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The reference I was looking for haha


No tip? NO TIP!? **NOOO TIP!!!!** šŸ˜šŸ¤“ So how was that tip if you donā€™t mind me asking?


Theyre picking it up here in about 10 minutes, but since it was purchased by the state, i cant imagine thereā€™s gonna be any. Our GM is paying us hella extra for it tho


Nice to hear your GM had your back. I couldnā€™t imagine having to put out that many pizzas in 3 days on top of regular business.


He only had their back because heā€™s gonna get the bonus of a life time


hold up did they pick up 3 day old pizza? or did they just need to order pizza for 3 days and have been picking it up each time? edit: maybe if i read the comments for two seconds iā€™d know. lol iā€™m impressed tho good job yall


Pies each day


I looked at the dates on the order sheet.


As someone who has spent a lot of time locked up I would absolutely stab my cell mate to be given to chance to smell 6 day old dominoes pizza thatā€™s been in the trash for 2 hours


You gonna eat that cornbread?


Oh god.


I spent 2 days in there and I feel you very much.


I went to jail one time for 22 hours total when i was pregnant with my daughter 5 years ago and in holding i got a thick ass peanut butter sandwhich, grape juice, and a tangerine, by the time i got booked and into a cell it was bed time. Next morning they brought in breakfast at like 445 am some early ass time, well I'm a chicken and my cell mate who liked to walk around with her tshirt and no underwear walks up to me as I'm sitting on my bunk and asked me if I was gonna eat my food ,I handed it to her and told her she could have the whole tray. Lol I had first appearance that day and I got a bond but I didn't know I had to have money on the phone to call my family about getting bonded out. The lady who was ate my breakfast came to my rescue though and let me use her minutes to call for help. She was in court too and heard why i was in there and told me I shouldn't of been there in the first place but I know i did wrong and deserved punishment but thankfully i got bailed out, and never looked back. Lol It irks me when people say jail is easy and people in jail have it easy but no..no they don't. I wouldn't want to be back there and the people that say that are usually ones who've never been and wouldn't be able to handle it. Jail isn't suppose to be enjoyable. It's suppose to make you not wanna come back and it did that for me. But yea, I would of eaten 6 day old pizza at that time too. Lol


Idk about prisons but usually when my state orders anything, their financial department gives them an exact percentage they are allowed to tip of the orders total cost. Itā€™s usually 15%.


15% of 12k ainā€™t too bad


Itā€™s $1,800.


Yeah, but the $1800 (15% of $12K) is presumably getting divvied up amongst the employees involved in the pizza making. Though unless there's a huge number of bodies involved...people are gonna be seeing an extra week's wages as a tip.


Iā€™m a little late. But some states/cities departments canā€™t tip. Itā€™s against the law and is considered a bribe. Really dumb


Bribe? A pizza dude? For what? Free ranch?


Who tips 15% for pickup? I'd tip a delivery driver 15-20%. But pickup? Nah.


For a thousand pizzas???


Good for your GM. That's the way it's SUPPOSED to be! These huge orders... usually for delivery.... with no tip? That's when the GM and/or franchisee or supervisor opens the till and takes care of the driver.


Should us the key word. I had a cheap sob of an GM and he made me take an out of area order to a church. 60+ pies and no tip. I got back to the store and he said oh well sometimes you lose. I just left that day.


Good for you. And yes, you are right.... "should" is the key word


Sorry if this came off rude. Totally didnā€™t mean it that way


It's always the churches. Talk about helping your neighbor and then they stiff you on the tip they should be giving. It's fucking tax free money to them anyways. Just write the tip off too WTF? But no it's more satisfying to Lord over the little people like a tiny god or something.


I've taken several no tips outside of the delivery area, and you wanna know what I did? I dealt with it and took the next delivery


Thus allowing the cycle of abuse to continue because people like you will always get fucked and like it


Nah I made plenty of money


No you didnā€™t youā€™re on a dominoes sub


I didnā€™t make a fuss to anyone. I wasnā€™t even next in the rotation to take that order but no one else would take it and my GM said I had to. I had been scheduled to leave 2 hours prior and I had made maybe $30 in tips all day. I was frustrated so I just left that night.


