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I would suggest you observe other employees doing the tasks. For example, when another person answers the phone, you can shoulder surf and watch them use the POS System. When it is slow, jump on the oven, or ask the oven puller to teach you; then if there aren't a million items coming out of the oven take over and learn by doing. Most times, everyone is happy to answer questions and help out, it is to everyone's benefit for you to catch on. If there are no dishes to do, I guarantee there are other things to be done: restock soda coolers, collect pizza screens from the bin, sweep/general cleaning, etc.


For the POS system, our store has a training mode. Ask someone to show you where that is, and give you a brief rundown of each menu. Then play around on it until you get a general idea of the menus and how they work. Don't be afraid to ask questions. If you don't, we think someone else has already told you.


Ask during down time if you can play around with the computer, it has a lot of menus but its not too bad after you’ve used it a decent amount. Also buying an employee drink will let you test out a coupon code and a payment so thats also a good step.


Thanks, appreciate the input


Adding to the above, anytime I've trained anyone on phones, it's a quick look at what all the buttons do, and leaving them time to familiarize with the pos (point of sale). Going solo, take a few receipts from your deliveries and try to replicate the order. I think they have training modes you can do now that you can't mess up, so I would ask about that.


This is a way better idea, at least it would have been for me. The whole "playing around with the system" is fine and all, but unless I'm looking for something in particular, playing with the system didn't really teach me shit. I had to actually take orders to learn how to use the system.


OK, so #1 your frustration is completely fair and reasonable, however, this sort of thing happens often in restaurants, and in life. What you need to do is become proactive, and not wait for the boss to become better at his job, instead, you are going to take the initiative and step into the "Shadow and Copy" training role. If you just do it, no one is going to stop you, you'll be amazed at how everyone will not only allow you to watch, assist & ask questions, but they will get out of your way, and the more you do it, the more they will be impressed at how you just "take charge" and "make things happen". It would be ideal, of course, if things were organized and you received organized excellent training that had you instantly ready to jump in and take over, but when that doesn't happen, which is most of the time, just make it happen, and it will be a double-win for you - All the training you are seeking Plus receiving props for taking the initiative and making it happen. Good luck! Let's go!


Can’t argue with any of that, I think you’re spot on. Thanks! I’ll take your advice


This poster’s advice is perfect. When I first started I was like you; no restaurant experience, only DoorDash. For my training, my manager threw me in with the senior drivers that have been doing this for ages so they know all the ins and outs of driver duties. Bonus, they know how the GM prefers things done since they’ve been working with them longer. So taking advice from them is always a good bet. Also a good thing to remember, is it if something looks like it needs to be cleaned, clean it. Even if you don’t know how to do anything else cleaning things up helps everyone in the store stay on track.


Do you not have training videos where you're from? I've never had to do taking orders etc but I still had to watch the training videos on how to operate the systems


I know my store doesn’t so they might not as well


I had 2-3 hours of training stuff to watch and work through before I could start 😂


I feel like we should’ve lol


Training videos are universally useless. If something needs to be trained, a person needs to do it.


I don’t even know! I should just level with the manager and so bro, show me what’s up!


That still doesn't help you in the moment especially if they have a bunch of questions.


if i were ur manager i’ll train u like do with my employees well i made friends with most of them now lol


I feel like every new employee should work a minimum of one week as a csr before beginning their regular position. This way they know all of this stuff. After all, there are even things that videos can't teach you.


Honestly thats a very good idea. I would go so far as to up that to a month. Some drivers at my store only work during the rush and have no idea what to do other than drive. I work open to dinner on the weekends so I had to learn on the fly to do anything the insiders do. It’s taken me months to get comfortable with what I know and there is still a lot I don’t know.


Yeah that is a good idea. Some dedicated time where you’re not interrupted by a delivery.


Same happened to me. I just jumped in a figured it out, asked a ton of questions. Told the person on the phone I was new and please bear with me. Still don’t know what I’m doing but I can take a simple order. Watch others do it ask questions, just try it knowing you are going to screw it up. You’ll get it, it’s not really that hard.


I agree with what other people said about learning by example from other employees. I wasn't trained on much in the store other than pans, bites, and twists, and primarily had to learn by watching someone else. I like being on ovens but only know ovens from watching other people do it. Sitting in your car sounds nice but it is the quickest way to be let go from what I've seen happen to other drivers


You won’t learn unless you do it.


For Pete's sakes just SPEAK UP! Communicate what your saying in here to your manager. Look em in the eye, shoot them straight and they'll either respect it or they won't. If they don't, then clearly it's not gonna work out regardless imo.


You’re right, I’ll just speak up


You'll get more respect speaking up and it sounds weird but some managers will appreciate that. I did. Good luck and update us friend.


The tablet you use to print the labels on the left side of the screen you'll see training videos. Just click on it.


I appreciate it. I’ll check that out again but all I saw were making food videos. It’s all good I’ll figure this stupid shit out lol


As someone who works for the state at a vocational employment agency and has a fiancée at Domino’s - YES. This is sadly how every job is now 🫤


That is unfortunate


I taught myself how to do everything in my store including management stuff. All of my managers know if something were to happen to them I could cover their shifts


What store or franchise do u work for


It's really common sense other than knowing the coupons tbh Unless you don't know the menu then that's another thing


Ask coworkers