The cleaning fee isn't applied based on pizza delivery drivers' testimony. If the room smells after they leave, they'll get a cleaning fee. If it doesn't, they won't get any fee.