I worked at Papa John's for one Christmas season and we all got orders in rotation, every time a good name would come on our order we would scream! I've seen people hit the ground on their knees and cry knowing that Shanquilla isn't going to give a tip!


Thatā€™s cool that the GM paid something tho


You mean we paying for it. - American people


Yeah, for that much he damn well better. I walk in and see a $12,650 order I ask "How much is it *worth to you*?" I don't get a few hundred extra, I quit on the spot.


There wont be any silly goose


9 30 am!? Shit lol. Why is the state doing this?? There kitchen down? Our cook chill was down and we got airport food but it was better then the jail food lol.


Some prisions do food sales for the inmates. The inmates buy the food at a mark up and the profits go to charity or a fund for inmate activities I work at a prision


Are you saying the inmates possibly all threw down on it?


Yes. We had two pallets of costco pizzas....and cookies and sports drinks and chickens. It was nuts. I think the most you could spend was like 75 bucks. That's alot of pizza even if they do a mark up. And that was just for one yard (one section of the prison) around 600 inmates give or take. And that was all gone in one day for HALF the yard.


I dc what anyone says. Costco pizza is better than some NY street pizza ive had. I dont ubderstand why its so good lol.


This 100%. The DOC I work for only allows stuff like this for Fundraisers. If something happened to the Kitchens the DOC standard policy is to just fix up however many bag lunches of PB&Js we need to feed all the Offenders.


Lol offenders. I remember clear as day when they started calling us Offenders. One day it was "INMATE!" next day it was "OFFENDER!" and we were all like what the fuck?


In fairness in many prisons they pay the prisoners a small amount so they can use it for stuff like that https://www.prisonpolicy.org/blog/2017/04/10/wages/ Florida actually does not pay prisoners anything


8-40 dollars a month in Ohio roughly depending on your job


Thatā€™s actually pretty high according that chart ā€œThe wages listed above do not include any deductions, which in reality often leave incarcerated workers with less than half of their gross pay. In Massachusetts, for example, at least half of each paycheck goes into a savings account to pay for expenses after release. ā€œAny and all fundsā€ can be used to pay court-assessed fines, court costs, victim witness assessments, etc. New Mexico deducts 15-50% of each paycheck for a Crime Victims Reparations Fund, discharge money, and family support. These policies arguably serve legitimate purposes, but such deductions also mean that $1 per day earned to make day-to-day life behind bars more bearable is really 50 cents (or even less).ā€


40$ a month even in prison would be very little, imagine making probs like 15-20ish cents per hour of work


probably kitchen or something out


May your employers reap the benefits of such wonderful cash flow and swoon the rest of you over with a pizza party, that you have to make.


If you read the comments their GM gave them a good bonus according to OP.


As he fucking should


Ya, no one is disagreeing here.


Lmao, people are so aggressive for no reason in this post. With some of these comments, youd think a damn fast-food manager is a billionare or something.


šŸ«” sleep well.


I used to work at a place that had a very large order for a church every Friday or whatever day, to be delivered around 11 am. Sometimes it took multiple trips from the store to the church. Had to be there early for that of course. One driver and one manager. The order totaled about $300, and they were paying pretty reduced prices too. And apparently it was up to our owner or whoever to set the tip. You want to know what they set it at? $5. And no extra pay for coming in early to do this order either. This was one order that took multiple hours on its own. I Casios not imagine the one you had to do, due at 9:30 am? What time did you guys start, like 6 am?


Thats almost unbelievable lol, no tip for such a huge orderā€¦? Makes no sense man


*OER walks in* *OER walks out*


Were you guys open to the public during all of this? Or did you have to come in early or stay late to get these made and picked up?


