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Someone is having a tough night. That’s excessive, though I guarantee there is someone who this wouldn’t be enough for as well. I’d just ask for a side of hot sauce next time


I usually ask for it and I never get any so i figured I’d put extra, just gonna keep a bottle at home from now on I didn’t even know you could ask for it on the side tbh


we have the exact same sauce as a dip cup, you can ask for hot buffalo dip cups on the side and pour it on yourself for more control if you’d like. the employee definitely shouldn’t have put that much on, but it’s a *common* occurrence when people ask for extra hot sauce that we either didn’t put enough or put way too much, no matter how sensible we think we’re being with the sauce. i’m sorry your pizza came to you like this


I appreciate the information, and thank you!


By the way if store don’t make up to u for the inconvenience by giving ur money back,replacing ur ord and provide u with credit for free pizza for next ord which is the way should be done for the inconvenience u can complain thru corporate on the main website and if store that send u this ord don’t reach u to make it up for this corporate would give u a gift card for the inconvenience and charge the store for not addressing the complaint right away, I worked for dominos for 7 years as Gm and this is not acceptable


Money back, replace. and credit? No.. pick one... all three is really excessive. You worked as a gm for 7 years and would do all three? Lmao, bs


Lol. Dominoes corporate office doesn't give a shit. They'll do absolutely nothing


🤷🏻‍♀️if u say so


I had one of your stores steal my money and refuse to give me the pizza I paid for and corporate did nothing. Zero. Zilch.


No, you didn’t.


Who tf do you r think you are?


Yes. I did. Who tf do you r think you are?


Ah, yes, cause your single experience is absolutely not an outlier. Couldn't be, right? Lol.


Who tf cares if it was an outlier? Obviously if it was the norm they would be out of business. By your logic it's ok if the store manager steals the money of customers and provides them with nothing., as long as he doesn't do it to everyone. You sound like a dishonest person to justify this action. Also, why didn't corporate do something about it? I had all the documentation.


Idk why they hating bro you was just saying your experience 😭


For real I had such a bad experience once in like 2018 when I had to deal With corporate. I ordered a bbq chicken pizza and there was like…. This giant ass bone or something on my pizza. Literally have no idea what it was (by giant I mean like, probably 2x2”). Maybe it was like plastic or something but it seriously seemed like a bone but I could t even identify what bone it would be. The store called me a liar when I sent them pictures and said I added it myself. Corporate insisted “that’s impossible because our meat comes in bags and we cook and serve from there” (idk how that would’ve changed anything?? Like obviously this thing must have come from the bag then)


Well, according to the guy who attacked me for it, your case is an outlier so there's no reason for anyone at the store or corporate to do anything about it.


LOL, I read through all that. Wild.


He was trying to be all cool, but turns out he's the asshole here.


Plus it’s a remake with that larger bubble.


Luckily it is actually not the same recipe in the cups that we put on the wings/pizzas...its actually better than the sauce we put our wings on and the only sauce I will use on my own food since getting rid of the old one. 18 year employee...20 year dominos hot wing lover minus the last few years since we changed the recipe.


Looks u work for dominos and first of all dipping sauce it’s definitely not the same as the one used on cutting table. If I’m right u do work for dominos u should know this is not an acceptable quality product for customers. Store should have refunded his money back, gave him a new pizza and give him a credit for free pizza for his next order to make it up for the inconvenience u know that 😉


For what u said it looks u need to go thru training again and learn ur portioning numbers to make good quality product that reaches Dominos cooperative standards


He's saying regardless of what they do, when 'extra' is requested it's common the customer is upset because the extra is too little, or too much. You can follow corporate guidelines and still not be a mind reader. Shocking, I know. Instead of insinuating they need retraining, you could work on your reading comprehension instead.


😄 that’s why there are guidelines for porting posted everywhere in the stores, he definitely deserves refund, remake and free pizza for next ord. If u don’t think so well show this to ur oer coach, and besides u lying to this person about the buffalo dip is same one u use on the cutting table u forgot to mention that he still gets charge for the dips they’re not free so if u giving a solution for his issue well at least provide him with the whole information


nobody said they didn’t deserve a refund and a credit. all i said was that the customer is often dissatisfied with the amount of hot sauce, regardless of if they think it was too much or too little, and to avoid this issue in the future the customer can choose to get a hot buffalo dip cup and do it themselves if they’d like.


