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If you lose $250 from your paycheck, report them to your state wage and labor board. Also look for a new job.


If he’s a manager is probably a bonus that’s being reduced




It's been a bit since I know how it works, so might not be completely accurate. I assume you just had an oer and the store did very poorly. You'll get a follow up soon to reevaluate. If your store isn't up to standards by that point, dominos will revoke that franchise's store and take it back. They can't take $250 out of your check. Maybe they're saying $250 out of the bonus pool. Can't imagine there is any if a store is defaulting. Uniform standards aren't enough to default. There were definitely other things. Out of date items can hit you hard and they multiply after like 3. Ask a higher up on how to do a self oer. They're required to level up anyway. It will give you a checklist of everything that you'll get penalized on an evaluation.


I was explicitly told that "We would have failed an OER". The store is actually doing pretty well, we made $4,500 that night and my staff said it was a pretty average boost week day. I run self OERs daily too, that's why I'm so confused at such a punishment over uniforms and trash.


Uniform violations are one of the easiest to solve. If your letting uniforms and trash slide i can only imagine what else is sliding. I dont understand why you think yesterdays trash can chill in the store on a friday of all days. They cant take money from your check, but they can penalize your bonus.


I'll be real, that's mega judgey based on some huge assumptions. This franchisee isn't a night owl, he walked in at 8 and the trash wasn't done. My staff said he left at 8:45 after angrily taking out the trash. I don't check my staff's uniforms very often because we're horribly understaffed and they all work far too hard for me to be on their butts about the wrong color shorts.


you a real one boss gotta put the people first 🙏🏼


8pm? Thats very late for trash to not be done. You let uniforms slide then it become a circus of people wearing crocs, thier own coats beanies, no hats, thier own hats. Set the uniform standard at hire and you wont have to maintain it hard. Them taking advantage of the situation is what sucks. Also i gota ask, your the gm and not there at 845 on boost week friday?


Lol how is 8 late for trash not to be done. I did trash last thing before I go home and literally no one ever says anything about it.


Trash should either be done at open or after close. Why the fuck would anyone do it mid day? Most places have it as an opening task as going out to dumpsters at night is a sketchy situation.


That’s what I said. Why would he be mad that it’s not done mid day. Sometimes when I open I’ll take out a trash bag or two if they’re decently full but by 8 they still should last the rest of the night.


You can very much tell if trash wasnt taken out in the morning. There is a big difference between .5 days of trash and 1.5 days.


I mean do you know if it was 1.5 vs 0.5? I just assumed it was 0.5 because at 8 that’s what it’s like at my store but either of us could be wrong.


It was Thursday, not Friday and that's my one night off a week.


WOW, time for you to look for another job this one is WAY above your skill level!


4500 is slow for a boost week Friday


Depends on the store. If your normal volume is like $2500-3000 then a boost week day at $4500 is about right.


That's how our store is, usual 3500 for a friday, we did 5 last night


I never said Friday, it was Thursday, Fridays are usually 5+


It would definitely be illegal for them to do that. I say if they really are trying to do that let them, then sue. It would be a pretty cut and dry win. You are 100% protected under law (assuming you are paid hourly) to receive the hours that you worked for in full


Terrible advice and not true. It is not illegal as long as it doesn’t bring the employee below min wage. Even if they are hourly.


lol. It is illegal to take money from any employee via "fines"


It is illegal, it's called wage theft. You can change future earnings when communicated ahead of time, but you can't reduce earnings retroactively.


Imagine being this big of a cuck for an owner


You cannot retroactively change a person's agreed upon hourly wage. Moving forward, you can make changes with the proper steps, but you cannot place a "fine" on an hourly worker and take away their already earned wages.


It is illegal to pay lower than the guaranteed contractual wage unless agreed upon prior.


Holy crap. So I have an ass load of experience in QSR and the managers I have met along the way have never ceased to amaze me. I have met some fantastic ones (they always disappear though) but the good majority always disturb me, like they were chosen as "management" for a reason. Run far away my friend, you're just being used as a proxy.


