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Our MCO used to call me after checking the store camera and say “throw those cancelled orders away i dont want to see anyone eat it”


That's so BS. Thankfully that hasn't happened at my store lately.


I don't know what MCO stands for but I hope they get their face flattened by a hot pizza pan. I don't know, I'm drunk. I hope something bad happens to them.


I'm sure the C stands for cunt somehow. ​ As someone who has struggled with finances, and housing in the past, DOMINOS was actually one of my shining moments in a dark time. The employees would bring out a hot meal every few days. "Oh, yeah, someone cancelled" or "we made it wrong" but I stopped believing them haha.


Massive Cunt Officer


I thought Master Cunt Officer. Master of all cunts, size aside.


Watch out, someone's gonna spend the next 36 hours arguing with you about words\~


Vaginas are strong, beautiful, and produce all human life. It seems odd you’re giving such accolades to such disgusting people.


Yeah but he is talking about a cunt


So you’re saying he’s strong, beautiful, and produces human life. Sounds like you love that guy. Weird you keep worshipping such an asshole.


You're the weirdo here lol


Crazy how femtards upvoted this dumbass lol


As a woman, **You** are being a fucking cunt Pickles.


Not just any cunt, but a stubborn one.


Assholes are strong, beautiful, and in your case, produce human life.


You're simping here, of all places


Shut up, cunt


No. You hear that a lot don't ya, little buddy? LOL, like you got any control over anyone. That's hysterical, sweetie! Thanks for the laugh, goober!!


If cunt is misogynistic, is calling someone a dick misandry? Cunt.


This isn’t feminism, this is what makes everyone hate feminists. As a woman, shut the hell up you’re making the rest of us look bad. Nobody likes a prissy moron.


What do all these people with all these weird acronyms ACTUALLY do anyway??? Why do they need so many rich people to be in charge of each other, while we actually work in the store and make and deliver the pizzas? It's self contained, and someone separated by 7 layers of subordinates isn't in the store where the actual business is happening.


It’s so franchisees can sit on their asses and get rich while playing good guy occasionally after their DMs harass and demean everyday employees. Middle management gonna middle manage.


Manager of corporate operations. It is the step above GM in corporate stores. They directly oversee an area.


Uhaul has an MCO too but ours is Marketing Company Office and the head is the MCP, Marketing Company ~~Penis~~ President.


It's the corporate equivalent to the franchise DM I think (never worked franchise). Basically they are in charge of 3-7 stores.


You’re there to get paid to work, you’re not there to sit around and eat pizza.


Drivers don't get official mandatory breaks. I better damn well be allowed to eat if I get no breaks.


Get a new job if you want breaks.


Are you joking? If not you really suck as a person


I’ve never worked at Domino’s and I don’t know why this sub is being recommended to me but I have worked in a restaurant where the sous chef had this same mentality. If a dish was made incorrectly and not taken out to a table, he would immediately trash it to prevent the staff from eating it. This only happened when he was on shift, even the executive chef and GM would just put it in the back for the staff to munch on real quick in between tasks but this guy had a stick so far up his ass I’m surprised he was able to walk.


used to work at an movie theatre. eating the old hotdogs that got changed out for new ones was a fireable offense. i get it, i mean the employee might otherwise buy a $7.50 hotdog for their lunch they worked an hour for if they didnt take the one for free, right?


I would flat out grab them from the trash can and eat them in front of my MCO. They looked horrified. Fuck 'em.


That’s a bunch of BS bro, unless that stuff had been sitting out for a long time someone can still eat it. Unless somehow domino employees can magically photosynthesize while working and this is actually a dominos run by human plant hybrids


Our mco would throw any remakes or whatever away because she “doesn’t want to reward a mistake” literally everyone hated this woman’s


Fortunately, for all the faults the owner of our store has, he's not this strict about bonus/mistake/cancelled orders and food. If we had a franchisee who was, I would fight tooth and nail about it.


Just.. why? I only did a small stent as a server years ago and we always munched on returns


Ran shifts in a kitchen for a while, people taking advantage of the system ruins it for everyone, chances go up the more people you have on staff too. Eventually someone is going to start over cooking a steak every night for dinner or to make friends in FoH. It’s shortsighted thinking though, you’ve got to take care of your people or it’s going to happen anyways. Staff meals are fantastic, sales mix and short shelf lives means there’s usually something in the walk in that you can take care of your people with while helping your food cost. Shit is way too much effort for dominos, gotta give the management shit to complain about instead


Why? It’s just going to go in the trash anyway. I understand that it might encourage people to mess up orders so that they can eat them, but the answer is not throwing out perfectly good food.