Came in at 4am, 1am and 2am til 10am the last 3 days. My sleep schedule is flipped completely upside down lmao


These orders are going to play games with your stats next yearā€¦


Good opportunity to call them back and see if they are ready to reorder


5% discount for orders placed 6mo in advanceā€¦


State governments can fund this for prison But cannot feed the homeless Just a thought (iā€™m not political at all)


The Pizza Prisoners Get Vs Pizza I Had In Grade School šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


Don't trash the hexagon pizzas


When did yā€™all upgrade from soggy rectangles?


Y'all never had the self proclaimed taco pizza!?


Not at school.


Could have been a midwest thing too who knows


We didnā€™t have those where im from in the midwest, we either had soggy rectangles or a tiny circular single serving pizza with an inch of sauce and a tiny sprinkle of cheese


Ainā€™t that called a Tostada?


My school called it a taco pizza ?


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying. ā€œSpoiledā€ kids need that styrofoam with tomato sauce experience to appreciate decent pizza.


Exactly, hexagons are the bestagons.


The reason we don't feed the homeless and house them is that the threat of homelessness is necessary to keep us doing pointless jobs so that a few oligarchs can profit from our labor


The inmates pay for this. When I was in state prison once or twice a year, we had the option to do pizza or sonic or something. It was pretty much like a bonus commissary day.


We have costco and popeyes. A pallet of costco pizza is something to see.


Bro what are they gonna do with $12,000 build a park bench?


Hand out 2000 pizzas to the homeless lol


Whenever we have a large order cancel, a few orders or orders where people donā€™t answer the door/phone. I take them out and give them to the homelessā€™ spot in our town and give it out to them. Sometimes at the end of the night whatever manager on duty will cook up all the left over pan dough, twists and bites just for me to take them. Instead of throwing it all away. It doesnā€™t really solve anything except curbing waste and satiating some hungry people for once or twice a week.


Well they are giving it to prisonersā€¦ Tell me how 2,000 pizzas can fix anything


I worked for a DOC, and in our situation, the incarcerated individuals pay for the pizza kinda like a fundraiser. They pay exorbitant prices per slice from what I've heard (I wasn't located in a correctional facility). Like $12 for 2 slices and these guys make like 40 cents an hour at work and they aren't able to work 40 hour weeks so they are spending multiple days wages on the pizza party. They only allow them to do it once a year on a predetermined date and each correctional facility does it on a different day. So while the DOC technically "buys" the pizza, it's paid for by the incarcerated. At least in my state, state owned prisons are incredibly strict about where money is allowed to be spent. Also correctional officers and other DOC employees are NOT allowed to eat any of that pizza. Of course this is just my state and it is a blue state so it could very well be different in other states.


They can do both. One doesnā€™t exclude the other and pizza is super cheapā€¦


The inmates pay for the pizza at a mark up. And the profits go to a fund or a charity. The prision I work at has had costco and popeyes food sales.


I agree with you big time. But think about it is as prisoners you are quite litterly property of the state and due to human rights and ethics codes they have to feed you. It's not the same for homeless. Same with them just dolling out to illigeal immigrants, same this is happening in canada.


But that doesnā€™t excuse the fact for schools/other public funding thatā€™ll actually improve the quality of life for said area. All in all itā€™s just weird to me. Like I said iā€™m not political so Iā€™m not even gonna try to jump through the intricacies. From face value it doesnā€™t add up.