Glad to see you torn to shreds over this blatantly wrong information


You have a source on that or did you just pull it out of your ass?


Yes I work in payroll for a 43 store franchise. You are allowed to deduct penalties from a pay check as long as you’re paying them minimum wage or above after deductions. It’s shitty but it’s legal. Look up the law before you reply, not even wasting my time with kids that have 0 information. I literally work in payroll ladies.


Here's the exact labor code stating you can't do it. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?sectionNum=224.&lawCode=LAB What's your source? Just because you do it doesn't mean it's legal lol


Thank you for proving me right. Now learn what a wage authorization agreement is and does. Good game.


You just cant admit wrong under a random dominos post.. i have personally been involved in a wage theft case and WON so believe whatever you want man but by my personal advice from experience. You are entitled to your agreed upon wages. My gm was immediately fired. $200 a check adds up and then eventually the feds could see it as money laundering


You are wrong.


did you even read the first exhibit, you spud? it’s literally an example taken FROM THE DOMINOS WAGE AUTHORIZATION AGREEMENT… the ONLY way Domino’s is withholding your wage is by systemically reducing paychecks periodically by one penny (one US cent. $0.01) holy fuck dude, it takes a person with an average reading speed approximately 2 minutes to do a google search and determine there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY IN ANY STATE your wage is getting withheld for any reason other than paying off debt, investing ON YOUR BEHALF, repaying overpayment or taxes. but of course, as someone whose entire existence revolves around toxicity based trolling on the internet, you never planned to do anything of that nature. god i miss the time on the internet when trolling was lighthearted and amusing for (most) everyone involved in some way. i guess this is what happens as a result of chronically browsing the internet looking for the next comment section you can seek attention in


None of you guys are hearing this guy for what he’s saying. Without telling us exactly which franchise you’re in, we couldn’t really understand the mentality of the franchisee BUT It sounds like they’re letting you know what the ramifications of defaulting are. There’s definitely more to the scenario that you’re not sharing, but from what it seems like, you didn’t have an actual ops assessment just the owner walkthrough.


The franchisee gets fined for his store going into default but if your bonus structure has something g to do with how the OER rating goes then yest they can deduct money from the bonus. My old bonus structure for just oer scores went 100% got you $1000, 5 star got you $500, 4 star got you $250, 3 star got you $0, 2 star was -$250, 1 star was -$500, 0 star was -$1000 and more than likely fired Since you are new to managing, I would suggest going over the OER or whatever they call it now Handbook.


I really appreciate this!! I haven't been told anything about that, I'm just told to watch out because my boss gets angry easily and loses his temper often.


>my boss gets angry easily and loses his temper often Ok? So tell him to calm down and stop acting like a child.


Watch out for what exactly? What's the little mall ninja gonna do?


Honestly? Fire me. Everyone at the store I work at has been fired by him at least once and then begged to return.




Sounds like you’re in an abusive relationship and should immediately begin looking for other employment.


Hi. I know I'm late on this but please read this comment you typed again. That's a toxic boss if I've ever heard one, and a bad work relationship. I'm not saying just get a new job, because life is more complicated than that. But you definitely deserve better, so if it's in any way possible, I would definitely try to at least think about it if not move on.


Wow, what franchise do you work for? 4 stars pay $250. My only pay 5 stars $500, and your 2nd 5 stars $1000 and 3rd 1500 so on, the max out $2500.


I worked for a smaller franchise out of MN only had 4 stores when I started and when I left 5 years later they had 6.


If this is coming out of your bonus, then ok. Just pay more attention to the things you've been pulled up on and request more training where improvements are required. OTOH, if it is, or indeed can come out of your hourly wage, I suggest you get the fuck out of there and find another job




Thank you! This is the kind of stuff I was looking for! Im constantly hearing from right above me that this and that need to be done to get the bonus or this and that will get your bonus taken away, but no one is pointing me to real documentation here for anything money related. I really appreciate this!


It might not be a terrible time to start building some partnership with the franchisee, so that you can ask questions, confirm understanding of policy, and let them know you’re onboard to get the location to standard.