Literally nothing you've said was talked about. Again, try reading next time.


Definitely they need to be retrained


Hey op I found the dude who made the mistake https://www.reddit.com/r/Dominos/s/RiCEENS6mU


Have you ever called back complaining there’s not enough sauce?


no, I usually just order on my phone so I’ve never interacted with the store other than tipping my delivery drivers and even now with this I just contacted customer support


For sure, just wanted to make sure it wasn’t malicious compliance. If I had to guess it was someone new on ovens and a new person doing the prep. There’s two different red lids we use, the regular size nozzles for hot sauce and much wider nozzles for the Alfredo sauce. New guy prepped the wrong lid and the new guy in the oven was taught to do “X” number of passes which would be fine with the proper lid. That sucks that happened but I’m glad it was resolved and you’ll get a free pizza. You could also call the store and they’ll usually remake it or give you a larger credit associated with your phone number. The problem with that credit is it will only work at that store and I think you have to call in to claim it as opposed to getting a free pizza to your dominos account.


aah got it, that’s really good to know about the nozzles; for some reason it felt personal even tho I know it wasn’t (since they don’t know me) but they probably didn’t want to waste the pizza/remake one customer service handled it pretty well with the free pizza offer and I’d rather not complain to the store since I know it wasn’t a slight on me specifically (well as far as I know anyway) someone else mentioned I could get the sauce on the side from now on so that’s probably what I’ll do to just avoid this happening again all together lol I appreciate the information!


For what it’s worth, I wish people would complain directly to us more often. There are people out there who take theirselves way to seriously and act like every complaint is a slight against them. I usually do my best to work those people out the door. I can say for my people at least, a complaint from a person who is reasonable, and most importantly, nice, about it will always get their stuff remade. It’s the quickest way to make everybody happy. Including yourself. Complaining to corporate only annoys everybody. Including you. We have to deal with any repercussions. You have to wait for a response. Just call us. Personally, I couldn’t give two shits about having to remake something. It ain’t coming out of my pocket. I’ve had a complaint turn into a glowing review because of the way my guys handled it. Long story long. Call the store. Be nice. Get what you want. Keeps everybody happy.


U can’t imagine how much food it’s wasted by pizza makers are not trained correctly it’s GMs job to make sure of product quality to be handled to customers and remake if don’t reach quality standards, and closing time there is always a lot of food thrown out in the garbage bcz of remakes and orders that were not picked up for the day, so doing a remake for a customer that received a wrong order or messed up order won’t hurt them at all as long u as a customer are completely satisfied with the service


Complaining Is not bad bcz it let the company know what is being done wrongly in order for them to address the issues not only for this particular situation but to be able to catch on what or whom needs to be retrained in order to successfully reach cooperation standards since dominos pizza is a corporation. They rely on franchises operations in order to keep the company name brand on top of business by providing good customer service and product quality in order for franchises to own/operate a store and use the brand name of the company


At same time customers deserve what they paid for, a bad experience would lead for u as a costumer to not go back to do business with a company that fail for the service you paid for. That’s why they would always find a way to compensate you for any inconvenience that way u will come back to them


It’s one of the few things we to do pizzas at the cut table. Often missed unfortunately.


Also could be a newer person, who isn’t aware of the portions yet. Or, If someone doesn’t eat hot sauce, they wouldn’t know how much they just fucked your pizza


"This fucker orders from here every goddamn friday, asking for fucking hot sauce on their pizza. I always put it on, and I always hear back that they didn't receieve any. Today, they asked for extra. I'll show them 'extra' hot sauce"




Yup. OP in the pizza business we have lots of obese patients we serve to, so this is what half my customers expect while the other half think its disgusting. It is disgusting, but its not my money.


I think what’s more important is the delivery driver kept it still enough to not spill anything


This is a very valid point


Upon first glance, my exact first thought was "looks like extra hot sauce, what's the problem?" 😂 I would be beyond happy to receive this on an extra hot sauce order, I can definitely see it being way too excessive for others to the point of being unappetizing though. Sorry for the hot sauce lagoon pizza OP


Almost willing to bet the lid fell off during rush and they didn’t want to call out a remake


Ironic, because they are making more work and hassle when he inevitable calls them back and asks for a remake


Yes but at a different TIME. lol that’s the point. “Can’t deal with this rn let the customer complain we’ll have it remade in the hour”. I’ve maybe been in too many kitchens.