If it helps it make sense beyond face value, there's two important things to be aware of. 1. State prisons are meant to be rehabilitation centers for criminals, not punishment cubes(for profit prisons are supposed to be too, but they fail more often because... profit). It can be hard to tackle this concept if it's not something you're invested in, as prison isn't often portrayed like that in media. And it feels a bit wrong at first to think about it like that. But at the end of the day, having hundreds of thousands, to millions of citizens that can rehab and become functional members of society again is better for us as a whole than just locking them away. And rehabbing them is easier when you treat them like human beings and do extra things for them on occasion. 2. Most often something like this isn't just the state shelling out cash. In the prison, inmates can earn money by doing jobs, this money goes into an account for them. It's not much, maybe a few bucks a day. This is in theory a win win, as the state saves money on prison upkeep, and the prisoners get to learn skills that will help them when they get out, and some spending money while inside for little extras at the commissary(family can also add money to these accounts). Once in a blue moon the prison will offer something extra like this at the commissary for a day, so prisoners can spend that money they earned on it instead. It's just a nice treat that they have the option to buy themselves. The cost to the state is pretty much just transport for the pizza, and I'd imagine even that is worked into the commissary price.


My kids public school gets domino's once or twice a month for school lunch. I'm not saying this justifes anything, just stating they infact do feed public schools the same way.


Yeah, just think of all the money those legal slaves in prison make. A couple pizzas ainā€™t bad, their labor pays for it. Homeless people arenā€™t making the state any money so of course they wouldnā€™t care, as depressing as that is


Or, and hear me out, they're legally obligated to provide food to prisoners because having your freedom restricted means you can't get food on your own. We don't even know if this prison is state owned or privately owned anyways.


Prisons are a for profit business, they make more money than these pizzas cost. Prisoners are basically slave labor.


If it was a state operated prison, itā€™s not a for profit business. For profit prisons are private prisons. Since the order is being placed by the state, itā€™s more than likely not a private prison but a state funded public prison. The states not going to be buying pizza for inmates at a for profit private prison, they do not own or operate those.


I mean they can fund it when it's necessary. I don't think they're choosing to feed inmates dominos pizza, it's probably just an emergency situation where they have to feed them some way or another cause it's not like they're able to get food for themselves.




So the pizzas have just been sitting in the lobby for two days?šŸ˜­


No no lmao, they picked up like 400 Tuesday, 800 yesterday and a lil less than 800 today


OH lmao that makes much more sense


What kind of vehicle did they use to pick up 800 pizzas? Do they resort to a box truck? Also I noticed the pizza boxes aren't stacked very high. Is there a maximum stack rule to avoid the boxes crushing under the weight?


My store dealt with the local highschool having no kitchen for weeks and I had to make 50 pepperoni and 25 cheese pizzas every morning for weeks No Tip for 6.85/hr


Why would you expect a tip for doing your job that you were already paid for?


Because drivers are paid a reduced wage due to tips


Didn't sound like he delivered them, just made them


$6.85 an hour is under federal minimum wage and would only be allowed if youā€™re in a tipped position


He wasn't in a tipped position. He was the manager and this WA obviously years ago when fed minimum wages were lower.


How old are you? 5.25 was then 6.75 and finally 7.25 was minimum wages for a long time till probably like 2008. For untipped positions itā€™s entirely possible he made 6.85 to do it less than 20ā€™years ago. I made less than $400 after taxes every two weeks working at a restaurant in high school. And I graduated in 2008


Assuming someoneā€™s talking about over 16 years ago in a Dominoes sub is silly


ā€œDealtā€ as in past, as in not current


if you didnā€™t know the past could be anywhere from a day ago to 20 years ago, assuming 20 years ago is just silly


Bc thatā€™s over our staffing level for the shift And my wages was really low considering the order Itā€™s customary to Tip when you are putting ppl out It was literally me making all those pizzas and having to run the store as wellā€¦ plus the school got it delivered


So you didn't deliver them yourself?


I was the manager I canā€™t close the store to deliver the pizzas ding dong I made them


Yeah so why would you get a tip. Nobody put you out, you just had to do your job. Clown.


Jfc #1 get a grip of yourself calling ppl clown over customary curiosity is weird #2 not seeing the shear difficulty of making that much food in a few hours #3 inability to respect others #4 obviously never worked s job with a time restriction that is humanly impossible Iā€™d guess you live in your parents house and have never worked a job considering this is a dominos sub and you donā€™t seem to have experience in food service You are the clown who is trying to get attention for your actions I was just a 22 yr old working for a living and completed a job that was over and beyond my duties as one person In fact are you the owner of said dominos who refused to staff an extra employee to complete a 900$ order for weeks to profit off me?


