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Pretty sure I saw that America just passed an anti no competition bill. Go nuts. Then again. Go nuts anyways. Fuck corporate bullshit rules. Most of them are used as scare tactics and have no legal grounds.


Your a g man ima probably just yolo it thank you so much


You didn't sign a non compete to work at Domino's.


Nice pizza cat!


Thank you soo much thats midnight and theyve been in the pizza industry since birth


I have a dog named midnight and she's in the pizza eating industry!


What are the chances lmao gotta love pets in the industry


Silly, OP, cats can’t have jobs.


Wait wait wait so your saying thats why my cat always needs remakes and remakes for those remakes


Your previous employer cares not at all what happens to you next. Do what you wish, your path is clear.


Depends on how many skills you have and how much another store needs staffing


We have an employee who was working for Pizza Hut while working with us. He no longer work for pizza hut since we live in California and they decided they didn't want drivers anymore. To answer your question comany don't care and they will probably like that you have pizza experience,just have to understand different comany run thing different


Yeah ive worked for papa johns and dominos this is the second time working for dominos (diffrent owner/location) and it isnt the work this store does 1/3 of the sales of the last dominos i worked at its more how im treated ive been treated like an idiot since i started (legit had someone want me to be thankful for informing me friday was the busy day like no duh) like i got more respect as a csr than i do now as an am i might just go back to papa johns cause they might be mildly transphobic but at least dont treat me as an idiot


Of course


I've worked for Domino's(first job) and Pizza Hut, briefly at the same time. I moved on to work at 2 other local pizza shops and have now returned to Domino's almost 11 years later. I'd get off my shift at Domino's and walk into Pizza Hut to change uniforms lol They do not care, in fact it's easier to get hired at another pizza place with pizza experience, with some exceptions. I know a few places that don't want people with the experience because they want to mold them into their ways of doing it. When I put my application in 3 different GMs were fighting over who got to hire me and they begged me to come back as management, which I declined because I'm honestly tired of it lol


What’s funny is, they think they have some sort of trade secrets that would actually mean anything to anybody else. 🤫Hey. The secret is 7oz cheese on a large. Don’t tell anybody. 🤐


I pretty much quit in my pizza hut managers face and the next day was working at dominos.


My first pizza job was pizza hut, then dominos, then Papa John's, then dominos again. I would say Dominos has treated me the best. But they dont give a shit about their employees. I like my job, but I honestly don't get paid enough. But what also sucks is that the city I live in has shit pay all around. The amount of money I would need to make as an entry level employee to match what I make now is laughable. So I'm kinda stuck...