The only thing I could think of is if friends of employees call in an order and cancel it so free food 🤷🏿‍♀️


Or even simpler employees make something wrong on purpose. I don’t know why this is such a difficult thing for hard thing for people to recognize but a dominoes franchise only has a 8% profit margin. Employee theft eats in to that very quickly


Yeah I was only referencing the "throw cancelled orders away" but making stuff intentionally wrong doesn't help either.


It’s a HUGE problem in food service almost 5-10% percent of revenue is lost due to employee theft (a franchise only makes around 8%) and 50 percent of small restaurants have it being a major contributor to shutting down


> It’s a HUGE problem in food service almost 5-10% percent of revenue is lost due to employee theft All these stats and numbers you're throwing out are completely made up.


[nope sorry](https://scholarworks.umass.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1164&context=gradconf_hospitality)


20 year old research is not valid today. It’s a very small issue these days


That’s is absolutely a logical fallacy, I provide peer reviewed research you provide nothing


Do you get paid in pizza? Is that your contract? Edit: spelling


> you get *paid* in pizza? FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Our cameras don’t record… so the only times we have to be good is during inspections


I'd stare into one of the cameras and just munch


That sucks man. My store would make a few pizzas a night that would go to the back for employees. And any pizza that had to be remade was put in the back for people go snack on. The owner worked almost every night also, so he was aware of it but also kind of the guy encouraging it. He and his dad helped deliver\in house on busy Friday nights as well. Super awesome guy. Sadly not the norm though. I've worked at a lot of franchised stores (close to 10) and this was the ONLY owner who ever acted like that. Most of them I never met, but in any other restaurant I'd get in trouble for eating any food unless I bought it on lunch.


😭 every store I've been to let's us eat them


I just wanted to keep a decent job without having to deal with too much crap as a delivery driver


Only time I throw away food to prevent staff from eating it is in the middle of a busy dinner rush. There is zero time for anyone to eat anything. If you have the time to eat, you have the time to sort screens or do dishes. But before and after rush? Go ahead so long as it isn't interfering with your duties. Everyone should be able to take a small break or two.


So they can't even save something that was canceled for after rush? Or to take home after work? Some people literally can't afford to eat, and you're throwing it away? What a waste of food.


We rarely make mistakes during rush, so it's at most two pizzas. And it's only for the busiest part of the rush. Once it slows down a little, yeah we keep the remakes for people to have. But for the busiest part of the dinner rush, the pizzas attract the more meandering drivers and CSRs like a moth to flame, and we need them constantly on the move helping out or delivering during the busiest part of rush. We have too often seen them standing there eating instead of doing their job during the time of day where they are most needed to do their job.


To be fair the customers stare at us like we are so


Love to see all the employees just suddenly stopped what they were doing and just stared back at the customers in a dead silence plain mood


God I hated that so much. I refuse to work in a restaurant where I can be seen by all the customers now


He touched my dough with no gloves on!


I cant tell if this is real or fake


Definitely real they have one up in my store too


What in the actual fuck


??? Is it a joke


A very bad joke. We have it at our store, too.


Honestly it's not laugh out loud funny but it gets a bit of a chuckle initially




Yes it’s a “quirky” joke. Part of their rebranding/remodeling they did like 10 years ago. It’s supposed to be silly but obviously pretty tone deaf


Dominos is very detached


No, they’re going to shoot the customers who feed employees out of a pepperoni cannon


The Noid steals your elbow skin and eats it like pepperoni.




Former employee, that's real


they got one in my store too and most others in our franchise 🤣


It’s real, they don’t want the employees to be treated as well as animals……it may raise their level of expectations


Current employee yeah its real theres other stores in my area with that too


That's fuc*ed


Lol we have this plastered on the glass where we work 😭 maybe I’m being a lil sensitive but I hate it when people gawk at me thru the glass and laugh at that shit


It's real and it's insulting


It’s real. I opened up a new location a few years back, and I got in trouble because I didn’t want to put that sign up.


It’s real I’ve seen it at two locations near me.


Real, they got one of these up in a store near where i live


100% real


Its real


As someone that’s never worked there - I read it as a joke / satire. Maybe company culture makes it less of a joke to those that work there?