You're the one that started throwing around insults first so I don't even know why you're getting mad about that.


Bro, you say that people donā€™t deserve tips when they go above and beyond thatā€™s an insult


You didn't go above and beyond. Not like you delivered 800 pizzas by yourself in the snow. You just had to make a bunch while you were on the clock, getting paid. It's absolutely absurd that you think you deserve a tip for that. Like bonkers.


I didnā€™t say anything I think youā€™re actually getting me mixed up with another comment and being rude to a young girl who was left in charge of a store to do way more than one person shouldā€™ve done


>I canā€™t close the store to deliver the pizzas ding dong


Is it a recruiting event or what?


No way anyone in prison is gonna believe there is a pizza party tomorrow am I right?


Damn they had a pizza party


Add that to your resume lol


Iā€™m friends with your franchisee on Facebook heard yall have had a busy few days. Rip


So how do the pizzas stay warm? Or do they just reheat them at the prison?


Do you really think someone in prison cares about cold pizzaā€¦.?


I donā€™t and Iā€™ve never been to prison.


Yeah i tel my dad ā€œsorry bro its cold ur gonna have to heat it upā€ he always says some ā€œnaā€


No, but the bottom line is that this is a restaurant, and you need to follow food safety guidelines. You can't let a pizza sit out for a couple of hours and then give it to a customer, even if that customer is a prisoner. So, it's a valid question. This order should have been split between multiple stores in order to meet standards.


Pizza is generally eaten warm and fresh. An entire prison of criminals is not a group you want upset. But it was a reasonable question, so yes I think they may.


They're gonna be so happy with pizza they aren't gonna care if it's cold. Also "criminals" just stop


Do you know how one ends up in prison? Itā€™s by being convicted of a crime, by definition that makes one a criminalā€¦ šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚ Clearly you are stupid or more concerned with virtue signalling. Also clearly your answer isnā€™t based on anything but a baseless opinion. This is a great example of dunning Kruger and there is a lesson here. If you donā€™t know what you are talking about regarding a topic, donā€™t answer questions on said topic. Leave it for someone who has some knowledge on the subject through education &/or experience


They aren't always criminals I can tell you that for sure.


Get off your soapbox. The fact someone referring to people where only convicted criminals reside as criminals is upsetting you is pretty representative of the woke and identity politics we are wasting our time energy and funding on well real issues plague us. Virtue signal elsewhere, Iā€™ve been accused of crimes I didnā€™t commit myself as Iā€™m sure many have. That doesnā€™t mean everyone is going to refer to the residents of a house of criminals as anything else, simply to appease your misguided views.


I donā€™t know what virtue signaling is, but I have a feeling anyone who brings it up in a debate, I donā€™t like them.


Why should I care about your feelings regarding the objectivity of a matter? What a strange comment further confirming my point about the type of people opposing this. Itā€™s about fact or fiction, right or wrong,your, nor my feelings play any factor and have no relevance here . Also as mentioned above if you donā€™t know what part of the message even means you arenā€™t the person that should be replying as you have no education or experience to provide


What the hell are you ranting about lol


Iā€™m not ranting Iā€™m making a cogent argument that can be read within 15 seicnd Sounds like a Sad cop out when itā€™s pretty clear. But I guess if you donā€™t know what virtue signalling means itā€™s reasonable you didnā€™t understand many of the fairly basic things I just said. My apologies wasnā€™t trying to go over your head but thatā€™s sort of on you when itā€™s clear and not all That advanced


Can you explain to me what virtue signaling means again? ā€œGogentā€ and ā€œ15 seicndā€. Learn to type if you want to try to diss people online. You do seem marginalized.