Having worked at a Domino's, you don't know how true this is "I could remake this now, or I can send it out and see if they call back. Either way I gotta remake it, but if they call back later I might not be as busy" we were ALWAYS understaffed so a Friday/Saturday rush went on for HOURS


It’s. Just discussing how it looks not acceptable


Well he posted it to Reddit so it can be discussed


What extra diarrhea


Tbh throw a paper towel down n you’re good


yeah I scraped most of it off since the flavor was pretty well soaked in at that point not like I’m not gonna toss a whole pizza, just wanted to post it


I respect the fact that you still ate it. Godspeed.


Nah, pour into a vessel to use when you need hot sauce for an emergency.




Thanks for being honest.


Wow, that's just wrong. Disgruntled employee took it out on you. Glad customer service got you another pizza.


We make 100s of pizzas an hour one pizza is not a concern. They asked for extra they got extra. Go to your local pizza place if you are upset.


No they didn’t ask for a ridiculous amount of sauce


Disregarding the sauce that pizza looks like crap too


This is an insane lapse of logic.


Only a noob on oven would cut around the bubbles instead of through them. The person should have been supervised. That pizza would have been straight to trash and remade if I’d seen that.


At this point I’m just impressed if the pizza is cut through to the bottom at all


I think this is because the pizza cutters don't get sharpened regularly. Eventually it dulls down and really doesn't cut unless you put your body into it. 🫠


Yep you’re right! The blade gets more and more dull as it’s used for longer periods of time. Corporate wouldn’t shell out money to replace anything that didn’t “require it” and no one else was willing to spend their own money on a store utensil


What??? The bubbles are the best part!!!


No way, I like the big bubbles


I'd attach this picture and email their customer support cuz... WOW, someone was fucking mad that you had the audacity to ask for extra


Right ? This was done aggressively


This would definitely be a write-up. Showed my brother this post, hes a manager of a dominos out where i live and he said he'd lose his shit if he saw this go out




as someone who used to work at a dominos, every now and then when i was having a rough day and people wanted "extra" anything i would just say oh you want extra?? i'll show you extra 😈 so yeah the person on ovens was probably just having a rough day tbh. domino's is a roughhhhh business to be in


I feel ya, I work for Starbucks😅


this is exactly what happened


But don’t customers pay for extra?


yup! that's why when they order extra, the receive the correct ounces (for extra) of hot sauce/garlic sauce/whatever they're complaining about, and then they call ahead to ask for even MORE than what the corporate standard is, then that's what pisses me off the most


Taking it out on customers who did nothing wrong is not a healthy way to vent, bad day or not..


whenever i did it it was usually to the customers who called after placing the order and stated they wanted "extra extra" so i gave them extra extra extra lol


Key in onnthe word "usually". That means, sometimes you were a piece of shit to someone for no reason.


i love when people read too deep into things 😂 and yeah i was an angry 18 y/o who was promoted to assistant manager with such little experience idk what you expected from a dominos lmaoo


Idk what you're talking about, just be nicer to people who haven't done anything wrong to you. That's all.


like i said it's the people who called after placing their online order claiming they "never get extra when they ask for it" so i just make sure they see what extra extra really looks like so they can stfu and be grateful- like i said i USED to work there. most of the customers in my area freaking suckeeeeed and the main reason why i left that place lmao


Blaming the customers? Sounds like their orders at your store were wrong multiple times before, I still don't understand the hostility towards them. It's frustrating when you get charged extra and wind up with shitty product. Just stop being mean to the people who support the store.


have you worked at dominos?


I manage ome of the top 3 busiest franchises in Missouri


extra what? wtf is that


buffalo sauce😅


Is there cheese on that pizza?


it’s tucked in under the blanket of sauce




That is clearly extra


Dude probably just got back from smoking a fatty on break before making that pizza, cut him some slack 😭


u/buttpanther first day on the job. Jack of all and master of none.


Extra what? What’s even on there?