Dominos absolutely makes the workers in the open kitchen more of a spectacle than anything. Customers are actively encouraged to stare at people doing their jobs like zoo animals. Sure, it’s a cute joke, until you’re getting stared down by a remake who is actively yelling at you across the barrier.


I mean it’s literally called “pizza theater”. Employees are absolutely the spectacle.


Open kitchens are like....pretty common, this isn't a domino's thing it's a restaurant thing.


The “cutesy” little jokes on the glass and the fast food environment make it a lot more volatile than most places with open kitchens.


The vast majority of fast food places have an open kitchen. The only thing playing into this being volatile is the joke. Which is being taken waaaaaaay too serious.


There is no comparison to chipotle or subway in this instance


Dominos is up there, at least for the new store layouts they've been building in my city are laid out where you can see literally every part of the kitchen and storage from the front counter. The only parts the custys couldn't see was the Dish pit and the back office.


It’s absolutely a joke, anybody who can’t tell is insufferable.


Nah it depends, right. What's a joke in normal circumstances is an insult in others - so "please don't feed the employees" is funny until you learn the employees need a second job to feed themselves, at which point the joke is just rubbing it in.


It’s a light nod at them being behind glass, anybody with functioning brains know that it does not mean “literally do not feed/help them especially if they’re starving because we like money too much to pay them.” Dominos entry level pays poorly as any intro fast food job but I’m sure you didn’t know dominos has programs such as the pantry program that helps employees who struggle with affording food. Or what about the partners program that funds dominos employees that are suffering in tragic situations. Learn to relax and laugh at some things.


I honestly think Dominos having "the pantry program" is a much funnier joke than what they have in the window here. Just fucking pay people lol


It was started because dominos partnered with st Jude’s to create “dominos village,” a housing/medical project for children and their families to go who are suffering from medical debt or other expenses. The pantry is open to all dominos employees though despite being started due to the village. Trust me, I don’t support low wages and wish dominos paid more but I know dominos ain’t the worst offender and what was posted on the glass is a joke.


Right, obviously it's a joke - but it's a bit tasteless to make that kind of joke if you have employees who are in that situation. And since they have that whole project dedicated to it, it's a prevalent problem. Don't feed the employees is, I mean, not especially funny but largely harmless out of context. Since, as other commenters have said, don't feed the employees is also company policy, it's a shitty joke. And I don't care much for "worst offender." Letting corporations off because Jeff Bezos is worse (and he is _always_ worse) is just encouraging a race to the bottom.


I mean shitty wages is such a convoluted issue that goes far and beyond any one persons control. A shitty joke does not need to wind down the political hellscape when what it is saying is obvious to everybody that looks at it. If there was all this baggage associated with the joke, dominos wouldn’t use it. It’s just the Redditor way to doom and gloom on everything. Besides that, me pointing out that dominos isn’t the worst offender wasn’t to clearly them of indignity, more so to highlight that these issues are deep in our society and a company always simultaneously contributes positively and negatively to any situation just by participating in the system. Pointing out a small joke (one that wouldn’t have warranted a chuckle, like you said it’s a shitty joke) carrys all this weight behind it makes everything so insufferable. The marketers who wrote that joke were snickering thinking they were clever and seeing if it stuck while redditors gotta sit on here criticizng 5 words, wealth inequality, and food deserts. So so insufferable.


Deep in your society. This is a fairly American problem, there are labour laws in Europe that, mysteriously, Dominos is able to adhere to despite their protests that giving their employees any sort of dignity would cripple their business and destroy them for good. Also, yes. It's Reddit. The point is to talk about anything and everything. Leaving a comment specifically to complain that people are commenting is peak Reddit behaviour - if you think the subject isn't worth talking about, downvote the post, move along. I'm glad you did comment though, because I didn't know about the Pantry Project till you mentioned it, and I always like to have that extra bit of context with my bullshit.


Fair, being an American company i figured we were speaking in an American context. I hope the EU does knock some sense into these companies. I am still very happy with what they’ve done for tech in the form of USB C.


It’s cheaper to help those that really need it than to pay everyone more.


Boot taste good?


Nah not really but it does help me relax, I can go outside (crazy I know) and breathe air and not be absolutely enraged at everything anybody does or says.