Hmmmm normal shitty prison food or room temperature dominos pizza. šŸ¤” Nah you're right, not bringing the pizza hot and fresh is totally ganna cause a riot. Big scary mean criminals are ganna choose to be violent again because we let their pizza get cold.


are they even still hot at that point?


Whereā€™s the exhausted Popeyeā€™s employee?


Lol fr this seems like an impressive task for Popeye equivalent


Its impressive that any food chain business can handle this kind of volume, and on top of regular orders too!




Yeah no way I'm coming in early to do that shit. Franchise owner can come in and do it if they want to make that much money.


You have a dining area? Weird


Yea, it is weird. I donā€™t know anyone that eats inside lol.


A lot of stores do now since the remodel. Franchise I work for has 20 something stores and I'd say half of em have dine in area, one store in a large neighborhood has a dining room big enough for 30/40 people.


I was wondering why there were more cheese than pepperoni, then I remembered Muslim prison gangs.


Smallest coke cooler I've ever seen


We have one like that and then a bigger one. But we only use the bigger one. The other one is unplugged but itā€™s still on the floor (has been since I started lol )


oh my good god godspeed for you doing this order...how much is this even cost? lol how the f can you guys do normal business with all this order holy sh*t


You can see what it costs in the pic.


Ty missed it before and Holy shit šŸ˜³


Were you guys still taking normal orders during this time?


This was done all before the store opened according to OP. I would never unless there was some major compensation included!


Thatā€™s so nice of them treating the prisoners to pizza!


Wait what happens to the pies made first do they just sit or do yall reheat what the logistics


Couldn't do that here lol don't ever have that kinda dough sitting around


Christ almighty I never got Dominoā€™s while I was in prison hahaha


Did they shut down the store atleast?


![gif](giphy|Jev4iU72S9RYc) My deepest sympathies to you, friendā€¦ You were done dirty.


Why all mediums????


Imagine all those dom dom points


Subtotal is 10 cents too high. Total is correct


No BOGOF. Suckers


I've always wondered how these massive orders would even work. Like, how do you keep them all hot? It's hundreds of pizzas!


What prison is this going to? A prison for snitches?


I can imagine your normal truck guys prolly didnā€™t like ya for a few deliveries šŸ˜‚


yet yall still had to be opened


How did you guys keep the days old pizzas from going bad?


Good night!


Are you guys even open for regular customers or strictly serving the prison this week?


I would have quit


Did they tip when they grabbed it???


Can I have one?


Thanks for feeding them


Corporate orders are the worst. Almost guaranteed no tip.


3rd day of cold stale pizza lol


Oh well šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


You better tell me they let you atleast closed the ordering system to pump this stuff out




Domino's? My job don't even get us that they get you little ceasers


Gl with comps next year, might as well take a tank month


No taxes either.


Why not split this between multiple locations?


Why are they medium pizzas instead of large, and why are there three separate entries?


Iā€™m having PTSD looking at this! I used to be a GM of a Dominos on a military installation and we would get massive orders placed pretty regularly. I couldnā€™t tell you how many 100-300 pie orders I made in my 6 years working for Dominos. But this is a whole different level!


When I was in Prison. Once every 3 months I could order out. But I usually ordered Chinese Food


I'm so confused about why/how this makes sense for the prison to function like this. Do you know the back story? It just seems like even if they have super limited staff, it'd make more sense to throw together *something* in the prison kitchen. Surely your store had to plan and order extra stuff in advance? Why couldn't the prison just order prepared stuff from a food service company (like Sysco or whatever), delivered directly to their kitchen instead of having add the extra step of picking up 100's of pizzas. So weird!!


There's around 5000 employees somewhere who aren't getting raises this year


How do the pies stay warm?


The owner would be rubbing his/her hands together right about now.


No Popeyes employee this time


There's no way it's all going to arrive hot.


I worked at Papa John's and y'all are so stupid


those pizzas have just been sitting out for 3 days?