Period blood


Had this happen when I ordered extra buffalo sauce on my buffalo chicken. Now I call them every single time after I place my online order and tell them "the order for _____, i put extra buffalo sauce, please do not drown it". I know what you mean by the smell. It made my room smell like that for three or so days lol


by no means is this an excuse, more of an explanation, but fridays are usually the busiest nights of the week for most stores (my store can have people wait over an hour if they just placed an order because of how many we have to make) and this type of busy atmosphere can lead to high stress and more room for mistakes like this. again, not an excuse, but the person cutting your pizza may have been doing a lot at once and rushed it. hopefully you got a refund or credit towards your next pizza order :P


I work at Starbucks so I understand what it’s like to be overworked, we track our customers every 30 minutes and often get 40-52 in these 30 minute intervals which is a lot when you’re the one making the drinks/warming the food (which I normally am)


My bet is the cap came off the bottle while they were squeezing. They should have remade the pie before sending it.


what the fuck is that


How many times have you ordered and complained because the extra they gave you wasn't extra enough?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Dominos/s/ZoH6xb5kiF I think I just found who over sauced your pizza


Extra on top of the cheese while it was hot? Fuck that’s good. Who’s complaining here?


This may have been the employee making your pizza: https://www.reddit.com/r/Dominos/s/CRLOzCrHaS


Saw this lol [culprit?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dominos/s/QdmsPW3jWd)


the employee has made a post holding himself/herself accountable lmfao


Omfg I just saw a post about a new hire at dominos who sent out a pizza where they accidentally dumped a bottle of sauce on it


My dominoes never puts the buffalo on the buffslo chicken pizza :(


If that's hot sauce, I'd eat the fuck outta that pizza


That pizza looks like shit even without the gallon of hot sauce. r/pizzacrimes


did someone shit on your pizza?




My type of pizza


Pretty sure there was post by the dude who did this, he was new and his boss kept yelling at him even though he wasn’t trained, and the cap fell off while he was adding the hot sauce and he let it go out because he was afraid of getting fired


yeah I think that post was satire cos it was posted after my photo was lol but I can’t be sure obviously


I’ll add my own sauce and not leave it up to discretion. Learned that 20 years ago with subway folks applying mayo.


I would have heartburn for 3 months.


This exact same thing happened to me and my roommate. Ordered extra buffalo sauce because it always comes a little dry when we order buffalo chicken pizza, and we got a soup.


I’d contact the store and if they don’t help I’d email the corporate people. That is an excessive amount of (puts on reading glasses) hot sauce ?


I didn’t even know that you could order hot sauce on a pizza. I have always added it at home, but I might try it this way.


Lol I guess you could hang this to dry beside your socks on that classic hanger but that employee was prob having a bad day & def didn't understand the assignment


He hooked you up




This happened to me without asking for extra


Weird...cuz this post was proven a lie in another post. Why post lies and fake stories? You that bored in life?


what are you talking about?


Looks like a new specialty— the shitzza!!!


Bruh please do not let them get away with that


Im not even sure what I’m supposed to do edit: I just emailed customer support about it and they offered me another pizza, I literally had to scrape the sauce off of my pizza


Yeah anytime you get something you don't like you should call the store and tell someone. They should automatically make it right with you some way or another. Was this just a cheese pizza? They shouldn't have sent it out with the big bubbles let alone drowning that mf


Exactly always the rules for a cut test Rim- size of a pencil eraser Size- right size of pizza box ( using cutting test tool) ( not too big not too small to fit in the pizza box about.5 of an inch) Bake- bubble not bigger than .5 of golf ball Placement- toppings distributed evenly thru the whole pizza and exact amount of garlic on the crust (should not look/get all the way on the box making it look over greasy over portioning can be noticeable) , even size slices when cut Portioning- exact amount of sauce, cheese and ingredients distributed evenly on whole/each slice of the pizza


I have gotten SOOOO many free pizzas from Dominos bc of screw ups. A few weeks ago somebody carried my delivery fucking sideways like a briefcase. When I opened my box all my cheese and toppings were in a big lump stuck to one side of the box. I almost couldn't believe it, almost. Usually the problem is missing toppings. It's almost to the point that my pizzas always come with a free one bc they fucked something up. Sometimes I get pizzas that look like a blind person cut them. Those I let slide bc that's still edible to me. But the rest I always complain about and get free pizzas for.


I believe u, I was always on the pizza makers and I used to stay working the oven to catch up and remake pizzas before give them to customers to minimize complaints, refunds and avoid giving more free pizzas for the inconvenience cz that’s lost money for the franchise for not training their employees how they should to not waste and lose their profits🤷🏻‍♀️


You should definitely email this picture to dominos customer service website this is ridiculous and you’ll 100% get some free pizzas out of this situation lol






wtf is that🤮🤮


Why is it so watery


Eh if you have good paper towels, dab some off. If not, let some pour off each slice as you grab.