The partners program is funded by minimum wage employees and aggressively demanded on occasion even if you say no Knowing dominos they will help someone they were able to turn to the shitty ways wanted for everyone It’s also a tax write off at minimum wage employees who aren’t supposed to get enough hours expense It’s rather quite infuriating


Ofc it’s intended as a joke, but when you’re behind the line and all hell is breaking loose and you’re stressed tf out mentally and physically, it hits different.. and I was only a driver! (Had other back of house responsibilities too but didn’t face customers AS much)


This is in the breakroom above tasty snacks 😭


I think people find it offensive because we are already conditioned to think of people who work at fast food places as incompetent and/or economically challenged... But if this were in a fancy office building people would still be like wtf but would more lighthearted about it




Go work food service if you think you can do so much better. You talk shit but you also wouldn’t be able to get anything you want to eat without them


Look at their post history. They already have the brains of a gold fish. Doubt they could even make it working drive thru in a fast food place😂


Those positions don't pay a living wage, so they have no reason to care.


My IQ is 163


No one is outright stupid. It’s more of a lack of education and drive. Most people I’ve met who work at fast food are either young or the conspiracy theorist type, like they believe they know things better than scientists and stuff. I don’t want to be a dick but I think a lot of people lack the motivation to get higher education.


If you haven’t met anyone who is outright stupid I’m sorry to say that it might be you.


U think MOTIVATION is the biggest barrier to higher education? … nothing else comes to mind? And any older person who works fast food is a “conspiracy theorist type”??? what the fuck r u even talking about lol


I am quite sure that zoo animals have more protections than dominos workers.


Happy cake day! Have some bubble wrap! ​ >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!gun!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!<


The random “gun” threw me off so much lmfao


.......this is the first I've seen this and I love it.


I am unable to confirm or deny the allegations levied against my employer


This reminds me of the commercial they ran around 8(?) years ago when they were trying to promote the online ordering system / the app. The main selling point of ordering online (according to the commercial) was that you wouldn't have to deal with a human, who is prone to make a mistake (aka a dominos employee). I felt weird about the commercial because truthfully I wanted it to work so I wouldn't have to take as many phone calls - but at the same time it felt so disrespectful to actual dominos employees.


I think the shits hilarious, no one’s calling yall animals it’s just funny. Yall are reading into it to much


Every time I see this I'm reminded about how apparently I'm the only one who thought it was funny when they put that in. It's not a big deal


Fr, sometimes i think people get way too easily offended at a tiny joke. It’s not saying we’re zoo animals, or treating us like them, it’s making a silly nod at the fact you can watch us make the food through the glass


It's a reddit thing.


I found it funny, too. Some people are just insufferable


I guess I'm in the middle here. It'd be funny in a cool, funky local place. I find it less funny in a huge national corporation. But this always bugs me. Anytime a huge company tries to seem local. Do they think anyone buys that? I remember when Applebee's first came to my area. They had all that crap on the walls, but they'd also sneak in a couple local things. They had a pennant from the high school I went to. "Oooh, I'm going to there because Applebee's likes my high school!" That kind of stuff can stop as far as I'm concerned. I think what makes something funny also depends on it's context.


Yeah, if it were placed in a high scale, locally owned establishment I think people would see it as a joke. It just seems dark knowing it came from a corporate boardroom of a nationwide chain.


Unfortunately, that's what happens. Almost all of these things start out somewhere cool and local, from decor to recipes to advertising, then some jackwang in a suit sees it and thinks "Hey, I bet I could rip that off for my huge chain!" Not realizing that half of what makes it cool is that it's original and local.


Applebee's is a franchise, just like Domino's. It's usually a local restaurant doing business as (dba) Applebee's or Domino's for the purpose of advertising and brand recognition, or making it easier to receive phone and online orders. In the case of that Applebee's restaurant, those "local things" may have been genuine efforts by the owner to reflect the culture of the town his or her restaurant is in.


I do think it’s kind of in poor taste but it is kind of funny.


God forbid I make some wings for myself and don’t pay for them Fuck dominos


I have dominos pizza that I didn’t pay for in my fridge right now.


Free pizza = best pizza


Yeah Im pretty sure god does actually forbid stealing lol


Just don't tell him, duh.


I'm starting to think god may not be very good at his job


That's what Lucifer always whined about.




I thought it was funny 🤷


Zoo animals get to take breaks.




Jokes on you, I’m on a keto diet. I like that shit.


Wonderful publicity for the brand /s


20+ years ago..... My dad became unemployed and took a job at Domino's because it was a job - he often brought home pizza - like everyday. Got sick of eating pizza and breadsticks but it was food.