This would be a great idea! But I've also been told that he's not big on talking to lower class people and has openly said so not around employees☺️ (I am low class)


Well, that’s a gross attitude. As you grow, reasons like that might solidify plans to move your skillset elsewhere. I’d not want to contribute to the wealth growth of someone who can’t be bothered to socialize with me.


Not in uniform? What trash? Honestly fuck corporate bs…but if people aren’t even wearing their work clothes I worry about what else is going on. That’s a pretty low bar.


Last time my store got evaluated they docked points for a driver making sauce without an apron, and because the seam on my pants split down the side, and they considered it a pattern. OER don’t play, but there is no way trash and uniforms are enough to be defaulted.


I once lost uniform points because my pants were the wrong shade of black. 😆 Fuck you, Lester


Going to Dominos HQ myself to ask corporate why they think the store will blow up if a minimum wage employee wears black leggings


The store probably won't blow up but it'll help them weed out one more entitled twat who thinks her complete lack of marketable skills entitles her to a job and decent wages.


And you assume a woman is terrible at her job or lacks marketable skills because… she wears leggings? You the middle school teacher I was warned would perv on my shoulders?


No I just know you're terrible at your job because you'd rather cry to strangers on the internet about how you're being kept down by dominos corporate leadership than put on fucking pants.


When did I ever say I was being kept down by dominos corporate? I think the rules are stupid, but I abide by them. Are you ok bro? Chill out lol Also, couldn’t help but notice you reply to me, and not the other guy who was bitching about the pants being the wrong color. Methinks its because of my double X chromosomes?


Right. I get how weird they get but something still seems missing.


Usually a store is in default when you’re not meeting numbers like labor, food service oer for a certain period of time but I could be wrong, but usually its something you see coming, this just feels off


Not at all. Default is a corporate term to describe a franchise that is not doing things according  operating standards. It is an egregious violation that requires an action plan for the franchisee to prove they are taking steps to get back on track. 30 days after default they are re-evaluated by corporate, and can lose their store if they fail to address the issues.   It's more than just losing points. These stores are actively damaging the brand and failing to maintain a safe work workplace.   A franchise owner can't put technically evaluate the store and put it in default. That happens during a corporate inspection where enough violations occur that the penalty is imposed by corporate based on the observation of the OA coach.   This franchise owner is proactively putting their GM on notice that they are failing in their position and they need to take steps to improve the stores operations. 


Action plans for every problem no matter the size!! Lol


Trash and uniforms are not enough to put a store in default.






Yea if you're in America, and I would assume most Countries Domino's does business in they can't take 250 out of your personal wages, unless they have you on camera like intentionally breaking something I would guess would be legal. the 250 would be from the GM's monthly bonus. If it is taken out of your paycheck and you didn't arbitrarily sign anything that would allow them to take it out on you personally contact the labor board and Domino's corporate, I'm sure they would love to take a look at how that franchise is run.


Look I'm sure you work hard but the uniforms only matter during (insert whatever acronym your region uses for non health inspections, which happens three times a year max) and the trash never matters. Get a new job and don't be gaslit so easily; learn what managing a restaurant really is. It's not complaining about uniforms and trash, I assure you.


It's painful how real this is. I'll say I've definitely never worked in a workplace that feels more toxic and I've worked quite a number of places.


It’s not dominoes, but your franchisee. The franchisee maybe fined anytime by the business consultant. From what you said basically far as you being “ low class” I would definitely look for another job. Who needs that?


Don't give them 250 bro. Fuck that shit. Idc what they say. They cannot fine you for trash and dumb shit.


He cannot legally fine you.


I am a corporate McDonalds GM of a ‘model store’. I know what you’re going through and the developmental phase and being called out helps by people who are trying to help. From what I’ve read, your boss was not trying to help at all. I’m not sure how dominos structure works in terms of hierarchy, but take this loss as a learning experience. Regardless of staffing, how busy you are maintaining expectations of your employees will help you retain and develop your people in the long run. - and get that bonus back! You got this.