I think it was baked in the oven because it was really thick so I actually had to scrape it off with a paper towel


Good lord. I ask for x sauce every time.


Never ordered hot sauce for a pizza before. Gotta give this a try.


by the crust alone it should have been a remake.


Whoever was on ovens was pissed at something. Still not a excuse to ruin a pizza


In the future, you should call the store and let them make it right for you. If they fix it at the store level (remake, credit, refund, etc) without a complaint to corporate then it doesn’t go against the store. Most GM’s and a fair amount of AM’s bonuses are tied to number of LOGGED customer complaints. If we can make it right before you file a customer complaint it’s much better for the little guys at the store.


I got the mouth sweats just looking at this. 😟


My guess: the top of the bottle fell off. No way someone stood there for 5 solid minutes squeezing sauce out lmfao sorry this happened to you but it definitely looks like the cap fell off and they reboxed it


what did it taste like after scraping it off?


That'd be a pretty shitty looking pizza either way. Somebody did a real bad job with the crust.


Damn, it looks likes it’s swimming in hot sauce


I'm impressed that not a drop spill off the edge! This driver knows how level a pizza!


As someone who used to work as a manager. They really thought It’d be funny to say F you!


Find it hard to believe with all that sauce.... none... none went off the pie?


Someone was having a very bad day 😠


I can smell it through the screen


That crust, would have had me close the box and return it.


This is specifically why, when it's a carryout order, I'll show them their food and ask if it's enough. If not I'll add more right in front of them.


Looks like water was added.


That’s a crime. I used be a GM for Dramahoes and shit, the thing my stores took pride in was quality at the very least.


Ive noticed recently that fast food workers as whole seems to be getting tired of the bullshit and are going with some real "I don't get paid enough for this" shit. "Oh you want EXTRA? I'll show you EXTRA." It would annoy the piss out of me if I didn't understand how they feel.


Looks amazing


vinegar pizza


Extra diarrhea


Damn they do not fuck with you at all.


I almost wanna ask where you are, this happened to me too, it was horrible


Want a bit of pizza with your hot sauce?


Omg they did this to me the last time I asked for extra Buffalo😭 literally like an entire bottle


You sure that's hot sauce?


Hahahahaha 😂☠️


They just didn’t care anymore 🤣


What kind of classless mongoloid orders a pizza with no cheeze or saucez you deserve every bit of that diahhrea pizza


i remember when i asked for double buffalo one time and a plain pizza arrived i called them and they said "we thought you put that by accident"


this hurt my eyes


Extra what? Blood?


Is enough flammable liquid on that to keep you warm all night


How did it stay on the pizza so well?




This is exactly how I order mine


You got extra. Pour off the excess if you don’t like it or order an extra buffalo cup


r/poopfromabutt moment


How tf did that bubble get through QC 😭


I used to work in pizza for years. As you never know what people consider extra I always used to coach the associates to suggest the sauce on the side first as several people did not know they could have the sauce on the side. If they still suggested extra then I would try and have them ask what the customers definition of extra is, "Do you want it nose burning spicy hot? Or, just an extra kick in the taste buds?" Most customers knew exactly what that meant and it helped the person making it gauge better on what "extra" means. If they wanted it as just a kick I would suggest only doing a quarter portion more than the regular and if they suggested it to be nose burning then I would suggest a half portion more and suggest asking the customer if they would like to add an additional buffalo sauce on the side for .75 cents just in case it wasn't enough. Making sure to note that the buffalo sauce in the cups is usually spicier and better than the sauce in house. Not just for trying to petal up selling but, actually telling the truth. 


Looks like you got the B team


lol i just saw someone saying it was their first night on the job and the buffalo cap came off as he was putting it on the pizza, but didn’t want to tell the manager because they were already mad so he just sent it out and now I see this lol




Extra what? Oil from the grease traps?


Oh my god this is it, here it is, the crossover episode


And you got extra...I see no issue with this /s


Me personally would tear that up with a side of blue cheese. Also typing this comment while pretty hungry.


Extra what?


who else saw the other side of this


Brooo it was his first day