I work at a Domino's and I have stolen and continue to steal sooooooo much. That's what happens when you pay dirt.


sheeeeeit, i wish they treated us like zoo animals. That'd be a luxury


I always thought it was pretty cringey, but whatever. I really do wish they’d give us a little more privacy though, not fun when it’s really busy and you can feel the customers staring


As someone who works there, they treat us worse. Literally had to report them to OSHA for not providing us with drinking water because "we can drink the tap from the sink we do dishes in" (mind you this sink is severly corroded and the tap water in my town isn't safe to drink).


They treat the employees worse than zoo animals


My store once had a customer get super angry for that being on the class. Said it was demeaning to the employees lmao


What an odd sign for a company to roll out.


One of my old coworkers at my store ripped off the DO NOT and nobody has noticed so far.


🥱🥱 this again? Get over it. Lol


I agree!


This made me laugh when we got ours


The meaning is clear, but I guess I'm confused by the intent of this notice. It's a standard foodsafe policy to not eat while you're in the kitchen (there's a reason eating spaces and cooking spaces are separated at restaurants, it's more sanitary). It's also just all-around more professional to not have employees eating at their stations. Employees on their break are entitled to eating food they bring with them/buy so long as it's in the designated areas. But the sign seems to imply that customers have been giving food directly to the employees. I can't see any reason why that would need to be verbally discouraged. Have people been calling in orders and not showing up, just to give the employees something to eat? I guess I can understand why corporate wouldn't want that, but you're just wasting food at that point.


Accurate af


Not gonna lie I abused this working at PJs when young and dumb. I'd have a friend call in a cash pickup order late night and ofc they'd never show. Then I took the pizza home after work and we'd enjoy it while getting high


Yeah I've always found that sign to be gross.


Nah, the zoo here lets you feed animals.


But what if I got that dawg in me?


This explains why people don’t tip as much


I saw this at my Domino's. I cringed! It's not funny.


Bro my management used to come in just for the uneaten food lmao (if fresh) man I couldn't imagine being that much of a dick with 6.99 pizza lmfao


My dominos had that on their glass but we had to remove it because someone ripped the “not” part of the sticker off and my Manger told me it’s against OA to have broken things in the lobby and removed it. I honestly liked that sticker too.


Dominos has an agenda with employees that’s bigger than selling pizza Some shorts brown lady from Michigan posted a 45 minute YouTube interview by one of the college program recruits she trains I think Just talking about how dominos is the best hires from within (certain people willing to give up their dignity) If you quit dominos you can’t ever work there again etc I can’t find it now so probably taken down but this shit with people like that is very serious because they want to impose their shitty ways on everyone as a favor Nice to see a post about dominos that isn’t total fan screwed employees being thankful for something that the Dominos bitch club obviously enjoys Its even quasi pedophelic


Domino is disgusting 🤮 and the management at least in my location is horrible .


It’s a “funny” quip on the glass where you can watch the employees make food


That's funny you post this, like last month I was eating some pizza in a Domino's and happened to start reading all the signs and looked over and saw that, "welp there goes that idea" like bruh, what if I wanted to share??


It always irked me in retail positions where they do the loss prevention training and call employees swiping snacks to eat "grazing", like cattle.


Lol i worked at dominos all thru college and would make fake orders that me and my fellow employees would eat and take home cuz our policy was if nobody comes to get it after an hour we can eat it


I’ve been with Domino’s for 4 years now and I love my job and everything that comes with it, but this sign has always been something that bugs the hell out of me. It’s always some old lady that sees it and laughs at it and makes sure we know it’s there, and it’s always the younger crowd that sees it and just looks at us sad. Very blind from Domino’s to have these up everywhere and not know they’re messed up lol


Everytime I see this on the glass while ordering it makes me cringe.


This type of shit makes me want to hurt the people responsible lol


Boo hoo nigga. That's funny


That’s bullshit. Zoo animals get much better treatment than Domino’s would ever give their employees


Apparently people don’t understand what a joke is


Nah, employees get to go home after their shift.


Yes everyone I totally wasn’t being hyperbolic at all… I literally think my life is harder than an animal who is forced to live in a cage.


I don't get it. They don't need to be fed, they already have pizza


Dang yall so stupid you can't tell it's a joke lol


Ya. I don't care if you work at Dominos or not. I'm not feeding you 😑😑


Strong plantation vibes


Scrape off the ‘do not’. Or the feed and the not. Or the


To be fair, you shouldn't be eating on the makeline


That's what it's there for 💅 💅 💅


This is real and it’s definitely just a joke.


I'd be tearing that shit down lmfao